
Chapter 835

Chapter 835

Hearing these words, everyone couldn't help but gasped, and looked at Liu Chen in shock.

The audience was in an uproar, and the atmosphere was suddenly very embarrassing. Everyone could feel the monstrous anger in Jian Kui's eyes at this moment.

Originally, Jian Kui wanted to make things difficult for Liu Chen to buy this immortal technique, so he increased the price by 20 more than Liu Chen every time!

When it reached 800 million, Jiankui was already hesitating whether to give up, because he couldn't get so many fairy stones at all.

But when he saw that he was almost anxious, especially the expression that he wanted to buy the fairy art even if he lost everything, Jiankui bit the bullet and raised the price again.

Even if he can't take out so many fairy stones at all!

Jiankui also knew that Liu Chen still had 4000 million immortal stones in his hand, so he expected Liu Chen to stop at around 4000 million.

But he never expected that not only he failed to trick Liu Chen, but he got himself into it instead.

Thirty-eight million and 800 immortal stones, how could he get them out? I'm afraid even 20 million is very difficult, so why talk about 800 million!

Liu Chen looked at Jian Kui with a smile, and there was a kind of unspeakable complacency on his face, wasn't it just an immortal technique?Do you really think I'll break the bank to buy it?

With 800 million fairy stones, I can choose any kind of fairy art at will in the task pavilion!
Why bother to be taken advantage of here.

"Nice job."

Lu Qingfeng gave Liu Chen a thumbs up and praised.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled and said nothing, just looked at Jiankui, he wanted to see what Jiankui could do at this moment.

"Thirty-one million times!"

"Three thousand and eight million times!"

"Three thousand and six million times!"


The young woman's voice trembled slightly, and she knew very well that at this price, it was almost impossible for anyone to continue to increase the price.

Either they are fools, or they have too much money and no place to spend it.

But she is still hesitating whether to drop the hammer or not, that is Jian Kui, the eldest disciple of the Ancient Sword Immortal, who has the strength of the late stage of transformation.

If this hammer falls, won't he be hated by him.

I am just an unknown little person, if I am targeted by such a big person, my fate will not be so good.

But at this moment, everyone is watching, even if the young woman drags on, she won't be able to get off for a long time, and sooner or later she will fall with that hammer.

"It seems that no one has increased the price. After all, 800 million yuan to buy an immortal technique is really not worth it."

"I don't think anyone with a little brain would do this."

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, showing a provocative smile, looking into Jian Kui's eyes, and said lightly.

Liu Chen's meaning couldn't be more obvious. He made it clear that he was aiming at Jian Kui and insulting him for being stupid.

In fact it is.

When the price reaches about 2000 million, it is already the value of the fairy art itself, and it is not worthwhile if it exceeds 2000 million.

It's impossible for Jiankui not to know, but he abruptly raised the price to 800 million, which is completely self-inflicted.

Shooting himself in the foot.

Live it!

"Liu Chen! Remember it!"

Jiankui's eyes widened angrily, and there was a murderous intent in the depths of his eyes. He immediately turned his attention to the young woman, and said indifferently, "Malicious bidding! I don't want this lot anymore!"

"If you say you don't want the things you photographed, you don't want it? How can there be such a reason!"

The young woman was in a dilemma, obviously not daring to confront Jiankui, but at this moment, Liu Chen stood up, stared at Jiankui with a majestic expression, and scolded: "Today you photographed this immortal technique, you should pay the corresponding price!" price!"

"Otherwise, what do you think the Mission Pavilion is? Can you make me mess around and disrupt the order of the auction?"

Hearing this, Jiankui was at a loss for words for a moment, his expression was embarrassed, and he was immediately discussed by countless people.

"Of course, if you can't afford the price, then please get out immediately and never set foot in the mission pavilion again!"

Liu Chen sat down and looked at Jian Kui calmly, but there was a hint of sarcasm deep in his eyes.

"This is terrible. Jiankui obviously can't get 800 million immortal stones. Unless the ancient sword immortal appears, it will be difficult for him to step down."

"It deserves it! It's not all because of his own fault!"

"Hush! He is also Gu Jianxianzun's big disciple, if he hears about it, you will be finished."

"So what about the eldest disciple of Immortal Gu Jian? It's just in the realm of transforming gods, and I have already stepped into the realm of refining the void. I only need one hand to crush him!"

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and most of them looked down on Jiankui, and even insulted Jiankui directly because of his high cultivation.

In normal times, as Jian Kui, even if they are experts in the Void Refining Realm, they would not dare to insult him in front of Jian Kui.

For Gu Jian Xianzun's face, he even wants to treat Jian Kui kindly.


Jian Kui snorted coldly, feeling his face was hot and very uncomfortable, wishing he could fly out of the Mission Pavilion immediately so that he would not be able to feel the mocking eyes of those people.

"That's all! You can figure it out!"

With a wave of his sleeve, Jiankui immediately threw out a savings bag, which contained only a few million immortal stones, some pills and other items.

The young woman handed the savings bag to the person behind her, and said politely, "Please wait a moment."

After a while, the two came back with a savings bag and whispered something in the ear of the young woman.

Hearing this, the young woman looked embarrassed, and immediately put the savings bag on the high platform, saying: "Unfortunately, the contents of this savings bag do not add up to more than 1000 million."

"There is still a shortfall of 800 million. As for the 20, I can make the decision and erase it for you."


There is still 800 million short, but Jiankui can't get a single fairy stone at the moment, so how can he make up 800 million!

"Since you don't have that much money, why bother to swell your face here to pretend to be fat, why don't you listen to me, get out of the mission pavilion quickly, and never set foot here!"

"If you can agree, I can consider helping you pay the remaining 800 million yuan, but the fairy art must belong to me."

At this time, Liu Chen stood up, looked at Jian Kui with a smile, and said slowly.

"Or, you may also consider looking for Gu Jian Xianzun, he should not be short of 800 million immortal stones."

Liu Chen smiled slightly, and the sarcasm in his eyes was even stronger.

If Gu Jian Xianzun knew about this, his lungs would explode, and the face of a generation of Xianzun would be lost by him.

"Hmph! Shut up!"

Jian Kui snorted coldly, glared at Liu Chen fiercely, and a terrifying coercion from the late stage of transformation suddenly erupted.

But soon, this coercion was immediately countered, and it turned out that it was Lu Qingfeng who was sitting next to Liu Chen who made the move.

"This is the Mission Pavilion!"

"The Mission Pavilion has the rules of the Mission Pavilion. If you can't afford the price, but you still get in the way, the Mission Pavilion doesn't welcome people like you!"

Lu Qingfeng looked majestic and said a few words.

"For the sake of you being Gu Jianxianzun's disciple, it is also a face for Gu Jianxianzun. As long as you keep the 1000 million, get out of the Mission Pavilion immediately, and we can pretend that nothing happened."

"get out!"

Liu Chen said lightly.

Jian Kui stood up, his face flushed red, the atmosphere was at its extreme, and he wished he could chop Liu Chen and Lu Qingfeng into pieces with his sword.

But he was not willing to just walk out of the Mission Pavilion like this, because it would be too embarrassing, even if he is the disciple of Gu Jian Xianzun, how will he be able to hold his head up in front of everyone in the fairy world in the future.

"and many more!"

Suddenly, Jian Kui yelled, threw out the Changhong Sword he was carrying, and said, "This Changhong Sword! How much is it worth!"

Everyone couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, and there was a lot of discussion.

"Even sold the Changhong Sword that he carried with him, it seems that Jiankui is desperate."

"Hey! If I were Gu Jian Xianzun, I would have slapped him to death if I met such an unbelievable disciple."

"You can't live by committing sins."

However, the corners of Liu Chen's mouth were raised slightly, and he looked at Jiankui with a smile. He had two Changhong swords on his body, one of which belonged to Jiankui.

It was the one that Jiankui took away before.

"Please wait."

The young woman held the Changhong sword in both hands, feeling like a hot potato, and threw it to the person next to her impatiently.

After a while, the two came back with the Changhong Sword.

"This Changhong sword is slightly damaged, but it came from the hands of Ancient Sword Immortal, with an estimated value of 2000 million!"

The young woman's voice was not loud, but everyone present could hear it clearly.

2000 million is not too much, but it is not too much, but for Jiankui in front of him, it is a bit too little.

Only 2000 million!There is still a shortfall of 800 million!

Do you want to sell the second Changhong Sword?
"There is still a shortfall of 800 million. I think if you sell the second Changhong Sword, you may still have some surplus."

But Liu Chen sneered unabashedly.

Without the Changhong Sword, Jiankui's strength would be greatly reduced, and Liu Chen would be more confident in dealing with him.

Hearing this, Jian Kui ignored Liu Chen and scolded the young woman, "Are you making a mistake? This Changhong Sword was made by my master Gu Jian Xianzun!"

"Even if it's slightly damaged, it's still worth 3000 million yuan!"

The young woman looked embarrassed, and said bravely, "I'm just spreading the word. The people above said that this sword is worth 2000 million, so I can only say it's worth 2000 million!"

The atmosphere in the hall was very embarrassing, Jian Kui was almost going crazy, selling a Changhong Sword would already make Immortal Gu Jian angry.

If both handles are sold, I don't know if Gu Jian Xianzun will beat Jian Kui to death in a fit of anger.

"Hmph! I will redeem it sooner or later."

Helpless, Jian Kui gritted his teeth fiercely, and immediately swung his sleeve, throwing out the other Changhong Sword.

For an immortal technique, Jiankui absolutely bleeds a lot and lost two Changhong swords.

Most importantly, it made him lose all face, and also lost the face of Gu Jianxianzun.


Feeling relieved, the young woman immediately asked people to go down with the Changhong Sword to estimate the price, and immediately pushed up the next lot.

After a while, the two walked up pushing the cart.

"This lot is very rare, and the Task Pavilion also cost a huge price, so I was lucky enough to get a little bit."

(End of this chapter)

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