
Chapter 819 Rewards

Chapter 819 Rewards
"it is good."

Liu Chen agreed, and immediately flipped his hands, more than [-] marrow washing pills appeared in the palm of his hand, and each of them was flawless marrow washing pill.

Washing pills?
Lu Qingfeng shook his head in disappointment. He felt that Liu Chen still had some alchemy abilities. Even if he couldn't make any particularly powerful pills, he wouldn't be able to refine marrow-washing pills, right?


Suddenly, Lu Qingfeng's pupils shrank suddenly, and he saw that these twenty or so marrow washing pills were all flawless pills, which was incredible.

"Are the twenty or so flawless marrow washing pills all refined by you?"

Lu Qingfeng looked at Liu Chen in disbelief, feeling as if he had found a treasure.

"No, I exchanged ten of them with points from the Task Pavilion, and the remaining thirteen were refined just now."

Liu Chen smiled awkwardly and replied.

"From the time you left the rookie conference until I came back, have you refined so many marrow washing pills?"

Lu Qingfeng's face was full of shock, he suddenly couldn't believe it was true.

It is indeed easy to refine the marrow-washing pill, and even a little experienced alchemist can do it, but it is not easy to refine the marrow-washing pill without time.

Of course, with Lu Qingfeng's strength, it's not a problem to refine the Wuxia Xisui Pill. In fact, many veteran alchemists can do it.

The key is that not only did Liu Chen refine so many marrow washing pills, but it also took a very short time.

Lu Qingfeng asked himself, with his current strength, to refine the marrow-washing pill, he would open a pill furnace every half an hour at the earliest, and make ten pills at a time.

Among them, there are at least six flawless marrow-washing pills, and it will take at least an hour to refine thirteen marrow-washing pills.

But who is Lu Qingfeng, the No. 1 alchemist in the fairy world.

It takes him one hour to refine the Flawless Marrow Cleansing Pill, while others need at least five hours, or even ten hours.

"Alchemy genius! You were born because of alchemy!"

Lu Qingfeng's eyes lit up, he looked at Liu Chen like a pervert seeing a beautiful woman, full of danger, and muttered to himself: "It's a pity that you have already become the disciple of Immortal Immortal, otherwise I really want to accept you as a disciple .”

"It's a pity that I can't find a suitable person to inherit my mantle with my abilities."

Having said that, Lu Qingfeng couldn't help shaking his head, and sighed a long time.


Liu Chen was so clever, he immediately greeted Lu Qingfeng with a sonorous and powerful voice.

"Hahaha! Good good!"

Lu Qingfeng looked excited, and immediately helped Liu Chen up, threw a savings bag directly to Liu Chen, and said: "There are 1000 million fairy stones in here, and a cauldron of alchemy, if you need any medicinal materials in the future, if I don't have them here, just go and buy them." Just go buy it."

"I promise not to waste too much of your time, as long as you come to my cave once a month, I will teach you the experience of alchemy."

"Thank you, master!"

Liu Chen smiled happily, and saluted Lu Qingfeng again.

"Almost forgot the business!"

Suddenly, Lu Qingfeng slapped the back of his head suddenly, and said: "The rookie conference should have ended, Immortal Immortal Venerable asked you to go to his cave, as if he has something for you."

"Is there something for me?"

Liu Chen murmured to himself, and the rookie conference at that time suddenly appeared in his mind, and Immortal Immortal Venerable said that he would reward him with a real treasure.

His expression became even more excited, so he hurriedly bid farewell to Lu Qingfeng, and ran all the way to the cave of Immortal Venerable Immortal.

After a while, Liu Chen walked into Immortal Immortal Venerable's cave, saluted quickly, and said, "Disciple pays homage to master."

"Meet the senior brother, the second senior brother."


Immortal Immortal Venerable was very happy, because today, not only Liu Chen gave him a face, but the other two disciples also gave him a face.

Xie Bing still maintained his position as the fourth envoy, while Qi Yan became the No.18 envoy.

Although ranked last, Immortal Venerable Immortal Venerable has two disciples who have become immortal envoys. Although one of the disciples has not become an immortal envoy, he has not even stepped into the realm of refining emptiness.

But his brilliance in the rookie conference this time is not weaker than that of Xie Bing and Qi Yan.

Even worse than that, even the three immortal emperors had a slight interest in him.

"Do you still know why I called you here?"

Immortal Immortal Venerable said with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled, and said bluntly: "I heard that the master has a real treasure to give me, it should be true, right?"

"That's natural. I will not only reward you with a real treasure, but also allow you to enter the Yuanshen Pool to practice for a day."

Immortal Immortal Venerable said triumphantly, the more he looked at Liu Chen, the more pleasing it was to his eyes.

"Yuanshen Pool? What is that?"

Liu Chen was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Immortal Immortal Venerable blankly.

Xie Bing remained silent, but when Immortal Immortal Venerable mentioned the word Yuanshenchi, his mood fluctuated obviously, and there was a trace of envy in the depths of his eyes.

"Third Junior Brother, it doesn't matter if you don't know. After you enter, you will be able to appreciate how great it is to practice in Yuanshen Pool."

Qi Yan laughed loudly.

The Lord of Reincarnation and Phantom stood at the bottom. On this occasion, they were not even qualified to intervene unless Immortal Venerable Immortal gave them instructions.

"Tch! You were actually allowed to enter the Yuanshen Pool to practice!"

Xu Ying was jealous and wanted to take Liu Chen's place, but unfortunately he didn't have the qualifications at all.

"Thank you Master!"

Liu Chen didn't have time to think about it, and quickly saluted Immortal Venerable again.

"OK OK."

Immortal Venerable waved his hand, indicating that enough was enough for Liu Chen, and immediately waved his hand, saying: "This is a high-level true treasure, called Jiuli Pot."

Jiuli Pot!
Upon hearing these three words, everyone in the cave mansion's eyes lit up, staring at the Jiuli pot in the hands of Immortal Immortal Venerable.

"Master, is this the Jiuli pot? It is rumored that it can refine all things?"

Qi Yan looked at Immortal Immortal Venerable in surprise, and asked.

Hearing this, Immortal Immortal Venerable nodded with a smile on his face, and said: "Jiuli pot is a rare treasure from heaven and earth. This Jiuli pot is not the other Jiuli pot, but it also possesses impressive power."

"At a critical moment, the enemy can be sucked into the Jiuli Pot, and its Nascent Soul can be directly refined without any chance of escape."

"The most amazing thing is that after the Jiuli pot refines the cultivator, it will form a elixir inside. This elixir condenses all the strength of the cultivator and can increase the strength."

Immortal Immortal Venerable laughed.

Hearing this, the gleam in Xie Bing's eyes gradually faded, and he was shocked at first, how could Immortal Immortal Venerable give Liu Chen the Jiuli Pot, it turned out to be just an imitation.

Even so, the power of this Jiuli pot is also very powerful.

"I see."

Qiyan nodded slightly, feeling a little disappointed in his heart.

Although the Lord of Reincarnation was envious, he was very clear about the status of himself and Liu Chen. One was the third disciple who was in the limelight, and the other was an ordinary servant.

He didn't have any chance to touch those powerful real treasures.

It was Xu Ying, who was extremely jealous, especially when he looked at Jiuli Pot, his eyes shone with gold.

He clearly promised me that he would bring Liu Chen to the fairyland and give me a real treasure as a reward, but so long has passed, and I haven't even seen a single hair!

Xuying's heart was full of resentment, but in front of Immortal Venerable, he didn't dare to say a word. Seeing Immortal Venerable give Liu Chen the Jiuli Pot, he didn't even have the courage to mention it.

"Thank you Master!"

Liu Chen immediately took the Jiuli pot, played with it for a while, imprinted his divine sense, and immediately formed a connection with the Jiuli pot.

Today's harvest is really too big!
Liu Chen was overjoyed, there were 300 million immortal stones in the Sumeru Ring, and there was also a cauldron of alchemy, and now there was another powerful treasure!

The Qilin Iron Arm is only a low-level true treasure, while the Jiuli Pot is really a high-level true treasure, there is a huge difference between the two.

With the extra Nine Li Pot in his hand, Liu Chen will be a little more confident when he fights the Black Phoenix next time.

"Okay, let's go here."

Suddenly, Immortal Immortal Venerable waved his sleeves, motioning for the others to leave.

Hearing this, Xie Bing and others left one after another. Just as Liu Chen turned to leave, Immortal Immortal Venerable waved his sleeve and said, "Liu Chen, you stay."

"Master, is there anything else?"

The joy on Liu Chen's face hadn't faded, he looked at Immortal Immortal Venerable suspiciously, and asked.

"I want to know, who put the seal on you?"

Immortal Immortal Venerable looked serious, staring at Liu Chen solemnly.

Seeing him like this, Liu Chen felt guilty, he couldn't be said to be Mr. Li from Nixian Headquarters, could he?

Liu Chen paused, and replied, "A mysterious expert!"


Immortal Immortal Venerable raised his brows slightly, looked at Liu Chen half-believingly, and said, "You mean, a mysterious expert found you, but he didn't take away the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart in your body, but planted it on it. A seal?"

"The breath used to cover up the blood essence?"

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded heavily.

"I see. No wonder I can't feel the aura of the heart and blood of the demon god in your body."

Immortal Immortal Venerable nodded suspiciously, and continued: "That's good, so as not to be targeted by those who have evil intentions."

"Okay, you go down."

"Yes, Master."

Liu Chen immediately withdrew from the cave as if he had been pardoned.

Seeing the direction where Liu Chen left, Immortal Immortal Venerable frowned, and thought deeply: "People in the fairy world are all greedy, and there is no mysterious person who will not be tempted after seeing the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart?"


But at this moment, Liu Chen left the cave, and immediately flew towards Yuanshen Pool under the leadership of Qi Yan.

"Third Junior Brother, let me tell you, the biggest advantage of Yuanshen Pool is that it will make your cultivation improve rapidly."

"So after you enter, you must have no distracting thoughts, enter the cultivation state as quickly as possible, and cherish every second."

"do you know?"

Qiyan warned repeatedly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded heavily, and said, "I see, Second Senior Brother."

Liu Chen was full of anticipation for Yuanshen Pool in his heart. He didn't know if he could take Yucui Pill, Baicao Pill, and Yuanshen Pool to a higher level of cultivation and directly step into the late stage of Transforming God.

"That's the door to go in."

Qiyan pointed to a stone gate next to the cave, and said.

(End of this chapter)

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