
Chapter 2598 Liu Chen deliberately fell into the trap

Chapter 2598 Liu Chen deliberately fell into the trap

Therefore, he made up his mind to revenge.

"Where is that guy now?" Lan Yu Shaoxia asked.

"Master, that guy is now in Qingyun Mountain Martial Arts Academy, there is no way for us to get in there."

"This Dong XZ who kills thousands of swords is very secretive, but does he think he can sit back and relax like this!"

Lan Yu's expression was cold: "How many people do we have?"

"Our Jiang family is locked up, especially those central deacons. I'm afraid they will be assassinated as soon as they go out."

"Also, Liu Chen must be watching us closely, so our Jiang family's power cannot be moved." The servant said.

"Our forces still have five gatekeepers and the lock department."

"Tell the top five big bosses and the top bounty killers of the lock department to come here and do something for them." Lan Yu Shaoxia sternly said.

"As ordered!"

The servant looked shocked.

Only young hero Lan Yu said sharply: "Since that guy is hiding in the martial arts academy and can't come out, let's lure the snake out of the hole."

"Young master means..."

"It's not complicated. Pretend that the assassination was successful, and then spread the word that three of our central deacons have been killed, and then arrange for our people to bring fakes in exchange for the eternal life medicine."

"Master, is it possible that you want the medicine of immortality? But the other party will definitely check."

"Idiot! I don't want any immortal medicine, won't you think of a way to lure that guy out?"

"At that time, that bastard will be the turtle in the jar!"

"Young master is wise, if that guy really falls into our trap, he will definitely die."

"Remember, send more ninth-level celestial masters, eighth-level celestial masters must be elite, and the strongest in the magic circle group is the best."

"This time, it must succeed!"

"Obey!" The servant half-kneeled vigorously and left quickly.

At this time, Lan Yu Shaoxia showed a cruel smile.

"No one can make me suffer, Liu Chen, you can't afford this heavy price!"

Then, Lan Yu Shaoxia's plan was quickly implemented.

Soon, the news of the assassination of Jiang Jiashu's deacon spread, and even many martial arts practitioners witnessed it with their own eyes.

All of a sudden, all kinds of gossip filled the sky.

Not long after, it was reported that the central deacon of the Jiang family was beheaded.

Then No.3 died again.

"What, the three central deacons were killed. Is the Jiang family crazy? How dare you let the central deacon come out?"

Many were amazed, and many were skeptical.

"It's not surprising that many of the Jiang family's resources have been damaged. If this continues, they will eat dirt."

"So those people are putting themselves at risk."

"It makes sense, but the opponent is so powerful that he can actually kill the central deacon of the Jiang family."

"I just don't know if it was done by the same force?"

"That's right, if they are from the same faction, they can exchange for the medicine of immortality."

In an instant, everyone was excited. Thousands of people continued to stare at Jiang's house, and some people went to Lingyu to check to see if any immortality medicine had been exchanged.

And at this moment, an ordinary-looking middle-aged man walked into the Lingyu Club.

The man was very silent, and his appearance was ordinary, and his aura was suppressed without a trace, so no one noticed him in the crowd.

The servants of Lingyuhui didn't pay attention, but they didn't find him until after the other party spoke.

"This is not a place to talk about things, follow me to the back."

Soon, the man was taken to the back hall.

"Is what you said true?" the servant of Lingyuhui asked.

"Of course it's true, how could I lie about such a thing." The man said.

Minister Lingyuhui said: "Although that is the case, we still have to check it in advance."

"I'm just a talker. If you want to test it, you can test it naturally, but you can't be here."

The man said: "After all, killing the central deacon of the Jiang family is not a trivial matter, and there are three heads. If this news spreads, the Jiang family will definitely entangle us endlessly."

"We will be killed before we leave this door."

After hearing this, the servant of Lingyuhui frowned: "What do you want to do?"

"Get it somewhere else."

"Where to go?"

"Yufeng City."

Minister Ling Yuhui pondered for a while, and then said: "I can't decide this matter, I can only report it. As for the result, I don't know yet."

"I can wait."

"I hope to get an answer within a few days." The middle-aged man looked calm.

"Yes, Lingyu will arrange a residence for you first."

Then, the servant pushed open the door, asked someone to open the room, and quickly reported it himself.

Soon, Liu Chen got the news.

"Killed the three deacons of the Jiang family center, and wanted to change the medicine of eternal life, but I didn't want to change it in Lingyu, and wanted to go somewhere else?" Liu Chen frowned.

"That's true, Brother Chen, I think this is weird, do you want to refuse?" Yuchi Dianwei asked.

"Where is the transaction?"

"Yufeng City."

"Have you checked?"

"I checked and found nothing wrong, and Yufeng City is not the Jiang family's sphere of influence."

"Then what kind of combat power is the other party, have you found out?"

"It didn't reveal any signs, so we have no way to investigate." Yuchi Dianwei said, "Brother Chen, it was my negligence."

"It doesn't matter." Liu Chen pondered for a while, then asked, "What do you think?"

"It's weird, I'm worried this is a trap, and Deacon Feng and Lan are not here, we don't have any strong people to call on."

"After all, the medicine of eternal life is not ordinary, and it may cause accidents if you use a strong person from other forces."

Yuchi expressed his worries.

Indeed, the medicine of eternal life is so powerful that no matter whether it is swallowed or sold, it is unbelievable. Therefore, only very reliable people can use it to exchange people's heads.

"It looks like I can only go by myself." Liu Chen regretted.

"No! Brother Chen, it's too dangerous. If this is a trap set up by the Jiang family, it will be very difficult." Yuchi quickly dissuaded him.

"Actually, this must be a trap, but I'm going to take a look." Liu Chen said with a smile, "I've practiced a good thing these few days, and I just want to try the effect."

"Don't worry, even if there are masters in the realm of harmony between man and nature, I still have the confidence to retreat unscathed."

"Really?" Yuchi Dianwei was surprised, how could a master in the realm of harmony between man and nature escape?
Liu Chen smiled mysteriously: "Go and inform him, I'll go."

"it is good."

Seeing Liu Chen's smiling face, Yuchi Dianwei didn't try to stop him.

After he left, Liu Chen put away his smiling face, his expression a little nervous.

"Jiang family, I want to see what tricks you can play!"

The red dragon said from the side: "Young man, don't worry, I have this king, and I will definitely let you leave safely."

"The black stone tablet that this king tempered this time can be given away for hundreds of miles. If you are not a master of the unity of heaven and man, there will be no problem at all."

"That's fine." Liu Chen was confident.

Then, Liu Chen set off.

This time, only the red giant dragon and the little white ape followed.

He is not afraid, the newly tempered Tribulation Fire Armor can resist 70.00% damage, which greatly boosted his confidence.

Besides, his two prefecture-level cheats have also been upgraded, his combat power has greatly increased, and he also has foreign aid from the red dragon.

And there is also the ink stone tablet of the red dragon, which can be transmitted directly for hundreds of miles, which is very safe.

Therefore, he went alone.

Lingyuhui, the middle-aged man also smiled when he got the news, but that smile was a bit cold.

He knew that he was hooked, and the next step was to get rid of Liu Chen.

The man stayed in Lingyu Club and waited patiently. A few days later, Liu Chen came.

"I've met Young Master Liu." The man saluted Liu Chen.

"Okay." Liu Chen nodded, "There is not much time, let's go."

"Okay, Young Master Liu, come with me."

The man didn't delay either, he flew as fast as he could.Liu Chen flashed his figure and followed behind him.

After about two sticks of incense, the man in front suddenly said, "Master Liu, Yufeng City is ahead."

After speaking, he flew towards the city below.

Liu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced at the other party, with a smile on his lips, and then followed.

Two people landed on the road.

Walking into the city, the man's footsteps were significantly faster, and he walked in front of an official residence not long after.

Yinhong's main entrance is at least ten meters high, majestic and majestic, and the two stone statues of monsters guard the house, which is very grand.

"Master Liu, this is here, please come in." The man said.

"Okay." Liu Chen nodded, with no expression on his face.

Seeing this scene, the man didn't say much, but quickly led the way ahead, and the man was relieved when the two entered the mansion.

It's settled, once Liu Chen comes, he will definitely not be able to run away!
There are several magic circles in this mansion, for defense, for blocking roads, and for cutting off breath.

All in all, this is a big cage, and Liu Chen will never return!

Soon, the man brought Liu Chen to the hall.

Liu Chen calmly sat down casually, and soon there was a beautiful maidservant serving tea.

After the man invited Liu Chen in, he turned and left.

At this time, only Liu Chen and the maid were left in the hall, and the maid served tea seriously.

"Young Master Liu, the patriarch will be there later." The maid served the tea and stood aside respectfully.

Liu Chen nodded, then leaned back on the chair, half-closed his eyes.

It looks like he is resting with his eyes closed, but he is actually communicating with the red dragon.

"Well, what did you find?" Liu Chen asked.

"There are at least three magic circles here, and these people look normal, but they all hide their combat power. It's really not a good thing!" The scarlet dragon said.

"Sure enough, it's a trap. On the way, I saw that this mansion hides a lot of murderous intent. The guards are heavily guarded nearby. I'm afraid it's easy to come in and difficult to get out." Liu Chen snorted coldly, but he didn't care.

He would like to see what tricks these people can play.

Not long after he communicated with the scarlet dragon, the door opened, and then two people strode over.

The one who walked in the front was an old man, but his body was extremely vigorous, like a fire dragon.

His demeanor and demeanor are extremely serious.

Judging from the aura, Liu Chen can conclude that this is a ninth-level celestial master.

Behind him, followed a handsome young man who had the aura of a peak eighth-level celestial master.

And there are eight black-robed attendants with cold expressions, carrying weapons.

Eight martial arts practitioners in black robes followed into the hall and stood aside. Obviously, these people sealed all the doors and windows.

It seemed that the other party was going to trap Liu Chen in this room.

The burly and serious old man sat down, smiled at Liu Chen and said, "I can't help it, I'm sorry, let Young Master Liu come here in person."

"I don't know about Young Master Liu, but did you bring the medicine of immortality?"

"I have the medicine of immortality, but I don't know where the head is?" Liu Chen asked calmly.

Seeing Liu Chen's calm expression, the burly and majestic deacon's eyes flickered, showing a hint of coldness.

This steady killing intent alone surpassed most of the young martial arts practitioners. If such a person is attracted by Liu Chen, it will definitely be a serious problem for the Jiang family!
Therefore, he had to get rid of Liu Chen today.

Behind the old man here, the handsome young man flashed a cold smile.

He thinks that Liu Chen is a bit arrogant, he doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth!How dare you come here by yourself, what an idiot.

"My surname is Liang, and my name is Yuyun. This is my grandson, Liang Hanyu."

Hearing this, Liang Hanyu snorted arrogantly.

To be honest, in Liang Hanyu's heart, he thought Liu Chen was far behind him.

In terms of talent and fighting power, the opponent is not comparable to him at all, but he is lucky enough to become the young master of the Valkyrie Temple.

(End of this chapter)

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