
Chapter 812 Immortal Rookie Conference

Chapter 812 Immortal Rookie Conference
Hearing this, Liu Chen was immediately full of curiosity about the Immortal Rookie Conference, so he asked, "What's going on with this Immortal Rookie Conference?"

"As the name suggests, rookies from the fairy world will participate, especially those who are talented and want to attract attention."

"Do you know why the number of disciples of the Nine Great Immortal Venerables is not much different?"

Suddenly, Lu Qingfeng changed the subject and asked.

Hearing this, Liu Chen shook his head blankly, and asked in surprise, "What does this have to do with the Immortal Rookie Conference?"

"Of course there is a relationship, and a very big relationship."

"For the Rookie Conference over the years, the Eighteen Immortal Envoys, the Nine Great Immortal Venerables, and the three Immortal Emperors will all be present."

"Generally speaking, the rookie conference is divided into two parts. One is for cultivators in the realm of transforming gods to compete with each other. Those who perform well are likely to be accepted as disciples by the immortal master or emperor."

"The second is that the powerhouse in the realm of refining the emptiness competes with the eighteen immortal envoys for the position of the envoy. The strong person who succeeds in the challenge will become the new envoy."

"I see."

Liu Chen suddenly realized and nodded. This is no different from those grand ceremonies in the five lands, except that they are stronger.

As if seeing the indifference in Liu Chen's eyes, Lu Qingfeng paused, and then said: "Don't underestimate the rookie competition, especially the first part."

"Some cultivators in the realm of transforming gods, in order to stand out in the conference, often use taboo methods. If they are not careful, they will die on the spot. The competition is very cruel."

"Could it be that there have been human deaths in all the rookie conferences in the past?"

Liu Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at Lu Qingfeng in shock.

"Well! Although there are not many people who died in the Rookie Conference in the past, there are also quite a few."

Lu Qingfeng said lightly.


Hearing this, Liu Chen couldn't help but gasped, this was too incredible, it was countless times more cruel than the five lands.

Although the competition in the five lands is fierce, there are always people who control and learn from each other, and must not intentionally harm lives.

And the rookie conference in the Immortal World was a fight to the death until one person surrendered!
Until now, Liu Chen finally understood why Lu Qingfeng had to refine so many Resurrection Pills. This is really a great opportunity to make money.

Five days in a row!

Both Liu Chen and Lu Qingfeng stayed in the cave, refining alchemy day and night, as for how many Resurrection Pills they refined, Liu Chen didn't count them in detail, and Lu Qingfeng didn't tell Liu Chen either.

It wasn't until the sixth day that Lu Qingfeng finally couldn't hold on anymore, so he returned to the cave to rest.

good chance!
Lu Qingfeng was exhausted, so Liu Chen wasn't tired, but the opportunity never came, and when Lu Qingfeng went to rest, Liu Chen was able to enter the secret room and find out the refining method of the Breaking Barrier Pill.

It would be great if he could use Lu Qingfeng's Phoenix Pill Furnace to make alchemy.

Thinking of this, Liu Chen suddenly had an idea.

It's true that I don't have a good alchemy furnace, but I have a dragon dagger in my hand, and I can use the dragon flame in the dragon dagger to make alchemy.

With Dragon Flame, Liu Chen only needed a higher quality alchemy furnace that could withstand Dragon Flame.

Liu Chen stayed in the secret room for a long time until Lu Qingfeng came out of retreat.

"lets go!"

Lu Qingfeng knew that Liu Chen was flipping through the alchemy in the secret room, but he didn't say anything, and completely acquiesced to Liu Chen's behavior.

This also made Liu Chen more daring, sometimes flipping through the Danpu in front of Lu Qingfeng.

The refining method of the Breaking Barrier Pill was also memorized in Liu Chen's mind. After the Rookie Conference was over, Liu Chen began to try to refine the Breaking Barrier Pill.

"it is good!"

Liu Chen nodded slightly, and immediately walked out of the cave, but his face was full of fatigue, as if he hadn't slept for three days and three nights.

In fact, it was true, Liu Chen did not close his eyes for six days and six nights.

"You have to pay attention to the combination of work and rest. There are too many alchemy books in my cave. If you want to read them all, it will take at least a month."

After the words were finished, Lu Qingfeng waved his sleeves, and immediately threw out a dark green elixir with a strong vitality flowing on it, saying: "Eating this elixir will be of great benefit to you."

"Thank you, Senior Lu."

Liu Chen nodded slightly, and immediately swallowed the dark green pill, and a strong breath of life rushed to his limbs and bones.

The blood flow in the whole body accelerated, and the bones made a crackling sound, as if the person had grown a lot taller, and the whole person was radiant and full of energy.

In just three breaths, Liu Chen had recovered to his peak state, and it was not obvious that he hadn't closed his eyes for six days and six nights.

"Next time if you want to read my Danpu, just tell me directly, you can browse the Danpu inside as you like, you don't need to work so hard."

Lu Qingfeng spoke softly, opened his mouth slowly, and then threw out a key, saying: "This is the key to open the gate of my cave. If I am not in the task pavilion, you can directly use the key to enter the cave."

"Remember, you can't lend the key to others, and you can't bring strangers into my cave!"

Lu Qingfeng looked into Liu Chen's eyes and said seriously.

Hearing this, Liu Chen was stunned, looked at the key in his hand, and fell silent.

How much trust does it take to hand over the key to Liu Chen.

Not to mention the piles of alchemy records inside, there are also a large number of precious medicinal materials, which are invaluable, and the most important thing is that there is a cauldron of phoenix alchemy furnace inside.

"I believe in the disciples chosen by Immortal Immortal Venerable, and I also believe in my own vision."

Lu Qingfeng smiled slightly, and immediately flew towards the distance.

"Thank you, Senior Lu."

Liu Chen was moved in his heart, and his impression of Lu Qingfeng immediately improved a bit.

Next time, when Lu Qingfeng is not around, he can directly use his Phoenix Pill Furnace to make alchemy, and the success rate will be greatly increased.

"There are very few alchemists in the fairy world. If I can cultivate a master alchemist, it will be considered a merit."

Lu Qingfeng said with a smile.

Then he changed the subject, looked at Liu Chen, and said, "Have you heard? A master of alchemy recently appeared on the black market, and he is the flawless Baicao pill when he makes a shot."


Liu Chen's heart skipped a beat, he felt a bit cold, and felt a little guilty, but he still shook his head and said, "I haven't heard of this, but with Senior Lu's ability, it's not easy to refine the Flawless Baicao Pill." What's the problem?"

"That's natural."

Lu Qingfeng smiled confidently, then turned around, looked at the front, and continued: "But that person also made a promise, saying that he would refine the Flawless Barrier Breaking Pill, it's just a dream."

"Barrier Breaking Pill is difficult to refine, let alone No Time to Break Barrier Pill."

"Even if I do it myself, if I want to refine one Flawless Barrier Breaking Pill, the success rate is only 80.00%, but that person uttered wild words and wanted to refine ten Flawless Barrier Breaking Pills."

"That man is an arrogant guy. I think those people in the black market are also fools, and they don't know anything about alchemy."

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded slightly, and agreed: "That's right, the more powerful the pill, the more difficult it is to refine it, especially the refining of the flawless pill, the success rate is very small."

"However, Senior Lu can achieve an 80.00% success rate, which is definitely the No. 1 alchemy in the fairy world."

"Haha, the No. 1 alchemy in the Immortal Realm is not yet the No. [-] alchemy, but my experience in alchemy is unmatched by anyone!"

Lu Qingfeng laughed triumphantly.

Hearing Liu Chen's words, I felt very comfortable, even though I knew it was flattering.

"However, I'm really curious about who is the person who can refine the flawless herb pill. If there is a chance, I would like to meet him."

Lu Qingfeng spoke slowly.

Hearing this, cold sweat broke out on Liu Chen's forehead.

In terms of alchemy attainments, the ten Liu Chens were not Lu Qingfeng's opponents, but Liu Chen had the ability to quickly advance pills.

If Lu Qingfeng knew that the mysterious alchemy master he was talking about was Liu Chen, I don't know what kind of expression he would have.

"Lu Qingfeng? Why did you get mixed up with the disciple of Immortal Master Immortal?"

"It goes without saying, it's nothing more than wanting to please Immortal Immortal Venerable."

"Haha, then he really found the wrong way. He often hangs out with a kid who is in the early stage of transformation, what use is there!"

Suddenly, two men and a woman flew over Lu Qingfeng's head, sneering and laughing.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng gritted his teeth and hated, but he didn't get angry on the spot, but waited for them to fly away.

"Senior Lu, those people are too crazy, why don't you teach them a lesson?"

Liu Chen frowned slightly and asked.

"Do you know who the three of them are?"

Lu Qingfeng looked serious and said seriously.

Liu Chen shook his head, he had only entered the Immortal Realm not long ago, and Liu Chen didn't know many important people yet.

"Although the cultivation of these three people is not strong, they are also alchemists. The most important thing is that they are all dragon alchemists!"

"The dragon clan is already full of arrogance, and the alchemists of the dragon clan are even more arrogant. They hardly pay attention to anyone, and no one dares to offend the alchemists of the dragon clan."

Lu Qingfeng sighed for a long time, and said bitterly.

As soon as the Dragon Clan was mentioned, Liu Chen immediately thought of Xiao Qing, and he didn't know what happened to him after he joined the Dragon Clan.

"Remember, if you meet a strong dragon clan in the future, if you can avoid provoking him, try not to provoke him."

Lu Qingfeng looked serious, turned to look at Liu Chen, and reminded him solemnly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded heavily, but didn't take it seriously.

After a while, Liu Chen and Lu Qingfeng entered the venue of the Immortal Rookie Conference, surrounded by clouds and mist, divided into several different areas.

In the center is an open space, which is very large enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people. There are viewing seats on the left and right, and there are three cloud chairs directly above.

Corresponding to the three immortal emperors respectively.

The next floor is the seat of the Nine Great Immortals, and the immortal envoys can only stand beside them.

Even so, it is a great honor to be able to stand beside the Immortal Emperor and Immortal Venerable. Countless people have tried their best to stand in that position.

There were a lot of people at the Rookie Conference, and when Liu Chen and Lu Qingfeng arrived, there were already a sea of ​​people, most of them were God Transformation experts.

There are almost no cultivators below the realm of transforming gods.

(End of this chapter)

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