
Chapter 836 Fusion of Holy Water

Chapter 836 Fusion of Holy Water
"It is said that in order to obtain such a thing, not only the Mission Pavilion, but also the Dragon Clan dispatched a lot of strong men, but it is a pity that the Mission Pavilion was lucky enough to get it in the end."

The young woman smiled mysteriously, and did not immediately turn the black gauze on.

Liu Chen raised his brows, looking at the young woman's appearance, he didn't seem to be lying, but what exactly was it?It was able to let the Dragon Clan take action to snatch it.

However, although the Task Pavilion won such a thing, it didn't dare to hide it, so as not to be missed by the Dragon Clan, so it was put up for auction.

It seems that among these people in the auction house, many of them should be strong members of the Dragon Clan.

Liu Chen was dumbfounded, and glanced out of the corner of his eye. Except for the person just now, Liu Chen didn't find any strong dragon clan.

Unless they release Longwei on their own initiative, it is possible to be noticed.

"Master, what exactly is it?"

Liu Chen couldn't figure it out, so he turned his head, looked at Lu Qingfeng, and asked.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a smug smile, and said lightly, "If I'm not wrong, it should be fusion holy water."

"The person who took the jade bottle just now is also a strong dragon."

"Among the strong dragons participating in the auction this time, there are many powerful alchemists, and their purpose, like mine, is to fuse the holy water."

"Wouldn't it be a tough battle with the dragon clan?"

Liu Chen frowned slightly, but he was secretly looking forward to using Lu Qingfeng as a big tree to fight back against the Dragon Clan in order to avenge Xiaoqing's insult last time.

"It should be inevitable."

Lu Qingfeng shook his head and let out a long sigh.

This fusion of holy water is related to the success of the refining of the God Returning Pill. It is very important, even if he offends the alchemist of the Dragon Clan, he will not hesitate.

Lu Qingfeng didn't know what the dragon alchemist needed to fuse the holy water to do, but Lu Qingfeng knew very well that as long as he could get the fusion holy water, he could refine the God Returning Pill.

Even the three immortal emperors had to treat him kindly.

What about Long Zhantian?
If Lu Qingfeng could win over the other two immortal emperors, even Long Zhantian would have to treat Lu Qingfeng a little bit less.

and so!
No matter what, you must get the fusion holy water!
Lu Qingfeng clenched his fists tightly, his eyes full of stubbornness.

Liu Chen was stunned in his heart. It seemed that the master was determined to win the fusion holy water. With his rich background, there should be no problem in photographing the fusion holy water.

I just don't know if the strong dragon clan will interfere with it.

Suddenly, the young woman smiled mysteriously, especially glanced at Lu Qingfeng, and the strong dragon clan in the corner, and immediately lifted the black gauze, saying: "Fusion of holy water!"

"Most of you here may not have heard of fusion holy water, but as an alchemist, this is almost universal holy water."

"Because this is a very gentle water that can fuse several medicinal materials that were originally mutually exclusive and refine them into a new elixir."

"Fusion holy water is very rare, only this one drop."

The young woman pulled away the black gauze abruptly, and a small transparent bottle suddenly appeared on the high platform, and there happened to be a drop of colorful liquid in it, which was still.

That is the fusion of holy water?
Liu Chen raised his brows. From a distance, apart from the color, the fused holy water didn't seem to have any other special features.

"The starting price is 1000 million! Each increase must not be less than 100 million!"

The young woman spoke lightly.

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar, their eyes were full of disbelief, they looked at the young woman like they were looking at a madman.

"It's just a drop of water, and it's going to be sold for 1000 million! Is the Mission Pavilion crazy about money?"

"That's right! I don't know how many pills you can buy with this 1000 million yuan, why use it to buy a drop of colorful water."

"The store bullies customers, and it is clear that it is cheating people. Whoever buys it is a fool."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, most of them had no desire to buy, and even belittled the Mission Pavilion.

It's just that most of these people are not alchemists. They have never heard of fusion holy water, so they naturally don't know how important he is to alchemists.


Suddenly, Lu Qingfeng stood up, his eyes fell on the strong dragon clan, and he said indifferently.

"3000 million!"

Sure enough, as soon as Lu Qingfeng finished speaking, the strong dragon clan immediately stood up, even more powerful!

"These two! Are you crazy? Every time the price is raised, it's 1000 million!"

"We don't understand the world of the rich, but I know that Lu Qingfeng is as rich as a country, but who is the other person?"

"Judging from the aura, it should be a strong dragon clan. I am afraid that only a strong dragon clan has the courage to fight for money with Lu Qingfeng."


Lu Qingfeng said lightly, and shouted out 4000 million without even frowning, as if 4000 million was nothing to him, not worth mentioning.

And the 4000 million fairy stones were Liu Chen's entire net worth.


The strong dragon clan is also bound to win the fusion holy water, and has no intention of giving up at all, and does not hesitate at all when raising the price.

Lu Qingfeng frowned slightly. He knew very well that if he continued to add up like this, it might even exceed [-] million.

It's not that he can't afford the price, it's just that if this goes on like this, Lu Qingfeng is afraid that there will be no end.

After all, although he is rich, these fairy stones are not brought by strong winds, but accumulated by him bit by bit.

"6000 million!"

Lu Qingfeng said lightly, and simply sat down, looking at the fusion holy water on the high platform, his eyes were full of longing.

"7000 million!"

The strong dragon clan persisted and continued to increase the price.

Liu Chen frowned slightly, stared at the strong dragon clan with unkind eyes, immediately stood up, and said calmly, "One hundred million!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was shocked, and they all looked at Liu Chen in disbelief.

It's fine for Lu Qingfeng to bid, after all, he is as rich as a country, and 7000 to [-] million is nothing to them.

But what about Liu Chen?

Except for being the disciples of Lu Qingfeng and Immortal Immortal Venerable, they didn't believe that Liu Chen could come up with [-] million immortal stones.

"Is that kid crazy! Spend [-] million to buy a drop of fusion holy water!"

"Hmph! Slapping a swollen face to pretend to be a fat man. If he captures this drop of fusion holy water, I'll see how they end up."

"Hush! Please speak softly, Liu Chen is still here after all."

Everyone was discussing, looking at Liu Chen as if they were looking at a lunatic.

"what are you doing?"

Lu Qingfeng was taken aback, and immediately pulled Liu Chen to sit down, stunned and said: "You are crazy! Just bid [-] million!"

"Master, don't worry, I'm free to take care of it."

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, he smiled mysteriously, and immediately looked at the strong dragon clan in the corner.

"Are you sure you want to pay [-] million for this drop of fusion holy water?"

The strong dragon clan spoke slowly, with contempt and disdain in his voice.


Liu Chen smiled and nodded slightly.

"One hundred and sixty million!"

There was a flash of brilliance in the eyes of the strong dragon clan, and he said decisively.

Hearing this, the smile on Liu Chen's face froze instantly, and a look of horror flashed in the depths of his eyes, this is too rich, and the price will be increased by 5000 million directly!

You must know that the starting price of the fusion holy water is only 1000 million!

It was directly raised to 5000 million!It has been turned over ten times, and Liu Chen probably will continue to turn it up.

The young woman below smiled from ear to ear, and her heart was full of joy.

"Master! Two hundred million!"

Liu Chen frowned and said via voice transmission.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng looked embarrassed, and said via voice transmission: "I came out this time with a total of [-] million immortal stones. If he continues to increase the price, I will have no bargaining chips."

"You brought 4000 million fairy stones, and he certainly didn't bring much, not to mention I still have [-] million here, which should be enough."

Liu Chen continued.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng gritted his teeth fiercely, but pretended to be calm, and said calmly, "I'll offer [-] million immortal stones!"

[-] million!

Everyone in the auction house just felt their minds buzzing, as if a bomb had exploded in their minds, causing an uproar!

Two hundred million!
How many people can't earn [-] million fairy stones in their lifetime, but Lu Qingfeng used it to buy a drop of colorful water!
They really can't figure it out!
Lu Qingfeng frowned slightly, and spent [-] million to buy a drop of fusion holy water, even if it was refined into a magic-returning elixir, and then resold, it would not be able to recover the cost.

But the cost is not important, as long as the magic pill is sold out, a favor from a super strong person that can be exchanged is enough.

If it really doesn't work, Lu Qingfeng can completely auction off the Returning God Pill, and then several immortal emperors and immortals will compete for it.

Even people from the fairy clan will appear.

At that time, a God-returning pill will definitely be auctioned for a sky-high price, and the transaction price will definitely exceed [-] million.

The strong dragon clan's face was gloomy, and he stared at Lu Qingfeng viciously, with deep anger in his eyes, he immediately turned his head to look at the person next to him, and said, "How many fairy stones did we bring with us this time?"

"A total of 5000 million."


The strong dragon clan clenched his fists tightly, and the anger in his heart became more intense.

"However, we still have some things here, which should be worth a lot of fairy stones."

"What, give it to me."

After a while, the strong Dragon Clan stood up and said calmly: "As expected of Lu Qingfeng, he didn't even frown when he went down with [-] million immortal stones. I'm willing to bow down."

"But this fusion of holy water, my Dragon Clan will decide."

As soon as the words fell, the strong dragon clan suddenly waved his sleeves and said, "I have two sixth-rank dragon balls and one seventh-rank dragon ball here. I don't know how many immortal stones I can exchange for them."

Dragon Ball!

The Dragon Clan even took out this kind of thing, it seems that it is really inevitable for the fusion of holy water.

Every strong man of the dragon clan will concentrate all his strength in the dragon ball after death, and a human cultivator can sacrifice to the enemy, which is equivalent to the full blow of the strong dragon clan in his lifetime.

It is a one-time consumption item, but it is very powerful.

It is often possible to fight against the enemy across ranks, but the dragon ball is also very useful to the dragon strong, and it is rarely leaked.

Unexpectedly, this time, in order to compete for the fusion holy water, even the dragon balls were brought out.

Lu Qingfeng frowned slightly, he obviously didn't expect that the Dragon Clan powerhouse would have such a skill.

(End of this chapter)

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