
Chapter 821 Changes

Chapter 821 Changes
"Just go in here."

Xu Ying suddenly stopped outside the passage, pointed to the colorful passage, and said expressionlessly.

Maybe it was because he was going to see Zixuan, Bing Feixue and others soon, Liu Chen was so excited that he didn't even observe the phantom's expression.

Immediately dodged, and immediately walked in.

"Tch! Serve it right!"

Xu Ying made a tactic with both hands, and suddenly flexed his fingers, the colorful channel was instantly closed, and disappeared into the air, as if it had never appeared before.

In fact, the passage didn't disappear, but the phantom hid him so as not to be discovered by others.

After doing all this, Xu Ying didn't leave because he didn't dare to go back.

Liu Chen returned to the Five Great Lands. If he was still in the fairy world and was discovered by the Immortal Immortal Venerable, he would be in trouble.

But the phantom did not leave the passage too far, but hid nearby.

At this time, Liu Chen entered the colorful passageway, surrounded by colorful walls, he couldn't see anything outside, and the front was completely white.

Liu Chen closed his eyes, as if walking alone in the dark, full of unknowns and confusion.

Fortunately, this colorful passage was not long, so Liu Chen saw the end not long after walking forward.

Immediately afterwards, there was only a buzzing sound, and the world spun suddenly, the surrounding scenery changed rapidly, and Liu Chen appeared in the Immortal Hall.

It's just that the Immortal Palace in front of him looks a bit bleak.

Originally, the Hall of Ascension to Immortals was the supreme power of the five lands, and only one Hall of Ascension to Immortals could suppress the dangerous situation in Xiling.

It's a pity that after that battle, the third ancestor of Ascension Hall died the strongest old woman, leaving Xiang Chunyan and Xiang Chunmiao, who were not opponents of the three great monsters of heaven and earth at all.

The most important thing is that Liu Chen ascended to immortality and became the number one expert in the five lands.

Gradually, the Hall of Ascension to Immortals began to go downhill, and fewer and fewer people entered the Hall of Ascension to Immortals. As a result, there were not many disciples in the originally huge Hall of Ascension to Immortals.

So it looks pretty bleak.

Liu Chen stood in the air, looking down, and happened to see Xiang Chunmiao and Xiang Chunyan, but they didn't notice Liu Chen in the air.

With Liu Chen's current strength, if he didn't want to be discovered by others, no one in the five lands would be able to discover him.

In fact, not only the Hall of Ascension to Immortals, but also the most prosperous and powerful Zhongtian Land seemed to have been affected and became miserable.

Liu Chen went all the way forward, and went to the land of the South Ring Road again, but there was still no big change, the ground was scorched black and turned into a barren land.

It's just that there are many more tombstones on this black land.

These people are all heroes who sacrificed their lives for the peace of the five continents.

Indeed, a monument should be erected for them to commemorate them.

The dangers of Xiling have changed a lot. In the past, only monsters could be seen in the dangers of Xiling, and it was almost impossible to see human cultivators entering.

But now, it is common to see human cultivators flying over the dangerous area of ​​Xiling, and they come and go very frequently.

"It seems that the relationship between the two races has eased quite well."

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, revealing a satisfied smile, at least not against Liu Chen's original intention.

The Northern Cold Land has not changed much, it is still managed by Bing Xihan and Bing Xichen, but the ice city is peaceful, and they don't need to intervene too much.

It is completely possible to let the big and small affairs of the ice door be handed over to the elders below.

Only the land of Dongling has undergone earth-shaking changes.

You must know that Dongling Land was originally the weakest land among the five great lands, and any force could wipe out Dongling Land.

Moreover, the three great empires of Dongling Land are fighting each other and are very disunity.

It can be realized that both the Xuan Kingdom and the Lingyuan Kingdom were swallowed up by the Rain Kingdom, and now only the Rain Kingdom remained among the three original empires.

The entire land of Dongling is ruled by the Rain Country.

But within Yu Country, there are still five sects with the highest status in the land——Daoyang Sect!

After such a long period of development, the size of Daoyang Sect has indeed doubled several times, but its strength is not as good as the declining Shengxian Temple.

In fact, during this period of time, Dao Yangzong also joined many strong men, including many strong Nascent Souls.

It's a pity that Daoyangzong is still in the dark, and it won't develop in three to fifty years. This is also a problem that Daoyangzong has always been confused about.

Fortunately, with Liu Chen in charge, Daoyang Sect became the number one sect in the five lands.

In order not to cause a stir, Liu Chen sneaked into Daoyang Sect quietly, hiding his breath.

As for the big formation outside Daoyang Sect, it was originally arranged by Liu Chen, how could it stop Liu Chen, and soon sensed the breath of Zixuan and Bing Feixue, so he flew over immediately.

Originally, Liu Chen used the guise of retreat to hide most people.

Since he hasn't been found out yet, he might as well keep it a secret, and only need to show his face occasionally, so as to ensure that the position of Dao Yangzong will not be shaken.

"Zi'er, Xue'er, I'm back."

Liu Chen smiled, looked at Zi Xuan and Bing Feixue in the distance, and said softly.

Following Liu Chen's gaze, I saw that Zixuan and Bing Feixue were teaching the disciples in the sect how to practice, and they looked decent, very upright.

"Huh? Sister Zi, did you hear any familiar voice?"

Bing Feixue stopped what she was doing, turned her head to look at Zi Xuan, and said with a surprised expression.

Hearing this, Zi Xuan nodded, and looked at Bing Feixue in shock, a figure of a person flashed in their minds at the same time.

"Is he back?"

The two suddenly pointed at each other and said in disbelief, and then a deep joy appeared in the depths of their eyes, and they immediately turned to look behind.

I saw Liu Chen standing by the tree, staring at the two of them with a smile.

"Hmph! You still know how to come back!"

Bing Feixue was very angry, and flew towards Liu Chen without saying a word, and grabbed Liu Chen's ears fiercely, wishing to bite off a piece of flesh from him.

Seeing the situation, Zi Xuan smiled without saying a word, but also stared at Liu Chen angrily.

"It's been so long since you left, and you don't know how to send me a letter. Do you know how worried we are about you?"

Bing Feixue looked at Liu Chen reproachfully, and said.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled sheepishly, and explained: "I also want to come every day, but it's impossible."

"You don't know, I came back only once after a lot of trouble, and I can only stay for one day, so I have to go back immediately."

"You still treat me better?"

Liu Chen's complexion changed, he hugged Bing Feixue and Zi Xuan, and said with a smile.

Hearing this, the two of them didn't resist, but instead took the initiative to snuggle into Liu Chen's arms, cherishing this hard-won day.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Can't you stay with us more?"

"They all miss you too."

Zixuan looked at Liu Chen in bewilderment, and asked.

"I think so too, but Immortal Immortal Venerable said that he will only give me one day. If I can't go back within one day, I don't know what punishment he will give me."

"Maybe I'll never be allowed back."

Liu Chen sighed for a long time, and said helplessly, but secretly proud in his heart.

Lower their expectations first, or even disappoint them, before telling them about the Xisui Dan.

"Hey! Why is this happening?"

"It's so hard to see you, I didn't expect it was only one day."

Zi Xuan and Bing Feixue sighed in disappointment, hugging Liu Chen tightly, for fear that Liu Chen would slip away from them.

"Haha, I don't want to tease you anymore. In fact, I came back this time mainly for one thing."

Liu Chen stood up, took out a jade bottle from the Sumeru Ring, and said, "What do you think this is?"

"Jade bottle?"

Zi Xuan and Bing Feixue wondered, but there was a glimmer of expectation in their hearts.

"These are marrow washing pills!"

Liu Chen smiled slightly, and immediately poured out two marrow-washing pills from it, explaining: "As long as you take the marrow-washing pill, you will immediately become a fairy body, and then you can enter the fairy world with me."

"The fairy world is rich in resources, and fairy patterns are everywhere. As long as you practice a little bit, and with the help of my elixir, you will soon enter the stage of transforming gods."

"At that time, you will also become immortals."

Hearing this, Zi Xuan and Bing Feixue's eyes shone brightly, they looked at Liu Chen incredulously, and muttered to themselves: "You mean, we can also become immortals?"

"Did we hear correctly?"

"Don't worry, I must have heard you right, will I still deceive you?"

Liu Chen patted his chest and promised.

Hearing this, Bing Feixue pouted and said calmly: "That's not sure, who lied to us just now."


Zixuan followed suit.

The two said so, but their bodies were very honest, and they immediately took the Xisui Pill.

"I have a total of 23 marrow washing pills here, but only those who are above the Dzogchen realm in the Nascent Soul stage can take them."

"The two of you will inform later, and say that I have a marrow washing pill here, which can help them enter the fairy world."

Hearing this, Zixuan and Bing Feixue nodded slightly, and immediately flew towards the distance after a while.

After taking the Xisui Pill, I immediately felt that my body became much lighter, and my perception became countless times stronger.

Seeing the direction the two of them were going away, Liu Chen smiled slightly, and returned to the stone room where he had retreated back then, quietly waiting for their arrival.

After a while, Zixuan and Bing Feixue came back, followed by a group of strong men.

Among these people, all of them were Nascent Soul Dzogchen experts, and some of them were people Liu Chen didn't know at all.

It should be the strong man who joined Dao Yangzong later.

Liu Chen glanced at them, there were four of them, and there was even a powerful monster among them.

"This is the Xisui Pill. After taking it, you can enter the fairy world through the Seven-color Immortal Bridge."

Liu Chen said lightly, and immediately divided up the marrow-washing pill, and then found Fuyunzi, and gave him the marrow-washing pill left in the jade bottle.

He warned: "If the strong men in the dangerous situation in Xiling ask you for the pill of washing marrow, just give it to them. I will send back the pill of washing marrow every once in a while."


Fu Yunzi nodded slightly, and immediately took the Xisui Dan away.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Chen quietly met Xiong'an and the others again, and before he even had time to go to the dangerous situation in Xiling, he took Zixuan and Bing Feixue and rushed to Shengxian Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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