
Chapter 808 Arrested

Chapter 808 Arrested
"What do you mean?"

Passing water frowned, and suddenly felt a powerful breath erupting from all directions.

This aura is not weaker than Mr. Li's at all. The most important thing is to completely seal off all escape routes, like a light mask, trapping them all inside.

At this moment, not only Passing Water, but also other people felt the coercion.

"Three disciples of Immortal Venerable, you dare to be so rude!"

"court death!"

Immortal Gu Jian walked out of the void unhurriedly, and with a wave of his sleeves, the Nixian died suddenly on the spot, turning into a rain of blood.


Liu Chen panted heavily, looking at the rain of blood with lingering fear, if Immortal Gu Jian made his move a little later, he might be the one who rained blood all over the sky.

But Liu Chen couldn't figure out why Gu Jian Xianzun saved him, since Ni Xian had a chance to kill him just now, Gu Jian Xianzun just had to pretend to be late.

Suddenly, Liu Chen suddenly realized, and immediately retreated behind Gu Jianxianzun.

Both Qi Yan and Liu Chen knew that Gu Jian Xianzun asked Liu Chen to participate in the material escort by name, if Liu Chen died in the north of the fairy world.

No matter what the reason is, as long as Liu Chen dies, Immortal Venerable Immortal will blame Gu Jian Immortal Venerable.

Thinking about it this way, then there is only one purpose left for Gu Jian Xianzun.

It's not for the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart on Liu Chen, but to test whether Liu Chen is a Nixian or not.

Obviously, Liu Chen has passed the temptation of Gu Jianxianzun.


Standing behind Gu Jian Xianzun, Liu Chen still felt that he was still in shock, the moment just now was really too thrilling.

"Ni Immortal Passing Water, you still have some reputation, you must know a lot of secrets inside Ni Immortal."

A flash of light flashed in Gu Jian Xianzun's eyes, he immediately made a tactic with both hands, and suddenly bent his fingers, and saw three golden threads appear out of thin air, rising against the wind, tightly trapping the passing water.

No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free.

"This is a black silk thread, even a strong Void Refiner cannot break free, not to mention you only have the cultivation base of the late stage of transformation."

"But you don't have to worry, at least I won't kill you right now."

Gu Jianxian smiled proudly, then waved his sleeves, controlled the passing water in front of him, stared coldly at the other Nixians, and said lightly: "Kill them!"


Without Passing Water, the remaining Nixians were leaderless and in chaos. Unfortunately, they were controlled by the coercion of Gu Jianxianzun in all directions, and they had nowhere to escape.

Moreover, Heihuang is a strong person in the late stage of transforming gods. With his help, more than ten Nixians were all beheaded in less than half a stick of incense, and even Nascent Soul did not escape.

Everyone's death is very miserable.

But Passing Water and Liu Chen could only watch helplessly, helpless, the feeling of powerlessness and anger can only be understood by personal experience.

"take away!"

Immortal Gu Jian was very satisfied with today's harvest, and immediately waved his sleeves, and the people under his hands immediately flew out of the north of the fairy world with the passing water.

The direction they went back was not the Mission Pavilion, but the cave of the Ancient Sword Immortal.

How to do?
Liu Chen frowned, racking his brains, thinking about how to rescue the passing water, but his mind went blank, and he couldn't think of any way.

After a while, everyone returned to the fairyland, but saw an indifferent man blocking the way of Gu Jianxianzun.

"Where are you taking him?"

Qian Zhan Xianzun asked in a deep voice.

"Naturally it is my cave."

Gu Jianxian said lightly.

Hearing this, Immortal Master Qian Zhan showed a sneer on his face, and continued: "Since he is a rebellious immortal, you have no right to deal with him alone, you must send him to the immortal prison."

"Hmph! This person was caught by me, so I can deal with him however I want!"

After the words fell, Gu Jian Xianzun waved his sleeves, wanting to forcibly take the passing water away.

Until now, Liu Chen finally figured everything out, and at the same time kept his mind on it.

Gu Jianxian must have thought that the blood of the Demon God's Heart was on Passing Water, so he left him, and insisted on taking him back to his cave.

And Immortal Venerable Qian Zhan is the master of Heihuang, how could he not know about this matter, his appearance at this time is precisely because of the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart.

The two fought against each other, neither giving way to the other.

Of course, the best result is to send the Passing Water to the Immortal Prison, so that Liu Chen still has a chance to visit the Passing Water. If he is taken to the cave of the Ancient Sword Immortal, there is really no way to rescue him.

"You want to bring him back to your cave so much, do you have some shady conspiracy?"

Immortal Venerable Qian Zhan said indifferently, although he didn't make it clear, he said it very straightforwardly.

Liu Chen, Heihuang, and Gu Jianxian all heard very clearly.

"Conspiracy? I am a majestic immortal, what kind of conspiracy do I need a Nixian to play?"

Gu Jian Xianzun laughed at himself, looked at Qian Zhan Xianzun coldly, and said lightly: "Do you know who he is? Ni Xian Fashui also has a very high status in the north of the fairy world."

"The reason I caught him was to get something useful out of his mouth."

"If we could know the address of Nixian's headquarters from him, we wouldn't need to raid the north of the fairy world every year. We only need three immortal emperors, nine great immortals, and eighteen immortals to take down Nixian's headquarters. "

Gu Jianxian Zun spoke plausibly and spoke seriously.

It seems that he is obliged to support justice and eliminate harm for the people.


Liu Chen frowned and shook his head. Seeing Immortal Gu Jian, he felt more and more disgusted. He had the nerve to say such shameless words.

"Since this is the case, then he should be imprisoned in the fairy prison."

Immortal Venerable Qian Zhan said lightly, and left Immortal Venerable Gu Jian resolutely, but the strength of the two was evenly matched.

More importantly, Immortal Gu Jian did not dare to fight for the sake of Passing Water and Immortal Qian Zhan.

Otherwise, there will be no conspiracy at that time, and it will be discussed as a conspiracy.

"Excuse me, junior!"

"The Immortal Venerable's cave is certainly indestructible, but if a prisoner is held, he should be sent to the Immortal Prison, so that it complies with the rules."

Liu Chen looked calm, looked at the two immortals, and said.

Hearing this, Heihuang frowned, and couldn't help but look at Liu Chen more, probably he was the only one who dared to intervene in the words of the two immortals.

No way, who made him the disciple of Immortal Immortal Venerable?

Immortal Qian Zhan glanced at Liu Chen, and looked at Immortal Gu Jian indifferently.


Immortal Gu Jian waved his sleeves and left angrily. Before leaving, he said again, "What I can't get, you can't get it either!"

Immortal Venerable Qian Zhan didn't say anything, just waved his sleeves and said, "Heihuang, send him to the immortal prison."

"Yes, Master."

Heihuang nodded slightly, and immediately flew to the fairy prison with the passing water, and Liu Chen naturally followed closely behind.

"What's going on? I'm almost confused?"

Passing water was puzzled, racking his brains, he couldn't understand, when did he become a sweet pastry, and was scrambled by two immortals?
"This matter started a few days ago."

Liu Chen remained calm on the surface, unable to see any clues, but he explained via voice transmission: "I have a drop of the blood of the Demon God's Heart in my body, and they all want to get it, so they repeatedly hurt me."

"A few days ago, Jian Xin even called me Nixian, and claimed that you saved me and gave me the unicorn arm."

"I couldn't hide it, so I found an excuse to cover it up."

Hearing this, Passing Water had a black line on his forehead, and sighed, "Your excuse is that you gave me the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart?"

"Well! Only in this way, they will believe that I am not a Nixian, and will divert their attention from me."

Liu Chen smiled bitterly and replied.

"Originally, Immortal Gu Jian wanted to test my details today. Fortunately, Ni Xian attacked me desperately, so he didn't reveal his secrets. It's a pity that he was killed by Immortal Gu Jian."

"I didn't expect that he would kill you as soon as he came up, but in the end Gu Jian Xianzun appeared, and no one can change it."

Paishui sighed, filled with sorrow, and continued: "It's also fortunate that you said that the blood of the Demon God's Heart is here with me, so I was lucky enough to save my life, otherwise I would have died in the north of the Immortal World."

"Well, don't worry, I will definitely find a way to rescue you."

Liu Chen swore a promise.

Hearing this, Passing Water shook his head, and didn't have much hope for Liu Chen.

Not to mention that Liu Chen only had the strength of the early stage of transformation, and he couldn't even break through the gate of the fairy prison. The most important thing was that the fairy prison was heavily guarded.

It is impossible for a strong Void Refiner to snatch people away from inside without making a sound.

Once entering the Immortal Prison, especially Nixian, the chance of surviving is very slim.

Not long after, Heihuang entered the fairy prison with the passing water.

It was the first time Liu Chen entered the Immortal Prison. There were two mid-stage disciples standing at the door, and there was a dark passage in the middle, which was very humid.

On both sides are the iron cages, with a faint golden awn flowing over them, releasing a decent aura.

Liu Chen glanced across, and there were many strong men imprisoned in the prison, and some people's aura was even stronger than that of the immortal.

But in this fairy prison, they can't exert the slightest strength.

The reason is the golden lights on the iron cage, these golden lights are a formation formed by the three immortal emperors, which can greatly weaken the strength of the strong in the fairy prison.

"Go in!"

Heihuang unceremoniously kicked Shishui's back, kicked him into the iron cage, closed the iron door immediately, and said gloatingly: "When you get here, you can ask for good luck."

"If you have the ability, kill me directly. As for trying to get something out of me, it's just wishful thinking!"

Passing Water looked stubborn, leaning against the wall, as if waiting to die.

Hearing this, Heihuang frowned, looked at the passing water with a smile, and said meaningfully: "Don't worry, I won't let you die until you get what Master wants."

"Even if it is death, it will not let you die quickly!"

"Torture you for at least ten days and ten nights, make you covered with worms, and finally die in pain and wailing."

The black phoenix said with a ferocious face and a crazy expression.


Hearing this, Liu Chen couldn't help but gasp, he never thought that Hei Huang's heart was so vicious.

(End of this chapter)

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