
Chapter 810 Realm Breakthrough

Chapter 810 Realm Breakthrough
"Who is looking for me?"

Lu Qingfeng turned around slowly, and when he saw it was Liu Chen, he couldn't help being taken aback, and immediately walked towards Liu Chen.

"Do you have anything to do with me?"

Lu Qingfeng looked at Liu Chen suspiciously.

Hearing this, Liu Chen shook his head, looking a little embarrassed, not knowing how to speak to Lu Qingfeng.

Although I am the third disciple of the Immortal Immortal Venerable, I am really embarrassed to open my mouth to ask Lu Qingfeng for the elixir.

The most important thing is that Liu Chen doesn't have anything of value that can be exchanged at equal value.

"What pill do you want?"

Lu Qingfeng is a fine person, and he easily saw through Liu Chen's thoughts, so he asked.

When it comes to alchemy, people will think of Lu Qingfeng.

At this moment Liu Chen came to the door, besides the pill, he really couldn't think of any other reason.

"Is there any pill that can quickly help me break through?"

Liu Chen looked at Lu Qingfeng embarrassedly, and asked.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng threw out a jade bottle without even thinking about it, and said, "There are three jade pills inside, which should be able to help you advance from the early stage of transformation to the middle stage of transformation."

Three Jade Pills!
15 task points!

Liu Chen really wanted to take it over immediately, but he was a little embarrassed.

"Isn't that enough? Here are three Baicao Pills."

With a wave of his sleeves, Lu Qingfeng took out another jade bottle and placed it in front of Liu Chen.

"Liu Chen's life is really good, to be able to get Yucui Pill and Baicao Pill from Lu Qingfeng's hands!"

"Who told him to be the third disciple of Immortal Immortal Venerable, and I also heard that he has a good relationship with Lu Qingfeng, so it's not surprising that he can ask for the elixir from Lu Qingfeng."

"That's Baicao Pill!"

"If I can get a Jade Pill from Lu Qingfeng's hand, I will be satisfied."

Everyone talked a lot, their faces were full of envy, and their saliva was all over the floor.

Seeing that Liu Chen didn't move, Lu Qingfeng couldn't help but frowned slightly, and said with displeasure, "These six pills are enough for you to step into the middle stage of transformation."

"Haste makes waste, you should understand this truth?"

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded heavily, and said awkwardly: "Senior Lu, I just need these three Jade Pills. If you need help in alchemy in the future, you can notify me at any time."

"These three Baicao Pills, don't you want them?"

Lu Qingfeng looked at Liu Chen in surprise.

As long as it is the pill he sent out, others have always been rushing to ask for it, and I have never seen anyone who has the courage to refuse.

"I'm already very satisfied when I get three Jade Pills for nothing. If I take away three Baicao Pills, I'm afraid I'm greedy."

Liu Chen smiled slightly and replied.

Hearing this sentence, Lu Qingfeng was very satisfied. The more he looked at Liu Chen, the more he found it pleasing to the eye. Immediately, he waved his sleeves and forcibly gave Liu Chen three Baicao pills, saying: "I will not give these pills for nothing. For you."

"After all, the stronger your cultivation is, the more efficient you will be in assisting me in alchemy."

"After you break through, come to my cave to find me. Recently, I still have a batch of Resurrection Pills that need to be refined. It may come in handy in half a month."

"it is good!"

Liu Chen nodded with a smile, bid farewell to Qingfeng Lu, and flew to the cave immediately.

"Three Jade Pills and three Baicao Pills, what level can they help me break through?"

"If you can directly step into the late stage of transformation..."

Just thinking about it, Liu Chen felt happy, and immediately began to retreat and practice after entering the cave.

With only half a month left, Liu Chen must break through quickly.

As for the rookies in the fairy world, they are nothing more than occasions where many young talents show off their talents and become famous all over the world. Liu Chen is not interested.

But Liu Chen's status is different now, he is the third disciple of Immortal Venerable.

Immortal Immortal Venerable is one of the Nine Great Immortal Venerables, so Liu Chen must be present.

Not only to be present, but also to show off your skills at the Immortal Rookie and leave a deep impression on everyone.

Let everyone know that Immortal Immortal Venerable's new three disciples are not trash.


Liu Chen closed the stone door, immediately took out six pills, and began to adjust his state.

Yucui Pill has the same effect as Baicao Pill, both of which can improve the cultivator's cultivation base, but Baicao Pill's medicinal effect is more powerful.

Especially when encountering a bottleneck, taking a pill of Baicao can increase the chance of a breakthrough.

After a while, Liu Chen opened his eyes and swallowed Yucui Pill without hesitation.

As soon as Yu Cui Dan entered the throat, there was a sense of coolness immediately, and it went down the throat non-stop, swimming among the limbs and bones.

I just feel light and light all over, and there is an indescribable comfortable feeling.

Immediately afterwards, spiritual lights flickered one after another, and strong immortal energy poured into Liu Chen's cave from all directions.

With one breath and one breath, all the immortal energy within a radius of several miles disappeared.

The effect is so strong!
Liu Chen's heart was shocked. He thought that taking three Jade Pills in a row would give him a chance to break through, but he didn't expect the effect of Jade Pills to be so powerful.

After taking the first pill, this is just the beginning, Liu Chen's cultivation has already improved.

It seems conceivable that if this Jade Extraction Pill is completely refined, it should be able to step into the middle stage of transformation.

If you take six pills, it is not a problem to step into the late stage of transformation.

Just thinking about it makes me excited.

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth were raised slightly, revealing a smug smile, and then he calmed down and concentrated on refining the Jade Cuisine Pill in his body.

Yu Cui Dan kept shrinking, releasing more cool air, and finally turned into a ball of clean air and disappeared.

But at this moment, Liu Chen's cave was surrounded by a strong immortal energy, and even the ground became wet.

These are not ordinary water droplets, but formed by the extreme concentration of immortal energy.

It is conceivable how strong the immortal energy in this cave is.

It just proved the powerful medicinal effect of Yucui Dan from the side.

"Cultivation is improving rapidly. If you take the second Jade Pill, you should be able to step into the mid-stage of transformation."

Liu Chen smiled complacently, and was immediately full of anticipation for the second Jade Pill, and swallowed it without saying a word.

Yu Cui Dan buzzed, and immediately released bursts of coolness, which spread down the throat continuously until it filled the limbs and bones.

With Liu Chen's breathing, the rich fairy energy continuously entered Liu Chen's body.

At the same time, Liu Chen's cultivation was rising steadily, and soon reached the peak of the early stage of transformation, while Yu Cui Dan had just started refining.

"Break it for me!"

Liu Chen shouted loudly, and the aura in his body changed drastically, especially in his dantian, which was like an upsurge in rivers and seas.

The middle stage of transformation!

A powerful aura from the middle stage of transformation spread, permeating the entire cave.

At this time, Liu Chen nodded in satisfaction, feeling the powerful aura of the middle stage of transformation, a smile could not help but appear on his face.

"There are three Baicao pills and one Jade Pill left."

With a wave of his sleeve, Liu Chen immediately put all the pills into the Sumeru Ring.

At the critical moment, these elixir can still come in handy.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Chen made a tactic with both hands, suddenly flexed his fingers, and another person slowly walked out of his body.

The strange thing is that this person looks exactly like Liu Chen, he is Liu Chen's clone.

After Liu Chen's cultivation reached the middle stage of transforming gods, the strength of the avatar would increase accordingly.

This kind of avatar can be faked among strong men of the same level, but if it meets a real strong man, it will be seen through at a glance.

Even so, Liu Chen already had a countermeasure in mind.

When the Immortal Rookie Conference begins, Liu Chen's real body will definitely be there, and Black Phoenix and Jian Xin are both disciples of the Immortal Venerable, so it is impossible not to go.

However, if they want to enter the Immortal Prison to rob the Passing Water, they must first collude with Immortal Venerable Qian Zhan and Immortal Gu Jian.

Under their cover, the real bodies of Heihuang and Jianxin should go to the fairy prison.

At that time, Liu Chen only needed to send out a clone, lurking in the dark, to help Passing Shui untie the black gold thread on his body, that was enough!

There is no need to confront them head-on.

So next, Liu Chen must find a way to deal with Xuan Jinsi.

After tidying up for a while, Liu Chen immediately left the cave and flew towards Lu Qingfeng's cave, but there was no one there.

So Liu Chen turned around and flew to the black market, where he might be able to find a treasure to deal with Xuan Jinsi.

The black market is mixed with fish and dragons, and there are many big figures hidden in it, some of whom are not even weaker than the three immortal emperors.

It is precisely because of this that many powerful people will not see the light, or sell rare treasures on the market on the black market.

After a while, Liu Chen entered the black market, which was no different from an ordinary market, except that there were strong people everywhere.

"Put it on!"

Suddenly, a masked man at the entrance of the black market handed Liu Chen a mask.


Although Liu Chen was puzzled, he still put on the mask.

"Mysterious gold silk?"

Liu Chen glanced across, and found the black gold thread on the booth at a glance, so he walked over immediately.

The stall owner covered his face with a special mask, so he couldn't see his appearance clearly, nor could he feel his breath.

"One hundred thousand fairy stones."

"One meter per strip!"

The stall owner glanced at Liu Chen and said calmly.

One hundred thousand fairy stones?

Liu Chen touched his pocket, but he didn't even have a fairy stone, and he didn't plan to buy it, so he asked, "Is there anything that can restrain the black gold thread?"

"Get out! Don't disturb my business if you don't buy it!"

The stall owner's complexion changed when he heard the words, and he immediately scolded.

At this moment, a dwarf pushed Liu Chen from behind, and said, "Fellow Daoist, I have a treasure here that can restrain the black gold thread, but I don't know how much you can afford."

"As long as you have what I want, you don't need to worry about the rest."

Liu Chen said lightly, confidently.

"Okay! Fellow Daoist, come with me."

The dwarf smiled, and immediately walked forward
There are many stalls in the black market, and each stall is filled with strange and weird things, and there are also many real treasures, but the prices are all frighteningly high.

"That's it."

The dwarf walked to his booth, pointed to a palm-sized red dagger, and said.

(End of this chapter)

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