
Chapter 730 The First Treasure

Chapter 730 The Third Treasure

He said this on his lips, but Liu Chen actually had nothing in his heart.

The mysterious realm has been thoroughly searched, and the fairy lines have been divided, leaving only the fairy tomb and the sea of ​​reincarnation.

Liu Chen might go to the former, but the possibility of immortal patterns is very high. As for the latter, Liu Chen didn't even think about it.

Even if the Sea of ​​Reincarnation has a large number of fairy patterns, even if it is more than the mysterious country, Liu Chen will not go there a second time.

After all, saving one's life is obviously more important than immortal patterns.

Otherwise, what's the use of getting [-] immortal patterns?
"There is such a thing as a fairy pattern. No wonder I always feel that there is something close to the realm of transforming gods. It turns out to be a fairy pattern!"

The crocodile suddenly realized, looked at Liu Chen curiously, and asked, "Where can we find the fairy pattern?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's attention was immediately attracted, and they all stared at Liu Chen intently, waiting for Liu Chen to give an accurate answer.

Hearing this, Liu Chen was silent for a long time, and then replied truthfully: "If you want to find the fairy pattern, there is only one way at present."

"That is to enter the three forbidden areas of life. Now I will imprint the formula of finding the fairy pattern in this jade slip."

After saying that, Liu Chen immediately threw out a jade slip, and said solemnly, "The fairy pattern is certainly important, but these three places are very dangerous, I advise you not to go there."

Xuan Crocodile accepted the jade slip, opened it immediately, and then passed it on to others without listening to Liu Chen's last words.

Even if they heard it, they wouldn't take it to heart.

In their eyes, there is nothing more important than hitting the realm of transforming gods.

Knowing the fairy pattern and how to find it, Xuan Crocodile and the others left again, this time heading straight for the mysterious realm.

The Mysterious Realm is considered to be a relatively safe place among the three life restricted areas. With so many people rushing in, there shouldn't be too many casualties.

However, they will not find the fairy pattern.

"Let's go back."

Liu Chen took a deep breath, sorted out his emotions a bit, and immediately flew to the Land of Nine Nethernesses.

The six powerhouses of the transformation stage are still fighting, but the battle has come to an end.

Voldemort was scarred, and it was only a matter of time before he lost.

But thinking about it from another angle, Voldemort, with his cultivation in the middle stage of transformation, resisted the siege of two strong men of the same level and three strong people in the early stage of transformation.

Being able to persist for such a long time is enough to prove his strength.

No wonder neither the Demon Lord nor the Ice Giant Beast could defeat Voldemort and win the third treasure.

I'm afraid that even if the devil lord and the giant ice and snow beast join forces, they won't be able to easily win the third treasure.

Liu Chen and the others stood far away, quietly watching Voldemort's defeat.

Finally, the war came to an end, and Voldemort was subdued by the Void Demon and the Demon Lord, and was suppressed to the ground.

After all, Voldemort is a mid-stage powerhouse, and it is very difficult to kill him completely with the current methods of the Void Demon and the Demon Lord.

But as long as he can be trapped, there is a way to get the third treasure.

After the battle was over, Liu Chen and the others walked over immediately.

Seeing Voldemort with a pale face and weak breath, Liu Chen suddenly thought of the Voldemort he saw in the Nine Netherlands back then.

If it weren't for the protection of giant ice and snow beasts at that time, I'm afraid it would have been a stone sculpture by now.

Feng Shui took turns, and Voldemort in the middle stage of transforming into a god would end up like this. I'm afraid even he himself didn't think of it.

At this time, the Void Demon slowly walked up to Voldemort, stretched out his right hand, and said calmly: "Hand over the third treasure, maybe we can let you go."

"Stop dreaming! Impossible!"

Voldemort said lightly, like a stone in a latrine, smelly and hard, no matter what the Void Demon said, he had no intention of handing over the third treasure.

"It's useless to persuade him. It's better to be tough. At worst, kill him. There is always a way to get the third treasure."

The demon lord raised his mouth slightly, showing a cold smile, slowly approached Voldemort, and said.

Hearing this, the Great Void Demon frowned slightly, obviously not agreeing with the Demon Lord's method, but this is currently the most useful method.

"Okay! Then I'll leave it to you!"

The Great Void Demon nodded slightly, and immediately stepped back, handing Voldemort to the Demon Lord.

"Voldemort, we are old acquaintances. Instead of letting the third treasure fall into the hands of outsiders, it is better to give it to me as a favor."

"If you give me the third treasure, maybe I can consider letting you go quietly."

Hearing this, Voldemort glared at the Demon Lord contemptuously, and said mockingly: "You couldn't take away the third treasure before, and you can't take it now!"

"If you don't eat a toast, you will be punished! Then don't blame me for being rude!"

The demon master's voice suddenly became several pitches higher. Immediately, he clasped his hands together, squatted down, and slammed his palm down suddenly.

Suddenly, a miraculous scene happened. Pentagrams of stars appeared on the originally empty ground.

And Voldemort is right in the center of the pentagram.

"Pentagram star array!"

Voldemort's pupils shrank suddenly, and there was a trace of fear in the depths of his eyes, clearly aware of the horror of the pentagram.

"Forget it! If you change your mind now, it's still too late!" The demon lord teased with a playful look.

"whispering sound!"

Voldemort said coldly, and simply closed his eyes, ready to endure the torture of the pentagram.

At this time, Liu Chen stood behind the four powerhouses of the transformation stage, watching Voldemort's body being cut into pieces by the five-pointed star array.

The unbearable pain for ordinary people can be felt even from a long distance, as if experiencing it personally, and there is a sore feeling all over the body.

Sometimes, a strong cultivation base may not necessarily be a good thing.

For example, Voldemort's cultivation has reached the middle stage of transforming into a god, and his body's recovery has reached its limit. In addition, he is a demon in the first place!
And it's still an earth demon, not to mention that his body was cut into several pieces, even if he was turned into a meat paste, he can recover in a short time.

It's just that the five-pointed star array will innumerable times the painful way of cutting the body.

It's like a normal person being tortured, no one can bear that level of pain.

"If you get the third treasure, what are you going to do?"

Seeing Voldemort being tortured, the Ice Demon spoke calmly without blinking his eyelids.

Hearing this, the Great Void Demon didn't hesitate, and immediately cast his eyes on Liu Chen, saying, "Of course it's to help Liu Chen break into the God Transformation Realm."

The ice demon was silent, but it could be seen that he looked a little displeased, obviously he was also planning to bestow the third treasure on Bing Feixue.

But two people have to choose one, but there are three big monsters in the dangerous area of ​​Xiling, and the ice demon is weak and has no initiative at all.

"But don't worry, there must be more than the third treasure in the fairy tomb. If you meet other treasures, of course your good disciple will be given priority."

The Great Void Demon turned his gaze, turned his head to look at Bing Feixue, and said slowly.

Hearing this, the Ice Demon nodded in satisfaction, and said lightly: "This is more or less the same."

Time passed for a long time, Voldemort's body was constantly cut, fused, and repeated, and finally even the Void Demon couldn't stand it anymore.

"You have the patience, but we don't have the time to play with you." The Void Demon said lightly, and immediately released the terrifying aura of the middle stage of transformation, threatening: "I will give you a chance!"

"Either hand over the three treasures, or die!"

Especially when it came to the word death, the Void Demon deliberately emphasized his tone.

Hearing this, Voldemort raised his head feebly, his eyes filled with crazy bloodshot eyes, and sneered, "Dead? I was originally immortal, how could you kill me! Hahahaha!"

"Hmph! Immortal body! So what!"

The big demon in the void snorted coldly, and immediately made a tactic with both hands, a black hole appeared in the void, and the wind howled inside, and occasionally a few wind blades could be seen sweeping across.

Liu Chen stood behind the Great Void Demon, but he could also feel the tremendous pressure from the black hole.

"Hand over the third treasure, or I will banish you into the endless void, and no one will find you until you die!"

The Great Void Demon spoke lightly, his eyes burst into light, and threatened.

Looking at the endless void and the sharp wind blade, the Great Void Demon hesitated.

He really wasn't afraid of the demon lord killing him, nor was he afraid of their attack methods, but if he was exiled into the void.

It is equivalent to being isolated from the world, unable to come out for a lifetime.

Such an end is more uncomfortable than death!
"it is good!"

Voldemort struggled, hesitated for a long time, and finally made up his mind to hand over the three treasures, so he said slowly, "I'll tell you where the third treasure is!"

"It's hidden at the end of the underworld in the Land of Nine Nethernesses. After you go in, you will definitely be able to see it!"

Hearing this, a gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the Great Void Demon, and he immediately flew towards the Land of Nine Nethers, followed by the Ice Demon and Demon Lord.

But at this moment, several crazy voices sounded.

"Hahaha! Thank you very much, we will accept this third treasure with a smile." The old woman laughed triumphantly, and immediately entered the Nine Nether Land with Xiang Chunyan and Xiang Chunmiao.

"Just the three of you, dare to make an idea for the third treasure!"

The Great Void Demon snorted coldly, and immediately chased after him.

The Land of Nine Serenity was full of powerhouses at the stage of transforming gods, Liu Chen tactfully stopped where he was, and did not enter.

Because Liu Chen knew very well that even if he went in, he would not be of much help, but would become a burden instead. Instead of this, he might as well wait outside obediently.

Anyway, there are five experts at the stage of transforming gods on the Void Demon's side, and there are only three people in the Ascending Immortal Palace, so they are no match for them anyway.

Even if they get there first, it is impossible to defend the third treasure.

At this time, Liu Chen turned his gaze, looked at the suppressed Voldemort below, couldn't help taking a deep breath, and walked over slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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