
Chapter 825 Mutated 5-Clawed Golden Dragon

Chapter 825 Mutated Five-Clawed Golden Dragon

"I've always heard that the dragon clan is arrogant and arrogant, but I didn't expect it to be so arrogant that even Immortal Immortal Venerable would not pay attention to it."

Liu Chen said coldly, and immediately took out the primordial spirit card from the Sumeru Ring, threatening: "This is the primordial spirit card that master gave me!"

"If you dare to take a step forward, you will bear the consequences!"

There is a faint breath of Yuanshen on the Yuanshen card. Although this breath is very faint, it is indeed a genuine Yuanshen.

And the person who can make the Yuanshen card must be a super strong person above the realm of integration.

Looking at the primordial spirit card in Liu Chen's hand, the two dragon clan powerhouses fell silent, not daring to step forward for a moment.

They are indeed tyrannical, but they only dare to be tyrannical in front of those who are not as good as them. If they really meet the Immortal Immortal Venerable, they still have to behave with their tails between their legs.

After all, that was the head of the Nine Great Immortal Venerables, so if he could find any reason to kill them, it would be impossible for Long Zhantian to kill the Immortal Immortal Venerable for them.

At most, you can ask a few questions, but asking is nothing.

"Liu Chen! You are the disciple of Immortal Venerable, we will not make things difficult for you."

"But! He must stay! If you take him away, it will be the two of us!"

The red-haired man stopped in his tracks and said in a calm tone.

Hearing this, Liu Chen frowned, but did not put away the Primordial Spirit card, and asked with a puzzled look: "We are both dragons, why did you attack Xiaoqing so cruelly?"

"You are wrong, the two of us are indeed members of the Dragon Clan, but he is not, he does not belong to our Dragon Clan."

The red-haired man was decisive.

"What do you mean?"

Liu Chen frowned slightly, staring at the red-haired man solemnly.

Through her own efforts, Xiaoqing became a five-clawed golden dragon step by step, and when the gray-robed man appeared and gave Xiaoqing the dragon seal, didn't it prove that he was also a member of the dragon clan?
"Among the members of our Dragon Clan, different positions are assigned according to gold, wood, water, fire, and earth."

"When Elder Long brought him back that day, we were all shocked, because the five-clawed golden dragon has not appeared for many years."

"But we found out later that he is not a five-clawed golden dragon at all, but because he has another kind of blood in his body, which created the illusion of a five-clawed golden dragon."

"If you don't believe me, you can look at your pupils."

The red-haired man said angrily.

Hearing this, Liu Chen didn't even look at it, and immediately understood.

Xiao Qing did have golden blood in his body, before Liu Chen thought it was Xiao Qing's advantage, but he never expected that it would become the chief culprit of Xiao Qing's disaster.

"Isn't it good to have a special bloodline? Especially the golden bloodline, which can strengthen the dragon's body."

Liu Chen asked back.

Hearing this, the red-haired man smiled disapprovingly, and said lightly: "The dragon clan is the most powerful existence, and there is no need for those garbage bloodlines to decorate it!"

"I don't care what relationship you have with him, but he must stay!"

The red-haired man's face darkened, his eyes filled with cold killing intent, and he said in a deep voice, "As long as we pull out the dragon tendons in his body, we will complete the task."


Xiaoqing roared in fear, and immediately turned into a pocket golden dragon, hiding behind Liu Chen.

Seeing the situation, the red-haired man smiled contemptuously, and mocked: "A waste is a waste, not like our Dragon Clan at all!"

"Hehe, if someone peels off your scales, peels off your skin, and prepares to pump your dragon tendons, your reaction is probably worse than Xiaoqing's."

Liu Chen sneered.

No matter what the red-haired man says today, Liu Chen will protect Xiaoqing.

"Liu Chen, we've already given you a lot of face, so don't toast or eat fine wine!"

The red-haired man threatened.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled disapprovingly, pointed to the Primordial Spirit card in his hand, and said flatly: "I still like fine wine, if you have the ability, you rush forward."


The red-haired man pointed at Liu Chen, very angry, but worried that Liu Chen would crush the Primordial Spirit card of Immortal Immortal Venerable.

"How to do?"

The green-haired man next to him asked.

In fact, with the strength of the two of them, it is not difficult to defeat Liu Chen and kill Xiaoqing, especially now that Xiaoqing is seriously injured and dying.

It's a pity that Liu Chen held the Yuanshen card of the Immortal Immortal Venerable in his hand, so they didn't dare to act rashly.

"What else can I do, let them go!"

The red-haired man gritted his teeth and said very reluctantly.

Hearing this sentence, the green-haired man was obviously stunned, looked at the red-haired man in shock, and said, "Let him go? Then how do we go back and deal with business?"

"Elder Long will definitely punish us!"

"There is no other way, I can only let them go, and then report today's matter to Elder Long truthfully."

The red-haired man shook his head and heaved a long sigh, but he hated Liu Chen in his heart.


The green-haired man also sighed, his eyes showing deep powerlessness.

Seeing the situation, Liu Chen smiled triumphantly, and immediately waved at them, flying out of the Dragon Clan's territory majestically.


It wasn't until he completely left the Dragon Clan that Liu Chen felt a little relieved, and immediately took out the elixir from the Jiuli pot and gave it to Xiaoqing.

This elixir condenses the phantom's Nascent Soul and the power of Xiange, so the effect of the medicine should be very powerful.

Sure enough, as soon as Xiaoqing took the white pill, a soft force erupted from her body, quickly repairing the injuries in her body.

It was faster than Liu Chen's life force, and in less than half a second, Xiaoqing's injuries were basically healed.

As for the remaining skin trauma, it will take time to recover slowly.

Especially the scales on Xiaoqing's body, it may be difficult to recover within a few months.

It is obviously a five-clawed golden dragon, but now it looks worse than the little green snake back then.

"Anyway, the Dragon Clan doesn't want to see you, so why not just stay by my side in the future, and the two of us will take care of each other."

Liu Chen caressed Xiaoqing's head, and his pupils shrank, only then did he realize that Xiaoqing had stepped into the late fifth stage!
It is equivalent to a strong person in the late stage of transforming gods!
"What exactly did those people from the Dragon Clan eat for you, so that their cultivation progressed so rapidly?"

Liu Chen asked curiously.

Hearing this, Xiaoqing roared proudly, and immediately spit out a crystal clear bead from her stomach, which contained a very powerful spiritual power.

"Dragon Ball?"

After receiving Xiao Qing's reminder, Liu Chen couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and looked at Xiao Qing in shock, no wonder his progress was so rapid.

It turned out to be the dragon ball that devoured an eighth-order powerhouse, and that was a super powerhouse equivalent to the state of fusion.

It's hard not to make progress quickly.

"If it weren't for your golden blood, with your status as a five-clawed golden dragon, you should be able to mix well in the dragon clan."

Liu Chen sighed and said regretfully.

Hearing this, Xiao Qing shook her head, and rubbed against Liu Chen affectionately.

"It's time for us to go back, and I'll show you two acquaintances by the way."

Liu Chen smiled mysteriously, and with a flash of a figure, he immediately brought Xiao Qing back to the cave.

After a while, Liu Chen entered the cave, with a pocket version of Xiaoqing perched on his shoulder.

"I am back."

Liu Chen smiled slightly and said.

"Huh? Where are they?"

Liu Chen looked left and right, but he didn't see half a figure, so he turned into the cave, and saw Zixuan and Bing Feixue were refining the Jade Pill, attacking the realm of transforming gods.

Very hard!

Liu Chen nodded in satisfaction, and immediately sat on the stone bench, watching them practice quietly, which was also a kind of enjoyment.

"If you don't take them to the fairy world, I will miss you."

"But I took them to the fairy world, and I didn't have time to accompany them, nor did I have strong strength to protect them."

Liu Chen frowned, lay down on the table, looked at Xiaoqing in the distance, and muttered to himself, "What do you think I should do?"

"I even want to bring master, senior brother, parents, etc. to the fairy world."

"But this is the fairy world, not the five great lands. I don't have enough strength to protect them."


Xiaoqing roared, as if encouraging Liu Chen to become stronger.

Liu Chen forced a smile, patted Xiaoqing's head, and said, "I also want to become stronger, but it doesn't happen overnight."


Liu Chen sighed for a long time, and suddenly felt that the road ahead was in turmoil.

At the beginning, he shouldn't have condensed his immortality, he shouldn't have become a fairy, and he shouldn't have attracted the attention of Immortal Venerable.

Because in this way, Liu Chen could stay in the five lands.


Xiao Qing let out a growl, and then lay down on the table.

One person and one dragon, with four eyes facing each other.

Suddenly, Liu Chen had an idea, a crazy idea popped up in his mind, and said, "I know!"

"We can establish our own power, and when the power is strong enough, I can take all my parents to the fairy world!"

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, and the scene in the black market was suddenly recalled in his mind.

Liu Chen smiled mysteriously, and murmured to himself: "As the saying goes, money can turn ghosts around. As long as I'm rich enough, I can ask the strong to work for me."


Liu Chen is easy to catch, and given time, it won't be a problem to surpass Lu Qingfeng.

Therefore, Liu Chen planned to make good use of this identity, transform himself into a black market Lu Qingfeng, and first attract a large number of masters.

Then gather these masters and let them work for themselves.

Thinking of this, Liu Chen suddenly felt that he had some hope for the future. After all, a person's strength is limited, and it is impossible for Liu Chen to protect Zixuan and Bing Feixue all the time.


After making up his mind, Liu Chen immediately took out the alchemy furnace that Lu Qingfeng had given him, placed it in front of him, and prepared to start alchemy.

Let's start with Yucui Pill.

Because Zixuan and Bingfeixue need a lot of pills to practice, and Yucui Dan is the most suitable for them.

Moreover, both Liu Chen and Xiao Qing could take this pill.


In the blink of an eye, it was half a month.

For half a month, the strong dragon clan didn't come to the door, as if nothing happened.

However, the news of the black market alchemist and Shao Shui's escape from prison spread throughout the fairy world, and almost everyone knew about it.

(End of this chapter)

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