
Chapter 732 Convergence

Chapter 732 Convergence
Seeing Liu Chen and others leaving, Zi Xuan waved her hand and said, "There's no need to chase."

After the words fell, the undead army, Cui Wulei, and Li Zangjian retreated.

Looking at the direction they were leaving, Zixuan's eyes flickered, she looked Cui Wulei up and down and said: "Cui Wulei, what did he say to you just now?"

"Ask us to meet outside the mysterious land and continue the plan from last time." Cui Wulei replied truthfully.

Hearing this, Zixuan raised her brows slightly, a gleam of light flashed in her eyes, she immediately laughed triumphantly and said, "Okay!"

"The two of you will go to the mysterious place to join them. No matter what method you use, it is best to lead them into the fairy grave."

"If the two of you are sure to kill them."

Zixuan then added another sentence.


Cui Wulei and Li Zangjian nodded slightly, and immediately went to the mysterious realm.

But at this moment, Liu Chen and the others had already left the Nine Nether Lands.

"Where are we going now?"

Bing Feixue asked.

Liu Chen paused, thought carefully, and then said, "You all have more than fifty immortal patterns on your body, it's time to find a place to retreat."

"how about you?"

Bing Feixue immediately understood another meaning from Liu Chen's words.

Indeed, except for Liu Chen, everyone else has fifty immortal patterns in their hands, including Bing Feixue, but Liu Chen will leave while they are retreating.

"I still have a little business to deal with alone."

Liu Chen looked solemn, looked into Bing Feixue's eyes, and promised: "Don't worry, I will be safe."

Bing Feixue knew Liu Chen very well, so she knew very well that once Liu Chen made up his mind, no matter what she said, it would be useless.

At this time, he could only choose to support Liu Chen instead of messing around.

"must be careful!"

Bing Feixue warned repeatedly.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Chen turned his eyes and landed on Liu Chengfeng and Liu Guanyun, and said slowly, "Father, mother, you also pay attention to safety."

"But although the fairy tomb is big, except for the three restricted areas of life, the other places are under the supervision of the spirit master. Where should we retreat?"

Bing Feixue wondered.

"I know a place where the spirit master cannot monitor it, and even the powerhouses at the transformation stage cannot enter!" the long-nosed old man said.

As soon as these words came out, the words Mysterious Country immediately appeared in everyone's minds.

The mysterious country is located in a mysterious place. Unless there are special methods, outsiders can't get in at all, and the people inside are relatively low.

They retreat inside, and they don't have to worry about someone sneaking up on them.

Therefore, the mysterious country is definitely the best place for retreat.

After making up their mind, Liu Chen and the others set off immediately to the mysterious country.

Liu Chen happened to be waiting for Cui Wulei and the others outside the mysterious realm, which could be said to kill two birds with one stone.

It didn't take long for everyone to arrive at the mysterious land. With the previous experience, Liu Chen opened the passage to the mysterious land with ease.

"Chen'er, be careful!"

Liu Guanyun urged again and again.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled, nodded heavily, and watched them enter the mysterious kingdom.

In fact, Liu Chen didn't know that the mysterious country was not safe at all, because the strongest undead began to send troops to attack on a large scale.

At the beginning, he sent a strong man in the transformation stage to attack the mysterious country.

But in the end, according to the request of the old woman, the three of them could not be separated, so he personally took charge of the attack on the mysterious country.

Indeed, because of the mysterious restrictions, there can't be strong souls of the transformation stage inside, but after the strongest undead recovers their strength, they can teleport more undead of the Nascent Soul stage to the Great Perfection.

The mysterious country at this moment is in danger and may collapse at any time.

After seeing off Bing Feixue and the others, Liu Chen let out a long breath, and immediately walked out of the mysterious realm, looking intently into the distance.

I saw two streamers approaching the mysterious realm at an extremely fast speed.

It was none other than Cui Wulei and Li Zangjian who came.

"Your speed is quite fast. Didn't it arouse the suspicion of Ascension Immortal Palace?" Liu Chen asked cautiously.

Hearing this, Cui Wulei and Li Zangjian both shook their heads, and said to themselves: "Without those three old monsters, how can Zixuan alone be able to hold us down!"

"What's more, our relationship with Ascending Immortal Palace is just a cooperative relationship. They have no control over where we want to go!"

"So we just made up some excuse and just left, they didn't know where we were going."

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded reassuringly, and said straight to the point: "The fairy lines in the mysterious realm are extremely rare, and I've already gone in to look for them."

"Oh? You've entered and searched for it? How's the harvest?"

Cui Wulei's heart was shocked, and he looked at Liu Chen in surprise, even though he knew the existence of fairy patterns, and he also knew how to capture them.

But he has never really seen the fairy pattern.

"Let's have a little gain."

Liu Chen was ambiguous, and immediately changed the subject: "There is nothing to find in the Mystic Realm, let's go to another place!"

Li Zangjian and Cui Wulei looked at each other, then nodded slightly, and agreed: "Okay! Let's change to another place."

"Since you have obtained the fairy pattern in the mysterious realm, Li Zangjian and I have the priority for the next fairy pattern you find."


Liu Chen said lightly.

After reaching an agreement, everyone immediately left the mysterious realm, and under the hints of Li Zangjian and Cui Wulei, they flew in the direction of the fairy tomb.

"Except for the three restricted areas of life, I'm afraid I can't find the fairy pattern." Cui Wulei frowned slightly, and continued: "You have already found the mysterious realm, so only the sea of ​​reincarnation and the fairy tomb are left."

"Go to the fairy grave!"

Li Zangjian lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then opened his mouth and said.

As soon as this remark came out, Liu Chen immediately became vigilant, stared at Cui Wulei and Li Zangjian, and said, "I have a few questions for you."

"Just ask."

Cui Wulei said lightly.

"When you entered the fairy tomb from Baigu Lake, didn't you have any conflicts with the undead inside? What method did Shengxian Palace use to subdue the undead inside?"

Li Zangjian paused, and slowly explained: "We entered the fairy tomb from Baigu Lake that day, and indeed encountered an army of undead."

"The undead headed by him only had the Dzogchen cultivation in the Nascent Soul stage, but then something unimaginable happened."

"The head of the god-forming stage has merged with the headed undead, and the cultivation level has also broken through to the early stage of the god-forming stage."

"It's just that he is still not the opponent of the Third Patriarch of Ascending Immortal Hall at the early stage of Transformation God."

"You should be able to guess what happened next."

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded with a sudden realization. The strongest undead finally had only the cultivation level of the early stage of transformation.

If this is the case, then it is not surprising that they were able to subdue the army of undead inside for their own use.

"Didn't you find some fairy patterns when you came out of the fairy grave?"

Liu Chen asked again.

"Ha ha."

Hearing this, Li Zangjian and Cui Wulei couldn't help laughing bitterly, and said, "With those three old monsters present, even if we found the fairy pattern, we wouldn't dare to act rashly."

"If they find out, how can the fairy pattern get our turn."


Liu Chen nodded heavily, but still had no plans to go to the Immortal Tomb immediately, so he said: "After all, the Immortal Tomb is one of the restricted areas. To be on the safe side, let's take a walk outside first."

"If you're lucky, you may be able to meet chance or treasure."

"it is good!"

Cui Wulei and Li Zangjian looked at each other, then nodded slightly.

They didn't dare to show too much willingness, because they were all smart people, so they knew very well that they couldn't force Liu Chen into the fairy tomb too hastily.

Otherwise, Liu Chen's suspicion would be aroused, and the loss would not be worth the gain.

"Master Li, now we rely on your gossip array!"

Cui Wulei smiled mysteriously, and said slowly.

Li Zangjian remained silent, and immediately waved his sleeves, offering the Eight Diagrams array.

I saw Li Zangjian making a formula with both hands, and several light spots immediately appeared on the gossip formation, which were located in different places.

"Go this way."

Li Zangjian said lightly, and immediately followed the light spots on the eight trigrams diagram and flew quickly.

About half an hour later, Liu Chen and Cui Wulei followed Li Zangjian to a barren mountain. This mountain was black, bare and lifeless.

Seeing this mountain, Liu Chen immediately felt very familiar. Isn't this the place where the giant ice and snow beast brought Liu Chen last time?
It was here that Liu Chen obtained a powerful weapon spirit, making the Frost Demon Sword a top-grade spirit treasure.

"What treasures can there be here?" Cui Wulei asked in doubt.

Li Zangjian smiled confidently, and with a flash of a figure, he immediately entered the barren mountain, and judged the location of the treasure according to the strength of the light of the gossip array.

Finally, Li Zangjian stopped in front of a steep slope, and said seriously: "Dig it out, there must be something good inside."

Hearing this, Liu Chen waved his big sleeve, dust flew up, and there was a golden elixir inside.

Although it was buried in the soil, it was not stained with any dirt, and the whole body exuded a golden light, which was extremely extraordinary.

"what is this?"

A gleam flashed in Cui Wulei's eyes, and he immediately reached out to grab the golden elixir.

"It's mine!"

Li Zangjian had quick eyes and quick hands, and took the lead to snatch the golden elixir, holding it in the palm of his hand, and said with a firm expression.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled without saying a word, a elixir of unknown origin and use, it doesn't matter if you give it to Li Zangjian.

But at this moment, Xiaoqing in the savings bag let out a growl, obviously very eager to get that elixir.


Liu Chen frowned slightly, and immediately slapped the spirit animal bag, Xiaoqing flew out from inside, and looked at Li Zangjian with grinning teeth.

"If my guess is correct, this elixir is useless to cultivators, but for Xiaoqing, it should be a great tonic."

"It's better to keep this elixir to me, and the next thing you find is yours."

Li Zangjian pondered for a moment, whether he had any spirit beasts to raise, and holding the golden elixir was useless, he might as well give it to Liu Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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