
Chapter 731 Undead Army

Chapter 731 Undead Army
"You certainly didn't expect that we would meet in this way for the second time."

Liu Chen stood in front of Voldemort and said lightly.

Hearing this, Voldemort raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a mysterious smile, and said, "I never thought that they would be so easy to deceive, and they went directly to the Nine Serenities to find the third treasure."

"Except for me, no one knows what the third treasure is. It doesn't matter if I tell you now, the third treasure is the Yellow Spring River in the Land of the Netherworld."

"But it has long been integrated with me. If I don't use it, I can break through the seal, and they will be petrified by Huangquan water!"

Liu Chen was startled, and subconsciously flew towards the Land of Netherworld, wishing to tell the three great monsters of heaven and earth and the Ice Demon immediately to prevent them from being fooled by Voldemort.

"Liu Chen, we meet again!"

At this time, a large number of strong men came out from a distance, and the leader was the new Hall Master of Ascension Immortal Hall, Zi Xuan.

Behind him, followed by a large number of Ascension Immortal Hall powerhouses.

It's just that Liu Chen's gaze only stayed on them for a short time, and then immediately turned to the group of undead behind them!
"It seems that the Baigu Lake is indeed connected to the fairy tomb."

Liu Chen muttered to himself, and immediately mobilized his spiritual power quietly, looked at Bing Feixue vigilantly, and said lightly: "But I'm curious, you entered the fairy tomb, not only did you not consume your strength, but brought the army of undead inside come out, why?"

"Of course we have our way!"

Zixuan said lightly, and immediately made three steps and two steps, and suddenly bent her fingers a little, trying to help Voldemort get out of trouble.

It's a pity that with her current strength, it is impossible to undo the seal jointly set by the powerhouses of the transformation stage.

"Zi'er, you can't stop me here."

Liu Chen looked serious and said seriously.

Hearing this, Zixuan couldn't see any emotional fluctuations in her eyes, and said lightly: "Why?"

"All of this is Voldemort's conspiracy. He just wants to lure everyone into the Nine Netherlands, and then use the third treasure to petrify them all!"

"We must tell them this news quickly, if it is too late, it will be too late."

"Who are you lying to? You just want to get away, do you really think we are so easy to deceive?" The Great Elder pointed at Liu Chen and angrily said.

Hearing this, a black line appeared on Liu Chen's forehead, he shook his head helplessly, then pointed at Voldemort below, and said, "If you don't believe me, you can ask him!"

"It's true!" Zixuan asked.

"Of course it's fake."

Voldemort spoke lightly.

As soon as these words came out, Liu Chen trembled angrily and clenched his fists tightly, wishing to throw Voldemort into the endless void immediately.

It's a pity that with Liu Chen's current strength, he still can't do this.

"Hallmaster, stop talking nonsense with him, kill them directly, so that we can deal with the strongest undead." The elder said slowly.

"Hall Master, we must seize this opportunity and kill Liu Chen on the spot while all the powerhouses in the Transformation Stage have entered the Nine Nether Lands."

"That's right, Palace Master, don't miss this opportunity, never miss it again."

The Second Elder and the Third Elder all spoke up to persuade them.

"Go! Kill them all!"

Zixuan looked indifferent, waved her jade hand without hesitation, and the undead army at the end rushed up immediately.


Liu Chen yelled, and quickly backed away to distance himself from the army of undead.

When he was in the mysterious country, Liu Chen once fought against the undead, so he reminded: "Be careful, they all have immortal bodies."

Hearing this, Liu Chengfeng and Liu Guanyun couldn't help but shrink their pupils suddenly, and looked in shock at the strong undead flying towards them.

After a while, the army of undead surrounded Liu Chen and the others, and dozens of undead in the Nascent Soul Stage were killed immediately.

But at this moment, Zixuan withdrew her gaze, looked down at Voldemort who was suppressed below, and said indifferently: "What should we do to let you out?"

"You don't have to do anything, just wait here."

Voldemort said meaningfully.

As long as the time is up, the seal will be broken.


Zixuan nodded slightly, and immediately waved her jade hand, the elder behind him immediately understood, walked two steps quickly, and stood beside Zixuan.

Zixuan bowed her head and said a few voice transmissions, the Great Elder nodded, and immediately left the crowd and entered the Land of Nine Nethernesses.

Zixuan is not a fool to be able to become the Hall Master of Ascending Immortal Hall, she would rather believe in something than nothing, anyway, it won't do any harm to let the Great Elder go in and report.


A gleam of light flashed in Liu Chen's eyes, and he spoke.

Hearing this, Bing Feixue immediately turned her head, looked at Liu Chen solemnly, and nodded heavily.

The two of them connected with each other and immediately understood each other's meaning, so they both made a formula and said in unison: "The blood of the ice demon!"

There was a buzzing sound, and strange runes appeared between the eyebrows of the two of them, and then spread all over their bodies, and two bursts of extremely cold air burst out, sweeping in all directions.

Immediately afterwards, heavy snow fell from the sky, and the ground condensed into ice, which was frosty and cold.

Except for the three veterans with long noses, the others were greatly affected, especially the army of undead, whose speed suddenly slowed down.

"Ice demon! Now!"

Liu Chen made a tactic with both hands, and suddenly waved his sleeves.

Suddenly, a miraculous scene happened. A large number of ice demons appeared on the originally empty ice surface, more than 2000 of them.

This is just the ice demon summoned by Liu Chen, plus Bing Feixue, there are more than [-] ice demons, and all of them are at the Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen.

In just a split second, Liu Chen and the others had an absolute numerical advantage.

Four thousand powerful ice monsters in the Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen, it seems that there is no difficulty in dealing with dozens of undead in the Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen.

Even so, Liu Chen still didn't dare to take it lightly.

After all, the undead are immortal, even if they are smashed into dust, they will slowly recover.

"Xue'er, I'll hold them back, you quickly enter the Nine Nether Lands and tell them the secret about the third treasure."

Liu Chen looked serious and said seriously.

Hearing this, Bing Feixue hesitated for a moment, finally made up her mind, and said slowly, "Okay! I'll go right away!"

As soon as the voice fell, Bing Feixue's figure flashed, and immediately rushed out of the army of undead, and flew towards the land of nine seclusion.

"Stop her!"

Li Zangjian immediately understood Zixuan's words, and moved his body to chase Bing Feixue.

"It seems that the mere army of undead can't take them down."

A gleam flashed in Zixuan's eyes, she turned her head to look at Cui Wulei, and said calmly: "Cui Wulei, it's your turn to play, don't let me down!"


Cui Wulei's expression changed slightly, and immediately a figure flashed and flew towards Liu Chen. The thunderbolt stick in his hand appeared out of thin air, and slashed down suddenly!
There was a bang, and a large number of ice demons wailed, turning into white powder and dissipating in the sky and the earth.

With just one blow, dozens of Nascent Soul Dzogchen Ice Demons were killed, which is simply terrifying.

Seeing Cui Wulei flying towards him, Liu Chen took two steps back vigilantly, and defended back to back with Liu Chengfeng, Liu Guanyun, and the long-nosed old man, and said via voice transmission: "The thunderbolt stick in his hand is also a real treasure. .”

Hearing this, Liu Chengfeng and Liu Guanyun nodded at the same time.

From entering the fairy tomb until now, they have personally felt the cruelty of the fairy tomb, and the strong Nascent Soul Dzogchen are nothing here.

If you are not careful, you will die.

"Long nose!"

Liu Chen turned his gaze, and immediately looked at the old man with a long nose.

Seeing the situation, the long-nosed old man nodded slightly and immediately understood.

"Cui Wulei!"

Liu Chen said loudly, staring into Cui Wulei's eyes, and quietly said: "I have found a lot of fairy patterns in the mysterious realm."

"You find a chance, bring Li Zangjian, and the three of us will act alone."

"it is good!"

Cui Wulei remained calm on the surface, holding a thunderbolt stick in his hand, and walked slowly towards Liu Chen and the others.


The rumbling sound continued, and the ice demon fell down like wheat, and no ice demon could block Cui Wulei's blow.

Even the strong undead are sometimes affected by the terrifying power released by Cui Wulei.

Four thousand ice demons were almost fighting against the army of undead, but the moment Cui Wulei appeared, the situation on the field changed instantly.

With the help of Cui Wulei, the Ice Demon retreated steadily, and there were less than two thousand left, and they were disappearing at an extremely fast speed.

On the other side, Li Zangjian successfully stopped Bing Feixue, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and said: "Last time I lost to you, this time, you won't have such good luck."

After the words fell, the two immediately fought together.

"We meet in the mysterious realm!"

Liu Chen said lightly, and immediately slapped several palms again and again, and immediately left with a long nose and an old way, and at the same time shouted at Bing Feixue, saying: "Xue'er! Let's go!"

"Long nose!"

The long-nosed old man immediately understood, and immediately sent out the swallowing gourd, and made a lot of tricks with both hands.

In an instant, an irresistible suction erupted, and both the undead strong and the ice demon were sucked into the gourd.

Fortunately, Cui Wulei ran fast, otherwise he would not be able to resist the suction that devours the gourd.

And once sucked in, all that awaits him is death.

"We left like this, what will they do?" Bing Feixue asked anxiously.

Hearing this, Liu Chen frowned tightly, and said: "There is the Immortal Palace outside the Nine Nether Land with people guarding it, plus the immortal army of undead, we can't get in at all."

"Instead of fighting hard here, it's better to leave first. As for the three great monsters of heaven and earth and the ice demon, we should trust their strength."

"With their cultivation, they will definitely not die at the hands of Voldemort."

Bing Feixue was silent for a long time upon hearing the words, and before leaving, she looked at the Land of Nine Nethers more, wishing she could rush in immediately.

But when she saw the group of Nascent Soul experts outside, she changed her mind.

Zixuan, Li Zangjian, and Cui Wulei are not easy to deal with. With the army of undead, it is really not easy to break through their defense.

(End of this chapter)

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