
Chapter 809 Interrogation of Passing Water

Chapter 809 Interrogation of Passing Water
Liu Chen withdrew his gaze and concentrated on observing the fairy prison to see if there were any loopholes that could take the passing water out.

It's a pity that Liu Chen observed for a long time, but didn't find any loopholes.

This fairy prison is completely natural, except for the main entrance, the other places are sealed by the three fairy emperors, and almost no one can escape from other places.

In other words, if you want to take away the passing water, you must go through the main entrance.

"I heard that Gu Jian Xianzun captured a Nixian, let me see, who is it?"

Suddenly, a fat man with a big belly walked over, holding a long scarlet whip in his hand, especially his face, it made people sick to look at.

His face was greasy, and he licked it with his tongue from time to time, which was extremely disgusting.

"Friend Fat Immortal, this is the person."

Seeing Fat Fairy approaching, Hei Huang immediately gave way, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a gloating smile.

Liu Chen frowned slightly, watching Fat Immortal walking towards the passing water, he muttered to himself: "He really lives up to his name, not just fat!"


Suddenly, Fat Immortal frowned, turned around, stared at Liu Chen with displeasure, and said with a snort, "If it wasn't for the sake of you being Immortal Immortal Venerable's disciple, based on what you just said, I would use The Soul Beating Whip in my hand has taught you a lesson!"

"whispering sound."

Liu Chen shook his head in disdain, not taking Fat Fairy in his heart at all.

It's only in the mid-stage of transformation, Liu Chen has immortal skills and real treasures, so he may not be able to beat him.

"Give way!"

Fat Immortal squeezed forward, stood in front of the iron gate, looked down at the passing water, looked up and down, rejoiced and said: "It turned out to be Nixian Passing Water, this is a big fish."

"Drag him to the punishment hall!"

Fat Immortal spoke lightly, and immediately walked towards the depths of the Immortal Prison.

Immediately afterwards, a few men in the mid-stage of transformation of gods immediately supported the passing water and followed.

Seeing the situation, Heihuang waved his sleeves, indicating that the others could retreat, and he followed closely.

Liu Chen followed them into the so-called punishment hall.

This is a spacious hall, the surrounding walls are covered with various instruments of torture, some of which are even dripping with bright red blood.

The ground was even more dark red, as if countless blood had dried up on the ground, causing it to become like this.

When Liu Chen closed his eyes, he could even smell a trace of blood.

"Let him sit on it!"

Fat Immortal pointed at the only seat in the punishment hall and scolded.

Hearing this, the two men immediately sat down with the passing water in their arms.


As soon as Passing Water's body was lowered, the seat changed suddenly, and four steel needles pierced out, which happened to pierce Passing Water's limbs.

"It's just such a little pain, can't you bear it?"

Fat Fairy sneered.

Liu Chen stood beside him, looking at the passing water expressionlessly, but his heart was extremely nervous, and when he was about to leave, he saw Jian Xin walking into the punishment hall.

"Tch! It's really a narrow road to Yuanjia, and I can meet you wherever I go."

Jian Xin said coldly, and immediately walked around Liu Chen, walked up to Passing Water, and looked at him with a smile.

"The famous Passing Water isn't that bad either. I can't bear such a little pain." Fat Immortal sneered, and immediately clenched the Soul Beating Whip in his hand, and dropped it suddenly.


Passing Water let out a heart-piercing scream, his eyes protruded, and his eyes seemed to pop out, his facial features were exaggerated to the extreme.

Liu Chen looked intently, and couldn't help looking at Fat Fairy suspiciously.

The soul-beating whip landed on Paishui's body, obviously without leaving any scars, but it made Paishui unbearably painful.

After torturing for about half an hour, Fat Fairy didn't know why, so he turned and left.

Immediately, only Liu Chen, Jian Xin, Hei Huang, and Passing Water were left in the Hall of Punishment.

Everyone knew very well, especially Jian Xin and Hei Huang, all for the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart.

"You have only one choice now, obediently hand over the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart, maybe I can consider letting you suffer less torture."

A ray of light flashed in Jian Xin's eyes, he stared at the passing water with a serious expression, and said.

"Tch! If you want it then! Just get it yourself!"

Passing Water smiled disdainfully, spit a mouthful of blood on Jian Xin's face.

"I don't know what's wrong!"

Jian Xin was furious, and without a word, he drew his sword and stabbed Paishui's head.

With this sword, it will definitely split the head of Passing Water in two, and even Yuan Ying will perish together.

"what are you doing!"

Before Liu Chen could make a move, Hei Huang flexed his fingers and bounced off Jian Xin's attack.

Seeing this scene, Liu Chen heaved a long sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, Heihuang walked in front of the passing water, blocked Jian Xin, and threatened: "You have also seen the power of the soul whip, if you don't want to experience the taste of the soul whip again, hurry up and take the heart of the devil. Hand over your blood."

"It's good for you and me!"

Hearing this, Liu Chen couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a mocking smile, and said in a strange way: "I'm very curious."

"There is only one drop of the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart, but you both want it, so what should we do?"

"You don't have to worry about it!"

Jian Xin said coldly, stared at Liu Chen viciously, and then withdrew his gaze.

Heihuang remained silent, as long as whoever can get the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart first, then this drop of blood essence will belong to whoever!
And he is sure to defeat Jian Xin, so he is bound to get the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart.

Hearing Liu Chen's words, Passing Water suddenly realized, so he raised his head, looked at Jian Xin and Hei Huang with a smile, and said weakly: "Yes, I do have a drop of the blood of the Demon God's Heart on me."

"But I won't hand it over to you for nothing, otherwise, we will make a deal."

"Among you, if anyone can let me out, how about I give this drop of the blood of the Demon God's Heart to him?"

Hearing this, Jian Xin's face darkened, and he actually thought about the feasibility of this matter.

Heihuang laughed loudly, looked at the passing water sarcastically, and said, "Do you really think we are fools?"

"If we really help you escape from the fairy prison, even if we get the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart, I'm afraid we will be regarded as rebellious immortals and hunted down everywhere."

"By that time, not only will they not be benefited, but they will be left behind."

"Then there is no way."

Paishui was numb all over, leaning on the back of the chair, looking like he was waiting to die, and said indifferently: "Anyway, I will die anyway, so it's better to die with the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart."

At this moment, Liu Chen smiled slightly, and continued to speak, "I think you can consider his proposal."

"So far, only a few of us, Immortal Venerable Qian Zhan, and Immortal Gu Jian know about the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart."

"The longer the time drags on, the more people will know that there is a secret hidden in Passing Water. At that time, it will be difficult to say whose hands the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart will end up in."

With a smile on his face, Liu Chen said meaningfully: "Of course, you can also kill him directly, and return with his body."

"It's just that in this way, it will definitely attract the attention of those above, and the matter of the heart of the devil will definitely be exposed!"

Hearing this, both Jian Xin and Hei Huang looked hesitant. Hearing what Liu Chen said, it really made sense.

But the risk is too great, they are all just for the master's order, even if they get the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart, they still give it to the master in the end, and they can only get a little benefit from the master.

But if the matter is brought to light, Immortal Master Qian Zhan and Immortal Gu Jian will definitely push them out without hesitation in order to separate the relationship!
This is simply a thankless thing.

"Liu Chen! Which side are you on?"

Suddenly, Heihuang's complexion darkened, staring at Liu Chen coldly, and questioned.

He even began to suspect that Liu Chen was also a Nixian, otherwise these words seemed to be a reminder to them, but after careful analysis, they were helping Passing Water.

"I don't help anyone, just like you, I also care about that drop of blood from the Demon God's Heart."

Liu Chen's expression froze, he stared at Heihuang without showing any weakness, and said, "Because that drop of blood essence from the Demon God's Heart belongs to me!"

"How? Have you considered it?"

Passing water said lightly.

Heihuang remained silent, struggling in his heart, not knowing what to do for a moment, after all, the price of revealing the matter was too great.

"Hmph! Don't think that we will rescue you from the fairy prison. As for the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart, I will get it sooner or later!"

Heihuang said lightly, then turned and left.

Jian Xin spat on the face of the passing water, and then left angrily, leaving only Liu Chen and the passing water.

"They should be shaken."

Liu Chen spoke slowly.

Hearing this, Paishui moved his body, grinned his teeth in pain, and said, "Maybe."

"After half a month, the Immortal World will hold a rookie conference, and people from the human race, monster race, and spirit race will all come to participate."

"At that time, the Immortal Emperor, Immortal Venerable, and Immortal Envoy will all go there, and no one will pay attention to the Immortal Prison."

"I guess Jianxin and Heihuang will quietly enter the prison to save people at that time."

Passing Water's eyes flashed a gleam, he raised his head to look at Liu Chen, and said, "That's really great."


"There are still half a month, I must hurry up and prepare."

Liu Chen nodded slightly, and immediately backed out.

Both Jian Xin and Heihuang are strong in the late stage of the transformation of the gods, while Liu Chen only has the cultivation base of the early stage of the transformation of the gods. If they want to wait for them to take the passing water away from the fairy prison, they are intercepting them.

At least one must have a mid-stage cultivation base.

In other words, within half a month, a breakthrough must be made quickly.

As soon as he thought of this, Lu Qingfeng's figure appeared in Liu Chen's mind. With his alchemy skills, he should be able to refine many pills that can break through quickly.

After making up his mind, Liu Chen immediately exited the Immortal Prison and flew towards the Mission Pavilion.

With the halo of the third disciple of Immortal Immortal Venerable, Liu Chen flew all the way up to the second floor, looking for Lu Qingfeng.

"I'm looking for Senior Lu."

(End of this chapter)

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