
Chapter 817

Chapter 817
"Kill him directly."

"We share the property and the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart equally."

Saying that, Jian Xin directly raised the Changhong Sword in his hand, clearly wanting to kill Passing Water directly.

"and many more!"

Heihuang turned pale with shock, and quickly stopped him: "If we kill him like this, how can we get the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart?"

"Cut his body into two, and we'll take them back to each other. If the blood essence is refined by him, then it can definitely be extracted from his body."

Jian Xin said lightly.

"it is good!"

Heihuang nodded slightly, and immediately moved a little distance away to give Jianxin enough room to display his strength. In fact, behind his hands, he was staring at Jianxin with a fierce look in his eyes.

The blood essence of the Demon God's Heart!

I must take them all!
"go to hell!"

With a ferocious expression on his face, Jian Xin suddenly slashed down with his sword.

Passing Water's eyes were slightly closed, his face was indifferent, he knew that he would die no matter what today, he only needed Jian Xin to give him a good time, so as not to suffer torture.

But just when the Changhong sword landed half an inch on Passing Water Tianling Gai, a black palm pierced Jian Xin's chest.

That black hand held Kenshin's heart, making a thumping sound.

Immediately afterwards, Heihuang squeezed her right hand hard, and her heart exploded instantly, turning into a cloud of blood.

"Pfft! You..."

Jian Xin didn't even think about it, just looking at the black palm on his chest, he knew who the person behind him was.

"Black Phoenix! I won't let you go!"

Jian Xin turned around abruptly, desperately trying to let Passing Water go, and wanted to drag Hei Huang to be buried with him.

After all, he is a strong person who transforms spirits, even if his heart is gone, his physical body will not collapse.

"This sentence should be what I said to you."

Heihuang smiled coldly, and countless black threads spread out from the palm of his hand, piercing towards the inside of Jian Xin's body.

After a while, the surface of Jian Xin's skin turned black, looking very disgusting.

"I will tell Master the truth right now, you are dead!"

Jian Xin knew that he was not the opponent of Hei Huang, and immediately the Nascent Soul came out of his body and flew towards the rookie conference.

Seeing the situation, the corners of Heihuang's mouth rose slightly, revealing a bloodthirsty smile, and said coldly: "It's really stupid! Do you think Immortal Gu Jian really cares about your life or death?"

"If you don't get the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart, even if I kill you here, he won't do anything to me!"

After the words fell, the black phoenix turned into a huge black phoenix, opened its mouth and chased after Jian Xin.

good chance!
Liu Chen, who was hiding in the dark, had a gleam in his eyes, and immediately bent his fingers, and the dragon dagger flew out immediately.

"Passing water, there is only so much I can help you with, take care!"

Liu Chen said via voice transmission.

Hearing this, Passing Water suddenly opened his eyes, and saw the dragon dagger flying towards him, and a deep hope suddenly burned in the depths of his eyes.

"what is that?"

Jian Xin raised his brows, looked at Long Dagger intently, understood instantly, and shouted: "Someone wants to reap the benefits!"

"Tch! Do you think I will believe such a meaningless lie?"

Heihuang disdainfully said.

But his face changed in the next second, and he felt another powerful breath.

"not good!"

Heihuang yelled badly, turned around and flew towards the passing water in an instant.

It's a pity that at this time, the dragon dagger had already cut off the black gold thread, and Passing Water regained his freedom. With his strength in the late stage of transformation, Heihuang was no match at all.

"I'm not free today, so I won't play with you, but if you miss me, you can find me in the north of Immortal World."

Passing Water put away the dragon dagger, smiled triumphantly, immediately got rid of the black phoenix, and flew north towards the fairy world.


Heihuang desperately chased after him, but he didn't dare to attract other people, so as not to expose the prison robbery.

After chasing for a certain distance, Black Phoenix knew that he was no match for him, so he had no choice but to give up, and then disappeared.

But at this moment, Liu Chen's clone had already disappeared.

"I quit!"

Liu Chen smiled slightly, and walked directly out of the 99 Bronze Man formation. Although he only walked seven tenths of the distance, he was still considered a leader.

Stronger than most of Xianzun's disciples, the most important thing is that no one can completely walk out of the 99 Bronze Man formation.

Liu Chen smiled triumphantly, and looked at Jian Xin and Hei Huang below.

At this time, it is estimated that their lungs are about to explode.

"It's all your fault, otherwise the passing water would not have slipped away from our noses, you just wait for the punishment of the immortal!"

"If the higher-ups blame us and track us down, both you and I will die!"

Jian Xin found a physical body temporarily, and transformed into the previous appearance, but the breath was not as good as before, staring at Hei Huang fiercely, and said coldly.

Hearing this, Heihuang's face was extremely gloomy, and he frowned, saying: "The most urgent thing is that we must find that mysterious person and blame him."

"Hmph! Anyway, I have nothing now, and I will not lose if I can hold you back before I die!"

Jian Xin was completely ashamed, he didn't care about Tao, but deep in his eyes was full of hatred for Hei Huang.

"Now it's not just a matter of the heart and blood of the demon god. We must find that mysterious person."

"That mysterious person must still be in the fairyland. As long as we can find him, we will naturally be able to catch Passing Water again. We still have a chance to pay off our merits."

"The premise is that we have to find that mysterious person before the higher authorities track us down."

Heihuang said anxiously.

Hearing this, Jian Xin paused, recalling what happened just now in his mind, and said: "Dragon dagger! I seem to have seen the dragon dagger, and only the dragon dagger can easily cut the black gold thread."

"That's right! As long as we can find out who has the dragon dagger, that person may be the mysterious person!"

The two analyzed carefully, but they didn't set their eyes on Liu Chen.

At this time, Liu Chen took the initiative to walk over, looked at Heihuang and Jian Xin with a smile, and said lightly: "If you bribe me, maybe I can consider concealing your prison robbery."


The complexions of Jian Xin and Hei Huang changed instantly, a gleam of light flashed in their eyes, they stared at Liu Chen viciously, and said, "Stop spitting blood here!"

Could it be that Liu Chen is that mysterious person?

Jian Xin and Hei Huang looked at each other, full of doubts in their hearts.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled disapprovingly, and said lightly: "You two left your clones to break into the 99 Bronze Man formation, do you really think I'm the only one who saw it?"

"I think the three immortal emperors and the Nine Great Immortal Venerables should have noticed it, but they don't want to pursue such trivial matters."

"And you are eager to get the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart, so you must have taken advantage of the emptiness of the Immortal Prison to rob the prison."

"I bet that within three days, the news of Passing Water being robbed will spread all over the fairy world. If I go to add fuel and add a few words, then the death of the two of you may be near."

Liu Chen looked joking, as if if you don't do me any favors, I'll let you both go to see Hades, the angry Hei Huang and Jian Xin trembled, but there was nothing they could do.

Because as the saying goes, within three days, the news of Passing Water being robbed will spread throughout the fairy world, and they will be very dangerous by then.

As for this kind of thing related to Nixian, Immortal Master Qian Zhan and Immortal Gu Jian will definitely ignore them for the sake of self-protection.

Therefore, the only ones who can save them are themselves.

"How can I be sure that you won't get worse after receiving the benefits?"

Jian Xin hesitated.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled irrefutably, and said lightly: "Then you don't have to believe it, I'll tell the master and the immortals right now."

After the words fell, Liu Chen immediately flew towards Immortal Immortal Venerable.

"and many more!"

Heihuang grabbed Liu Chen's arm and said, "I have 50 fairy stones here."

"I also have 50 fairy stones here!"

Gritting his teeth, Jian Xin handed Liu Chen a savings bag.

Seeing the situation, Liu Chen smiled smugly, and accepted the two savings bags unceremoniously, but he was not satisfied, and still looked at them with a smile.

"You have already got 100 million fairy stones, are you still not satisfied?"

Black Phoenix asked.

Hearing this, Liu Chen chuckled twice, and said in a strange way: "Compared with your lives, these 100 million immortal stones are too insignificant, right?"

Jian Xinqi's face turned red. If eyes could kill, Liu Chen would have been chopped into pieces, so he threw out another savings bag and said, "This is all my savings!"

"Hmph! Take it!"

Heihuang threw out a savings bag again.

"It's almost there."

Liu Chen opened two savings bags, there were probably more than 100 million fairy stones, plus the previous ones, Liu Chen now has 300 million fairy stones.

In fact, neither Jianxin nor Heihuang had a choice, they had to do so.

By giving Liu Chen the benefit, they still have time to struggle and find the mysterious person, and the next few people are very important.

Seeing that Liu Chen was satisfied, Jian Xin and Hei Huang finally took a breath, and said, "The two of us split up. I am in the fairy world to inquire about the whereabouts of the cultivator who owns the dragon dagger. You can go to the black market to inquire. Has anyone bought the dragon dagger recently?" .”

"it is good!"

Jian Xin nodded. Anyway, the next link has nothing to do with him, so he left directly and flew in the direction of the black market.

Hearing this, Liu Chen's heart sank to the bottom with a thud.

Both of them know about Dragon Dagger, if Jian Xin goes to the black market to inquire about it, he can easily find out my whereabouts.

After all, Liu Chen was a big hit in the black market back then, even Lu Qingfeng knew about it.

We can only get rid of the two of them!
Liu Chen frowned tightly, and there was a trace of cold killing intent in the depths of his eyes. He immediately turned to look at Lu Qingfeng, and said, "Senior Lu, anyway, I don't have anything to do next."

"I want to go to your cave and try to refine the elixir."

"it is good."

Lu Qingfeng smiled and nodded.

As soon as the words fell, Liu Chen immediately left the Rookie Conference and ran all the way towards the black market.

But at this moment, he saw a figure blocking Liu Chen's way.

"Liu Chen."

Passing Water smiled, and immediately walked out from the darkness.

"Why are you still here!"

Liu Chen turned pale with shock.

(End of this chapter)

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