
Chapter 822

Chapter 822
One day is too short for Liu Chen.

Liu Chen didn't have time to go to many places he wanted to visit, such as the Immortal Tomb and Xiling Danger.

In fact, Liu Chen really wanted to visit the fairy tomb again, thank the fairy master inside, and Yu Ling, I don't know how she is doing now.

In order to strengthen the seal, Yu Ling even gave up the fairy grid, and finally fought hard against the Demon God Clan.

Without Yu Ling, these things would basically not have happened, and Liu Chen would have no chance to become a fairy.

It's a pity that Liu Chen chose to return to Daoyang Sect and divide the Xisui Pill.

Now that he has gone to Dao Yangzong, it means that Liu Chen has no time to go to other places, even if he has become a fairy now.

After a while, Liu Chen directly tore apart the space, and quietly entered the Immortal Palace with Zixuan and Bing Feixue.

After all, if you want to enter the Immortal Realm through the Seven-color Immortal Immortal Bridge, if you can keep a low profile, it is better to keep a low profile.

"Follow me."

Liu Chen looked serious, and immediately waved his sleeves, and a gentle force immediately lifted Bing Feixue and Zixuan, and quietly approached the colorful Shengxian Bridge.

Xiang Chunmiao and Xiang Chunyan are indeed strong at the transformation stage, but they are nothing compared to Liu Chen.

With Liu Chen's protection, it was impossible for them to find Zixuan and Bing Feixue.


Zi Xuan then Bing Feixue nodded heavily, and followed Liu Chen closely.

Looking at the powerhouses of the Immortal Palace below who came and went occasionally, none of them noticed the three people in the sky, as if their perception had completely failed.

"Colorful Immortal Bridge."

Liu Chen muttered to himself, and immediately stepped on it, followed by Bing Feixue and Zi Xuan, and the three of them stood on the Seven-color Immortal Bridge again.


At this time, a roar of anger resounded through the sky, and two figures flew towards the colorful Shengxian Bridge at an extremely fast speed.

"Liu Chen!"

Xiang Chunyan thought it was someone who wanted to sneak into the Immortal Palace, but it turned out to be Liu Chen.


Liu Chen smiled awkwardly, stood on the Seven-color Shengxian Bridge, and looked at Xiang Chunmiao and Xiang Chunyan.

The two of them also looked at Liu Chen, not knowing what to say for a while, the atmosphere was rather awkward.

"Borrow the colorful Shengxian bridge and use it."

Liu Chen chuckled, and immediately pulled Zixuan and Bing Feixue forward, and at the same time released a powerful coercion, making it impossible for Xiang Chunyan and Xiang Chunmiao to move forward.

Such a terrifying power.

Xiang Chunmiao was extremely shocked. Feeling the terrifying coercion around him, he suddenly had an illusion that as long as Liu Chen was willing, this coercion alone could tear his body into pieces.

Xiang Chunyan's feeling was more direct, as if facing a scourge and a beast, deep fear arose in his heart.

Under the shock of this coercion, how could they dare to say a word.

They all knew that Liu Chen was very strong, but they never expected that after this period of time, they were still standing still, and Liu Chen had already become such a terrifying strength.

Xiang Chunmiao asked himself, even if they encountered the Great Void Demon, the two brothers could deal with each other, but in front of Liu Chen, they didn't even have a chance to attack.

"let's go."

Liu Chen said lightly, and immediately entered the passage.

Hearing this, Zixuan and Bing Feixue were obviously stunned, and they didn't expect that Liu Chen would become so powerful after going to the fairy world.

Immediately full of longing for the fairy world.


Suddenly, the corner of Liu Chen's mouth let out a small sigh, and he didn't notice until now that the phantom did not follow back to the five lands, and he couldn't feel the phantom's aura around him.

Suddenly, an extremely bad premonition arose in Liu Chen's heart, so he walked towards the depth of the passage, only to see that the exit was blocked by a colorful wall.

"How is this going?"

Looking at the colorful wall in front of her, Zixuan said in surprise.

"It seems that someone blocked the colorful Shengxian Bridge."

Bing Feixue frowned and muttered to herself.

"It must be a phantom."

Liu Chen's eyes were fierce, and he said decisively, his heart was suddenly filled with hatred.

It's a pity that the exit of the Seven-color Immortal Bridge was blocked. If Liu Chen wanted to return to the fairyland, he had to think of a way again.

"What do you mean?" Bing Feixue looked at Liu Chen curiously and asked.

Hearing this, Liu Chen immediately narrated, "Xu Ying is a servant next to Immortal Venerable Immortal. I had conflicts with him before, and he is extremely jealous, so he will take revenge on me."

"What now?"

Zi Xuan had no idea, looked at Liu Chen at a loss, and asked.

"See if you can blast this wall, otherwise I have no other way."

Liu Chen shook his head in disappointment, and immediately punched out with his right hand, and the unicorn's iron arm spread out instantly, bursting out with terrifying power.

There was a bang, and the colorful wall shook violently, and a lot of colorful aura flowed from it, but there were no cracks.

"Even the unicorn iron arm can't break through this wall, it seems that we have to think of other methods."

Liu Chen frowned, shook his head, and said to himself.

Although the unicorn iron arm was not Liu Chen's strongest attack method, that punch could kill even a mid-stage powerhouse, but it couldn't break through this wall.

It is enough to explain the strength of this colorful wall.

Strong attack is not enough, we can only think of other methods.

It's a pity that time is running out, Liu Chen only has one day, otherwise Yuanshenchi will be gone in vain.

"Why don't you ask Xiang Chunmiao? Maybe they know a little more than us."

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded slightly and said, "Go! Go out and ask them!"

Without hesitation, Liu Chen immediately flew out, only to see Xiang Chunmiao and Xiang Chunyan standing outside the Seven-colored Immortal Bridge.

But when they saw the three of Liu Chen coming out, an imperceptible look of joy flashed in the depths of their eyes.

"What's the problem?"

Xiang Chunmiao smiled.

In fact, the two brothers have also entered the colorful Shengxian bridge many times, but every time they reached the end, they would be blocked by a strange force, unable to take another step forward.

This was the case every time, and after many attempts to no avail, the two gave up.

"The exit of the Seven-color Shengxian Bridge is blocked. I want to ask you if there is any way to open it."

Liu Chen spoke slowly.

Hearing this, Brother Xiang Chunmiao looked at each other and said in shock: "Impossible! They were fine a few days ago."

"If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself."

Liu Chen said lightly.

Immediately afterwards, Brother Xiang Chunmiao immediately entered the Seven-colored Shengxian Bridge, and the exit was indeed blocked by a seven-colored wall, so he backed out, wondering: "It was fine a few days ago, why was it suddenly blocked? "

"Can you solve it?"

Time was running out, Liu Chen went straight to the topic.

The two looked hesitant, and did not give an accurate answer for a while.

"If the two of you can solve it, I will tell you the key to entering the fairy world."

"Actually, with your strength, you can indeed enter the fairy world, but there is one thing missing. After you help me solve the problem, I will give you this thing."

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth raised slightly, revealing a sly smile, and said.

Hearing this, Xiang Chunmiao and Xiang Chunyan looked at each other, seeing a trace of firmness in each other's eyes, and immediately said, "Give us three days."

"Not for three days!"

"It has to be now!"

Liu Chen shook his head and said calmly.

"The reason why you can't enter the fairy world is because you haven't condensed the fairy body, and the power of the fairy world will repel you, so you can't enter."

"As long as you help me solve the problem, I will give you something to help you gather the fairy body."

Liu Chen said lightly, seductively.

Hearing this, Xiang Chunmiao gritted her teeth and said, "We will try our best."

After the words fell, Xiang Chunmiao and Xiang Chunyan immediately summoned a large number of strong men to start repairing the colorful Shengxian bridge.

After all, Shengxian Temple has mastered the colorful Shengxian Bridge for many years, and has already studied it very thoroughly.

Under the leadership of Xiang Chunmiao and Xiang Chunyan, it may really be possible to open the colorful Shengxian Bridge again.

"Then what do we do now?"

Zi Xuan frowned, wondering.

"Just wait, wait for them to open up the colorful Shengxian bridge, and then we will go in."

Liu Chen said lightly, and simply sat down, quietly watching Xiang Chunmiao and others repair the colorful Shengxian Bridge.

The time passed minute by minute, and half a day passed quickly, and there were less than two hours left before the whole day.

Liu Chen could already feel a wonderful power passing through his body, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

If he couldn't return to the Immortal Realm within two hours, I'm afraid all this power would be gone.

Although Liu Chen was sitting by the side, he was anxious and impatient gradually appeared on his face.

"What will happen if you can't return to the fairyland within a day?"

Bing Feixue asked tentatively.

Hearing this, Liu Chen paused, and said, "Not only will I be punished, but my cultivation might also regress."

"so serious!"

Zixuan's eyes widened, she looked at Liu Chen in disbelief, and immediately became nervous.

Damn phantom!When I return to the fairyland, I will definitely not spare you!

Liu Chen clenched his fists tightly, swore secretly, and immediately hated Xu Ying to the marrow.

Xu Ying dared to be so arrogant now, if Liu Chen didn't show him some color, he might become even more rampant in the future.

Since you are a servant, you have to look like a servant!

"How's it going?"

After all, Liu Chen couldn't bear it anymore, so he immediately stepped forward and asked.

Hearing this, Xiang Chunmiao stopped what she was doing, looked at Liu Chen with a tired expression, and said, "It should be soon."

"That's good!"

Liu Chen looked overjoyed.

After a while, Xiang Chunmiao and Xiang Chunyan retreated, and the rest gradually moved away. The Colorful Shengxian Bridge didn't seem to have changed much, except that there was a mysterious rune on it.

"It's done!"

Xiang Chunmiao was overjoyed and gasped, "Someone should have put a seal on the exit, but he is not familiar with the colorful Shengxian bridge at all, and this kind of seal can be easily resolved."

"Hmph! It really is a phantom!"

A gleam of coldness flashed in Liu Chen's eyes, and he immediately walked towards the Seven-color Immortal Bridge.

(End of this chapter)

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