
Chapter 804 Alchemy

Chapter 804 Alchemy
"Senior Lu, are you going to start alchemy today?"

Liu Chen asked.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng looked at Liu Chen suspiciously, and asked, "Do you have anything else to do?"


Liu Chen shook his head and replied.

"That's good, go to my cave. There are all materials there, but there is a shortage of manpower."

Lu Qingfeng nodded slightly, then waved his sleeves, and flew to the cave with Liu Chen.

"Isn't that Dan Kuang Lu Qingfeng? Who is that person next to him?"

"You even know him? That's the third disciple of Immortal Venerable! A few days ago, he stole the limelight in the north of the Immortal World!"

"He's Liu Chen? The third disciple of Immortal Immortal Venerable? But why did he get mixed up with Dan Kuang Lu Qingfeng?"

"It's unknown, and it's not something I should worry about."

Occasionally, a few immortals flew by, talking about it.

Regarding their conversation, Lu Qingfeng naturally listened to them in his heart, couldn't help but look at Liu Chen twice, and said seriously, "Are you the third disciple of Immortal Venerable?"


Liu Chen smiled and replied.

"When did that guy lower the standard for accepting apprentices?"

Lu Qingfeng looked puzzled, looked at Liu Chen suspiciously, and kept looking up and down, always feeling that there must be some unknown secret in Liu Chen's body.

Otherwise, with the character of Immortal Venerable, how could Liu Chen be accepted as the third disciple.

You must know that in the fairy world, there are a lot of people who are more talented than Liu Chen.

Hearing this, Liu Chen's face turned black, and he despised Lu Qingfeng in his heart, but he didn't say anything, and simply kept silent.

After a while, Lu Qingfeng brought Liu Chen back to the cave.

This cave is very large, divided into many stone rooms, large and small, each stone room has a faint fragrance, which should be the storage of medicinal materials.

There is a three-legged alchemy stove in the middle, engraved with a phoenix pattern on it, it is lifelike, if you close your eyes, you can still hear the phoenix cry.

"Using the fire of the phoenix to temper these medicinal materials will definitely speed up their decomposition and increase the success rate of alchemy."

Lu Qingfeng looked frenzied, and immediately found a large number of medicinal materials from the secret room, each of which was very valuable.

At this moment, they were unfolded one by one and placed in front of Liu Chen.

"Do you know what elixir I want to refine?"

Lu Qingfeng asked.

Hearing this, Liu Chen shook his head, and replied, "I don't know, what kind of elixir does senior want to refine?"

"Resurrection Pill!"

Lu Qingfeng's voice rose instantly, and he looked triumphantly at the Phoenix Pill Stove in front of him, and said to himself: "You may not have heard of it, but in the entire fairy world, there are very few people who know about the Resurrection Pill."

"It was only by chance that I got a book of alchemy, and I learned how to refine the soul-reviving pill."

"This kind of elixir can only be taken in the stage of transformation."

Hearing this, Liu Chen raised his brows, looked at Lu Qingfeng in surprise, and asked in confusion, "Why can only those who are in the realm of transforming spirits be able to take it?"

"Under the state of transforming gods, the primordial spirit has not yet been condensed. Taking the Resurrection Pill can help them recover their souls."

"Even if they choose to spontaneously ignite at a critical moment and explode with powerful fighting power, there is only a trace of burning spirit left."

"As long as you take the Resurrection Pill at the last moment, you can save your life, but your cultivation base will plummet."

Lu Qingfeng explained, his eyes were full of fire.


Hearing Lu Qingfeng's explanation, Liu Chen couldn't help but gasped, it was incredible.

The soul is the most important existence of a cultivator. If the soul is damaged, the cultivation base will regress at least, and the soul will be wiped out if it is more serious!

As expected of the Immortal World, there is even a magic pill that can restore the soul.

It's a pity that this kind of elixir is only useful for cultivators below the stage of transforming gods. Even if the refining is successful, it will only cause a lot of trouble at the bottom.

It will not attract the attention of those big figures in the fairy world at all.

"There is such a powerful pill?"

I thought so in my heart, but Liu Chen couldn't say it out.

"Of course!"

Lu Qingfeng was very satisfied with Liu Chen's expression at the moment, and continued: "If it was just like this, I wouldn't have spent so much time to get the pill!"

"After the soul-returning pill, there is also the god-returning pill!"

"This kind of elixir can quickly restore the primordial spirit, but only practitioners above the realm of refining the void can take it."

Lu Qingfeng said triumphantly.


Liu Chen gasped again and again, looking at Lu Qingfeng in front of him, he couldn't help giving a thumbs up, it was incredible.

Once such a elixir is successfully refined, it will definitely cause a storm in the fairy world.

After one's cultivation has reached the realm of transforming gods, especially the realm of refining the void, those pills for repairing the physical body are not of much value.

Because as long as the primordial spirit exists, they will not really die.

If the God of Returning Pill really appeared, I don't know how resounding the three-character name Lu Qingfeng would become. I'm afraid that by that time, he would be able to sit on an equal footing with the three immortal emperors.

After all, even the three immortal emperors would like to keep one of this miraculous pill for themselves in case of emergency.

Simply incredible.

As if seeing the shock in Liu Chen's eyes, Lu Qingfeng laughed triumphantly.

"Liu Chen, as long as you help me refine the Resurrection Pill, I'll give you one as a reward. As for the [-] points, you deserve it."

"Not only that, but the next time I'm refining alchemy, I'll come to you again, and the reward will be doubled."


Lu Qingfeng swears, and patted his chest to promise.

Hearing this, Liu Chen immediately agreed to Lu Qingfeng without even thinking about it.

Helping Lu Qingfeng refine the elixir is definitely the fastest and easiest way to obtain mission points.

At most five times, Liu Chen can exchange for a Jade Pill!

Excited just thinking about it.

"Then let's start now!"

Lu Qingfeng's face darkened, and he stared at the alchemy furnace in front of him with a serious expression, and immediately made a formula with both hands, pointing his fingers.

Hearing the buzzing of the Phoenix Pill Stove, the phoenix above seemed to come alive, walking on the Pill Stove.

Immediately afterwards, a crimson flame appeared in the alchemy furnace, burning blazingly with extremely high temperature.

"This is the Phoenix Flame?"

Liu Chen was shocked.

"That's right, if you can get Dragon Flame and fuse the two together, the refined medicine will be even stronger."

Lu Qingfeng said enviously.

It's a pity that it took him a lot of energy to get the Phoenix Pill Stove, and it was almost impossible to get Dragon Flame.

Especially the dragon clan is so proud, how could they use dragon flames to help human cultivators make alchemy.

"Add herbs!"

Lu Qingfeng carefully controlled the flame in the alchemy furnace, and ordered.


Liu Chen nodded slightly, agreed, and immediately made a tactic with both hands, and with a little flexion, the two medicinal materials on the ground immediately flew up, and flew into the alchemy furnace unhurriedly.

When he was in the five lands before, Liu Chen had more or less experience in alchemy, but the alchemy he refined was not so advanced.

But in essence, it's all figured out.

So Liu Chen knew exactly when and what medicinal materials should be put in, and he didn't even need Lu Qingfeng's instructions.

"This kid is not bad, he does know a little bit."

Lu Qingfeng smacked his lips, originally he looked down on Liu Chen, but now he changed his mind and looked at Liu Chen with admiration.

There are many strong people in the fairy world, but there are very few practitioners who know how to make alchemy.

"Senior Qingfeng, if you don't make some changes, I'm afraid that only pill powder will be refined, and there will be no pill."

With a calm expression, Liu Chen reminded, and at the same time put in another medicine.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng frowned slightly, and immediately made a formula with both hands, and the phoenix flame in the alchemy furnace instantly weakened.

"I deliberately left a loophole, but I didn't expect him to be able to find out. It seems that he should also have some attainments in the way of alchemy."

Lu Qingfeng nodded slightly, looked at Liu Chen with admiration, and even thought of accepting him as a disciple.

It's a pity that Liu Chen is already Immortal Immortal Venerable's disciple. At this time, if Liu Chen is forcibly accepted as an apprentice, Immortal Immortal Venerable will not agree.

"Even if he can't be accepted as a disciple, it's not bad to let him often follow me and help me refine the elixir together."

Lu Qingfeng smiled in satisfaction, and immediately made a tactic with both hands, increasing the flame of the phoenix again, and all the medicinal materials in the pill furnace instantly dissolved and turned into a ball of powder.

"The last medicinal ingredient."

Liu Chen spoke slowly, but did not put it down immediately, but waited for the pill powder in the pill furnace to be fused into a pill.

After a while, the dan powder slowly turned into a dan, but there were so many cracks on it.

"It's now!"

Lu Qingfeng and Liu Chen said in unison.

With a wave of Liu Chen's hand, the last medicinal material flew into the pill furnace, and was instantly swallowed by the flames of the phoenix, turning into a ball of powder, covering the cracked pill.

Gradually, the phoenix flame gradually became smaller, and a bright red pill floated on top of the pill furnace.

"Would it be too much of a loss to refine only one Resurrection Pill after spending so much medicinal material?"

Looking at the Resurrection Pill in the pill furnace, Liu Chen asked tentatively.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng frowned, shook his head, and sighed, "The refining of this Resurrection Pill has failed."

"Why? Isn't it already a pill?"

Liu Chen looked at Lu Qingfeng in confusion and asked.


With a wave of his sleeve, Lu Qingfeng grabbed the elixir in his hand, pointed to the cracks on it, and said, "This is full of cracks, it might turn into elixir within three days."

Liu Chen took a closer look, and found that this Resurrection Pill had quite a lot of pill lines, which was a bit outrageous, but after all, it had already become a pill.

It is not easy to refine the Resurrection Pill for the first time and become a Pill.

As long as it is refined a few times, the probability and quantity of alchemy will be greatly increased.

"I'll give you this Resurrection Pill. That's all for today. We'll continue tomorrow."

With a wave of his sleeve, Lu Qingfeng threw the Resurrection Pill to Liu Chen, and immediately walked towards the inside of the cave, seemingly a little disappointed.

"Thank you for the gift, senior."

With a smile on his face, Liu Chen immediately accepted the Resurrection Pill, and with a little finger, the vitality in his body gushed out continuously and poured into the Resurrection Pill.

Immediately, there was a miraculous change in the Resurrection Pill, and the pill pattern on it decreased one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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