
Chapter 832

Chapter 832

Xiaoqing nodded obediently, and immediately swallowed Long Xuedan, but did not refine it immediately.


For five days in a row, Liu Chen stayed in the cave, refining Long Xue Pill. With the experience of the first time refining Long Xue Pill, he became familiar with the process of refining Long Xue Pill for the second time.

It's just that Liu Chen spent four days looking for a suitable alchemy furnace, but in the end there was still no result.

I can only buy a comparative alchemy furnace and use it as a disposable item.

After the refining of Long Xuedan was completed, the pill furnace was basically scrapped, without any use value.

The second Longxue Pill was still a low-level pill, but Liu Chen was already very satisfied, after all, both Longxue Pills were refined successfully.

If Long Jiu knew about it, his jaw would drop in surprise. If he knew that one of them was a high-level pill, he would have no idea what kind of expression he would have.

Because the second Longxue Pill was refined, Xiaoqing refined the high-level Longxue Pill.

It has to be said that the effect of Long Xue Dan is really very powerful. Xiaoqing suffered such a serious injury before, even if Liu Chen tried his best, he couldn't heal it.

But after Xiaoqing took Long Xue Dan, the injuries in her body completely recovered, and even the scales on her body began to grow again.

In less than half a day, all the golden scales recovered, and even the aura became thicker, even though it was still at the late stage of the fifth order.

But Liu Chen could feel that Xiaoqing had undergone some changes, and such changes would only make him stronger.

The five-clawed golden dragon in the late fifth stage, plus the golden blood and dragon flame, even if it is a strong person in the late stage of transformation, it may not be Xiaoqing's opponent.

But Xiaoqing can only be used as a secret method, and cannot be ostentatious.

In case the strong dragon finds out that Xiaoqing is not only alive, but also recovering from his injuries, he must follow this clue to investigate.

With a buzzing sound, Xiaoqing transformed into a small pocket snake, and perched on Liu Chen's shoulder. As long as Xiaoqing didn't show his strength, no one would know that he was actually a five-clawed golden dragon.

And it is also a five-clawed golden dragon in the late fifth-order stage.

Everything is ready, the only thing to do now is to get rid of the Black Phoenix.

A sharp killing intent flashed in Liu Chen's eyes, and he immediately walked out of the cave.

But at this moment, a group of people blocked Liu Chen's door, led by a middle-aged man with fierce eyes and very unfriendly.

Behind him, there are still many strong people standing, and the weakest ones are those in the middle stage of transformation.

In addition, there is also an acquaintance present - Black Phoenix.

"Such a mobilizing crowd came to me, surely they didn't just want to visit my cave, did they?"

Liu Chen smiled and said, using the corner of his eyes to look at Heihuang deliberately.

"Stop pretending to be confused!"

The leader scolded, and a terrifying coercion from the late stage of transformation erupted, covering Liu Chen.

"This is Director Wang of the Immortal Prison. Now we suspect that you are related to the case of Jian Xin and Passing Water. We want to bring you back to culture!"

Heihuang immediately stood up and introduced.

Hearing this, Liu Chen couldn't help but smile, and said lightly: "According to what you mean, I suspect that I killed Jian Xin and let Passing Water go?"

"Jian Xin is a strong man in the late stage of transforming gods, and he is also a disciple of Gu Jianxianzun. How dare I fight, and how can I beat him."

"The most important thing is that Passing Water is being imprisoned in the Immortal Prison. Do you think that I, a minor cultivator in the mid-transformation stage, have the ability to rob the Immortal Prison? Or are the jailers in the Immortal Prison just full of money?"

Liu Chen mocked.

"Presumptuous! How dare you talk to me like that!"

Manager Wang was furious, especially when he heard Liu Chen's last words, his eyes flashed fiercely.

"Is there something wrong with what I said? What is the fairy prison? There are so many strong guards in the place where the prisoners are held. With my cultivation base, how can I break in?"

"Even if we broke in? How could we escape?"

Manager Wang was silent. As Liu Chen said, immortals are indestructible. Not to mention Liu Chen only has the cultivation base of the middle stage of the transformation of the gods, even if he has the cultivation base of the great perfection of the transformation of the gods, it is impossible for him to come and go freely.

It is even more impossible to rob the passing water quietly and not be discovered until a few days later.

"What you said is indeed reasonable, but if you have a clean identity, you don't have to be afraid to walk with us. On the contrary, if you are afraid, it means that you have a ghost in your heart."

Manager Wang's face darkened, his eyes gleamed coldly, and he said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled irresistibly, looked at Director Wang with a smile, and said lightly: "Okay! Then I will go with you."

"take away!"

A smug smile appeared on the corner of Mr. Wang's mouth, and he immediately waved his hand. Many mid-stage powerhouses behind him immediately stepped forward, trying to imprison Liu Chen.

Seeing the situation, Liu Chen roared, and his strong aura erupted instantly, knocking them back immediately, and said indifferently: "I'll walk with you, just to cooperate with you."

"Don't show your face that you don't know good from bad!"

Hearing this, the corners of Mr. Wang's mouth twitched, and he waved his sleeves to signal them to retreat, but he hated Liu Chenji in his heart.

When you enter the fairy prison, you will feel better.

"Jian Xin's death must have something to do with you."

The voice of the black phoenix rang in Liu Chen's ears.

Hearing this, Liu Chen raised his head, looked at Hei Huang disapprovingly, suddenly the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and said via voice transmission: "Why do you say that Jian Xin was killed by me!"

"But I'm curious, with the strength of the two of you, how could you rob the prison? Are those guys in the prison all idiots?"

"It's unbelievable that two people in the late stage of transformation can enter and exit freely."

Liu Chen shook his head, and said lightly, "You said that if I told Manager Wang everything about that day, guess what would happen?"

Hearing this, Heihuang smiled mysteriously, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Do you think you still have a chance to say it?"

After the words fell, the black phoenix transformed into a huge black phoenix, biting towards Liu Chen.

At the same time, Director Wang didn't stay idle, and immediately sacrificed the real treasure, and the rest of the mid-stage powerhouses immediately surrounded Liu Chen.

"You are not from Xianlao at all!"

Liu Chen suddenly realized, and looked at Mr. Wang in shock, a flash of fear flashed in the depths of his eyes, and subconsciously took two steps back.

"Haha! It's too late to realize that we are not from Xianlao."

Director Wang laughed loudly, tore off the disguise on his face, looked Liu Chen up and down, and said indifferently: "I am the second disciple of Immortal Gu Jian, Jian Mosquito!"

"Others are afraid of your status as a disciple of Immortal Immortal Venerable, but I, Jian Mosquito, are not afraid!"

"This is a barren land, as long as I kill you, and then erase everything with you."

"And who can suspect me?"


As he said that, Jian Mosquito laughed wildly, and suddenly the sword pierced the sky, pointed at Liu Chen's nose, his expression turned cold instantly, and he said in a deep voice, "I will avenge Jian Xin today!"

Liu Chen's expression was solemn, and he looked at the group of people around him vigilantly. Except for Hei Huang and Jian Mosquito who were in the late stage of transformation, these people were also in the middle stage of transformation.

If it was before, Liu Chen would indeed be in trouble. After all, the two strong men joined forces, and it would be very difficult for Liu Chen to deal with it alone.

But now it's different, Liu Chen has Xiaoqing's help, with Xiaoqing's late fifth-order cultivation base, coupled with terrifying defensive power and dragon flames, it is not difficult to defeat Black Phoenix and Sword Mosquito.

"Heihuang, I think you are desperate, right? You actually wanted to kill me."

Liu Chen said lightly, and looked at Heihuang in surprise.

One must know that Liu Chen has the handle of the Black Phoenix in his hands. Even if Liu Chen wanted to break his head, he would never have imagined that the Black Phoenix would kill him.

Simply incredible.

Hearing this, Heihuang laughed lightly, and a powerful coercion from the late stage of transformation unfolded, and said indifferently: "I have always wanted to get rid of you, but it is a pity that there is no suitable opportunity."

"It just so happens that someone wants to help me, so why not do it?"

"As long as I kill you, I can solve any problem!"

Heihuang has a lot of success.

Hearing this, the corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, and he jokingly said, "Including you teaming up with Jian Xin to rob the prison and let the passing water go?"

"Haha! It's not just the two of them who robbed the prison, but also me and the second disciple of Immortal Master Qian Zhan."

Hearing these words, Liu Chen couldn't help but tremble in his heart. No wonder they were able to rob the prison. It turned out that the second disciple of Immortal Master Qian Zhan was there to help.

With his practice of refining the virtual realm, together with the other three, he could really rob the Passing Water.

It's just that they didn't expect that Liu Chen was hiding outside the fairy prison, just waiting for them to bring the passing water out.

"Tsk tsk, if you tell me all of this now, aren't you afraid that I will announce it to the world?"

Liu Chen said with a smile.

Hearing this, Heihuang and Sword Mosquito looked at each other, as if they had heard the best joke in the world, and sarcastically said: "In our eyes, you are no different from a dead person now."

"The reason why I told you is to let you die to understand."

Sword Mosquito said lightly, and immediately pointed out, the long sword pierced the sky, made a whistling sound, and charged towards Liu Chen.

At the same time, the black phoenix was not idle, and spewed out black and terrifying flames from its mouth, blocking all Liu Chen's escape routes.

The rest of the mid-stage powerhouses released brilliant magical powers, and if they were a little careless, they would be seriously injured.

The situation was very unfavorable for Liu Chen!

"You guys are too confident in your own strength."

Liu Chen smiled disdainfully, and with a wave of his sleeve, Xiao Qing immediately flew out, turning into a giant in an instant.


With a roar, Xiaoqing swung her huge dragon tail, and directly knocked those mid-stage cultivators flying out.

With just one blow, they lost their fighting power.


A gleam of light flashed in Liu Chen's eyes, so he immediately sacrificed the Jiuli Pot, suddenly bent his fingers, and those people were immediately sucked in.

All this happened very fast, in the blink of an eye.

Before Black Phoenix and Sword Mosquito could react, there were only the two of them left.

The two looked at each other, their eyes filled with shock.

"What? Regret telling us this?"

Liu Chen stood beside Xiao Qing, smiled triumphantly, and said.

(End of this chapter)

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