
Chapter 837

Chapter 837
A sixth-order Dragon Ball is equivalent to a strong person in the Void Refining Realm, while a seventh-order Dragon Clan is equivalent to a strong person in the Fusion Realm.

As for the eighth-order dragon ball, I am afraid that the accumulation of hundreds of years by the dragon clan does not exceed three, and one of them is in Xiaoqing's belly.

The dragon ball contains all the power in front of the dragon strongman. Given time, Xiaoqing may be able to absorb all the power in the dragon ball.

At that time, even if Xiaoqing can't grow to the eighth level, at least the seventh level.

"Dragon Fellow Daoist, do you really want to exchange Dragon Balls for Immortal Stones?"

Suddenly, an old man appeared silently in the mission pavilion, looked at the strong dragon clan with deep eyes, and asked.

Hearing this, the dragon strongman nodded without thinking, and said, "I have made up my mind! For this drop of fusion holy water, I will fight!"

"it is good!"

The old man nodded slightly, then looked up and down the three dragon balls in his hand, and said slowly, "It's worth 6000 million!"

The voice fell, and the audience was in an uproar.

They all knew the power of the dragon balls, but they didn't expect that among the three dragon balls, one of them was a seventh-order dragon, which was equivalent to a full-strength blow of a strong person in the combined realm, and there were only 6000 million.

"One of them is a seventh-order dragon ball, 6000 million is too little, isn't it?"

The face of the strong dragon clan sank, and he said displeasedly.

Hearing this, the old man showed no expression on his face, and explained: "Indeed, this is a seventh-order Dragon Ball, but it only has the aura of the early seventh-order."

"If it's the seventh-order peak, then it's a different matter."

With a wave of his sleeve, the old man immediately put away the three dragon balls, and said calmly: "If you are not satisfied with the old man's valuation, you can take back the dragon balls."


The face of the strong dragon clan is gloomy, and his eyes are full of anger. This old thing has caught my weakness. Knowing that I am bound to win the fusion holy water, it is so low price!

Dodgy old thing!
The strong man of the dragon clan scolded the old man a thousand times in his heart, then raised his head and said unwillingly, "6000 million is 6000 million!"

As soon as the words fell, an imperceptible smug flashed in the depths of the old man's eyes, and immediately he waved his sleeves and threw out a savings bag, which happened to contain 6000 million immortal stones.

With 6000 million immortal stones in hand, the dragon powerhouse immediately gained confidence and said loudly: "1000 million [-] million!"

This is already the limit of what he can offer, and he believes that Lu Qingfeng has almost reached the end, and it is impossible to bid higher than his bid.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng frowned, looking extremely embarrassed, and immediately waved his hand, and immediately took out something from the void.

"Wind God Scepter!"

Someone in the auction room immediately saw the origin of the scepter in Lu Qingfeng's hand, and couldn't help but lose their voices.

Liu Chen's heart trembled, he looked at the Fengshen scepter in Lu Qingfeng's hand, and said regretfully, "Master, this is the Fengshen's scepter, the ultimate treasure, do you want to exchange it for immortal stones?"

"There is no way."

Lu Qingfeng nodded heavily and gritted his teeth.

Now is an extraordinary period, and the Task Pavilion will definitely lower the price very hard, but if you want to redeem the Fengshen Scepter, the price will rise a lot.

"I still have 4000 million here, plus your [-] million, it's enough."

With a big wave of Liu Chen's hand, he immediately threw 4000 million to Lu Qingfeng.

Fortunately, I didn't buy that fairy art just now, otherwise I really can't help at this moment.

"That's good! The 4000 million is my loan to you, and I will return it to you when I get back."

Lu Qingfeng was not polite, and immediately accepted Liu Chen's 4000 million fairy stones, and immediately said: "4000 million [-] million!"

Since there are so many fairy stones, he just shouted to the end at once. He didn't believe that the strong dragon clan could have other dragon beads to exchange for fairy stones.

The onlookers were completely caught!
Just such a drop of colorful water, which seems to have nothing special, unexpectedly fetched a sky-high price of 4000 million!
There are so many fairy stones, which are enough to pile up a mountain of fairy stones. Even if they are mined day and night, it will take last month.

"Crazy crazy! They're all crazy!"

"Who says it's not? It's not worthwhile to spend 4000 million yuan for a drop of fusion holy water."

"Could it be that the richer people are, the more different their thinking is from ordinary people. I don't believe that they can create something beyond 4000 million after obtaining this drop of fusion holy water."

Everyone was talking about it, obviously no one was optimistic about Lu Qingfeng.

At this point, everyone understands that Lu Qingfeng and the strong dragon clan are both alchemists, and they must have only one purpose in snatching this drop of fusion holy water, which is alchemy.

But they don't understand, what is the value of the elixir, and it can be sold for a sky-high price of 4000 million!

Exhausting their imagination, they listed all the most expensive pills in their minds, and they were all flawless pills. They bought them all from beginning to end, and they didn't need 4000 million!
"Could it be possible that the elixir refined from the fusion of holy water can bring the dead back to life, or instantly make people immortal?"

"When the cultivation base reaches our level, it is no problem to live for hundreds of years. Think about those who are strong in the realm of refinement, especially those who are in the realm of fusion, they can live for thousands of years without any problem."

"What's the use of immortality pills, not to mention how can there be immortality pills in this world!"

The auction hall was in chaos, full of people's voices, all discussing Lu Qingfeng and the strong dragon clan.

Seeing the situation, Liu Chen also frowned. Looking at the appearance of the strong dragon clan, it seemed that he wanted to continue to increase the price, but he didn't know what else they could offer.

In fact, Liu Chen also felt that spending 4000 million yuan to buy a drop of fusion holy water was really not worth it.

Because a drop of fused holy water can only be refined into one god-returning pill, this is still a case of not failing.

If it fails, the 4000 million [-] million will be in vain.

Even Lu Qingfeng, who is as rich as a country, can't afford to waste it.

"Two hundred and ninety million times!"

The young woman saw that the strong dragon clan did not increase the price for a long time, so she opened her mouth and said.

"Two hundred and ninety million times!"

"Two hundred and forty million three times!"

Just when the young woman was about to drop the hammer, the strong dragon stood up, jumped onto the high platform, observed the fusion holy water at close range, and said, "Lu Qingfeng, no matter what, I will take this drop of fusion holy water wanted!"

"This is the Mission Pavilion! What do you want to do!"

Lu Qingfeng's complexion changed, and a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

"You dare to make trouble here, you are asking for trouble!"

Hearing this, the strong Dragon Clan smiled irrefutably, and said lightly: "This fusion holy water is considered to be borrowed by me, and I will return it in the future!"

As soon as the words fell, the strong dragon clan immediately grabbed it with a big hand, put the fusion holy water into his arms, and immediately flew towards the outside of the Mission Pavilion.

Suddenly, the scene became chaotic, and countless strong men fled in the auction house.

Because not just one Dragon Clan expert participated in the auction, there were at least ten people, and the most important thing was that each of them had a powerful cultivation in the Void Refining Realm.

Once they show their power, they only need to spit out dragon flames to burn the entire auction house to ashes.

"You go first! I'll take back the fusion holy water!"

Lu Qingfeng pushed Liu Chen, and immediately a figure flashed, chasing after the strong dragon clan. At the same time, many black shadows flew from the mission pavilion, chasing after the strong dragon clan.

"Well! Be careful, Master!"

Liu Chen said with concern, and immediately took advantage of the chaotic flow of people to walk outside the Mission Pavilion.

But at this moment, a bright light flashed in Jiankui's eyes, and he followed Liu Chen quietly. Anyway, there were so many people covering him.

Liu Chen also didn't notice that Jian Kui was following behind him.

The auction house is on the top floor of the mission pavilion, and there are many strong people on every floor below. Seeing the people inside, they rushed out.

Although they didn't know what happened, they also panicked.

For a moment, the entire mission pavilion was in chaos, and many people even started to plunder, fight each other, and fight.

Liu Chen frowned, and Xiao Qing quickly shuttled through the crowd, and flew towards the outside of the mission pavilion.

But at this moment, a cold light flickered and stabbed at the back of Liu Chen's head.

not good!

Liu Chen yelled inwardly that he was not good, and cold sweat broke out on his back. At that moment, as if he was being watched by the god of death, he subconsciously dodged to the side.


While Liu Chen was flickering, he also saw clearly that the person who attacked him was none other than Jiankui.

However, the Changhong Sword in his hand has disappeared, and it is an ordinary weapon.

"Jiankui! You want to kill me!"

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth raised slightly, revealing a playful smile. Rather than deal with Jiankui outside, it would be better to take advantage of the chaos in the Mission Pavilion, kill Jiankui, and then leave calmly.

"Dying man! Shut up!"

Jian Kui smiled ferociously, and immediately charged at Liu Chen. Anyone who stood in front of him would be cut in half by his sword.

Immediately, as long as they saw Jian Kui, everyone would back away in fright.

"Kirin Iron Arm!"

Liu Chen's expression was solemn, and immediately his face sank, and he punched out suddenly, hitting Jian Kui's long sword.


With a clicking sound, Liu Chen's arm was slightly numb, but the weapon in Jian Kui's hand was broken in two.

"Without the Changhong Sword, you are no match for me at all!"

"It's not difficult for me to kill you!"

Liu Chen's voice was stern, and his aura instantly increased. He immediately took a step forward, and the unicorn iron arm in his hand blasted out again, heading straight for Jiankui's chest.

Hearing a bang, Jiankui immediately flew upside down like a kite with a broken string.

"Tch! Careless."

Jian Kui coughed twice, spat out a big mouthful of blood, and when he was about to get up, he saw a figure killing him.

With another punch, Liu Chen directly smashed Jian Kui's head.

"Jiuli Pot!"

Liu Chen didn't intend to let Jiankui's Nascent Soul go, so he sacrificed the Jiuli pot.

As soon as the words fell, the Jiuli pot burst out with a strong suction force, and immediately sucked Jiankui's Nascent Soul into it.

After doing all this, Liu Chen acted as if nothing had happened, and flew out of the Mission Pavilion.

Especially those who witnessed this scene with their own eyes stared at Liu Chen's back in astonishment.

All of this happened so fast, it was like a flash, and Jian Kui, who was in the late stage of transformation, died in Liu Chen's hands.

(End of this chapter)

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