
Chapter 807 Material Escort

Chapter 807 Material Escort

On this day, Liu Chen was standing outside the cave where the Immortal Immortal Venerable was retreating, and was about to ask him how to return to the five lands.

But he saw a figure flying towards Liu Chen.

"Third Junior Brother, I've been looking for you for a long time, but I didn't expect you to be here."

Qi Yan's figure flashed and appeared beside Liu Chen, smiling.

Hearing this, Liu Chen was slightly taken aback, and said, "Second Senior Brother, what's the matter?"

"It's really a little thing."

Qi Yan directly explained the purpose of coming, and said: "The thing is like this, there is a batch of materials escorted by the Mission Pavilion, and they need to go through the North of the Immortal World."

"Someone above asked you to go there by name, and you will get [-] mission points if you succeed in the mission."

Liu Chen frowned slightly, always feeling that something was wrong, looked at Qi Yan in confusion, and asked, "The people above? Let me go by name? What do you mean?"

"I don't know exactly what it is. I'm just conveying the news. If you don't want to go, you can refuse directly."

Qi Yan spread his hands, shrugged, and said indifferently.

Twenty thousand points!

At the thought of [-] points, Liu Chen's heart suddenly became hot.

"Escort supplies, who is leading the team?"

Liu Chen continued to ask.

Hearing this, Qi Yan raised his head and thought for a while, then immediately replied: "It seems to be Hei Huang, the third disciple of Immortal Master Qian Zhan, besides that, there are also ten strong men in the middle stage of transformation."

"In a chaotic place like the North of the Immortal World, only send a strong man in the late stage of transformation to lead the team? Isn't the Mission Pavilion too hasty?"

Liu Chen half-believed, and even suspected that this was a trap.


Suddenly, Qi Yan made a silent gesture, and said through voice transmission: "I tell you, don't say it!"


Liu Chen nodded slightly.

"The last time Immortal Gu Jian led people to clean up the North of the Immortal World failed, so this time, Immortal Gu Jian deliberately released the news that he would escort a batch of supplies through the North of the Immortal World."

"The purpose is to lure the group of rebellious immortals to take the bait, and then catch them all in one go."

not good!

Liu Chen said inwardly, "Passing Water and the others don't know the truth, so they will definitely go to intercept them. Once they go, the consequences will be disastrous!"
Some way must be found to inform them.

But in front of Qi Yan, Liu Chen couldn't be too obvious, shook his head, and said: "It seems that the one who called my name should be Gu Jian Xianzun."

"Even Master Gu Jianxian has come out, I'm afraid I have no reason to refuse, right?"

Liu Chen smiled bitterly.

Hearing this, Qi Yan laughed, and said: "You and senior brother have provoked Jian Xin and Gu Jian Xianzun again and again, that old thing must hold grudges in his heart."

"But Eldest Senior Brother is already in the Void Refining Realm, and he is also a fairy envoy. He is not easy to do it, so he has to pick you."

"But you don't have to worry. Now that everyone knows that you are the disciple of Immortal Venerable Immortal, even if that old thing trips you secretly, he won't dare to really hurt you."

"It really doesn't work, second senior brother will accompany you to see what kind of storm that old thing can cause!"

Qiyan stepped forward and vowed.

Seeing the situation, Liu Chen immediately waved his hands. It's good that Qiyan is not here, but it's inconvenient to follow, so he waved his hands again and again, saying: "I believe Second Senior Brother, Gu Jian Xianzun will not dare to harm me!"

"Hey, I have a Master's Yuanshen card here. If that old thing dares to harm you, you can sacrifice the Yuanshen card, and Master's Yuanshen will naturally appear."

With a big wave of Qi Yan's hand, he immediately threw a wooden sign to Liu Chen, and there was indeed a strong aura inside.

"Thank you Second Senior Brother!"

Liu Chen accepted the Yuanshen card and thanked Qiyan repeatedly.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Yan left immediately.

Looking at the Yuanshen card in his hand, Liu Chen frowned.

Immortal Immortal Venerable's Yuanshen card can definitely come in handy at critical moments, but carrying it with you is like a monitor.

No matter when, Immortal Immortal Venerable could detect Liu Chen's every move.

Once Liu Chen came into contact with Ni Xian, Immortal Immortal Venerable would notice immediately, and it would be the end of it.


Liu Chen sighed for a long time, and immediately flew towards the Mission Pavilion.

It may be because Liu Chen's name is already well-known in the fairy world, so as soon as he entered the Mission Pavilion, he immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

Everyone knows that this is the third disciple of Immortal Venerable Immortal Venerable!

"You finally came!"

With a blank expression on his face, Heihuang glanced at Liu Chen, then waved his hand and said, "Let's go!"

As soon as the words fell, ten mid-stage powerhouses immediately followed Heihuang and flew north towards the fairy world, followed by Liu Chen.

Following Liu Chen's gaze, there were three large boxes in this batch of supplies, and seals were placed on the outside.

Therefore, it is impossible to perceive what is hidden in the box.

"I really don't understand why Gu Jian Xianzun asked me to escort this batch of supplies by name."

Liu Chen spoke calmly.

Everyone was silent, but Heihuang paused, and said flatly: "How could we know the decision of Immortal Gu Jian?"

"I only have the cultivation level of the early stage of the transformation of the gods. Although I have mastered the fairy art and the unicorn iron arm, I may not be able to defeat the strong in the middle stage of the transformation of the gods."

"Once you get into a fight with Nixian, not only will I be unable to help you, but it will actually hold you back."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, one more you in the team is not too many, and one less you is not much."

Hei Huang said lightly, as if whether Liu Chen joined or not had nothing to do with him.

Hearing this, Liu Chen frowned, and couldn't help but look at Hei Huang more.

Compared with Jian Xin, Black Phoenix is ​​much more powerful.

"Gu Jian Xianzun has a life, how dare I refuse, let alone [-] mission points."

Liu Chen smiled lightly.

Liu Chen was very puzzled, he had already confessed everything that day, claiming that the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart was no longer on him.

But why did Gu Jian Xianzun still not let me go?
Generally speaking, they should turn their attention to the passing water.

Could it be that Immortal Master Gu Jian wants to vent his anger on Jian Xin and teach me a good lesson in the north of Immortal World?
Liu Chen shook his head, really couldn't figure it out.

After a while, everyone entered the north of the fairy world, and suddenly the sky was full of yellow sand, and there was a murderous atmosphere, giving people an ominous premonition.

I walked a long way inside again, but never met Ni Xian.

Liu Chen secretly prayed in his heart, hoping that the passing water would not appear, because this was the trap of the ancient sword fairy!

Ancient Sword Immortal Venerable is a strong man in the Great Consummation Realm of Void Refinement, how could Passing Water be his opponent.

No one would have expected that such a small batch of supplies would be protected by an immortal.

As the saying goes, what you are afraid of will come, and you can see a thick yellow sand, coming from a distance, and rushing towards Heihuang and others.


Heihuang's complexion darkened, and with a vigilant warning, he immediately pulled back.

Swish swish!
Suddenly, more than a dozen figures jumped out of the yellow sand, and the leader of them was Ni Xian Shao Shui. The wave mark on his forehead was obvious.

"Good come!"

The black phoenix smiled instead of anger, immediately shouted, turned into a black phoenix, and rushed towards the passing water.


Liu Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, and only today did he know that the third disciple of Immortal Master Qian Zhan was a demon cultivator!
"On behalf of all Nixians, I would like to express my gratitude to you for the things you sent." Passing Water laughed, and immediately reached out to grab those supplies.

"It's beautiful to think about it! Let's talk about it after passing my test!"

The black phoenix was powerful, its wings were burning with raging black flames, covering the sky and covering the ground, forming a circle, trapping the passing water inside.

On the other side, more than a dozen Nixians also rushed up, and one of them rushed towards Liu Chen impressively.

It turned out to be a mid-stage powerhouse!
"Thunder Fist!"

Nixian made a tactic with both hands, and with a fierce look in his eyes, he punched Liu Chen hard, hitting Liu Chen's chest directly, it was a deadly blow.

Liu Chen was shocked, and the unicorn iron arm on his right arm changed rapidly.

Liu Chen raised his right hand and blocked Nixian's attack with the help of the unicorn's iron arm.

After all, there was a gap in strength, and Liu Chen was slightly injured by this blow.

"Suffer to death!"

Ni Xian refused to give up, and didn't give Liu Chen any chance to breathe, but continued his strength and charged forward again.

And the attack of this blow is bigger than before.

"Kirin Iron Arm!"

Liu Chen didn't dare to neglect, and he didn't even know why it happened, so he immediately punched him.

I'm one of my own, so it's fine to pretend, why do you want to kill me!
Liu Chen's heart was about to collapse, and he wished he could ask the passing water to understand, but it was a pity that he was entangled by the black phoenix at the moment, and he couldn't escape in a short time.

The two fists collided, and Liu Chen's right arm moved back obviously.

Immediately afterwards, heart-rending pains came from the knuckles of the fingers, as if the whole arm did not belong to him.

Shaking the unicorn's iron arm with his physical body, the Nixian was also uncomfortable.

"Xianshu! Horror storm!"

Nixian's face darkened, his eyes were filled with cold killing intent, and he immediately made a tactic with both hands.

Immortal techniques are all used!

Liu Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, this was completely beyond the scope of acting.

I thought so in my heart, but the movements of my hands were not slow at all!

"Immortal art! Light curtain sword rain!"

Liu Chen's expression was solemn, he made a gesture with both hands, and suddenly flexed his fingers.

I saw countless lightsabers descending from the sky, stabbing Ni Xian.

And a strong wind condensed in front of that Nixian, which contained extremely terrifying power, not weaker than Liu Chen's light curtain sword rain.

The two immortal arts confronted each other.

And Nixian possesses the powerful strength of the middle stage of transformation, Liu Chen is not an opponent at all.

Seeing this scene, Pai Shui also panicked. In order not to show his flaws, he sent people to attack Liu Chen, and he knew that Liu Chen had the strength to fight against the mid-stage Huashen.

As long as he defeated the Black Phoenix and took away the supplies, this matter would be over.

It never occurred to him that the Ni Xian could even perform the immortal art, which was beyond his expectation.

It's a pity that he is restrained by the black phoenix now, and he can't get out to help him at all, and he can't help him openly, otherwise Liu Chen will be very passive.

"Death at the hands of Ni Xian, deserve it!"

The corners of Heihuang's mouth rose slightly, revealing a smug smile, then stared at the passing water, and said, "Give me the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart, maybe I can consider pleading with the Immortal Venerable to let you live?"

(End of this chapter)

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