
Chapter 754 Completely Erase Memory

Chapter 754 Completely Erase Memory
"let me see."

The Lord of Reincarnation spoke lightly, and immediately walked to Zixuan's side, his generous palm fell on Zixuan's celestial spirit cover, closed his eyes, and felt carefully.

After a while, the Lord of Reincarnation opened his eyes, let go of his hand, shook his head at Liu Chen, and sighed: "The memory has been completely erased, and it is impossible to restore it."

"Is there no way at all?"

Hearing these words, Liu Chen inevitably felt a little disappointed.

Originally thought that after hitting the realm of transforming gods, Zixuan would be able to restore her memory, but it was a pity that she finally stepped into the realm of transforming gods, but she still couldn't help Zixuan restore her memory.

"Although it can't help her recover her memory, the means you have can modify her memory, right?"

The Lord of Reincarnation smiled mysteriously, and continued: "Anyway, the final result is to make her fall in love with you, as long as you are in her memory, and you can do something a little bit, isn't it all right?"

Hearing this, Liu Chen shook his head firmly and said, "No matter what, I won't do that!"

"Then you just erase all her memories and let her fall in love with you again, isn't that all right? What a trouble!"

The Lord of Reincarnation said impatiently.

Originally, he thought that Liu Chen was going to talk to him about something big, but he didn't expect it to be such a trivial matter.

However, he didn't know that Liu Chen took this matter very seriously, even more important than his life.

Zixuan is his wife, his wife for life, no one can change her!

"If there is really no other way, that's the only way to do it."

Liu Chen looked at Zi Xuan with an indifferent expression, and suddenly felt a throbbing pain in his chest, an indescribable pain.

Bing Feixue next to her saw this scene, her nose was sour, but she didn't say anything, just watched quietly.

After experiencing so many things, Bing Feixue also understood.

For Liu Chen, Zixuan is a very important person in his life, no one can replace her, and Bing Feixue doesn't want to replace Zixuan's position in Liu Chen's heart.

She just wanted to be by Liu Chen's side, that was enough.

But she is also a woman, and she will be jealous, not to mention that she and Zixuansu have never met, let alone have any friendship.

"Let's go!"

With a wave of his sleeves, Liu Chen took Bing Feixue out of the Samsara Secret Realm without saying a word.

Seeing the direction in which Liu Chen and Bing Feixue left, the Lord of Reincarnation quickly shouted, "Liu Chen, what about our deal?"

"Let me think about it."

Liu Chen said lightly, and his voice echoed in the secret realm of reincarnation.

Not long after, Liu Chen and Bing Feixue left the secret realm of reincarnation and returned to the dangerous realm of Xiling.

After stepping into the realm of transforming gods, Liu Chen could directly tear through the void and bring Bing Feixue back to the dangerous place of Xiling, much faster.

"From now on, you can't leave my sight."

The Red Demon God appeared next to Liu Chen immediately, guarding him every step of the way.

Liu Chen smiled slightly, nodded, and immediately returned to the Liu Yao Palace with Bing Feixue, and found the Magic Memory Holy Fox.

"Senior Holy Fox, there is one thing I would like to ask for your help."

Liu Chen said respectfully.

Hearing this, Huanyi Shenghu was startled, he and Liu Chen were already of the same generation, and Liu Chen's strength was even stronger than him.

He was really not used to being called such a senior.

After all, Liu Chen is no longer the brat in the mid-Yuanying period.

"Young master, you can just call me Holy Fox from now on."

Huanyi Shenghu looked serious, then smiled and said: "Young Master, what's the matter, but it doesn't matter."

"I know that you are proficient in memory, so I would like to ask you to help me restore a person's memory."

Liu Chen still didn't give up, and wanted to try one last time.


Huan Yi Shenghu raised his brows, and immediately became interested. He knew that Liu Chen was also proficient in the three techniques of memory. Could there be something that even Liu Chen couldn't solve?

After a while, Liu Chen sacrificed the Hundred Immortals Picture, released Zi Xuan, and said, "I want you to restore Zi'er's memory."

"Hall Master of Ascending Immortal Palace!"

Huan Yi Shenghu's pupils shrank suddenly, an existence who could draw with Liu Chen, and also the master of Ascension Immortal Hall, he really didn't dare to get close to Zi Xuan.

"It used to be, but not now. She is my wife."

Liu Chen smiled slightly, and continued, "Don't worry, she's already under my control and won't attack you."

"That's fine, that's fine."

Huan Yi Shenghu breathed a long sigh of relief, as if a boulder was falling on his chest, but he still cautiously approached Zixuan.


Huan Yi Shenghu was serious, he made a tactic with both hands, and suddenly bent his fingers, and landed on Zixuan's eyebrows.


Suddenly, Huan Yi Shenghu raised his brows, let out a small sigh from the corner of his mouth, looked at Zi Xuan in disbelief, and said: "In her mind, there is a large blank, which seems to have been forcibly erased."

"That's right, it's what the Third Patriarch of Ascending Immortal Palace did. I want you to help me restore this blank space."

Liu Chen looked at the Huanyi Holy Fox in surprise, thinking that he had a solution.

"I'm afraid I can't do anything about it."

Huan Yi Shenghu shook his head, sighed, and said, "Young master, you have more energy than you want, the third ancestor of Ascension Immortal Palace directly erased her memory."

"It's not sealed or hidden, it just disappeared, and it's impossible to recover!"

Liu Chen actually guessed it long ago, but he didn't want to admit it, until now, Liu Chen really gave up.


Liu Chen turned around, looked at Zi Xuan's indifferent face, lost in thought.


Huan Yi Shenghu sighed helplessly, and then disappeared into the Willow Demon Hall in a flash.

"It seems that it is impossible for me to restore your memory directly."

Liu Chen lost his way, but a flash of determination flashed deep in his eyes, holding Zi Xuan's cheeks with both hands, he said affectionately: "Zi'er, forgive me."

After the words fell, Liu Chen exerted a little force on his hands, and saw two white lights flashing, Liu Chen was erasing the remaining memories in Zixuan's mind.

Just like the third ancestor of Ascending Immortal Palace, completely erase the remaining memories in her mind.

At that time, Zixuan will be like a blank sheet of paper, she will not know anyone, she will know nothing, to describe it with the most appropriate words.

It's just a baby born, but Zixuan possesses the terrifying power of Nascent Soul Dzogchen.

After a while, Liu Chen withdrew his hands, his eyes were slightly rosy, and helped the unconscious Zixuan to sit on the willow tree, watching the sunset in the distance.

"Xue'er, do you think it's right for me to do this?"

Liu Chen muttered to himself.

Hearing this, Bing Feixue hugged Liu Chen's arm and said, "No matter what decision you make, I will support you."

"Because I believe that everything you do will be right and have your own reasons."

At this moment, Zixuan in Liu Chen's arms groaned and woke up.

"Who are you? Who are you!"

Zixuan was startled suddenly, and immediately got up from Liu Chen's arms.

"Who am I?"

Zixuan's expression was blank, her mind was blank, she remembered everything, but she didn't know anything, but she felt that the person in front of her gave her a sense of intimacy.

"My name is Liu Chen, your husband, and you are my wife, named Zi Xuan."

Liu Chen spoke slowly, with a gentle tone.

"Liu Chen? Zi Xuan? Husband? Wife?"

Zixuan looked at Liu Chen blankly, innocently asking, "What is a husband? What is a wife?"

"Sister Zi'er, your husband is the one who will take care of you for the rest of your life."

At this moment, Bing Feixue smiled sweetly and explained.

Hearing this, Zixuan turned her gaze, looked at Bing Feixue with a puzzled expression, and asked, "Who are you?"

"Sister Zi'er, my name is Bing Feixue, you can call me Xue'er."

Bing Feixue introduced herself, and immediately put away the bad emotions in her heart.

She has already made a decision, since Zixuan is like a blank sheet of paper at this moment, from now on, she will establish a friendly relationship with Zixuan.


Zixuan muttered to herself.

"Then why am I here?"

Zixuan looked around in a daze, full of curiosity about everything around her, so she immediately flew out, looked at the majestic building of Liu Yaodian, and asked, "What is that?"

As she spoke, Zixuan stretched out her hands and grabbed her suddenly.

Just hearing the sound of the bang, the majestic building of Liu Yaodian was directly destroyed by Zixuan and turned into a pile of ruins.

"Enemy attack!"

Suddenly, three or four fourth-tier powerhouses rushed out from below, and the leader was Liu Wang, who immediately rushed towards Zixuan.

"and many more!"

Liu Chen was taken aback, the purple thunder disappeared in a flash, and appeared in front of Zi Xuan in the next second.

The current Zixuan doesn't know anything, even if she has the strength of the Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen, she can't be Liu Wang's all-in-one enemy.

"and many more!"

Liu Chen stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Young master, what's going on?"

Liu Wang was puzzled and said.

Hearing this, Liu Chen waved his hand and said, "I accidentally destroyed it. It wasn't an enemy attack at all. Don't worry."

"Comfort them first, explain to them clearly, please."

Liu Chen turned his gaze, looked at King Liu, and said seriously.

Seeing the situation, Liu Wang is not easy to refuse, and the others are not fools, so it can be seen that Zixuan destroyed the Liu Yao Temple.

But Liu Chen has come out to protect Zixuan, so what can they do?

"Zi'er, are you okay?"

Liu Chen looked at Zi Xuan with concern, and asked.

Hearing this, Zi Xuan shook her head, and replied honestly: "Those people just now, they seem to want to kill me."

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, you'll be fine."

Liu Chen smiled confidently, patted his chest and promised.

"Yes, Miss Zi'er, with Liu Chen and I protecting you, no one can hurt you." Bing Feixue said with a smile.

"Well, thank you."

Zixuan smiled and said.

Seeing Zixuan's sweet smile, Liu Chen suddenly felt his heart melt. After so many years, he finally saw Zixuan's smile again.

"Zi'er, I'll take you to a place now, okay?"

Liu Chen said.


Zixuan happily agreed.

"Then let's go."

Liu Chen took Zixuan and Bing Feixue's hands, and immediately flew to Ziyao Valley.

After all, Zi Xuan's destructive power is too great now, Liu Chen plans to seal part of Zi Xuan's strength first, and then Fu Yunzi and others will accompany her.

(End of this chapter)

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