
Chapter 2597 The Jiang family is the target of public criticism

Chapter 2597 The Jiang family is the target of public criticism

There are also some sects that used to rely on the Jiang family, but now they have rebelled and joined them.

Although Tianren and Yijing masters did not participate, their attitudes still changed dramatically. Many people who joined forces with the Jiang family all withdrew at this time.

It won't be long before the Jiang family will be severely injured again.

Liu Chen understood that now the Jiang family would look good.

The masters of the Heaven and Man Harmony Realm haven't participated yet, but their attitudes have undergone a huge change. Many people who have joined forces with the Jiang family have completely withdrawn at this time.

He handed over this matter to Deacon Feng and others, and returned to Qingyun Mountain Martial Academy by himself.
He wanted to deploy a heart-defying array for Tan Xue to abolish the opponent's magic roots.

Besides, he also needs to temper the fire-robbing armor.

In the secret space of Qilin, he obtained many rare and rare treasures, besides rare and wonderful medicines, he also obtained many tempered forging materials.

At the moment, the forging materials in his hand can create a piece of armor.

Therefore, he has to temper, so that even if the Jiang family launches a crazy counterattack at that time, he will have the power to protect himself.

A few days later, Liu Chen brought Tan Xue back to Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy.

He didn't go back to his courtyard, and asked Dean Dongfang to find him a safe and quiet place.

Soon, he entered a big mountain, which is in the central area of ​​the martial arts academy, so it is very safe.

And the vitality is sufficient, the environment is very suitable, and it is very suitable for cultivation.

After settling down, Liu Chen began to deploy the magic circle.

At present, his magic circle level is also very terrifying, even those magic circle masters who are masters in the realm of harmony between man and nature may not be able to match him.

Therefore, it is very simple for him to deploy a reverse heart array.

Moreover, in order to achieve the best results, Liu Chen used all his energy and spent a whole day to deploy a counter-heart formation.

"Xue'er, the next step is up to you."

"Believe in yourself, you can do it."

Tan Xue nodded: "Brother Liu Chen, don't worry, Xue'er will definitely be able to do it."

Nizi also looked serious, she knew that this time was very important to her.

Taking a deep breath, Tan Xue quickly walked into the Nixin Formation.

Originally, according to Liu Chen's idea, he stayed here for two days to observe Tan Xue's situation, and after confirming that there was no danger, he went to temper the Jiehuo armor.

However, a day later, the situation changed, because the scarlet dragon sprang out from the magic beast bag.

"Little brother, this king has awakened."

Liu Chen was surprised: "Could it be that you failed to recover?"

"How can it fail, this king is so bad?"

"No, if you succeed, shouldn't you rush to the sky and howl? Why are you so peaceful now, and you don't celebrate when you upgrade?"

"Shout a ghost! Is this king so superficial that he has to shout to regain his fighting power?"

The red dragon blushed, but fortunately, his whole body was red, so he couldn't see his blushing at all.

"Hehe, young man, you have been with me for so long, and you don't know me well. You just recovered to the ninth level of Heavenly Master. What's there to be happy about?"

Although the mouth is very humble and unhappy, its long tail is always swaying.

Liu Chen gave him a blank look: "Okay, wait for you to recover to the level of a master of harmony between man and nature, and then congratulate, now I have something for you to do, help me watch the Nixin Formation."

"What are you doing?" the red dragon asked, then it glanced at the magic circle in front of it, and exclaimed, "Hey, I'll go, this magic circle is fine!"

"Young man, you have learned something!"

Liu Chen also felt complacent for a while, and then said: "I'm going to refine the Jiehuo armor, the person inside is my friend, you watch, don't let her make mistakes anyway."

After explaining, Liu Chen left.

The red giant dragon glanced inward, and saw a vague figure.

"Huh, she's a beautiful woman. This young man can do it. He's pretty quick. He actually found another beautiful girl!"

"Shameless, corrupt!"
The red dragon grumbled, and then pulled out the little white ape, and the two of them embraced the magic fruit juice together, and ate it wildly.

On the other hand, Liu Chen is in seclusion, tempering the fire armor.

With a wave of the arm, the towering tripod emerged, and there were thousands of forged materials floating in the air here.

These forging materials are very precious, and each of them can drive the masters of Mighty Sword Continent crazy.

There are even many forging materials for tempering earth-level spiritual weapons.

Fortunately, Liu Chen had a blueprint, and his sword spirit was overwhelming, so he could recall the engraved symbols on it according to the blueprint.

Otherwise, he couldn't temper the armor at all.

Liu Chen tempered his armor here, but there was an undercurrent surging outside.

Under the lure of the immortal medicine, someone finally made a move.

Binding Spirit Mine, there is a very huge mine here, which contains rare iron binding spirit steel.

The mines here are the resources of the Jiang family.

The spirit-binding steel mined here can be used to create weapons and armor, which is very important.

Moreover, in order to prevent special situations, the defense here is more rigorous than before.

Not only that, but there is a central deacon of the Jiang family in charge.

This deacon is a master of the ninth level of the celestial master, not the early stage, but a master of the ninth intermediate level, and his combat power is no different from that of the wind deacon.

With such a sturdy figure in charge, the Jiang family is not worried.

into the night.

The mine did not stop, and kept making knocking sounds.

Some core places are guarded by guards.

However, in this night, there are a few figures flashing like ghosts.

The figures of the five people were very fast, and they didn't show any breath, so even the guards who patrolled the martial arts were very alert, but they didn't notice it.

There were five people of various kinds, and there was a fat man among them. When he passed by the guard team, he smiled coldly, and green gas gushed out of his palm.

Then, the cyan gas waved and covered the guards in an instant.


Immediately, those martial arts practitioners turned into a puddle of blood without even groaning in pain.

The five people didn't stop, and wherever they went, all the teams they encountered disappeared without a sound.Soon, they came to a temple.

The five looked at each other, took out their weapons, and rushed forward quickly.

The energy of the five people exploded, which was very terrifying. At the same time, they cooperated with the terrifying attack and quickly attacked the front. In an instant, the magnificent hall collapsed.

Gravels splashed, the ground shattered, and the surroundings completely collapsed.

Some nearby martial arts practitioners had no time to escape, and turned into blood mist during this attack.

In a short while, the mine activated an early warning signal, and thousands of martial arts guards gathered here, and there was also a roar from the wreckage in front of here.


The sound was like thunder, with a bang, it turned into a fierce air blade, shaking all the nearby wreckage away.

On that land, stood an old figure.

The old man's green gown was extremely dazzling, but at this moment his face was extremely gloomy.

In Fengshuang's eyes, a terrifying light burst out, piercing the sky like a fairy spear.

Dare to make trouble in Jiang's mine, it's really death!

"Since you are here, let's stay here today!"

On the other side, thousands of martial arts practitioners gathered towards this place as if they were going crazy, instantly filling the surrounding area with water.

But the five black-robed men smiled coldly, and a large man among them shouted and shot.

Immediately, five people started to attack the central deacon in front.

The battle broke out and was extremely fierce, and the central deacon of the Jiang family was full of confidence.But soon, he exclaimed: "You are all ninth-level celestial masters!"

He was surprised, he didn't expect that the opponents were all ninth-level celestial masters, even though they were only in the early stage of ninth level, their combat power was also very terrifying.

In general, martial arts practitioners of the ninth intermediate level can compete with the three early celestial masters, and most of them are no more than four.If there are five of them, they can't resist at all, so they have to retreat.

Right now, the Jiang family's deacon is facing this situation.

"Old bastard, today is your death day!"

The five people shouted, bursting out with the power to tear the sky.

After a while of fighting, the deacon of the Jiang family center suffocated with all his strength, but he was still unable to escape, and finally died here.

Seeing that the most powerful central deacon was killed, those martial arts practitioners nearby were completely frightened and ran away in a hurry.

The same thing happened in many Jiang family places at the same time.

Of course, the Jiang family was severely injured, and even the famous central deacon was killed.

In a moment, a storm was stirred up in Mighty Sword Continent.

The Jiang family was very angry and tried their best to retaliate, but the number of assassinations was too large and scattered, so they achieved little effect.

In the end, the Jiang family had no choice but to recall all those very important deacons practicing martial arts.

However, they didn't catch them without a fight, but quickly found the allies, preparing to take revenge again.

In a short while, many forces joined the Jiang family.

In the blink of an eye, 30 days passed, and the situation on Weijian Continent became more and more tense, but Liu Chen's place was very quiet.

With the help of the Nixin Formation, Tan Xue finally restrained the magic root, and once again awakened to the power of blood inheritance.

As for Liu Chen, he also tempered a piece of armor.

The whole body of the armor was red, blooming with brilliance, and the inscriptions carved on it were very mysterious.

Liu Chen tried it and found that this armor alone could resist 70.00% of attacks.

In other words, if a ninth-level celestial master attacks, this armor can resist 70.00%, and the remaining 30.00%, he can completely resist with his sturdy body and his own aura.

It has to be said that this is for life-saving.

After coming out, Liu Chen called Yuchi Dianwei over and asked about the situation outside.

After learning about the situation of Jiang's family, there was a hint of satisfaction in his eyes.

Within 30 days, one central deacon of the Jiang family was killed, but these people were killed by different factions.

Therefore, no force has yet gathered the heads of the three central deacons, and no one can exchange the immortality medicine.

However, Liu Chen was not in a hurry.

It's only been 30 days. After a long time, someone will definitely be able to handle it.

"Where's Deacon Feng?" Liu Chen asked.

"Deacon Feng has returned to the Martial God Hall, he said he has something urgent to do." Yuchi Dianwei said.

"Back to the Martial God Temple? Forget it, let me know when he comes back."

"Also, next, keep an eye on the Jiang family's actions, and tell me immediately if there is any situation."

After arranging the following matters, Liu Chen will accompany Tan Xue to practice in Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy.

Tan Xue recovered the power of the inheritance of blood, and her cultivation level also increased rapidly, and she reached the fourth level of Tianshi in one fell swoop.

Liu Chen felt that the outside was too chaotic, so he simply asked Tan Xue to practice at the Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy. No matter what, it was very safe here, and no outsiders could come in.

Moreover, there are many martial arts practitioners of similar age here, who happen to be able to communicate together.

Tan Xue readily accepted this suggestion.

In the days that followed, Liu Chen continued to practice, with the focus still on the Qijue of the Sky and the God Spike.

At the moment, he can already condense two stabbing thorns, and the Qijue in the sky can also summon three wild beasts.

Not only that, his cultivation level has also risen in a straight line, and he will soon reach the peak of the seventh-level celestial master.

Liu Chen's place went very smoothly, but the Jiang family suffered a disaster.

They are all locked up, and now they dare not even come out.

Regarding this situation, the patriarch of the Jiang family and Dou Sheng were still able to hold on, and had been practicing quietly all the time, while Lan Yu Shaoxia couldn't bear it at all.

He was originally young and energetic, and he didn't take anyone seriously, but now he was forced to be immobile by a young man with a seventh-level celestial master, which was a great shame to him.

(End of this chapter)

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