
Chapter 814

Chapter 814
"What about me? Shouldn't it be time to jump off and participate in the scuffle?"

Liu Chen pointed at himself blankly.

Following Liu Chen's gaze, the scuffle below became a mess, and many people fought across levels, which was very unfair.

After breaking through, Liu Chen did possess a mid-stage cultivation base, but if he rushed into such a chaos, he would be kicked out at some point.

Until now, Liu Chen finally understood why the Gao family who sold 50 immortal stones for a mid-level rejuvenation pill, and that person bought it.

Because it is too dangerous.

When I first looked at it, I thought it was nothing, but gradually, pieces of blood mist shot out and filled the air.

The entire arena seemed to be covered with a veil of blood, which looked extremely terrifying.

In the end, some people were so red-eyed that they even had the intent to kill, and many people died in the knockout round.

No matter whether it was the Immortal Venerable or the Immortal Emperor, they all just watched with cold eyes, and no one stepped forward to stop them.

Seeing this, Liu Chen couldn't help but take a deep breath, the competition in the fairy world is really cruel and inhumane.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you don't go down."

Lu Qingfeng smiled mysteriously and said firmly.


Liu Chen was full of doubts, and asked immediately.

"Did you forget that you are the third disciple of Immortal Immortal Venerable, with such a noble status, even if you jump off, no one will do anything to you."

"Rather than that, you might as well stand here and wait for their first knockout round to end before participating in the second round."

Lu Qingfeng said with a smile.

"But in this case, wouldn't it be too unfair to them?"

Liu Chen looked hesitant, for a moment he didn't know whether to go down or not.

"You kid is really weird."

Lu Qingfeng smacked his lips, then turned around, looked into Liu Chen's eyes, and explained: "You have to remember, you are the third disciple of Immortal Immortal Venerable, and you are different from them."

"Furthermore, the Immortal Immortal Venerable being able to choose you as the third disciple has already proved your talent and strength, and you don't need to prove it to others again."

"As for fairness, capable people deserve to talk about fairness. If anyone among the people below is lucky enough to be accepted as a disciple by the Immortal Venerable or the Immortal Emperor, then they are also qualified to talk about fairness."

"Otherwise, they are likely to linger at the bottom of the fairy world all their lives, and there is no fairness at all."

"Look at them, Heihuang and Jianxin are also the disciples of Immortal Venerable, and they only have the cultivation level of the transformation stage, don't they also stand on it and watch the show?"

Suddenly, Lu Qingfeng changed the subject, pointed at Heihuang and Jianxin beside him, and said slowly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen immediately followed Lu Qingfeng's gaze. The two of them were indeed standing on top, looking down as if they were watching a play.

Especially Jian Xin, who still had a smile on his face.

It seems to be a very pleasant thing to watch them duel below.

"It's not just them, look at the disciples of other immortals." Lu Qingfeng swept his eyes, pointing at the disciples of other immortals one by one.

Hearing this, Liu Chen fell into silence. After hesitating for a moment, he looked up at Lu Qingfeng and said, "They can do that, but I can't."

Liu Chen jumped for life, and immediately jumped down.


Lu Qingfeng wanted to stop it, but it was too late, and Liu Chen landed firmly in the crowd.

Everyone was slightly taken aback, and they all looked at Liu Chen, but no one dared to make a move against Liu Chen.

"Isn't that the third disciple of Immortal Immortal Venerable? Why did he jump off?"

"There is no shortage of Dzogchen powerhouses in the Great Chaos. Even if he is the third disciple of Immortal Immortal Venerable, if he meets a strong man, he will not be able to escape the fate of being defeated."

"If he can't even make it past the first knockout round, he will really lose the face of Immortal Venerable."

"Since he dared to jump down, he must have some confidence. Maybe he just wanted to take this opportunity to show everyone his true strength?"

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and they were all full of expectations for Liu Chen's strength.

Before, they all just heard that the Immortal Immortal Venerable had accepted a new disciple. He only had a cultivation level in the early stage of transformation, and his talent was mediocre, but there were many amazing things.

Today, I finally saw Liu Chen's true face and his strength. How could those curious people not be excited.

It's just that due to the status of the third disciple of Immortal Immortal Venerable, he has never dared to attack Liu Chen.

"What is that kid doing jumping off?"

Jian Xin frowned, and said with a puzzled look.

"What exactly does he want to do?"

Heihuang racked his brains, thinking about Liu Chen's purpose for doing this, but no matter what, he couldn't figure out why Liu Chen would do this.

A flash of surprise flashed in the eyes of Immortal Immortal Venerable, he looked at Liu Chen with great interest, and immediately said via voice transmission: "Anyone who dares to attack him, immediately retreat."

Hearing this, Xie Bing nodded slightly.

"The disciples of Immortal Immortal Venerable have set an example, do you still want to watch?"

Long Zhantian said lightly, but there was a heavy dragon's power in his voice, which made people feel awe and awe, and their hearts were filled with fear.

As soon as the words fell, Jian Xin, Hei Huang and others immediately jumped down knowingly without waiting for other immortals to give orders.

For a while, the field was full of Xianzun's disciples.

As for the three immortal emperors, each of their disciples has a strong cultivation of the Void Refining Realm, so naturally they don't have to fight in a duel.

Seeing the situation, the corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, revealing a smug smile.

Seeing that they all came down, Liu Chen felt relieved.

In fact, Liu Chen's purpose is very simple, that is to see if Jian Xin and Hei Huang are clones. If they are clones, then their real bodies should have gone to the Immortal Prison.

As long as Liu Chen finds an opportunity to defeat these two clones, it will definitely embarrass Immortal Master Qian Zhan and Immortal Gu Jian.

Once they can't get down, they will definitely let Heihuang and Jianxin return.

If it wasn't for the avatar, then Liu Chen would still have a chance to prepare.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect you to have such courage."

Jian Xin met a late stage powerhouse, but his eyes fell on Liu Chen's expression, with a strange air of yin and yang.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled disapprovingly, and said lightly: "Do you think everyone is like you? They will always hide behind Master."

"What do you mean?"

Jian Xin's complexion sank, and he said displeasedly.

"What I mean is very simple. There are many people here who are stronger than you. The reason why you dare not come down is because you are worried that you will be defeated by others and lose face for yourself and your master?"

Liu Chen smiled slightly, but this smile fell into Jian Xin's eyes, but he was very angry.

So he made a tactic with both hands, shouted loudly, and said, "Changhong Sword!"

With a buzzing sound, the Changhong Sword radiated a bright light, and counterattacked the late-stage powerhouse in front of him, forcing the opponent to retreat steadily.

As expected of the disciple of Immortal Venerable, his strength is indeed stronger than the average late-stage powerhouses.

Not only Jian Xin, but also the rest of the disciples of the Immortal Venerable, as long as they don't meet the disciples of the Immortal Venerable, they are almost invincible at the same level.

But this does not prove that they are not clones.

Because Liu Chen didn't know the strength of their clones, the most important thing was that those people didn't dare to go all out, they were afraid that once they went all out, it would be difficult to stop.

If you accidentally seriously injured or killed the disciple of the Immortal Venerable, it would be more serious than the consequences of defeat.

"Everyone knows that you are the disciple of Gu Jian Xianzun, and your strength is of course superior to ordinary people."

As soon as the words fell, Liu Chen immediately found a strong man in the late stage of transformation, and immediately urged the unicorn iron arm, and punched suddenly.

"But it's not enough to prove that you are different!"

Liu Chen's complexion darkened, he gritted his teeth fiercely, and was immediately attacked by a strong man in the late stage of transformation.

A strong coercion in the mid-stage of transformation gradually spread.

"Middle stage of transformation? When did that kid break through? I didn't realize it at all."

A trace of doubt flashed in Lu Qingfeng's eyes, and he muttered to himself.

"Leaving aside the essence and blood of the Demon God's Heart, being able to hit the mid-stage of God Transformation in such a short period of time is indeed a material that can be made."

Immortal Immortal Venerable smiled triumphantly.

With his cultivation base at his level, he could see it clearly, and he knew very well that Liu Chen still had a powerful immortal technique that he hadn't used yet.

Once the immortal technique is used, coupled with the unicorn iron arm, it may not be the opponent of the strong late-stage god transformation.

This battle will definitely embarrass Immortal Immortal Venerable.

"You three disciples really don't take the usual path."

"Yeah, compared to your disciples, our disciples are really too disappointing, and they will only escape the knockout round of the Rookie Conference."

"Fellow Daoist Immortal has a unique vision. After accepting such a good apprentice, he will become a great weapon in the future."

Several immortals praised one after another.

Hearing these few words, Immortal Gu Jian's face turned dark. Looking at his disciples, and then at his own disciples, he felt ashamed to slap Jian Xin to death.

"Evidently, he only has the cultivation level of the mid-stage of the transformation of the gods, but he can force the strong in the late stage of the transformation of the gods to retreat. Even if he loses this battle, it is enough to prove his strength. The most important thing is that he has the courage to challenge across the ranks. "

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you lose. After all, he is still young and has a long way to go in the future. After he enters the late stage of transforming gods, no one in the same level may be his opponent."

"It's good to have courage and guts, but sometimes you have to look at your own weight, rushing forward rashly is no different from dying."

Some people praise it, others will naturally belittle it, and even be eccentric.

He wished that the strong man in the late stage of transformation could kill Liu Chen, even if he couldn't be killed, he would have to be seriously injured.

Hearing this, Immortal Immortal Venerable smiled without saying a word, he had already seen clearly that as long as Liu Chen used his immortal skills, the victory would be secured.

"Light Curtain Sword Rain!"

At this moment, Liu Chen suddenly made a tactic with both hands, and immediately flexed his fingers, and the sword-shaped imprint on the center of his eyebrows appeared instantly, transforming into countless lightsabers, floating in the sky.


Liu Chen's face was gloomy, and he activated all the spiritual power in his body.

(End of this chapter)

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