
Chapter 833 Auction

Chapter 833 Auction

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled irrefutably, and said, "Of course, it's all done by me."

After the words fell, Liu Chen did not leave the Mission Pavilion directly, but instead walked towards the top floor of the Mission Pavilion, because an auction was about to start there.

This auction is only eligible to participate in those who are above the Void Refining Realm.

But who is Liu Chen?
Immortal Immortal Venerable and Lu Qingfeng's disciples, as long as Liu Chen advances together, no one will dare to stop him.

Hei Lao looked dully at Liu Chen who was going away, and suddenly felt a very strong feeling in his heart that this person would become a great weapon in the future.

Needless to say, his talent in alchemy has already appeared, and with Lu Qingfeng, the No. 1 alchemist in the fairy world, as his master, the future is bright.

Not only that, Liu Chen also killed the sword mosquito in the late stage of transformation with his cultivation in the middle stage of transformation, which is enough to prove his strength.

There is also Immortal Immortal Venerable behind him, which is incredible.

After a while, Liu Chen entered the auction, which was already overcrowded. Fortunately, Lu Qingfeng reserved a place for Liu Chen in advance.

This time the auction will gather all the experts from the human race, monster race, and spirit race.

After entering the Immortal World for so long, Liu Chen has never met or dealt with any Spirit Race people.

However, the people of the Spirit Clan are all powerful, even comparable to the Dragon Clan.

"Sit here."

Lu Qingfeng smiled slightly at Liu Chen, pointed to the position beside him, and said with a smile.


Liu Chen nodded slightly, sat down immediately, and immediately attracted the attention of countless strong men.

"He is Liu Chen? Immortal Immortal Venerable and Lu Qingfeng's disciple? It seems that there is nothing special about him? Why are these two favored?"

"I thought it was weird before, but when I found out that he killed the sword mosquito, I immediately changed my mind. This person is definitely not as simple as he looks on the outside."

"Not only did he kill the sword mosquito, but I just heard that he transferred a large number of pills in the Task Pavilion, and exchanged almost 4000 million immortal stones."

"A total of 4000 million immortal stones, how many elixirs are there?"


Everyone discussed and looked at Liu Chen up and down.

At this moment, Liu Chen's scenery is the same for a while, even the disciple of the Immortal Emperor is not as dazzling as Liu Chen.

This had nothing to do with strength, it was Liu Chen's actions that shocked them.

Liu Chen glanced away. Not all of the auctions were filled with experts above the Void Refining Realm, and there were also a few at the Transforming God Realm.

Jiankui is one of them.

Liu Chen stared at Jian Kui, and Jian Kui also stared at Liu Chen, and the two did not back down.

A strong smell of gunpowder spread in the air, and everyone cast curious glances at Liu Chen and Jian Kui.

Although this is the task pavilion, if these two people make a move, with their identities and backgrounds, the people above will at most reprimand them.

But there is a lot of fun to watch.

"Don't be impulsive, it won't please you to do it here."

Lu Qingfeng reminded through sound transmission.

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "I know, but if he wants to do something to me, I don't mind killing him."

Kill him easily!

A hint of horror flashed in the depths of Lu Qingfeng's eyes, how arrogant it was to say those words.

If the person sitting next to him was a strong man in the late stage of transformation, Lu Qingfeng could barely believe that they were all cultivators of the same realm after all.

But Liu Chen only had a cultivation level in the middle stage of transformation, but he dared to speak out such arrogance. Even Lu Qingfeng felt that Liu Chen was a little inflated and arrogant.

"Confidence is good, but overconfidence is arrogance."

Lu Qingfeng reminded.

"The master is right."

Liu Chen smiled, and then remained silent.

Fighting alone, Liu Chen is indeed not Jiankui's opponent, but Liu Chen has the help of Xiaoqing, who is at the late stage of the fifth level, and it is easy to deal with Jiankui.

After a while, two young and beautiful women came up from below, pushing the cart on the left and the right, and stood on the high platform in the middle.

"Everyone here is the mainstay of the Immortal World. Naturally, it is not the first time to participate in the auction. I will not introduce more rules."

"Then introduce the first item of this auction."

Hearing this, Liu Chen was not interested, and stared at the big screen above the auction, where all the auction items were scrolling.


Suddenly, Liu Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at the fairy technique in shock, and couldn't help but become short of breath.

Generally speaking, ordinary cultivators have no other channels to obtain it except for exchanging mission points for immortal spells in the Mission Pavilion.

Except for those who comprehend fairy arts on their own like Liu Chen, and those who have worshiped a powerful master.

Mastering a powerful celestial art is equivalent to having an extra means of life-saving, and the chance of survival will be greatly increased.

Except for that fairy art, Liu Chen didn't care about anything else.

"Red spar!"

The young woman uncovered the black cloth on the cart, pointed to a crimson spar inside, and introduced: "Red spar, everyone should be aware of its function, so I won't introduce any more."

"Especially for alchemists, the effect of red crystal stone must be very significant. Putting red crystal stone into the alchemy furnace can not only improve the purity of the alchemy fire, but also stabilize the alchemy furnace, so that there are very few accidents in alchemy .”

"The starting price is 50, and each increase should not be less than [-]."

The young woman spoke lightly, and immediately raised the red crystal stone and showed it in front of everyone.

"Tch! This kind of thing may be useful for ordinary alchemists. After all, when they first started alchemy, they were not skilled enough to control the alchemy fire."

"But at our level, there is no need for red crystal stones to assist."

Lu Qingfeng said disdainfully, and immediately withdrew his gaze, without even looking at it.

Seeing the situation, Liu Chen smiled, and also looked away. Naturally, Liu Chen would not take pictures of things that Lu Qingfeng didn't even bother to look at.

If this red crystal stone is useful to Liu Chen, Lu Qingfeng will definitely give some advice.

"60 million!"

After a long time, a strong man in the Void Refining Realm finally spoke in the corner.

The audience was silent. After all, the profession of alchemist is very rare, in addition to requiring fire attribute spiritual root and talent.

There is another very important factor, that is, cultivating an alchemist requires a lot of resources.

Because alchemists are just getting started, especially when they are unlucky, a lot of resources are often wasted.

Therefore, alchemists are generally trained by big forces, and the number will not be too many.

Like Lu Qingfeng, who grew up entirely on his own, I am afraid he is unique, and there is no one before or after.

"60 million fairy stones once!"

"60 million immortal stones twice!"


The audience was silent, and the young woman seemed a little disappointed, but she had expected this situation a long time ago, and immediately dropped the hammer and said: "Three times with 60 immortal stones!"

"make a deal!"

After the words were finished, two young women came up again, slowly returned the red crystal stone, and immediately pushed up a new item.

"Gold Thread Clothes!"

The young woman smiled slightly, and immediately put the golden thread coat on her body, and introduced: "This golden thread coat is all made of black gold silk, and its defensive power can be seen. I am afraid that apart from the dragon dagger, there is nothing that can break through the golden thread coat." The defense of the linen."

"The starting price is 100 million immortal stones, and each increase should not be less than [-]."

As soon as the voice fell, voices rang out from the crowd.

"110 million!"

"120 million!"

"130 million!"


I have to say that the allure of the golden thread clothes is really much worse than that of red crystals. After all, this kind of thing is suitable for everyone.

And wearing it next to the body can prevent others from sneaking in.

Liu Chen had personally witnessed the terrifying power of the black gold thread. It only needed a few black gold threads to trap a strong man in the late stage of transformation.

And all of them are gold thread clothes composed of black gold threads, even in the realm of refining the void, it may not be able to break through its defense.

And not everyone has a dragon dagger, even if Liu Chen entered the black market again, he might not be able to buy a dragon dagger.

"200 million!"

In a short while, the price of the gold thread clothes was raised to 200 million, which was doubled.

"Aren't you going to take action?"

Lu Qingfeng smiled in bewilderment, looked at Liu Chen in confusion, and said, "Didn't you exchange 4000 million immortal stones in the Mission Pavilion just now?"

"I think it's worth spending several million on gold thread clothes."

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled and said, "I have unique skills in this area, but I have never been able to find suitable materials."

"Once I find the right material, the armor I can make will be far more defensive than the gold thread suit."

Liu Chen has mastered all the secret arts of the four divisions of the Mu Family, but it's a pity that the Immortal World doesn't have so many spirit trees like the Five Great Lands, otherwise Liu Chen would have made puppets and armor.

"Oh? Unique skills?"

Lu Qingfeng smiled mysteriously, looked Liu Chen up and down, and said, "You kid has a lot of secrets, you don't even like the golden thread clothes?"

"You know, those who are strong in the Void Refining Realm are all coveting the golden thread clothes, and you actually despise them."

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled awkwardly, and simply stopped talking.

"350 million!"

"360 million!"

The price of gold thread clothes is still rising, and Liu Chen estimates that it can be sold for 400 million.

The corners of the young woman's mouth rose slightly, revealing a smug smile. The higher the price of the gold thread clothes, the more commission she earned.

So she can't wait to sell the gold thread clothes for a sky-high price, so that she can make a fortune from it.

"400 million!"

One of the strong men in the Void Refining Realm asked for 400 million yuan, and the surroundings fell silent, 400 million yuan was already slightly beyond their psychological price.

"500 million!"

Suddenly, Lu Qingfeng stood up, stretched out five fingers, and said with a smile.

To him, 500 million fairy stones are nothing but a drop in the bucket, but everyone was very curious, what's the use of Lu Qingfeng taking pictures of the golden thread clothes?

Could it be that with his current status, does he still need a golden thread coat to protect himself?
(End of this chapter)

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