
Chapter 755

Chapter 755
After all, Zixuan's current state is not suitable for participating in the battle.

After a while, Liu Chen and Bing Feixue brought Zixuan to Ziyao Valley, and immediately handed her over to Fu Yunzi, and they took care of her for a period of time.

At this moment, before Liu Chen could turn around, he saw the long-nosed old man flying over in a hurry.

"Something is bad!"

The long-nosed old man looked flustered and shouted hastily.

Hearing this, Liu Chen frowned slightly, stared sharply at the long-nosed old man, and immediately asked, "What's going on? Take it easy!"

"Something is bad!"

The long-nosed old man repeated, as if he was still in shock, and then said: "Xuan Crocodile and the others sent a distress signal from the South Ring, and they seem to be surrounded by the Demon God Clan."

"What is the reaction of the three great demons of heaven and earth?"

A trace of deep worry flashed in Liu Chen's eyes, and he asked immediately.

Hearing this, the long-nosed old man took a deep breath, and replied: "The Void Demon has sent strong men to support him."

"Right now, the great demon of the void is calling all the strong men to discuss, so I came here to find you."

A flash of light flashed in the depths of Liu Chen's eyes. It seemed that the Demon God Clan couldn't hold back and was about to make a big move.


With a wave of his big sleeve, Liu Chen directly tore apart the space and returned to the Willow Demon Palace, but the current Liu Demon Palace had already been turned into ruins.

The Void Demon was talking, when he suddenly saw Liu Chen flying from a distance, his pupils could not help shrinking suddenly, he looked at Liu Chen in surprise and joy, and said in disbelief: "You... broke through!"


Liu Chen smiled slightly, flew up immediately, and sat down unceremoniously, while Bing Feixue sat beside him.

Because of the news that Xuancrocodile and others were besieged by the Demon God Clan, the surrounding atmosphere was very tense and depressing.

But the news of Liu Chen's breakthrough immediately enliven the surrounding atmosphere, everyone was shocked and looked at Liu Chen enviously.

"This is really good news!"

The Great Void Demon clapped his hands repeatedly, then got straight to the point, and said, "Xuan Crocodile and others are besieged, and I have sent one of them to rescue them."

"At the same time, the Hall of Immortal Ascension has also sent a large number of strong men to the South Ring."

"Therefore, we have to take some action. It is best to kill the Demon God Race in the South Ring at once."

"Kill all the demons!"

"Kill all the demons!"

"Kill all the demons!"

There was a lot of shouts from below, and the fighting spirit was unprecedentedly high.

This war is related to their life and death, and they must show [-] points of blood and courage.

Seeing this scene, the Great Void Demon nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Every expert at the Transformation Stage will lead a small team and enter the South Ring from different directions."

"Combine with the experts in Ascending Immortal Hall, divide their strength, and then kill them one by one."


As soon as the words fell, the Ice Demon and the Great Jianghe immediately rushed to the South Ring with their own team, and the Great Void Demon was no exception.

The Great Demon of Mountains and Rivers?

Liu Chen glanced across, but he didn't find the existence of the mountain and river monster in the crowd, so he muttered to himself: "It seems that it is inevitable to send a strong person in the transformation stage to the South Ring to save people."

"The rest of you, join me."

Liu Chen waved his arms, and there was a lot of shouts from below, so he immediately flew towards the South Ring.

This time, all the Nascent Soul experts participated in the battle. Apart from the dangers of Xiling and the Northern Cold, there were also a few Nascent Soul experts from Dongling Land.

It's just that all the strong men in the Northern Cold Land followed the Ice Demon, except for Bing Feixue.

The strong men from the land of Dongling and a few demon clans from the dangerous area of ​​Xiling followed the Great Void Demon.

The rest followed Jiang He Da Yao and Liu Chen.

In terms of overall strength, Liu Chen's team has undoubtedly the highest combat effectiveness, because there is also an immortal in Liu Chen's team.

They seem to have seen victory in this war.

But at this moment, at the headquarters of the Mu family in the southern ring, a red devil with horns was sitting directly above, with a shriveled corpse under his feet, all of them were cultivators at the Nascent Soul level.

"They are here."

A gleam of light flashed in Hui Yao's sinister eyes, and he waved his sleeves immediately, saying: "Let the Gray Demon God divide into two teams and act according to the plan."

"We must plant the seeds of the Green Demon God in their bodies."

"Yasha, you lead a small group of Red Demon Gods to distract them."

Hui Yao spoke lightly.

Hearing this, at this moment a Red Demon God holding a steel fork slowly came out, slightly nodded at Hui Yao, and said, "Yes!"

As soon as the words fell, Yasha waved his big hand, and an extremely fierce momentum erupted, leading a small group of Red Demon Gods out of the Mu family headquarters.

Immediately afterwards, Hui Yao turned his eyes and landed on another Red Demon God, and said calmly: "Giant Whale, take the rest of the Red Demon Gods and lie in ambush until the Gray Demon God leads them to the headquarters of the Liu family organization... "


The giant whale looked serious, nodded slightly, and immediately retreated.

At this moment, there are still three demon gods in the Mu family headquarters.

"You have sent all the Red Demon Gods out, why are you still here?" the Blue Demon God next to him asked displeasedly.

Hearing this, Hui Yao laughed bitterly, and said: "I am waiting for a friend."

The Green Demon God and the Gray Demon God exchanged glances, and immediately retreated.


Finally, Liu Chen and others arrived at the South Ring.

"Take this fairy talisman."

The Red Devil said indifferently, and handed Liu Chen the fairy talisman in the savings bag without saying a word, regardless of whether he accepted it or not.

"you are leaving?"

Liu Chen noticed something strange, and said with a surprised expression.

Hearing this, Hong Mo slightly nodded and said, "I'm going to meet my old friend."

As soon as the voice fell, the figure of the Red Devil flashed and disappeared immediately.

"He just left? What shall we do then?"

At first, I thought that following the Red Devil would be absolutely safe, but now that the Red Devil suddenly left, the long-nosed old man suddenly felt empty and became extremely uneasy.

"It's okay, let's move on!"

With a firm expression, Liu Chen put the fairy talisman into his savings bag, and immediately took the remaining strong men deep into the South Ring.

Along the way, you can see corpses and blood all over the place, and the originally gloomy South Ring has become dead silent.

Not to mention seeing people, even living things are rarely seen.

Although the former South Ring land was not the most prosperous place in the five lands, it was definitely the place with the most vitality in the five lands.

Didn't expect it to turn into such a tragedy.

Destroyed houses are everywhere, and there are signs of fighting.

At this moment, Liu Chen frowned slightly, waved his sleeves suddenly, signaled their attention, and reminded: "There seems to be a battle ahead, let's go over and have a look."


The rest of the people nodded and flew over immediately.

Sure enough, before they got close enough, they saw many experts from Ascending Immortal Hall fighting with the Demon God Clan.

There are many people in Shengxian Temple, but the Demon God Clan only has a few Red Demon Gods, so they are obviously invincible.

Now seeing Liu Chen and others coming to kill him, he was even more afraid to fight, so they ran away one after another.


Liu Chen shouted, how could he miss such a good opportunity, so he rushed after him immediately.

Many experts in Ascending Immortal Hall were no exception, chasing side by side with Liu Chen.

"It's you?"

Liu Chen raised his brows, and then he noticed that Xiang Chunfeng was the leader of this group of Ascending Immortal Palace powerhouses.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that I would run into you just after entering the South Ring." Xiang Chunfeng smiled, his face was covered with blood, and he smiled ferociously.

"Don't chase after the poor, what if they deliberately want to lead us into a trap?"

Xiang Chunfeng immediately persuaded.

Hearing this, Liu Chen shook his head, and said, "We have a large number of people, even if they have any conspiracy, it will have no effect with absolute strength."

"That's the best way."

Xiang Chunfeng stopped talking, kept silent, and followed Liu Chen all the way forward.

It's a pity that the Red Devil's speed was very fast, and Liu Chen didn't dare to break away from the majority, chasing and killing the Red Devil alone.

He must protect the safety of the people behind.

"This time, the Hall of Ascension to Immortals should have sent all the experts, right?"

"After all, this battle is about the life and death of the five great lands. I believe that the three ancestors of the Ascending Immortal Palace should abandon the previous grievances and defend against foreign enemies together."

Liu Chen opened his mouth lightly.

Hearing this, Xiang Chunfeng smiled irrefutably, and replied: "It's natural."

"This time, the Third Patriarch of Ascending Immortal Palace sent all the Nascent Soul experts, together with the Nascent Soul cultivators from Zhongtian Dadi."


Suddenly, Liu Chen yelled loudly, and immediately pushed Xiang Chunfeng away, and at the same time made a tactic with both hands, and shouted: "The armor of God has come to the world!"

After entering the realm of transforming gods, no one can break through Liu Chen's defense unless he is a strong person in the transforming god stage.

With a bang, the armor on Liu Chen's body caused ripples of energy, but it was not damaged at all.

"A Crimson Demon God who is in the Nascent Soul stage, dare to come out to die?" Liu Chen said lightly, just as he was about to kill him.

Xiang Chunfeng reached out to stop Liu Chen, and scolded: "No one is allowed to make a move, I will kill him with my own hands!"

As he said that, Liu Chen noticed that Xiang Chunfeng's arm was cut open by the Red Demon God just now, dripping with blood.

It's also the Nascent Soul Dzogchen, but Liu Chen believes in Xiang Chunfeng's strength.

"Directly use the strongest method and kill him. After all, time is tight and there is no room for delay."

Liu Chen urged.


Xiang Chunfeng nodded slightly, the surrounding aura changed instantly, and a terrifying pressure of Nascent Soul Dzogchen filled the air.

Xiang Chunfeng's aura continued to soar, his whole body's spiritual power was concentrated on his fists, and he was accumulating strength, ready to strike with all his strength.

"The Palm of the Formless God?"

Liu Chen looked anxiously at Xiang Chunfeng, but there was a flash of surprise in his eyes, and he always felt that Xiang Chunfeng's strength had improved a lot.

"go to hell!"

Xiang Chunfeng yelled, and suddenly punched out, which just hit the Red Devil God's face, and directly smashed his head into pieces.

There was silence all around, and with the same cultivation level, it was unbelievable that he could kill the Red Devil God with one blow, and his strength was stronger than Bing Feixue's.

(End of this chapter)

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