
Chapter 818 Killing Jianxin

Chapter 818 Killing Jianxin
"Wait for you."

Passing Water smiled, not in a hurry at all.

This is a fairyland!

Because of the rookie conference, many powerful people have appeared. Once your whereabouts are discovered by them, you will definitely be close to death.


Hearing these words, black lines appeared on Liu Chen's forehead, and suddenly he felt that the emperor was not in a hurry for the eunuchs, so he asked patiently, "What are you waiting for me for?"

"Just now they were sure about the dragon dagger. They were worried that they would track you down because of this clue, so I sent it to you."

Hearing this, Liu Chen's heart warmed up, and he wanted to blame a few words, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it, so he immediately put away the dragon dagger.

"You hurry up, it will be over if they find out."

Liu Chen persuaded again.

"Okay! I will keep this life-saving grace in my heart. If there is anything I can use next time, just say hello."

Passing Water patted his chest and said with a smile.

"Okay! You go away first! It's too dangerous!"

Liu Chen repeatedly urged, and looked around carefully, wishing to kick the passing water directly to the north of the fairy world.

If the passing water was discovered, not only he would be unlucky, but Liu Chen would also suffer.

Even the crime of robbing the prison will fall on Liu Chen.

"Take care of yourself!"

Chen Ken said in the voice of Passing Water, and then the figure flashed and disappeared into the sky.

Looking at the direction in which Passing Water left, and after confirming that he really left, Liu Chen finally let out a long breath, feeling the big stone on his chest fall down.

"too crazy."

I'm afraid that Heihuang and Jianxin didn't expect that the passing water didn't return to the north of the fairyland immediately, but continued to wander in the fairyland.

Liu Chen muttered a few times, and continued to fly towards the black market.

Jian Xin was injured several times, and his body collapsed just now. His strength must be much worse than before. I don't know if he can still display half of his original strength.

Of course, the lower Jian Xin's strength was, the happier Liu Chen was.

You can't kill people in the black market, and you can't wait until Jian Xin comes out of the black market before doing it, because that may lose the target.

We must deal with him before Jianxin enters the black market.

It is best not to leave a trace!

So Liu Chen disguised himself as a mysterious person, and after catching up with Jian Xin, he passed in front of him majestically.

"Mystery man!"

Jian Xin's pupils shrank suddenly, he looked at Liu Chen in shock, and chased after him without saying a word.

"The whereabouts of the mysterious person have been found, come to support!"

After the words fell, Jian Xin accelerated brazenly, but he didn't dare to get too close to the mysterious person.

He is also very clear that the physical body is destroyed in consecutive hands, and the original strength can't be used at all. To be on the safe side, it's better to keep an eye on the mysterious person first.

When the Black Phoenix appears, I will leave it to him to deal with the mysterious man.

Thinking of this, the corners of Jian Xin's mouth rose slightly, showing a smug smile, and muttered to himself: "You have been tricked so many times, it's time for you to suffer."

But Jian Xin didn't know, and Liu Chen didn't want him to do anything, he just wanted to lead him to a place where no one was there.

After a while, Liu Chen looked around vigilantly, and after confirming that there was nothing there, he stopped slowly and turned to look at Jian Xin.


Jian Xin frowned, stopped reflexively, looked at the mysterious man in surprise, and said, "You've already discovered me?"

"if not?"

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth raised slightly, showing a playful smile, he simply tore off the disguise, and looked at Jian Xin with a smile.

"It's you! You are the mysterious man! It was you who saved the passing water!"

"You are also a reverse fairy!"

Jian Xin was emotional, as if he had discovered some great news.

"What else do you have to say!"

Jian Xin raised his sleeve and drew out his sword, pointed at Liu Chen's head, and said aggressively.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled disapprovingly, looked Jian Xin up and down, and said lightly: "I only have one sentence now!"

"What! Say!"

With a ferocious face and fierce eyes, Jian Xin said viciously: "Otherwise, if my helper comes, you will have no chance to speak!"

"Send you to the West!"

Liu Chen's face darkened, his eyes burst into bursts of light, and the dragon dagger appeared out of thin air, and instantly passed through Jian Xin's eyebrows, bringing out a bloody flower.

Jian Xin's pupils dilated, and he staggered two steps forward. He seemed to be unable to hold the Changhong Sword firmly. His face was full of incredulity, and he stammered, "Wh...when...dragon...dagger!"


With a wave of his sleeve, Liu Chen immediately put the dragon dagger into his savings bag, and said flatly, "Since you started following me, the dragon dagger has been hiding behind you, but you are too stupid to find even one."

"I really wonder, how did a stupid person like you survive until now?"


Jian Xin was so angry that he spat out a big mouthful of blood, his face was pale, his breath continued to decline, and he was dying.

"Your Nascent Soul is about to dissipate. Instead of suffering the torment of death, let me help you!"

Liu Chen's complexion darkened, and he immediately made a tactic with both hands, suddenly bent his fingers, and shouted: "Heisha evil fire!"

Kenshin can die!But don't leave any clues!

The safest way is to let Jian Xin completely disappear in this world without leaving any traces.

The evil fire of Heisha burned blazingly, swallowing the heart of the sword in an instant, making a crackling sound.

After a while, the black evil fire was extinguished, and the sword heart turned into a cloud of gray powder, which drifted away with the wind.

Jian Xin died, Gu Jian Xianzun must have sensed it, so Liu Chen didn't dare to stay in place for too long, and immediately flew towards Lu Qingfeng's cave.

Not long after Liu Chen left, Black Phoenix rushed over, looked around suspiciously, and muttered to himself, "Where's the person?"

"I can't feel the slightest breath in a radius of ten miles. Could it be that Jian Xin is playing tricks on me?"

Heihuang shook his head, and immediately denied his own thoughts, no matter what time it is now, Jian Xin will definitely not be like this.

But at this moment, Liu Chen had already returned to the cave, and immediately began to calm down to make alchemy.

"Jian Xin is dead, I must find another chance to get rid of Black Phoenix, only in this way will I be truly safe."

A cold light flashed in Liu Chen's eyes, and he immediately opened the alchemy furnace, poured out all the ingredients, and refined the elixir absent-mindedly.

It was the first time to use the Phoenix Pill Stove, so Liu Chen planned to start with the simplest marrow washing pill to get familiar with the Pill Stove.

After I got a little feeling, I started to refine the barrier-breaking pill.

But Liu Chen also knew very well that the Black Phoenix was stronger than Jian Xin, and it was not easy to get rid of the Black Phoenix.

The most important thing is that Black Phoenix is ​​different from Jianxin. If Jianxin is dead, Ancient Sword Immortal may not pursue it too much.

But if the black phoenix died, Immortal Master Qian Zhan would definitely be furious.

By the way, Immortal World North!

Suddenly, Liu Chen had a flash of inspiration, as long as he led the black phoenix to the north of the fairy world, and united with the passing water, he would be able to take the black phoenix directly.

After making up his mind, Liu Chen began to concentrate on alchemy.

There was only a buzzing sound, and there was a burnt smell coming from the Phoenix Pill Furnace.

Liu Chen frowned slightly, and immediately opened the alchemy furnace, only to see that all the materials inside had been burned into black lumps.


Liu Chen shook his head and sighed. Fortunately, these materials belonged to Lu Qingfeng, otherwise Liu Chen would be so distressed.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Chen put in a lot of materials, made a formula with both hands, controlled the pill fire, and refined the marrow washing pill.

After a while, Liu Chen waved his sleeves and opened the alchemy furnace, only to see more than a dozen crystal-clear pills floating inside, all of which were high-level marrow washing pills.


The corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, showing a smug smile, and immediately stimulated the power of life in his body, turning all these marrow washing pills into flawless marrow washing pills.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, my alchemy ability has not declined at all."

Liu Chen smiled triumphantly, and immediately found the medicinal materials for refining the barrier-breaking pill from Lu Qingfeng's cave.

After a while, Liu Chen placed all the medicinal materials next to the Phoenix Pill Stove, and at the same time put the Dragon Dagger in the Pill Stove.

One of the divine senses controlled the dragon dagger, releasing dragon flames at critical moments, while the phoenix pill furnace spewed out phoenix pill fire.

The two flames refined the medicinal materials at the same time.


Liu Chen made a formula with both hands, and suddenly flexed his fingers, and two of the herbs flew in at the same time.

I saw the Phoenix Pill Fire and Dragon Flame sweeping up, burning the medicinal materials into powder in an instant.

"too strong."

Liu Chen frowned slightly, shook his head, and threw in two medicinal ingredients again, but this time the pill fire was much smaller than last time.


After an unknown amount of time, Liu Chen's expression was a little tired, but there was unconcealable joy in his eyes.

"It's done!"

Liu Chen immediately stood up from the ground, feeling numb in his legs and feeling weak all over.


With a wave of Liu Chen's big sleeve, the Phoenix Pill Stove was untied immediately, and inside lay three barrier-breaking pills full of pill patterns.

"Low-level barrier breaking pill!"

Liu Chen put away the barrier-breaking pill, feeling a little disappointed.

"Fortunately, I have the ability to advance the pill, otherwise it would be almost impossible to refine the barrier-breaking pill."

Thinking of this, Liu Chen immediately beamed with joy, mobilizing the power of life in his body, turning one of the barrier-breaking pills into a flawless barrier-breaking pill.

Lu Qingfeng's cave was in a mess, with medicinal materials everywhere, in order not to let Lu Qingfeng know that Liu Chen was refining the barrier-breaking pill.

So Liu Chen immediately cleaned up the medicinal materials. Although the cave still looked messy, there was no doubt that Liu Chen had refined the barrier-breaking pill.

Because these medicinal materials scattered on the ground are all key medicinal materials for refining Xisui Pill.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Lu Qingfeng to come in from outside the cave, smiled, and praised: "I've smelled the fragrance of Dan from all the way, you're really good."

"But you missed a few wonderful shows."

Lu Qingfeng pointed at Liu Chen and joked.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled bitterly, and said, "Compared to watching a play, I prefer alchemy."

"Let me see, what kind of pills have you refined?"

Lu Qingfeng spoke slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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