
Chapter 806 Quarrel

Chapter 806 Quarrel

A thunderous voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a broad and powerful palm descended from the sky, holding down Jian Xin and the Changhong Sword in his hand.

"He is the third disciple of Immortal Immortal Venerable, do you dare to kill him, do you want to kill him?"

Lu Qingfeng walked out slowly, stood beside Liu Chen, glared at Jian Xin, and scolded.

"Since it's a duel, you have to go all out. It's hard to stop at the critical moment. Fortunately, Senior Lu stopped it in time, otherwise this junior will cause a catastrophe."

"Thank you, Senior Lu."

Jian Xin's expression changed, and a smile immediately appeared on his face, showing respect to Lu Qingfeng.

"It's just a shameless villain."

Liu Chen spoke lightly, ridiculed unabashedly, and said: "You can't beat me, but you actually use the power of the late stage of Huashen, I really feel ashamed for Gu Jianxian!"

"How could you accept such a corrupt disciple!"

"Shut up!"

Jian Xin's complexion changed suddenly, and he pointed at Liu Chen with shame and anger, only to feel that his face was red and his ears were red, even up to his neck.

He always felt that there were countless accusations and mocking eyes beside him, which made him very unhappy.

"You used the strength of the late stage of the transformation of the gods just now, everyone present can see clearly, do you still want to quibble?"

Liu Chen looked at Jian Xin with a smile on his face, and immediately put away the unicorn arm, with a playful face.

Lu Qingfeng was obviously on Liu Chen's side. As for the onlookers, they could see clearly that they would definitely not help Jian Xin.

"That's right, I did use my strength in the late stage of Transformation God."

Jian Xin knew that this matter could not be avoided, so he simply admitted it, but then added another sentence, and continued: "But that's because I sensed the aura of the passing water in you, and that's why I killed you."

"Nonsense! He is a disciple of Immortal Venerable, how could he have the aura of defying immortality and passing water?"

"Passing Water is indeed powerful, but it is impossible to transform into Liu Chen's appearance and flaunt in the fairy world!"

Lu Qingfeng's expression darkened, and he stared at Jian Xin viciously, very displeased.

If it wasn't for Gu Jianxianzun's face, Lu Qingfeng would have slapped him long ago and talked so much nonsense with him!

"Yeah, I got it!"

Jian Xin looked startled, looked at Liu Chen suddenly realized, pointed to the unicorn iron arm in his hand, and said, "I finally know why I can feel the breath of Ni Xian Fa passing water on you."

"It's all because of Qilin Iron Arm!"

Jian Xin clanged every word and stared at Liu Chen maliciously.

Especially the last sentence, which immediately aroused everyone's curiosity.

Seeing the situation, there was an imperceptible smugness in the depths of Jian Xin's eyes, he paused, and then said: "We accepted the mission that day and entered the north of the fairy world."

"I happened to see Passing Water kill Fat Hu and the others, and also snatch Qilin Iron Arm."

"At first we wanted to replace them, but we didn't expect the passing water to escape very quickly, and disappeared all at once."

As soon as the words fell, the crowd immediately became agitated, discussing a lot, and all suspicious eyes fell on Liu Chen.

"I also know about this. That day, Fat Tiger and others followed Liu Chen and asked him to enter the north of the fairy world together to carry out the mission of suppressing bandits."

"Yeah, I'm also very curious. With Liu Chen's strength, how could he kill Fat Tiger and the others, and even take away the Qilin Iron Arm. It turns out that it has something to do with Passing Water."

"I didn't expect Liu Chen to be the third disciple of Immortal Venerable on the surface, but secretly has such an identity, and even concealed it from Immortal Immortal Venerable. It's amazing."

Jian Xin smiled triumphantly, walked towards Liu Chen slowly, pointed to the unicorn iron arm on his arm, and said lightly: "You are walking with Fat Tiger and others, why did Passing Water only kill them, but not you?"

"Not only didn't kill you, but also gave you this unicorn iron arm?"

"You explain to us, why is this?"

"I have to say that your method of diverting other people's attention is really top-notch."

Liu Chen gave Jian Xin a thumbs up, gritted his teeth and said, but his face was extremely gloomy.

Jian Xin mentioned this matter in front of so many people, which undoubtedly pushed Liu Chen to the forefront, and he had to give a convincing answer.

Otherwise, the following days will definitely be difficult.

"I exchanged something with him!"

Liu Chen's face was not flushed, his heart was not beating, and he said lightly, what he said was so serious that even he himself almost believed it.

"What? It was able to let Passing Water spare your life, and even gave you the unicorn iron arm!"

Jian Xin frowned and asked immediately.

Hearing this, Liu Chen chuckled twice, looked at Jian Xin meaningfully, and replied: "What is it, don't you know?"

"You promised Fat Tiger a Jade Pill, let him forcefully take me to the north of the fairy world, and finally use the hands of gangsters to kill people, isn't it because of that thing on me?"

"It's a pity that the culprit didn't show up, but attracted Passing Water. Not only did Passing Water not kill me, but he also gave me the Qilin Iron Arm. You must be very disappointed when you took away that thing?"

Liu Chen pressed on step by step, stood in front of Jian Xin, and said provocatively.

Immediately, the crowd exploded again, looking at Liu Chen and Jian Xin with puzzled expressions.

"What! Jian Xin wants to use the hands of gangsters to kill Liu Chen. This is too incredible. Liu Chen is the third disciple of Immortal Immortal Venerable!"

"I think this time, even if Gu Jian Xianzun comes out, he won't be able to keep him!"

"But I'm even more curious, what is there on Liu Chen's body that can drive Jian Xin so crazy, and let Passing Water spare his life!"

"It must be a very precious thing. Its value is far higher than that of Jade Cui Pill and Qilin Iron Arm."

Everyone talked a lot, and looked at Jian Xin again, full of disdain.

"Liu Chen! Stop spitting blood here!"

Jian Xin was furious, and immediately pointed the Changhong Sword at Liu Chen, and scolded.

It can be seen that Jian Xin has lost his position, and even his speech has become disorganized.

"You must be in collusion with Nixian, that's why Passing Water will spare your life, stop sophistry!"

Jian Xin firmly insisted that Liu Chen is Nixian, wishing to kill Liu Chen immediately.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled disapprovingly, shrugged his shoulders, and said with a light smile, "If I were a rebel, Master would definitely kill me with his own hands, so there's no need for you to do it!"

"But you designed to harm me, I will not let this matter go!"

Liu Chen's face darkened, and he stared at Jian Xin with cold eyes, full of murderous intent.

"Tch! We just happened to see it that day. I really don't know what purpose you deliberately planted on me."

Kenshin continued to retort.

Seeing this, the onlookers already knew it, but no one dared to point it out.

After all, Jian Xin is still the third disciple of Gu Jian Xianzun at this moment, so don't offend him if he can.

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Black Phoenix, we entered the Immortal World North to perform a mission together that day."

Suddenly, Jian Xin changed the subject and mentioned Hei Huang.

It just so happened that Heihuang was hiding in the crowd at this moment, her brows were furrowed, and she stared at Jianxin fiercely, wishing she could know Jianxin's life directly with one palm.

To prevent him from biting people and taking himself out of the water!


Heihuang had no choice but to walk out from the crowd, looked at Jian Xin with a cold and arrogant expression, and nodded slightly.

I'm having a hard time!I won't make it easy for you either!
The corners of Jian Xin's mouth rose slightly, revealing a crazy smile.

When the matter has reached this point, everyone knows more or less, and Jian Xin will not be valued by Gu Jianxian, it can be said that it has reached the end of the mountain.

However, everyone only knew that Jian Xin and Liu Chen had conflicts.

But Jian Xin's words just now took Hei Huang out of the water immediately.

The complicated matters must be related to Jian Xin and Hei Huang.

"Do you think your plan is flawless? When I find evidence, it will be your death!"

Liu Chen's face was frosty, and there was a killing intent in his eyes.

Anyway, there are already irresolvable contradictions, so let's fight to the end and see who can live with a smile.

At this moment, Immortal Gu Jian was hiding in the void, looking at Jian Xin with disgust, fortunately he didn't say that.

Otherwise, Gu Jian Xianzun would definitely kill him with his own hands.

Even so, Jian Xin was useless to him, even if he died in Liu Chen's hands, he wouldn't care about it.

"Why did you have a grudge against them?"

Lu Qingfeng walked to Liu Chen's side and asked with a frown.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled helplessly, and said: "It's not that I want to form an enmity with them, but it starts from the moment I entered the fairy world."

"They coveted the things on me, and they tried to kill me again and again."

"What is it that can make them so crazy?"

Lu Qingfeng asked tentatively.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled slightly, and said lightly, "A drop of blood, but it has already been taken away by the passing water."

"A drop of blood?"

Lu Qingfeng frowned, and there was a hint of doubt in the depths of his eyes.

But at this moment, his attention was no longer on Liu Chen, but on Passing Shui.

Not only him, but almost everyone's attention turned to Passing Water.

Because they knew that there was one rare thing on Passing Water, and there was also a Jade Cui Pill. If anyone could catch Passing Water, the benefits would definitely be great.

sorry!I was forced to be helpless, so I made such a bad move!

Liu Chen secretly prayed in his heart, hoping that everything will be safe in the passing water, and even more hope that he will not blame himself for this matter.


Paishui rubbed his nose, looked at the sky in the distance, and asked in confusion, "Who is thinking of me?"

At this time, Mr. Li walked towards the passing water, and ordered: "Recently, there will be a batch of supplies from Immortal World to the Task Pavilion, although this batch of supplies is not much."

"However, no matter how small the mosquito is, it's still meat. You pack it up and bring a few to greet them."

Hearing this, Passing Water nodded slightly, and said, "Old Li, don't worry, we must bring back all the supplies."

As soon as the voice fell, the passing water disappeared immediately, and he began to look for helpers and plan matters related to intercepting the supplies.

(End of this chapter)

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