
Chapter 805 Duel

Chapter 805 Duel
"Sure enough!"

Liu Chen looked at the Resurrection Pill in his hand. There were originally countless pill patterns, but now there are only six traces left, as long as Liu Chen is given enough time.

There must be a way to turn this Resurrection Pill into a Flawless Resurrection Pill!
It's just that he was still staying in Lu Qingfeng's cave, Liu Chen didn't dare to be too blatant, so he immediately included the soul-reviving pill in the Sumeru Ring.

When he was in the five lands, Liu Chen was able to use the ancient jade to make the pill advanced, and the power in the ancient jade was the power of life.

Liu Chen is now directly mobilizing the life force in his body and injecting it into the elixir. Unexpectedly, it can also make the elixir advanced.

The gap between a low-level Resurrection Pill and the Wuxia Resurrection Pill is at least ten times.

Liu Chen raised his head, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, showing a smug smile, he seemed to have seen a way to make money.

Buying a large amount of low-level pills, and then selling them as flawless pills, the price difference is enough to make Liu Chen a lot of money.

Just thinking about it makes me excited!

After being busy for a long time, Lu Qingfeng started to retreat early to rest, while Liu Chen wandered around in the cave for a long time.

There are many open stone rooms, on which there are seven or eight pills and materials.

Anyway, Lu Qingfeng didn't stop him, so Liu Chen had no scruples. Taking advantage of his time to rest in seclusion, Liu Chen walked through several stone rooms.

Those unfamiliar pills and medicinal materials left a deep impression on Liu Chen at this moment.

When Liu Chen's cultivation reached the level of Liu Chen, he would never forget it. As long as Liu Chen was given enough medicinal materials, Liu Chen could also refine the Marrow Cleansing Pill.

Even the Resurrection Pill, you can try it.


For the next two days, Lu Qingfeng and Liu Chen practiced alchemy in the cave.

With the first experience, in the next two days, two batches of pills were refined, each time getting better and better.

A lot of precious medicinal materials were spent, as well as Liu Chen and Lu Qingfeng's great energy, and it was finally rewarding.

In two days, a total of two Resurrection Pills were refined.

It's a pity that both of them are low-level rejuvenation pills.

Lu Qingfeng looked at the low-level Resurrection Pill in his hand, and shook his head, looking a little disappointed.

"Senior Lu, even if it's just a low-level medicine, I think some people will beat their heads and want to buy it."

Liu Chen smiled and said.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng smiled irrefutably, and said to himself, "Even if the pill that Lu Qingfeng sells is the marrow washing pill, there are people rushing for it, let alone the precious resurrection pill."

"Then why did Senior Lu sigh?"

Liu Chen asked calmly.

"It is so difficult to refine the soul-returning pill, but if you want to refine the soul-returning pill, it will be even more difficult."

"The most important thing is that I have never heard of many medicinal materials in the Returning God Pill, so how do I collect them?"

Lu Qingfeng sighed again and again, and said.

"There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. Senior Lu doesn't need to worry."

Liu Chen continued to speak.

"Forget it, let's go out first, just as if they were showing off my new achievements!"

Lu Qingfeng was high-spirited, and after tidying up a bit, he immediately flew to the cave, followed by Liu Chen.

Generally speaking, alchemists are more sloppy.

At least in Liu Chen's impression, people who practice alchemy are old people, or people who don't pay attention to their image.

Unexpectedly, before going out again, Lu Qingfeng would do a special tidying up, and only go out after cleaning up.

It is indeed different from other alchemists.

Not long after, the two returned to the Mission Pavilion again.

This time, Liu Chen followed Lu Qingfeng directly to the second floor.

"You hand in the task, I'll meet a few people."

After the words fell, Lu Qingfeng walked forward without looking back.

Liu Chen nodded slightly, and immediately walked to the counter, threw out the task card and the black card at the same time, and looked at the young woman expressionlessly.

"Tch! It's just bad luck, what's there to be proud of!"

The young woman reluctantly accepted the black card and task card.

Immediately afterwards, the black card buzzed, and a string of clear numbers emerged, which happened to be ten thousand and nine hundred.

Excluding the odds, there is still a shortfall of forty thousand to exchange for a Jade Cuisine Pill.

However, Liu Chen has now mastered the way to make money, but he can't be too ostentatious, he must make money quietly.

"It's really a narrow road for enemies!"

At this time, Jian Xin also stepped onto the second floor of the Mission Pavilion, staring at Liu Chen with hostility.

"But the second floor of the mission pavilion, is it possible for a waste like you to come up?"

Immediately afterwards, Jian Xin raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a sarcastic smile, and slowly walked towards Liu Chen.

The meaning of provocation in the words is obvious.

"I want to come up, come up, what does it have to do with you!"

Liu Chen's face darkened, and he always felt that Jian Xin was about to take the opportunity to pick things up again.

"The waste should stay where the waste stays. You are not qualified to come up to the second floor of the Mission Pavilion!"

Jian Xin's voice was not loud, but it was very ear-piercing, and it fell into everyone's ears clearly.

They all looked at Liu Chen with a smile, to see how he smoothed things over.

"I am the third disciple of Immortal Immortal Venerable? Am I qualified?"

Liu Chen said lightly, calmly.

The third disciple of Immortal Immortal Venerable!

These words hit them like a bolt from the blue, they were shocked and looked at Liu Chen in disbelief.

Up and down, he looked at Liu Chen repeatedly, wishing to see through him, but he couldn't see anything special about Liu Chen.

How could such an ordinary person be the third disciple of Immortal Immortal Venerable!
"Tch! Waste is waste. If I have no strength, I will only rely on the support of my master and brother behind me."

Jianxin mocked mercilessly.

It turned out to be the third disciple of Immortal Venerable Immortal Venerable!
At first they were skeptical, but since Jian Xin said so, it proved that Liu Chen was not lying.

One is the third disciple of Gu Jianxianzun, who has the strength of the late stage of transforming gods.

One is the third disciple of Immortal Immortal Venerable, who only has the strength of the early stage of transformation.

They really want to take a closer look at the contest between these two people, what kind of conflict will erupt.

"Aren't you ashamed to challenge me, who is only at the early stage of God Transformation, with my strength in the late stage of Transformation God?"

"If the two of us have the same cultivation base, I only need one move to knock you down!"

Liu Chen's eyes showed fierceness, staring at Jian Xin's eyes, fighting each other.

Immediately, the second floor of the Mission Pavilion was filled with the smell of gunpowder, as if it would explode at the touch of a button.

Everyone's eyes fell on Jian Xin, and they were very much looking forward to a fight between Jian Xin and Liu Chen.

Anyway, it's not a big deal to watch the excitement, the more intense the fight, the better.

"Hey! Someone come out with me, I will suppress my cultivation to the early stage of transformation!"

Jian Xin said coldly, and immediately walked outside, but an imperceptible fierce light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

You took the initiative to provoke this attack. Even if I kill you at that time, they will have nothing to say.

"Who is afraid of who!"

Liu Chen said lightly, and immediately flew out.

Liu Chen, the third disciple of Immortal Lord, fights against Jian Xin, the third disciple of Ancient Sword Immortal Lord!
It immediately attracted a large number of people in the mission pavilion, so they rushed out of the mission pavilion and stood on the sidelines from a distance.

"Swords have no eyes, if I accidentally kill you, don't blame me!"

With a serious expression on his face, Jian Xin immediately drew out his long sword, pointing directly at Liu Chen.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled disapprovingly, and said, "You and I fight fairly, and I die at your hands, so naturally no one will trouble you."

"it is good!"

Jian Xin smiled in satisfaction, and then his figure flashed, and he charged towards Liu Chen in an instant, his aura was indeed only in the early stage of transformation.

"Kirin Iron Arm!"

Liu Chen made a tactic with both hands, and the unicorn iron arm on his right arm spread out instantly, covering the entire arm, releasing an impressive aura.

At this moment, Jian Xin suppressed his cultivation, but it was not easy for Liu Chen to defeat him with one move.

You must know that the long sword in Jian Xin's hand is also a real treasure, and its grade is still above the Qilin Iron Arm.

I can only use fairy art to catch him by surprise!
The Qilin Iron Arm continued to release a strong breath, which attracted Jianxin's full attention. The corners of his mouth raised slightly, showing a smug smile, and said: "Even if we have the same cultivation level, this Changhong Sword is of the same rank as the Qilin Sword. On the Iron Arm!"

"You are not my opponent at all!"

As soon as the words fell, Jian Xin turned into an afterimage and killed Liu Chen. The Changhong Sword in his hand slashed straight down. He obviously didn't intend to leave anyone alive!

"Immortal art! Light curtain sword rain!"

Liu Chen looked dignified, and immediately made a gesture with both hands, and suddenly flexed his fingers.

There was only a buzzing sound, and the sky was covered with golden lightsabers, stabbing towards the heart of the sword in an instant.

Bang bang bang!
In order to save himself, Jian Xin had no choice but to turn around and use the Changhong Sword to defeat these lightsabers, but unfortunately there are too many golden lightsabers, and they are all-pervasive.

I can't resist it at all!
One of the lightsabers left a deep gash on Kenshin's arm, dripping with blood.

Then, there were more and more wounds like this.

"Using fairy art from the very beginning, Liu Chen made it clear that he just didn't want to give Jian Xin a living."

"Isn't Jian Xin the same? His attack is extremely fierce, and it seems that he also wants to take Liu Chen's life."

"This trick of Light Curtain Sword Rain caught the sword's heart off guard, and the outcome has already been decided."

Everyone was discussing, looking at the embarrassed Jian Xin, they all sighed and shook their heads.

As expected of the third disciple of Immortal Venerable, he is indeed stronger with the same cultivation.

"Tch! It's not over yet!"

Jian Xin's body was dripping with blood, his face was ferocious, and he looked very terrifying, and a breath of mid-transformation spirit was released quietly.

In an instant, he jumped to the late stage of transforming gods.

Jian Xin held the Changhong Sword in his hand, and made a lot of tricks with both hands. He saw a rainbow of seven colors surrounding him, instantly defeated the light curtain of sword rain, and charged towards Liu Chen.

"The breath of the late stage of transformation!"

Liu Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, and retreated reflexively, a trace of fear emerged in the depths of his eyes.

In the face of powerful strength, he has no resistance.

"You forced me!"

Jian Xin grinned grimly, and the Changhong Sword in his hand fell down in an instant, slashing towards Liu Chen's Tianling Gai.

If this sword hits, Liu Chen's body and Nascent Soul will be split in half.

(End of this chapter)

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