
Chapter 813

Chapter 813

"Senior Lu, I have always had a doubt in my heart, why can't the cultivators below the realm of transforming gods be seen in the fairy world?"

Liu Chen finally couldn't help it, and asked.

"They all stayed in the west of the Immortal Realm, and they had set up powerful walls all around them, and they could only enter if they had reached the realm of transforming gods and condensed their immortality.

Hearing this, Liu Chen suddenly realized and nodded slightly.

It turns out that there is such a place in the fairy world, but because those people are already in the fairy world, they only need to condense their immortality.

But in the five lands, it is necessary to condense the fairy body, otherwise it will be rejected by the power of the fairy world.

Comparing the two, people from the fairy world are better, because there are a lot of fairy lines here, and the aura is also very strong.

As long as the talent is good, one can hit the realm of transforming gods.

"That's the Eighteen Immortal Envoys."

Suddenly, Lu Qingfeng frowned, pointed at the eighteen people flying in the distance, and said.

Liu Chen immediately followed Lu Qingfeng's gaze, and saw eighteen powerful auras gradually approaching, and finally stopped beside the cloud chair.

Xie Bing was impressively listed, but not at the top of the list.

"Your elder brother, Xie Bing, ranks fourth among the immortal envoys, and the top three are disciples of the three immortal emperors."

"After all, he is the disciple of the Immortal Emperor, so it is inevitable that he will surpass ordinary people, but Xie Bing's being able to rank No.4 is enough to prove his impressive strength."

"In fact, it is not easy to stand out from the countless people and become a fairy envoy."

"Among the eighteen people, everyone has great strength, especially the top three immortal envoys, whose cultivation base has reached the late stage of Void Refinement, and they are almost catching up with the immortal master."

Lu Qingfeng explained slowly, and then explained the remaining seventeen envoys like Liu Chen one by one.

After the words fell, another nine figures flew towards the bottom of the cloud chair, and the leader of them was Immortal Immortal Venerable.


Liu Chen blurted out, after waiting for so many days, he finally met Immortal Immortal Venerable, this time he must ask him how to return to the five lands.

"The head of the Nine Great Immortal Venerables—Immortal Immortal Venerable."

Lu Qingfeng took a deep breath and said with emotion: "The rankings of the other eight great immortals occasionally change, but the immortal immortal sits firmly on the throne of the first immortal. For hundreds of years, there is not even a single challenger."


Liu Chen raised his brows, and looked at Lu Qingfeng half-believingly, if he said that Immortal Immortal Venerable was powerful, Liu Chen would definitely believe it.

But it would be an exaggeration to say that there is no one who challenges Immortal Immortal Venerable.

"The reason why Immortal Immortal Venerable is titled Immortal is because he has lived for tens of thousands of years, and he became a demon from a fairy stone. It is rumored that his real strength can compete with the Immortal Emperor, but no one has seen him make a move."

Lu Qingfeng lowered his voice and whispered.


Hearing this, Liu Chen couldn't help but gasped. He only knew that Immortal Venerable was powerful and he was the number one Immortal Venerable, but he didn't expect that Immortal Venerable had such a background.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Chen swept his eyes, and immediately found the figures of Qian Zhan Xianzun and Gu Jian Xianzun in the crowd, ranking eighth and ninth respectively.

Liu Chen had never seen the remaining immortals, but had only heard of their names.

"Except for Immortal Venerable Qian Zhan and Immortal Gu Jian, the rest of the immortals are all strong in the realm of fusion, and they are the only two who have stayed in the realm of refining the void for decades."

"I'm afraid the two of them will be challenged in this rookie conference."

Lu Qingfeng's eyes flickered, and there was a gleam of expectation in his eyes.

Except for the internal challenges of the Immortal Venerable, he rarely saw other cultivators challenge the Immortal Venerable, and it must be very exciting.

Suddenly, a ray of light flashed in Liu Chen's eyes, and he saw the phantom and the Lord of Samsara.

As for the Lord of Reincarnation, the two of them were just a simple transaction, there was no enmity, and it could be said that they had a little friendship.

But Xu Ying, if given the chance, Liu Chen really wouldn't mind teaching him a lesson.

Besides the two of them, Jian Xin and Hei Huang were also present.

The rookie conference is almost a lively event in the fairy world, and cultivators from all over the world will come to watch it.

"The Immortal Emperor has appeared."

A gleam of light flashed in Lu Qingfeng's eyes, staring at the void in the distance, he saw three tall and majestic figures walking out of the void in a leisurely manner.

"The person on the left is the giant spirit god of the spirit race. Few people know what his cultivation level is, but he is very strong anyway."

"The one on the right is Lord Ye of the human race. His emotions and anger are not visible, and he is very indifferent."

"The one in the middle is the lord of the dragon clan, Long Zhantian, who is known as the strongest in the fairy world. A large part of the reason why the dragon clan is arrogant is because of Long Zhantian."

Lu Qingfeng introduced slowly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded in agreement, and said: "With the support of the strongest in the fairy world, how can the Dragon Clan not be arrogant."

"But if one day Long Zhantian falls from the position of Immortal Emperor, I'm afraid the Dragon Clan won't be so confident."


Upon hearing this sentence, Lu Qingfeng quickly made a silent gesture, signaling Liu Chen not to talk nonsense.

"If this kind of words fall into the ears of the strong dragon clan, even if the Immortal Immortal Venerable is present, they will not be able to protect you!"

Lu Qingfeng said nervously.

Liu Chen nodded, and glanced around from the corner of his eye, and heaved a long sigh of relief when he found that no one was looking at him.

"By the way, aren't you going to sell the Resurrection Pill? Why are you still standing here?" Liu Chen looked at Lu Qingfeng in surprise, and said.

"Not ready yet, don't worry."

Lu Qingfeng smiled mysteriously.

At this moment, a young man walked towards Lu Qingfeng and said, "Senior Lu, the booth is ready."

"Okay! There are thirty Resurrection Pills here, so I won't say much about the effects. Anyway, you tell them, one is 50 Immortal Stones."

With a wave of Lu Qingfeng's sleeve, he immediately threw out thirty Resurrection Pills.

For five consecutive days, in order to refine more Resurrection Pills, Lu Qingfeng didn't pay attention to quality at all.

A total of thirty Resurrection Pills, all of which are middle-rank pills, not even a high-rank Resurrection Pill.

"Yes! Senior Lu."

The young man nodded slightly, and immediately took thirty Resurrection Pills and left.

Seeing the situation, Liu Chen looked at Lu Qingfeng in a daze, and said, "A mid-level Resurrection Pill costs 50 immortal stones, can they afford it?"

Hearing these words, Lu Qingfeng couldn't help laughing, and said calmly: "In the huge fairy world, there is only one family of Resurrection Pills, let alone 50 pieces, even if they are sold for 100 million, they are all asking for it."

"But I'm kind-hearted, and I only sell 50 immortal stones for a Resurrection Pill."

Hearing this, Liu Chen was scornful in his heart, but his face remained calm. He had a Flawless Resurrection Pill in his hand, so what a high price he would have to sell it for!



Even higher prices?
Just thinking about it makes me excited.

But Liu Chen also understood that Yucui Pill, Baicao Pill, and Breaking Barrier Pill are all common pills, so it's not surprising that others refined them.

However, only Lu Qingfeng mastered the recipe of the Resurrection Pill. If Liu Chen sold the Resurrection Pill on the black market, he would be suspected by Lu Qingfeng immediately.

Moreover, the Flawless Resurrection Pill in his hand could not be seen, so he had to take it quietly by himself.

"Do you believe it or not? In less than half an hour, thirty mid-level Resurrection Pills will be snapped up."

Lu Qingfeng was triumphant, obviously full of confidence in his Resurrection Pill.

Hearing this, Liu Chen shook his head and said, "I don't think it might be possible for a Resurrection Pill with 50 Immortal Stones."

"Hey, just wait and see."

Lu Qingfeng smiled confidently, as if he was not at all worried that the Resurrection Pill would not be sold.

Sure enough, half an hour later, the young man returned to Lu Qingfeng with two savings bags, and said excitedly, "Senior Lu, you are really amazing."

"As soon as I introduced the efficacy of the Resurrection Pill, and then explained that the Resurrection Pill was made by you, it was sold out immediately."

"Tsk tsk, how is it?"

Lu Qingfeng was extremely proud, and immediately took two savings bags from the young man, and divided out one hundred thousand immortal stones from them, handed them to him, and said, "These one hundred thousand immortal stones will be counted as your reward."

"Thank you Senior Lu!"

"Thank you Senior Lu!"

The young man saluted repeatedly, wishing he could kneel down to Lu Qingfeng.

After all, it only takes half an hour to prepare a booth, and you can earn [-] fairy stones. In such a huge fairy world, I'm afraid you can't really find such a good thing except in Lu Qingfeng's place.

In just half an hour, Lu Qingfeng earned 490 million immortal stones.

With so many fairy stones, Liu Chen didn't even dare to think about it.

And Lu Qingfeng has been famous for alchemy for so many years, this fairy stone should be a drop in the bucket for him.

"Refining the Resurrection Pill also has your share of credit, and the fraction belongs to you."

Lu Qingfeng smiled slightly, and threw another 90 fairy stones to Liu Chen.

Compared with 400 million, 90 may not be much, but Liu Chen doesn't have a single fairy stone on him, so the 90 fairy stone is already a huge sum of money.

"Thank you Senior Lu!"

Liu Chen was short of immortal stones, so he didn't refuse, and just accepted it. Anyway, it was labor income.

Because the attention was always on Lu Qingfeng and the Resurrection Pill, Liu Chen didn't pay attention at all, and the rookie conference had already started.

The two god-turning powerhouses on the field fought with each other, each offering a powerful true treasure and performing terrifying fairy arts.

Looking intently, Liu Chen also noticed a phenomenon.

Not everyone has real treasures, and not everyone has immortal skills.

And Liu Chen has both real treasure and fairy art, which is definitely Liu Chen's advantage.

As long as he doesn't meet anyone with particularly strong fighting power, Liu Chen is sure to stand out from the crowd.

Liu Chen had no interest in competing for the position of the Immortal Envoy, anyway, as long as he didn't lose face of the Immortal Venerable.

"When will this go on like this end?"

Liu Chen wondered, the open space below was simply a chaotic fight, two and two fought together, and all kinds of dazzling spells and supernatural powers were flying.

Fortunately, the three immortal emperors had placed protective shields around them, so that it did not affect the auditorium next to them.

"After the first round of elimination, the remaining people will enter a special space created by the Immortal Emperor, and those who survive will have the opportunity to be selected as disciples by the Immortal Venerable or the Immortal Emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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