
Chapter 820 Yuanshen Pool

Chapter 820 Yuanshen Pool

Following Qi Yan's gaze, he saw that there was indeed a stone door directly in front of him, but this stone door was closed tightly.

"Yuanshen Pond is a restricted area. Without Master's permission, none of us can approach it. You can go there."

Qi Yan looked envious, and said slowly.

"What exactly is Yuanshen Pool?"

Liu Chen was full of curiosity, so he asked.

"I'm not particularly clear about it, but it's very beneficial for cultivation, especially it can increase the strength of the soul."

Saying that, Qi Yan immediately pushed Liu Chen in.


As soon as Liu Chen walked to the stone gate, the stone gate opened.

Behind the stone gate is an open space, and there is a huge pool in the center. It is strange that the color of this pool is blue.

"This is Yuanshen Pool?"

Liu Chen frowned, his eyes were full of curiosity, and then he slowly approached Yuanshen Pool.

Suddenly, many blisters appeared on the blue water surface, filled with smoke. Just by looking at it, I felt that the water temperature inside was very high.

Liu Chen walked in cautiously, and suddenly felt a huge force, directly pulling his body and rushing into Yuanshen Pool.

"not good!"

Liu Chen yelled that it was not good, and he wanted to rush outside on a conditioned reflex, but felt that the water in Yuanshen Pond seemed to have countless tentacles, which were tightly attached to Liu Chen's body, and he couldn't escape at all.

Immediately afterwards, a magical power surged into Liu Chen's body along his skin, improving his body.

For such a simple effect, Liu Chen only needs to take the Xisui Pill to achieve it, but the key to Yuanshen Lake is not this, but to strengthen the soul.

Feeling the benefits of Yuanshen Pool, Liu Chen immediately relaxed his mind and sat quietly in Yuanshen Pool.

Traces of blue liquid penetrated into Liu Chen's body, flowing to the eight extraordinary meridians, and his limbs and bones, making Liu Chen look blue all over.

After a while, the blue liquid converged into a trickle, cleared all the meridians in Liu Chen's body, and rushed towards his head.

You must know that the head is the most important thing. The Nascent Soul is inside the head, and the Xiange is also on the head, but there is a Nascent Soul protection outside.

"If Immortal Immortal Venerable wants to harm me, I can't escape."

After thinking about it carefully, Liu Chen simply gave up his defense completely and let the blue liquid flow to his head.

Hearing a buzzing sound, the Nascent Soul in Liu Chen's mind trembled desperately, and the fairy grid inside was impacted, as if it was about to explode.

Liu Chen frowned and clenched his teeth, obviously suffering unimaginable pain.

But at the same time as suffering, Liu Chen also felt the benefits brought by Yuanshen Pool, and the strength of Yuanying and Xiange had obviously increased a lot.

Thankfully, this painful period lasted only a short time.


Liu Chen's gown was soaked with sweat all over his body, and Liu Chen panted heavily, then suddenly opened his eyes, bursting out bursts of light.

"The cultivation has really improved a lot."

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, revealing a smug smile.

The higher the realm, the slower the progress. It is also in the mid-stage of transformation, and it takes at least ten years for ordinary practitioners to break through.

Such a premise has to be in the fairy world. If it is in the five lands, I am afraid that there will be no special opportunities and it will be impossible to break through in a lifetime.

Not long after Liu Chen broke through the mid-stage of the transformation of the gods, his cultivation reached the peak of the mid-stage of the transformation of the gods.

With only a chance of a breakthrough, Liu Chen will officially enter the late stage of Transformation God!
At this time, Liu Chen waved his sleeves, took out Baicao Pill and Yucui Pill, swallowed them without hesitation, and refined them with the help of Yuanshenchi.


After taking the two kinds of elixirs at the same time, I only felt a burning sensation in my throat, as if I could spew out flames just by opening my mouth.


Liu Chen roared up to the sky, the power of the two elixirs repelled each other, turning into a crimson, wandering in Liu Chen's body, destroying his meridians and bones.

When you look carefully, you can find that Liu Chen's skin has turned red, as if blood seeped out of it, it is very scary.

At this moment, the magical power of Yuanshenchi poured into Liu Chen's body again.

The effects of Baicao Pill and Yucui Pill are like ice and snow, which melt away quickly until they disappear completely.

It took about two hours before Liu Chen's body fully recovered.

"Phew, it took so much effort, but I still couldn't break through."

Liu Chen looked at his body and shook his head in disappointment.

The cultivation base is still at the peak of the middle stage of transformation, it seems that it is almost impossible to break through with the help of elixir.

You must find an opportunity to break through!

A day passed quickly, and Liu Chen immediately retreated from Yuanshen Pool and came to the cave again.

Immortal Immortal Venerable sat directly above with a smile on his face, and the Lord of Reincarnation and Xu Ying stood below one left and one right, especially Xu Ying, who looked like a servant.

"You're making rapid progress. With your talent, it probably won't be long before you can surpass Qiyan."

The Immortal Immortal Venerable smiled slightly, and praised unabashedly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled, didn't speak, and went straight to the point: "Master, I saw you today mainly for one thing."

"But it doesn't matter."

Immortal Immortal Venerable said.

"I've been in Immortal World for a while, and I want to go back and have a look."

Liu Chen looked serious, looking at the Immortal Immortal Venerable solemnly.

Immediately, the atmosphere in the cave was silent, and the smile on Immortal Venerable Immortal's face instantly froze. He stared at Liu Chen in silence for a long time, and then said, "Places like the lower realm will only hinder your cultivation, so don't go there."

"But if I don't go back and have a look, I'm afraid I'll never be able to calm down and practice."

Liu Chen was firm, and no matter what, he had to find out the way to return to the five lands from Immortal Venerable.

Hearing this, Immortal Immortal Venerable waved his sleeves and flatly refused: "As a teacher, this is for your consideration, you can't go back to the lower realm."

"My family, wife, and friends are still there. I have to go back. Even if you don't tell me how to go back today, I will find it myself!"

Liu Chen looked resolute. On this matter, he did not give Immortal Immortal Venerable any face, and did not hesitate to contradict him.

"Huh! Stupid, a person like you, a person like you, can't reach the highest level in a lifetime!"

Xu Ying said with contempt.

Hearing this sentence, Immortal Immortal Venerable slapped down suddenly, slapped the phantom away, and scolded: "It's not your servant's turn to intervene here!"

Immediately afterwards, Immortal Venerable calmed down his emotions for a while, and persuaded earnestly: "I, your two senior brothers, we are your family."

"As for friends, when you become stronger, everyone will be your friend."

"Also, I can give orders today to have someone choose two peerless beauties in the fairy world to be your wives."


Hearing this, Liu Chen raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a playful smile, shook his head, and said flatly, "Master, you don't understand me at all."

"Anyway, no matter what, I have to go back to the five lands, because there are concerns that I can't give up."

After the words fell, Liu Chen turned around and walked outside the cave.

"and many more!"

Seeing the situation, Immortal Immortal Venerable suddenly waved his sleeves, and a powerful force enveloped Liu Chen immediately, immobilizing him.

Immediately afterwards, Immortal Immortal Venerable came down from above, and said slowly: "Okay! You can go back to the lower realm, but you must come back within a day."

"Otherwise, the cultivation of Yuanshenchi will be in vain."

"Thank you Master!"

Liu Chen was ecstatic, if the Immortal Immortal didn't tell him how to return to the five lands, Liu Chen might take a long time.

Although there was only one day, it was enough for Liu Chen.

"Xu Ying, take him there."

The Immortal Immortal Venerable spoke lightly, then glanced at the phantom, and ordered.

"Yes! Master!"

Xu Ying's left cheek was swollen high, and an imperceptible venom flashed in his eyes, and he nodded immediately.

"Xuying knows how to return to the lower realm, just follow him."

"Remember, you must come back within a day."

The Immortal Immortal Venerable urged again and again.

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded with a smile, and vowed: "Please rest assured, Master, I promise to return within a day."


Immortal Immortal Venerable turned around, waved his sleeves, and signaled that they could leave.


Liu Chen waved his big sleeve, and immediately flew towards the outside of the cave, followed by phantom.

After a while, the two disappeared without a trace.

At this time, the Lord of Reincarnation turned around, looked at Immortal Venerable respectfully, and said: "Master, there is a sentence in my heart, I don't know if I should say it or not."

"Go ahead."

The Immortal Immortal Venerable spoke lightly.

"Xu Ying's eyes are resentful, if he is allowed to accompany Liu Chen back to the lower realm, I'm afraid there will be some storms."

The Lord of Reincarnation spoke slowly.

Hearing this, Immortal Immortal Venerable smiled disapprovingly, and said lightly: "I have seen it for a long time, but he is diligent to me, and I have no reason to get rid of him."

"As long as he dares to attack Liu Chen this time, I have a reason to kill him."

Hearing these words, the Lord of Reincarnation was shocked, and looked at Immortal Venerable Immortal Venerable with fear.

It turned out that Immortal Immortal Venerable had discovered it a long time ago, but he didn't say it all the time, but waited for the right time.

It seemed that this time, Xu Ying was doomed.

He just didn't know whether he would die in the hands of Liu Chen or the hands of Immortal Immortal Venerable.

The lord of reincarnation knew Liu Chen's strength, and now he had reached the peak of the mid-stage of transformation, so it was not particularly difficult to deal with phantom.

But at this moment, Liu Chen and Xu Ying left the cave and flew towards the distance.

"How long will it be?"

Liu Chen was so excited that he wished he could return to the five lands immediately.

"just in front."

Xu Ying remained expressionless and said a few words.

When you return to the five lands, I will quietly close the passage to the fairy world, and see how you come back then!

What nonsense Immortal Immortal Venerable, don't treat me as a human being at all.

Flying forward for a while, Liu Chen did see a colorful passage, but he saw the end of the passage.

(End of this chapter)

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