
Chapter 823 Killing Phantom

Chapter 823 Killing Phantom
"What about us?"

Suddenly, Xiang Chunmiao spoke eagerly.

"Go to Daoyangzong and find Fuyunzi, he will give you what you want."

Liu Chen smiled slightly, and immediately disappeared at the end of the Colorful Shengxian Bridge with Bing Feixue and Zi Xuan.


Seeing the direction in which Liu Chen and the others disappeared, Xiang Chunmiao was stunned. They tried countless times, but they couldn't pass through the passage. They didn't expect them to walk in like this.

It's also incredible.

"Go! Go to Dao Yangzong!"

Xiang Chunmiao no longer hesitated, and immediately flew towards Dongling Land, followed closely by Xiang Chunyan.

Liu Chen could even predict that it would not be long before the great monsters of the mountains and rivers, the big monsters of the rivers, the big monsters of the void, and the ice demons, who were at the stage of transforming gods, would all enter the fairyland.

The Immortal Realm is rich in resources, and it is indeed a bigger stage, but the competition is also more cruel. I don't know if it is good or bad to let them in.

With contradictory feelings, Liu Chen returned to the fairyland, and suddenly felt that the lost power slowly returned to his body.

"Wow! This is the fairyland! It's so beautiful!"

Zixuan said happily.

"A lot of fairy marks!"

Bing Feixue's pupils shrank suddenly, and there was deep shock in the depths of her eyes. It was too unbelievable that the sky above the fairy world was full of fairy marks.

"That's natural. As long as you practice diligently and use my elixir, you will be able to step into the realm of transforming gods in a short time."

Liu Chen swore a promise.

Hearing this, the two spoke in unison and immediately nodded.

"Come back to the cave with me first, and then I will slowly introduce you to the power of the fairy world and the places that need attention."

Liu Chen smiled slightly, but there was a cold killing intent in the depths of his eyes.

After I settle Zi'er and Xue'er, it's your death date!

"Don't bother! I will give them the most vivid lesson now!"

Suddenly, a phantom flew out from the darkness, and with a sneer, blocked the way of Liu Chen and the three of them.

"Phantom! How dare you appear in front of me, are you not afraid that I will kill you?"

Liu Chen stepped forward, protecting Zixuan and Bing Feixue behind him, and said coldly, the murderous intent in his eyes instantly permeated, stabbing at the phantom as if it were real.

"Just because you want to kill me?"

Xu Ying smiled disdainfully, and immediately shouted angrily, a terrifying coercion from the late stage of transformation erupted.

This coercion was stronger than Liu Chen's, even Zi Xuan and Bing Feixue could feel it.

With their Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen strength, they couldn't bear such a strong coercion at all. Fortunately, Liu Chen stood in front, otherwise they would have been unable to hold on.

"I've expected for a long time that you returned to the lower realm just to bring people into the fairy world, but I didn't expect that you would bring two trash up here."

"But that's fine, I'll get rid of these two wastes first, and then I'll kill you!"

"As for the unicorn arm and Jiuli pot on your body, they are all mine!"

Xu Ying laughed loudly, his eyes were filled with crazy bloodshot eyes, and his whole body was in a state of almost madness.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled disapprovingly, but there was a trace of vigilance in his heart, and he said lightly: "I can kill you with my hands, no one will pursue it."

"But if you dare to attack me, even if you don't hurt me, you should know the end!"

"The end! Of course I know what the end is!"

Xu Ying laughed wildly, his face turned cold in an instant, and said lightly: "When I kill you, take your real treasure and woman and flee to the west of Immortal Realm."

"I see what Immortal Immortal Venerable can do to me!"

"After a few decades, when this matter is gradually forgotten, I will change my appearance and return to the fairy world."

Hearing this, the corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, showing a sneering smile, and said lightly: "You are indeed thinking well, but you overestimated your own strength."

"Based on your strength in the late stage of transformation, you will only be killed by me!"

Liu Chen's face darkened, and he immediately made a tactic with both hands, and the unicorn's iron arm spread out instantly, and punched the phantom.

The phantom did not dodge or dodge, and also punched.

The two fists collided, and terrifying energy ripples erupted in the air, spreading in all directions.


Liu Chen groaned inwardly, he was immune to energy ripples of this level, but Zi Xuan and Bing Feixue were too weak to resist.

If hit, it would be a devastating blow.


In desperation, Liu Chen had no choice but to bear the force, backed away, and returned to the two of them.

With a buzzing sound, a black light curtain stretched out from the unicorn's iron arm, protecting Zixuan and Bing Feixue inside.

"Did we hold you back..."

Bing Feixue looked apologetic, and blamed herself.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled indifferently, and said, "You are my motivation to fight, so why would you hold me back!"

"When I finish him, I'll take you home."

Liu Chen smiled confidently, and immediately left the unicorn's iron arm, and flew towards the phantom alone.

"Immortal art! Light curtain sword rain!"

The longer the time dragged on, the more unfavorable it would be for Liu Chen, so he simply used the immortal technique to kill him with one blow.

"Immortal art! You're not the only one with it!"

Xuying's face was ferocious, and he immediately made a tactic with both hands, and said aggressively: "I have been serving the Immortal Immortal for nearly a hundred years, and the immortal art I have mastered is much stronger than yours!"

"Immortal art! Pan Gu giant axe!"

The phantom suddenly bent its fingers, the sky was torn apart instantly, and a huge ax was lowered across the sky.

It seems that as long as the Pangu giant ax falls, it can cut open the world and tear everyone in half, which is very terrifying.

Seeing the situation, Liu Chen frowned, the phantom's fairy art was indeed more powerful.

Even so, Liu Chen couldn't back down, because Zixuan and Bing Feixue were still standing behind him.



The two shouted loudly at the same time, and countless golden lightsabers intertwined and transformed into a huge golden lightsaber in the air, colliding with the Pangu giant axe.

A huge buzz sounded, and a wave force visible to the naked eye spread.

Both the golden lightsaber and the Pangu giant ax obviously paused. The two sides were evenly matched, and it was difficult to tell the winner for a while.

Liu Chen frowned, mobilizing the remaining spiritual power in his body, the golden lightsaber burst into light instantly, overwhelming the Pangu giant axe.

"Tch! You are too naive."

Xu Ying curled her lips in disdain, and once again made a tactic with both hands. The Pangu giant ax instantly split into two, and forced the golden lightsaber down.

Gradually, the light of the golden lightsaber dimmed, and there was not much spiritual power left in Liu Chen's body.

"go to hell!"

Xu Ying roared wildly, controlled the Pangu giant ax to smash the golden lightsaber, and then pointed a finger, and the Pangu giant ax immediately charged towards Liu Chen.

"Dragon Dagger!"

At the critical moment, Liu Chen suddenly waved his hand, and the dragon dagger appeared out of thin air.

The dragon dagger was extremely fast, cutting through the void, making a whistling sound, and bringing out a string of red flames.

Immediately afterwards, there was a clang sound, and one of the Pangu giant axes exploded instantly.

"so what!"

There was a flash of brilliance in Xuying's eyes. Unexpectedly, Liu Chen still possessed the dragon dagger, and immediately made a tactic with both hands, mobilizing the remaining spiritual power in his body, and injecting all of it into the Pangu giant axe.

He wanted to use this move to kill Liu Chen completely.

"Kirin Iron Arm!"

At this time, Liu Chen's expression darkened, and he grabbed it with his big hand, and the Qilin Iron Arm returned to his hand again.


Liu Chen clenched his right hand tightly, gathered all the strength in his body, and punched out brazenly, hitting Pan Gu's great ax just in time.

There was a rumbling sound, and the Pangu giant ax paused, slowly showing cracks.

After half a sound, Pan Gu's great ax turned into dots of starlight and disappeared.

And Liu Chen also felt uncomfortable, half of his body went numb, he lost consciousness, and was seriously injured.

"Jiuli Pot!"

But the battle was not over yet, Liu Chen made a single-handed tactic and sacrificed the Jiuli Pot.

Just hearing a buzzing sound, the Jiuli Pot swelled against the wind, floating in front of Xuying, bursting out with strong suction.


Xuying let out screams and tried his best to escape to the distance, but unfortunately the Jiuli pot was too powerful and sucked all the clothes off his body.

Looking intently, the skin and flesh on his body seemed to be coming off, and he could vaguely see his sky cap, as if something was about to fly out.

If Liu Chen guessed correctly, it should be Nascent Soul.

"The Jiuli Pot is really powerful."

Liu Chen muttered to himself, once locked by the Jiuli Hu, unless the strength is particularly strong, or there are special means, it is impossible to escape death.

There is no way out for the phantom right now.


Xu Ying screamed again and again, almost all the flesh and blood on his body was sucked out, leaving only a skeleton, which was simply horrible.

Immediately afterwards, with a flash of light, the phantom Nascent Soul was sucked into the Jiuli pot together with the godhead.

Finally, everything was calm, Liu Chen smiled in satisfaction, then turned around and walked towards Zi Xuan and Bing Feixue.

"Are you OK?"

The two were concerned.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled, and said, "I still can't die, go back quickly, lest I be targeted by others again."

After the words fell, Liu Chen immediately flew towards the cave with Zixuan and Bing Feixue.

Not long after Liu Chen and the others left, Immortal Immortal Venerable and Lord of Reincarnation appeared at the same time.

"As expected of my disciple, his true strength far exceeds his cultivation."

Immortal Immortal Venerable smiled and praised.

Hearing this, the Lord of Reincarnation nodded heavily, and said, "As early as in the lower realms, Liu Chen had a history of cross-level battles."

"Whether it is talent, temperament, or luck, he is far beyond ordinary people, and he will definitely be a giant in the fairy world in the future!"

"Liu Chen is indeed good, but there are also many super geniuses in the fairy world. It's too early to say these things."

Immortal Immortal Venerable shook his head, and continued: "After all, he entered the Immortal Realm too late, and his strength is too far behind them, so it will be difficult to catch up overnight."

"Master said so."

The Lord of Reincarnation did not dare to refute, and nodded slightly.

Not long after, Liu Chen brought the two of them back to the cave. Before he could introduce the Immortal World, he immediately started retreating to recover from his injuries.

And Zixuan and Bing Feixue wisely didn't bother, let alone taking a step away from the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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