
Chapter 803 Jade Trillion

Chapter 803 Jade Trillion

"Those who don't have eyes won't bother you anymore."

"But it's impossible for us to appear by your side in time every time, so if we want to survive in the fairy world, we must quickly improve our strength."

Xie Bing said slowly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded slightly.

"I still have something to do, so I'll go first. If you encounter any unsolvable troubles in the future, you can go to my cave to find me."

Xie Bing waved his sleeves and threw a jade slip to Liu Chen, which disappeared immediately.

There are three caves marked in this jade slip, namely Xie Bing cave, Qiyan cave, and Immortal Immortal Venerable's cave.

Watching Xie Bing disappear before his eyes, Liu Chen turned around and flew in the direction of the Mission Pavilion.

Kill those bandits, and you can exchange for [-] mission points, which is [-] marrow washing pills.

A total of two hundred marrow washing pills, Liu Chen didn't even dare to think about it.

After about an hour, Liu Chen rushed to the task pavilion, found the gentle man next to the counter, and said, "I have completed the task."

The appearance of Liu Chen immediately attracted the attention of other people in the hall.

"Huh? Isn't he the one who was targeted by Fat Tiger that day? Why is he the only one who came back?"

"Being caught by the fat tiger, but still coming back safe and sound, I guess he must have obediently handed over his treasure."

"I agree with you, it seems that this kid still understands current affairs!"

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and there were more genuine smiles on their faces.


The gentle man next to the counter looked at Liu Chen suspiciously. He knew that Liu Chen followed Fat Hu and the others to the North of the Immortal World, but he didn't know why Liu Chen took the task.

At this time, Liu Chen waved his hand and placed the mission cards on the counter, which were exactly the missions that Fat Tiger and the others took over.

"Unfortunately, they died in the north of the fairy world, but I completed the task for them."

Liu Chen spoke lightly, without any emotion in his voice.

But it was such a simple sentence, but it set off a monstrous wave in the hall.

"What! They entered the north of the fairy world together. Fat Tiger died, but he survived. How is this possible?"

"You must know that Fat Tiger not only has the strength of the mid-stage of the gods, but also has the unicorn iron arm. The ordinary mid-stage powerhouses of the gods are not his opponents."

"Huh? Look at the gauntlet on his hand? It seems to be very similar to the unicorn iron arm!"

Listening to everyone's discussion, the corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, with a smug smile on his face.

After some time, the news will reach their ears.

At that time, Liu Chen would not feel absurd at all if he could survive and get the Qilin Iron Arm.

Because Liu Chen is the third disciple of Immortal Immortal Venerable.

Fat Tiger dared to move Liu Chen's crooked mind, so it was normal for him to die.


The gentle man handed Liu Chen a black card and said, "This is your black card, and the points you get every time you complete a task will be stored in it."

"Now there are a thousand mission points in it."

"it is good."

Liu Chen smiled slightly, and did not put the black card away, but put it on the counter, and continued, "I want to exchange the marrow washing pill."

"it is good."

The gentle man was shocked, and immediately took out a card from the drawer, with various patterns marked on it, and the price was clearly marked on the bottom, indicating the point price.

"All the pills are here."

The gentle man spoke slowly.

Liu Chen nodded, his eyes swept across, and the Xisui Pill was in the bottom row, very inconspicuous.

According to the different grades, the price of Xisui Dan is also different.

Immortal Realm is different from the Five Great Earths. The pills here are not judged good or bad according to the pill patterns, but are marked with four levels: low-level, middle-level, high-level, and flawless.

A low-level marrow washing pill has three points.

A mid-level Xisui Pill costs five points.

A high-level marrow washing pill has eight points.

The No Time to Wash the Marrow Pill is ten points.

Liu Chen didn't even think about it, and immediately said: "Ten flawless marrow washing pills!"

"it is good!"

The gentle man pointed his fingers a little, the black card hummed, then pointed to the second floor, and said: "Take the black card and go to the second floor to find Mr. Hei."

"Jade Pill! [-] points!"

Liu Chen swept his gaze, and immediately found Yucui Dan among the many pills.

Liu Chen didn't know how powerful Yucui Pill was, but this kind of elixir was only made by the Immortal Venerable, even someone as strong as Passing Water couldn't dream of it.

It must be a very precious elixir.

It's a pity that one piece actually costs [-] mission points, the price is too high.

You must know that it only costs 30 points to meet the three immortal emperors once, and [-] points for a Jade Cui Pill.

Simply outrageously expensive.

Not only Yucui Pill, but also many outrageously expensive pills.

Seeing so many pills, Liu Chen weighed the black card in his hand, and there was only one thousand points in it.

At this moment, I bought ten Flawless Essence Washing Pills and crossed off one hundred, leaving nine hundred, not even a fraction of the Jade Cuisine Pill.

It seems that in the days to come, we will have to spend more time.

You must know that the task is not only a panacea, but also a powerful fairy art and a real treasure.

As long as you have enough points, you can get anything you want in the Mission Pavilion.

After a while, Liu Chen went up to the second floor with astonished and envious eyes in front of everyone.

The second floor is similar to the first floor, except that the place is a little smaller. There is also a hall in the middle, and the light curtain next to it is full of tasks.

Seeing Liu Chen walking up, most of the immortals cast contemptuous glances.

"Old black."

Liu Chen didn't care, and immediately walked towards Hei Lao.

This person was sitting leaning against the wall, drinking tea leisurely, when he heard Liu Chen's voice, he slowly opened his eyes, looked Liu Chen up and down, and immediately stretched out his right hand.

"it's here."

With a smile on his face, Liu Chen immediately understood and handed over the black card.

"Washing Marrow Pill?"

Hei Lao was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Liu Chen in surprise, and reminded: "This kind of elixir doesn't have much effect on you, taking three is the limit."

"Too much is a waste, you have to think about it."

"The younger generation understands."

Liu Chen smiled slightly and said.

In fact, there is indeed a word in my heart that I didn't say. These pills are not for me to take, but for those who have not yet condensed the fairy body.

Let alone ten, I wouldn't think too much even if it was a hundred.

It's just that their cultivation base is still shallow, and it is not a good thing to enter the fairy world in large numbers.

So Liu Chen only planned to bring Zixuan and Bing Feixue into the Immortal Realm first. As for the others, if there are still people who want to enter the Immortal Realm, they should bring them together.

"it is good!"

Old Hei nodded, and immediately got up and walked into the nearby black room.

After a while, Old Hei held a box in his hand, and at the same time returned the black card to Liu Chen, saying, "The ten flawless marrow washing pills are all inside."

"Thank you Hei Lao!"

Liu Chen took the box and the black card with a respectful expression.

Immediately walked towards the hall on the first floor.

But at this moment, Liu Chen inadvertently saw a task on the light curtain.

"Need an alchemy apprentice to assist in alchemy?"

"Three days, [-] mission points?"

"So easy?"

Liu Chen looked at the tasks on the light curtain with a smile, and immediately turned around and walked towards the counter on the second floor.

There was a young woman standing beside the counter, looking at Liu Chen with contempt, before Liu Chen could speak, she refused, "Only in the late stage of Transformation God can accept the task here, you are not qualified yet."

"You don't know the way of alchemy at first glance!"

"Of course alchemy requires cultivation, but what is more important is the control over the elixir and the control of the heat."

"It's true that I only have the cultivation level of the early stage of transformation, but I still know a little bit about the way of alchemy."

Liu Chen looked displeased and confronted him.

"So what if you understand? You are not qualified to accept the mission here, so get out!"

The young woman said unceremoniously.

Immediately, the people around cast laughing gazes towards this side, especially the gazes at Liu Chen, which were full of ridicule.

"This kid only has the cultivation base of the early stage of transformation, but he wants to take the task here, isn't he humiliating himself?"

"At first glance, he looks like a stunned young man who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth. There's nothing wrong with letting him suffer a little more!"

"What's the point of talking to him, just kick him out of the second floor."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, but no one was optimistic about Liu Chen.

But at this moment, an immortal man walked towards Liu Chen with a smile in his eyes, and said solemnly: "You said just now that alchemy is all about controlling the medicine and the temperature of the fire?"


Liu Chen nodded slightly, looked at the man in front of him, and replied.

"Good! You are much better than those laymen who have strength but know nothing about alchemy!"

The man smiled in satisfaction, as if he had picked up a treasure, and immediately waved his sleeves, turned to look at the young woman next to the counter, and said, "I'll choose him."

"But Senior Qingfeng, this is against the rules!"

The young woman's expression was apologetic, and she didn't want Liu Chen to take on this task in her heart.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng's expression darkened, and he said displeasedly: "If you don't give him this mission, then I will revoke this mission and take him directly to alchemy, and your Mission Pavilion will not even try to get any benefit from me."

"Senior Qingfeng calm down."

Offending Lu Qingfeng was a huge sin, and the young woman didn't dare to neglect, so she immediately arranged a task for Liu Chen.

"Humph! That's about the same."

Lu Qingfeng nodded in satisfaction, and immediately led Liu Chen out of the Mission Pavilion swaggeringly.

Looking at the envious and shocked eyes of the people around, Liu Chen was full of pride.

Lu Qingfeng in front of him looked young, but unexpectedly he was quite capable. The eyes of those people on the second floor of the mission pavilion lit up when they saw me coming out.

"What's your name?"

Lu Qingfeng asked.

"Liu Chen."

Liu Chen replied truthfully.

"Okay! My name is Lu Qingfeng, and you will be my deputy from today on."

Lu Qingfeng smiled slightly, and complained: "That task has been suspended for more than a month, and the person who took the task is indeed not good, but no one is in line with my wishes."

"I didn't expect to meet you today. God helped me."

(End of this chapter)

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