
Chapter 824 Xiaoqing Calls for Help

Chapter 824 Xiaoqing Calls for Help
three days later.

Liu Chen came back from Lu Qingfeng's cave, and at the same time he had two more Flawless Jade Pills in his hand.

These two elixirs were both made by Liu Chen. They were only middle-level elixirs when they were refined, so Liu Chen was a little disappointed.

But Lu Qingfeng turned pale with shock and praised Liu Chen.

The first time you refine Yucui Pill, you can refine it to a middle-level quality, which is not easy.

If Lu Qingfeng knew that Liu Chen could turn the mid-level Jade Pill into a flawless Jade Pill with a little movement, his jaw would drop in surprise.

"Take it, it should be able to help you hit the realm of transforming gods."

Liu Chen said with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Zi Xuan and Bing Feixue immediately took the pill from Liu Chen.

"Generally no one will come to my cave. You can practice here with confidence. If someone comes to me, you will say that I am retreating."

Liu Chen urged again and again.

Hearing these words, Bing Feixue immediately understood that Liu Chen must be going out again.

Although she was very reluctant, she knew very well in her heart that Liu Chen could not stop, because once she stopped, the danger would increase.

"Are you leaving again?"

Zixuan said reluctantly.

"Xiaoqing is in danger, I have to go and have a look."

Liu Chen smiled comfortingly, and continued, "Don't worry, I'll be back soon."


Bing Feixue nodded obediently, watched Liu Chen disappear in front of her eyes, then looked at Zi Xuan with a serious expression, and said solemnly: "Sister Zi'er, we must work hard to become stronger, even if we can't become my husband's right-hand man, Don't hold him back."


Zixuan nodded heavily, her eyes burst out with high fighting spirit, and she immediately returned to the cave with two Jade Pills, and began to retreat to attack the realm of transforming gods and condense the immortality.

In fact, Zixuan and Bing Feixue's talents are very strong, even stronger than Liu Chen's. Under the same opportunity and conditions, their achievements will definitely not be lower than Liu Chen's.

It's a pity that although their backgrounds were better than Liu Chen's, it was precisely because of this that they lost many opportunities.

It was precisely these opportunities that made Liu Chen stronger step by step, to where he is today.

Especially Zixuan, her talent is absolutely powerful, stronger than Liu Chen and Bing Feixue, but it's a pity that she has no memory and is not familiar with many things.

Even half of the original strength can't be displayed.

Bing Feixue has a complete bloodline, which makes up for the lack of talent.

At this moment, Liu Chen left the cave and immediately flew towards the Dragon Clan's territory.

A day ago, Liu Chen was still refining alchemy in Lu Qingfeng's cave, but he received a magic talisman with a piece of Xiaoqing's scale inside.

The most important thing is that this scale is stained with blood and has a burnt smell.

Xiaoqing is in danger!
This was the first thought that came to Liu Chen's mind. If it wasn't for this, Xiao Qing would have no reason to send Liu Chen such a scale.

Dragons!The most proud existence in the fairy world!
Soon, Liu Chen was close to the Dragon Clan's territory, and it was rare to see cultivators coming and going alone, and it was often the fairy boat that pulled a large number of cultivators in and out.

In the realm of the dragon clan, it is easy to be killed by the dragon clan, and no one will take care of it.

Although Liu Chen was worried, he was not afraid. After all, there was still Immortal Immortal standing behind him.

With the name of the third disciple of Immortal Immortal Venerable, Liu Chen expected that the Dragon Clan would not harm him.


After entering the realm of the Dragon Clan, the golden scales in Liu Chen's hands immediately lit up, but the light was very dim, faintly visible, and seemed to be extinguished at any moment.

Gradually, as Liu Chen went deeper into the Dragon Clan's territory, the light on the scales became brighter and brighter, and even made a buzzing sound.

Liu Chen knew that Xiaoqing was nearby.


Liu Chen shouted, but he couldn't even see half a person around, let alone Xiao Qing.


Liu Chen shouted while searching.

Gradually, Liu Chen sensed Xiaoqing's aura, so he immediately chased after the direction the aura came from.


Suddenly, an extremely weak dragon chant sounded, as if responding to Liu Chen.



Liu Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, and he saw that Xiaoqing was held upright in the air, and there was actually a stick in his body, directly from the dragon's head to the dragon's tail.

Just looking at it is shocking.

This is not over yet, the most important thing is that they have maintained Xiaoqing's vitality so that he did not die immediately, otherwise Xiaoqing would have died long ago.

Looking carefully, the scales on Xiaoqing's body were peeled off one by one, revealing scarlet flesh and blood, which made one's scalp tingle.

And in Xiaoqing's body, a thick dragon tendon was beating, as if it was about to jump out of the body.


Liu Chen clenched his fists tightly, his anger reached the extreme, and a monstrous killing intent erupted, shocking all directions.

Hearing a buzzing sound, the sword-shaped imprint on the center of Liu Chen's eyebrows swelled in the wind, turning into a golden lightsaber, held in Liu Chen's hand, and quickly walked towards Xiao Qing.


Xiao Qing let out a mournful cry, which was almost broken in Liu Chen's ears.

"Who! Get out!"

Liu Chen was furious, and suddenly swung his sword, and the clouds and mists in a radius of tens of miles dissipated instantly, and became clear.

Dare to do such a thing that damages the majesty of the dragon clan in the realm of the dragon clan, don't the strong dragon clan ignore it?
Liu Chen was shocked and angry at the same time.

Immediately, he walked to Xiaoqing's side and was about to take out the stick in his body when he heard an angry shout.

"Liu Chen? How dare you meddle in the affairs of our Dragon Clan!"

Suddenly, two young men came out from the clouds, one of them had green hair and the other had red hair.

As soon as these two people appeared, Liu Chen's aura was suppressed a lot.

Very strong!

Liu Chen was startled, and stared warily at the two people coming towards him, at least they were mid-stage powerhouses.

"You are also dragon strong?"

Liu Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, looked at them in disbelief, and asked, "Since you are also dragons, why did you do such a horrible thing?"

"What do we want to do, when do we need you, a human cultivator, to intervene!"

"For the sake of you being Immortal Immortal Venerable's disciple, hurry up!"

The red-haired man scolded.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled disapprovingly, ignored the two of them, and immediately took out the stick from Xiao Qing's body.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Chen struck out with a palm, injecting vitality frantically.

The vitality of the dragon clan is very strong, and there is often no problem in living for thousands of years, especially the fifth-order true dragon.

The life force in Liu Chen's body is certainly majestic, and there is no problem in refining elixirs, but if he treats Xiaoqing, it is really a drop in the bucket.

Xiaoqing also understood, so she took the initiative to cut off the infusion of vitality.

"Don't think that you are a disciple of Immortal Immortal Venerable, so you can run wild on our Dragon Clan's territory!"

Seeing Liu Chen rescue Xiao Qing, the two of them were furious, and two waves of powerful coercion from the late stage of transformation erupted, pressing towards Liu Chen overwhelmingly.

He wanted to force Liu Chen to give up.

"Even if I'm not the disciple of Immortal Immortal Venerable, I'll take care of this matter!"

"I don't just want to take care of it! I also want you to pay the price!"

Liu Chen yelled angrily, his eyes filled with murderous intent, and immediately a figure flashed and rushed towards the two of them.

"Kirin Iron Arm!"

Liu Chen's eyes were red, his right arm swelled instantly, and he punched suddenly.

Seeing the situation, the red-haired man did not retreat but advanced, and punched him head-on.

When the two fists collided, Liu Chen only felt a slight numbness in his right arm, and a strong dark energy rushed into his body.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Liu Chen immediately drew back and stood beside Xiaoqing, dispelling the dark energy in his body.

"It's really something."

The red-haired man shook his hand, and in a flash, he rushed forward again.

Seeing the situation, Liu Chen didn't dare to be careless, swung the unicorn's iron arm again, and blasted at it.

The red-haired man was completely made of flesh and blood, while Liu Chen used the unicorn's iron arm. Unfortunately, with the real treasure, Liu Chen was still no match for the red-haired man.

"Are the bodies of dragons so terrifying?"

Liu Chen took a deep breath, shocked to the extreme.

Right now, it's just the red-haired man making the move alone. If two strong dragons attack at the same time, Liu Chen really can't stand it.

"Hmph! The body of our Dragon Clan is a natural treasure!"

The corners of the red-haired man's mouth rose slightly, revealing a smug smile, and he punched again without saying a word.

The fist wind gusts, as if the void is shattered, and a powerful force erupts.

Liu Chen didn't dare to take it hard, so he turned sideways and dodged without any danger.

"Xiaoqing! Let's go!"

Liu Chen waved his big sleeve, turned around and flew in the opposite direction.


Xiaoqing roared, and immediately chased after him, but unfortunately he was too injured and couldn't fly fast at all.

At this moment, the green-haired man who had not made a move moved.

Zi la la!
I saw him jumping up, and then he opened his mouth and sprayed out green flames. The blazing flames were as tall as two people, completely blocking Liu Chen and Xiao Qing's retreat.

"Liu Chen, I'll give you one last chance to leave Xiaoqing behind and get lost."

"Otherwise, even if you are the third disciple of Immortal Immortal Venerable, we will still kill you!"

The red-haired man said arrogantly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled disapprovingly, and said lightly: "What a big tone, even the disciple of Immortal Venerable dares to kill!"

"Then we have to see if you have the ability!"

Liu Chen's face darkened, and he immediately made a formula with both hands, directly sacrificed the Jiuli pot, and shouted: "Jiuli pot!"

Just hearing a buzzing sound, the Jiuli pot rose against the wind, aiming at the red-haired man.

"Xiaoqing! You go first!"

"I'll catch up with you in no time!"

Liu Chen said hurriedly.


Xiao Qing roared, and seemed unwilling to leave Liu Chen alone.

At this time, the green-haired man slowly fell down, his eyes jokingly said: "Go! Where else do you want to go!"

"With the two of us here, you all have to die here today!"

After the words fell, the green-haired man rushed up immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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