
Chapter 838

Chapter 838
"First I killed Jian Mosquito, and now I killed Jian Kui. This time Liu Chen really offended Gu Jian Xianzun to death, and he will definitely not let him go easily."

"So what! Don't forget, Immortal Venerable Immortal and Lu Qingfeng are standing behind Liu Chen, any one of them is stronger than Immortal Gu Jian."

"Having said that, but the two of them can protect Liu Chen for a while, but they can't protect Liu Chen's first life. With the cultivation base of the ancient sword and immortal master of the Void Refinement Realm, it is not difficult to kill Liu Chen secretly."

Looking at the direction in which Liu Chen was going away, everyone's eyes were full of astonishment, but also with a trace of worry and expectation.

Because of this incident, the Mission Pavilion is in a mess, and I'm afraid it will cause a lot of trouble, but it has nothing to do with Liu Chen, anyway, the people in the Mission Pavilion will deal with it.

The dragon clan is arrogant and domineering. I only heard about it from Lu Qingfeng before, but I didn't expect to really realize it today.

The only ones who dare to make trouble in the Mission Pavilion are the Dragon Clan.

Suddenly, two figures blocked Liu Chen's way, and said fiercely: "Liu Chen! Hand over the fairy stone in your hand quickly if you are sensible, or...hehe!"

Liu Chen raised his head casually, and looked at the two people in front of him, who actually possessed the strength of the late stage of transformation.

It's just that they all wore masks on their faces, which completely blurred their faces, even if Liu Chen used his divine sense, he couldn't perceive them.

"We know that you have 4000 million fairy stones in your hand!"

"As long as you call out all of them, the two of us, brothers, can consider sparing your life."

The two sang and said in harmony, and they cooperated very tacitly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen raised his brows, without any intention of handing over the fairy stone, and said lightly, "Do you know my identity?"


"Since you know, you still dare to rob me? Are you not afraid of being hunted down by Manxianjie in the future?"

Liu Chen looked at the two of them with a smile, it seemed that they were all chased from the mission pavilion.

"Haha! If you want to get 4000 million fairy stones in an instant, you have to bear corresponding risks, not to mention that we both wear masks, and you don't know who we are."

"After leaving today, even if we pass by each other in the future, you won't recognize us."

The two spoke one after another.

"I've already killed one person today, I don't want to kill any more, you guys go."

"By the way, the fairy stone is not on me. If you want to get my attention, I advise you to cancel this idea as soon as possible. If it is too late, it will be too late."

Liu Chen stood quietly on the spot and said a few words.

Xiaoqing on his shoulder spit out a faint dragon flame, and stared at the two of them covetously, but Xiaoqing was in a pocket state at the moment, so he couldn't see the dragon flame he spit out.

"Hahaha! How funny!"

"You were able to defeat Jiankui only because of the power of Zhenbao. What's more, we two brothers are not as arrogant as him."

As soon as the words fell, the two separated immediately, trapping Liu Chen in the middle, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Yin and Yang dual swords!"

Suddenly, the two made a tactic with both hands, and said in unison, two snake swords, one black and one white, appeared out of thin air, with extraordinary aura, they were also real treasures.

Because it is a pair of true treasures, the aura is faintly above the unicorn's iron arms.

After entering the Immortal World for so long, Liu Chen probably knows the quality of Qilin Iron Arm, and Potian is a mid-level treasure.

It is very likely that it is a low-level real treasure, but the yin and yang swords in front of him are truly middle-level real treasures.

As for the Changhong Sword, it is a high-level true treasure, exactly the same as the Jiuli Pot in Liu Chen's hand.

"Good words to persuade, you don't listen."

Liu Chen smiled bitterly, heaved a long sigh, and immediately stretched out his right arm, the unicorn iron arm spread out in an instant, exuding an impressive aura.

"We've already studied you!"

"Kirin Iron Arm, Light Curtain Sword Rain! And Jiuli Pot!"

"You only have these three methods in total, and we all have ways to restrain you."

The two of them were confident and confident, no wonder they dared to intercept Liu Chen, it turned out that they had carefully analyzed Liu Chen's strength.

It's a pity that they didn't expect that the unremarkable Xiaoqing on Liu Chen's shoulder turned out to be a five-clawed golden dragon with golden blood.

They don't even know that it was this five-clawed golden dragon that killed the sword mosquito and the black phoenix in succession.

Otherwise, even if they were killed, they would not dare to rob Liu Chen.

"I'm just such a little disciple, I didn't expect you to figure it out." The corners of Liu Chen's mouth slightly raised, revealing a mysterious smile.

"Hmph! If you dare to rob Immortal Venerable and Lu Qingfeng's disciples, how can you do it without any preparation!"

"Sensible ones, hurry up and hand over 4000 million fairy stones, and we can save you from the pain of flesh and blood."

Hearing this, Liu Chen shook his head, and said flatly, "What if I don't hand it over?"

"Then beat you up first, and then take away all your belongings!"

As soon as the words fell, the two rushed up immediately, one left and one right, and the yin and yang swords burst out with a powerful pressure, completely overwhelming the unicorn iron arm.

Liu Chen looked dignified, and immediately crossed his right arm to block the attack of the yin and yang swords, but with a bang, Liu Chen flew upside down, his entire right arm was numb and trembling slightly.

Just one blow, the most common attack, can burst out such a powerful force, the strength of those two is indeed not simple.

"Light Curtain Sword Rain!"

It is almost impossible to defeat the two people in front of them with the help of the unicorn iron arm, so the only way to do it is to use the celestial art to fight.

Hearing a buzzing sound, the sword-shaped imprint on Liu Chen's eyebrows flickered, and immediately emerged, rising against the wind, turning into a golden lightsaber.

Immediately afterwards, the golden lightsaber quickly transformed, covering the entire sky.

Countless golden lightsabers were floating in the sky. It felt like being targeted by a predator from all directions without dead ends, and I was very uncertain.

Seeing the situation, the two looked at each other with a smile, and said lightly: "I expected you to make such a move a long time ago, fortunately we were prepared!"

"Yin-Yang Bagua Formation!"

The two of them made talismans with both hands, the spiritual power in their bodies circulated rapidly, and a powerful aura suddenly formed around them, which directly disrupted Liu Chen's light curtain sword rain.

Looking intently, one can vaguely see the gossip pattern behind the two people, but it is very blurry.


Liu Chen didn't dare to stay here, lest the light curtain sword rain be completely disturbed, so he made a tactic with both hands, and suddenly bent his fingers.

Swish swish!
Countless lightsabers rushed down in an instant, killing the two at an extremely fast speed, making a whistling sound of piercing through the air.

Boom boom boom!
A miraculous scene happened.

The lightsaber fell into the yin-yang gossip array, as if piercing into the water, making the sound of pinching monsters, and then gradually twisted until it turned into golden starlight and dissipated.


Liu Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at the Yin-Yang Bagua Formation in shock, never expecting that they had such a powerful method.

Almost every move was designed to restrain Liu Chen's existence.


The two looked at each other and smiled, and then pointed their fingers, the Yin-Yang Bagua Formation instantly expanded, like a huge black and white mouth, swallowing all the lightsabers.

After a while, countless lightsabers disappeared.

Liu Chen's heart trembled, and he stared at the two people in front of him vigilantly. They obviously only had the cultivation of the late stage of the transformation of the gods, but Liu Chen felt that they were not weaker than the Great Perfection of the transformation of the gods.

"Hand over 4000 million fairy stones!"

One of them took a bold step and forced him.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled bitterly, and said, "It seems that my strength is still too weak, and I have to rely on Xiao Qing at critical moments."

As soon as the words fell, Xiaoqing roared, and her body swelled several times in an instant, turning into a colossus, just like a five-clawed golden dragon.


Xiaoqing roared at them, and the mighty Longwei exploded, scaring them to paralyze their faces and tremble their legs.

"Dragon... Dragon Clan..."

"And it's a five-clawed golden dragon! many identities do you have!"

The two seemed terrified, subconsciously backed away.


Xiaoqing would let them go, and immediately opened his mouth, spewing out a large amount of dragon flames, like a thick pillar of fire, instantly crushing the Yin-Yang Bagua Formation.

The upper body of Long Yan burned them fiercely, and unless it turned into a pile of fly ash, Long Yan would never go out.

"Jiuli Pot!"

Liu Chen made a formula with both hands, and suddenly flexed his fingers, the Jiuli Pot appeared out of thin air, and there were already more than a dozen pills in it, three of which had extraordinary breaths.

If these two people are added together, so many pills should be able to help my cultivation level break through to the first level.

"We are no match for the five-clawed golden dragon, let's go!"

"it is good!"

The two had a tacit understanding and spoke in unison, and immediately ran away towards the distance.

Seeing the situation, Liu Chen raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a playful smile, and said, "Xiaoqing!"


Xiaoqing immediately understood, swinging her huge body, caught up with the two, the dragon flame in her mouth turned into a circle, trapping them both inside.

"Jiuli Pot!"

Liu Chen's expression was calm, without the slightest emotion in his eyes, he flexed his fingers lightly, and the Jiuli pot immediately burst into a strong suction.

In just an instant, the two of them were sucked into the Jiuli pot, and the savings bags on their bodies belonged to Liu Chen.

"Clap clap clap!"

At this moment, another figure came out from the darkness, applauded again and again, and praised: "You are indeed the disciple of Immortal Immortal and Lu Qingfeng."

"Not only is his strength superior, but he also has a five-clawed golden dragon as his companion."

"who are you?"

Liu Chen frowned, staring at the person in front of him vigilantly, and said calmly.

"It must be that my form has been too low-key recently, and I haven't attracted your attention."

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Hei Prison, the second disciple of Immortal Master Qian Zhan."

Hei Prison said lightly, and walked towards Liu Chen with a smile, and said, "I heard that you not only killed Jian Mosquito, but also Jian Kui."

"If I'm not mistaken, Jian Xin and Hei Huang should have died in your hands as well."

"Tsk tsk tsk, these are all disciples of the Immortal Venerable, do you know that you have already committed a major crime!"

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled disapprovingly, and said lightly: "The people who died at my hands, that's because they deserve to die."

"What an arrogant tone, then do you think I deserve to die?" Hei Prison's expression darkened, his eyes glistened with coldness, and he asked.

(End of this chapter)

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