
Chapter 816 99 Bronze Man

Chapter 816 99 Bronze Man

"Well, I didn't expect that we would meet again in the fairy world."

The lord of reincarnation said in surprise, and immediately felt relieved, a cultivator with unlimited potential like Xiang Liu Chen should indeed have a wider stage.

In the vast fairy world, no one knows Liu Chen better than the Lord of Reincarnation.

Ever since Liu Chen entered the secret realm of reincarnation for the first time, the Lord of Reincarnation was surprised by Liu Chen's strength and looked at him with admiration.

In fact, it was true, Liu Chen rose step by step, and finally became the number one powerhouse in the five lands, and also helped the Lord of Reincarnation realize his wish.

The strength and various qualities Liu Chen displayed were incomparable to these disciples of the Immortal Venerable.

He believed that sooner or later, Liu Chen would be able to disdain the fairy world, and his future achievements would definitely not be limited to fairy envoys.

Even if it is an immortal, Liu Chen may not be unable to achieve it.

"By the way, Senior Lu, what will happen after the knockout round?"

Liu Chen ignored the phantom, immediately looked at Lu Qingfeng, and asked.

"99 Bronze Man!"

Lu Qingfeng said lightly, pointed not far away, and said: "These 99 bronze figures are jointly created by the nine great immortals. They are unpredictable and possess strong power."

"The most amazing thing is that these copper men will adjust their strength according to the opponent's strength."

"What you have to do is actually very simple, and that is to pass through 99 bronze men."

Following Lu Qingfeng's gaze, there were 99 more bronze figures in the sky at some point.

And directly in front of the bronze man, there is indeed a high platform, and that high platform is very close to the Immortal Emperor.

"Third Junior Brother, let me say something that may hurt your self-confidence. These 99 bronze figures are very powerful. If you try to force them, you will only lose your life. You must do what you can."

Qi Yan looked dignified and reminded.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng nodded heavily, with an equally serious expression, and said, "In the previous rookie conferences, only three people passed the 99 Bronze Man."

"And these three people have now become disciples of the Immortal Emperor."

"It is conceivable that it is not an easy thing to pass the 99 Bronze Men."

Hearing this, Liu Chen's heart was shocked, and he immediately looked at the 99 bronze figures, but there seemed to be nothing special about them.

But Qiyan and Lu Qingfeng both said that, so it's better to be careful.

Fortunately, the 99 Bronze Man would adjust his strength according to his opponent's strength, otherwise Liu Chen would have suffered a great loss if he broke in with his mid-stage cultivation.

Thinking of this, Liu Chen immediately turned his head to look at Hei Huang and Jian Xin, especially Jian Xin, his expression improved a lot.

It's just that they don't know whether the Heihuang and Jianxin at this moment are the deity or the avatar.

"Being able to stand out in the knockout rounds is enough to prove your strength."

"But if you want to become the disciple of the Immortal Venerable, or even the Immortal Emperor, you must show all your abilities."

"The formation of 99 bronze figures is neither difficult nor easy. This is a good opportunity to learn from a master. It depends on whether you can grasp it."

Immortal Immortal Venerable stood up, pointed at the 99 bronze figures not far away, and said calmly.

After the words fell, Jian Xin, Hei Huang and others immediately flew towards the 99 bronze figures, and Liu Chen was no exception.

"Third Junior Brother, come on!"

Qi Yan encouraged, and the Lord of Reincarnation also gave Liu Chen an encouraging look.

"Do what you can, and remember."

Lu Qingfeng exhorted.

Xu Ying stood behind them, with a face full of resentment, wishing that Liu Chen would die inside.

Why has no one noticed my existence since I appeared until now? Am I just an insignificant air?

Why are you all focusing on him!
Xuying's heart was extremely unbalanced, and there was a faint killing intent in the depths of his eyes.

Liu Chen smiled slightly, and immediately flew into the formation of 99 bronze figures.

There was a very powerful aura surrounding the 99 Bronze Man. As soon as Liu Chen entered, he was immediately locked in by this aura.

Suddenly, one of the bronze figures moved, slowly walking towards Liu Chen.

"So slow? Could it be that the 99 Bronze Man Formation has only such a little power?"

With a wave of Liu Chen's right hand, the unicorn's iron arm spread out instantly, and immediately repelled the bronze man.

"The most powerful ones are yet to come, but if I were you, I would just quit, so as not to die in the 99 Bronze Man formation."

Jian Xin sneered coldly, and immediately avoided a bronze man and walked inside instead of choosing to attack the bronze man.

Not only Jian Xin, but other cultivators who entered the 99 Bronze Man formation all chose this approach.

"Is it really as difficult as they say?"

Liu Chen still felt a little unbelievable, so he immediately went deep, and when the bronze man attacked, Liu Chen flickered sideways.

It's just that the deeper you go, the more copper figures will be around, plus it's very crowded inside, the area you can dodge is getting smaller and smaller.

The bronze figures are also getting closer and closer together, it is difficult to dodge, and sometimes you have to choose to fight back the bronze figures.

Gradually, Liu Chen felt a little pressure.

Liu Chen punched out, and the unicorn iron arm burst out with powerful force, but the bronze man on the opposite side didn't move at all, paused for a while, and chased towards Liu Chen again.


The corner of Liu Chen's mouth let out a small sigh, and punched the bronze figure again.

This time, the bronze man was still not repulsed, he paused and chased after Liu Chen, but Liu Chen's arm was numb, and a sense of horror arose in his heart.

Seeing the situation, Jian Xin smiled coldly, and proudly said: "These bronze men will only get stronger and stronger. You have attacked so many times, just wait to die!"

After the words fell, Jian Xin laughed triumphantly, immediately shook off Liu Chen, and walked towards the inside.

At this time, many cultivators were forced to withdraw from the 99 Bronze Man Formation, and only a few disciples of the Immortal Venerable were eligible to continue in-depth.

"The disciple of the Immortal Immortal Venerable is nothing more than that, but he fell behind."

Heihuang passed Liu Chen lightly and said mockingly.

At this time, Liu Chen realized that there was no one behind him, and Jian Xin and Hei Huang appeared in front of him.


Liu Chen snorted coldly, and chased after him again, but this time Liu Chen learned his lesson, even if he retreated temporarily, he would not confront the bronze man head-on.

Because whenever Liu Chen retreated, those bronze figures would stop.


Suddenly, there was a scream, and a disciple of the Immortal Venerable was blown away by the bronze man.

Immediately afterwards, one after another had no choice but to launch attacks against the Tongren, but it was a pity that there were so many Tongren, it was obviously not a wise decision to fight the Tongren head-on, but there was nothing they could do.

Either fall back or fight the bronze man head-on.

The cultivators in front all slowed down, and Liu Chen finally caught up.

Jian Xin, like Hei Huang, was trapped in the 99 Bronze Man Formation, unable to get out, struggling to advance and retreat.

"Is it not possible?"

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, mockingly.

Hearing this, Jian Xin panted heavily, his eyes revealed a fierce look, and said: "Take care of yourself!"

"Don't even die for a while without knowing how to die!"

Liu Chen turned his eyes and landed on Hei Huang, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Jian Xin performed a forbidden technique before, which caused his body to feel a little empty. It is normal for him to be weak at this moment.

But Heihuang was obviously in good condition, why did she show this appearance after leaving for a short time, only a line stronger than Jianxin.

Looking at those people in the front, their situation is even more difficult, but their condition is better than that of Heihuang and Jianxin.


This was Liu Chen's first reaction.

It seems that the two of them have already gone to the fairy prison, and it is estimated that they will come out in a short time.

Once Liu Chen's avatar meets them, find a chance to defeat Heihuang and Jianxin's avatars, making them embarrassing.

When the time comes, their real bodies must return, and Liu Chen's clone will take this opportunity to help the passing water escape.

If the people in Xianlao can catch Heihuang and Jianxin, that would be the best result.

"It turns out that you are just clones. It seems that your main body should be on the way to the Immortal Prison. You said that if I report this matter to the three Immortal Emperors."

"I don't know how the three immortal emperors will deal with you?"

"whispering sound!"

Heihuang's face was gloomy, but he didn't speak. Anyway, before the deity left, he had already thought of a countermeasure.

"It's a big deal to die together."

Jian Xin said with a grim face.

"To die together? What qualifications do you have?"

Liu Chen's complexion changed, and he looked at Jian Xin with disdain.


Jian Xin smiled mysteriously, a look of madness appeared in the depths of his eyes, and he stopped talking immediately.

Seeing the situation, Liu Chen's heart sank. Could it be that I still have some reason to fall into Jian Xin's hands?
Thinking this way in his heart, Liu Chen didn't dare to stay where he was for too long, because the offensive of the 99 Bronze Man Formation became more and more fierce, so he could only continue to move forward.

Watching Liu Chen leave, Jian Xin smiled triumphantly, and said, "Tch! I thought you were so smart, but in the end you were scared by my words."

But at this moment, two black shadows sneaked into the prison without attracting anyone's attention.

Heihuang snatched the key from Fat Fairy, opened the cell door immediately, and was about to leave with Passing Water on his back, but was stopped by Jian Xin.

"I must have a share of the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart."

Jian Xin blocked the way of Hei Huang, said in a deep voice.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's leave this dangerous place first and consider how to distribute the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart."

"Big deal, you and I each get half."

Heihuang compromised, but a hint of cruelty flashed in his eyes.

"it is good!"

Jian Xin nodded slightly, and the two immediately flew away with the passing water.

The fairy prison has always been guarded by strong people, but because today is the rookie conference, most of the strong people went to watch.

Only Fat Xian and others were left to guard.

And throughout the ages, no one has dared to rob people in the Immortal Prison, because Nixians stay in the north of the Immortal Realm, and it is difficult for them to enter the Immortal Realm, let alone enter the Immortal Prison.

It's just that they didn't expect that the people in Jiexian prison would be disciples of two immortals.


Liu Chen raised his brows, clenched the dragon dagger in his hand, and repeatedly made moves with both hands, only waiting for the time to cut the black golden thread.

(End of this chapter)

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