
Chapter 839 Breakthrough

Chapter 839 Breakthrough
"Whether you should die or not has nothing to do with me."

Liu Chen said lightly, then turned and left.

Seeing the situation, Hei Prison didn't chase after him, but stood quietly on the spot, smiling and said: "I heard a few days ago that someone forcibly took away a five-clawed golden dragon in the Dragon Clan's realm."

"And the strong dragon clan is afraid of the background behind that person, so there is no movement for a long time, as if nothing happened."

"That person should be you, right?"

Liu Chen continued to walk forward as if he had never heard of it.

"As a human race, I have to remind you that those guys from the dragon race are not easy to mess with. You have also seen what happened at the auction today."

"If I were you, I would quickly return the five-clawed golden dragon. Otherwise, once the strong dragon clan decides to deal with you, even the Immortal Immortal Venerable will not be able to protect you!"

The voice of the black prison came from a distance, full of threats.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled disapprovingly, and said lightly: "That's also my business, what does it have to do with you, you should take care of yourself first!"

After the words fell, Liu Chen went away and returned to the cave.

Seeing Liu Chen's leaving back, Hei Prison frowned, a murderous intent flashed in the depths of his eyes, and said: "With the backing of Immortal Immortal Venerable and Lu Qingfeng, you dare to be so arrogant!"

"If I want to deal with you, there are plenty of ways!"

The black prison stepped out and disappeared immediately.

But at this moment, Liu Chen returned to the cave, just now in front of Hei Prison, Liu Chen didn't take out the savings bag, but now he took it out, except for the Yin and Yang swords, these two people are really poor.

Adding up all the contents of the two savings bags, it was less than one hundred thousand immortal stones.

I really don't know how they got the yin and yang swords and fairy art.

Suddenly, Liu Chen shook the savings bag, and half a map fell out of it immediately. It looked very dilapidated, and I don't know how many years had passed.


Liu Chen frowned, and a look of joy flashed in the depths of his eyes. He immediately picked up the map and looked it over carefully.

I saw two words faintly displayed on this half of the map.


"This should be only part of it, there must be other maps."

Liu Chen affirmed that this map is very dilapidated, it seems to be a relatively middle part of the map.

Liu Chen estimated that half of the map in his hand was divided into at least three parts.

"Immortal? Immortal?"

Liu Chen frowned slightly, and after chanting these two words, he immediately thought of the Demon God Clan, and couldn't help shivering all over his body.

When I was in the five lands before, I have already seen the power of the Demon God Clan.

If this map is related to the Demon God Clan, then this matter is too big.

Liu Chen was not sure what secrets were hidden in this broken map, and he was not willing to share it with others.

In case there is a huge opportunity hidden in the map, wouldn't it be taken by others.

"Keep it for now, maybe it will be used in the future."

After making up his mind, Liu Chen immediately put the map into the Sumeru Ring, and immediately stood at the entrance of the cave, quietly looking into the distance.

The strong Dragon Race made a big fuss in the Quest Pavilion and took away the Holy Water of Fusion. It is estimated that the Quest Pavilion and Lu Qingfeng will not let it go, and they will definitely take back the Holy Water of Fusion no matter the cost.

As for the dragon clan, it depends on Long Zhantian. If he keeps silent and acquiesces to the behavior of the dragon clan alchemist, it may be difficult to get back the fusion holy water.

At most, it would cost more than 2 million fairy stones to buy it by force.

It's just that in this way, no matter how many fairy stones Lu Qingfeng spends, they will all get fused holy water.

With 4000 million fairy stones, buying a drop of fusion holy water is really rare and expensive.

During the previous auction, I heard from a young woman that the Task Pavilion also cost a huge price to get a little fusion holy water.

That is to say, there is still fusion holy water, but it is not easy to get.

If only I could get...

Liu Chen fantasized about selling the fusion holy water and immediately becoming the richest person in the fairy world.

Besides the Dragon Clan snatching the fusion holy water, what made Liu Chen even more afraid was the Black Prison.

That's a strong person in the Dzogchen realm in the late stage of transformation, and he also knows that Liu Chen killed Jian Xin, Hei Huang and others are definitely not good people.

Today was the first meeting between Liu Chen and Hei Prison, but it gave Liu Chen an extremely dangerous feeling. It wasn't because of the difference in strength, but because of this person's careful thinking, decisive actions, and vicious methods.

Very difficult to deal with.

"The Great Perfection Realm of Transforming God!"

Liu Chen clenched his fists tightly, desperately wanting to increase his strength. He is still only in the middle stage of becoming a god, and he is still a long way from the state of becoming a god.

Even if it is united with Xiaoqing, with one person and one dragon working together, they are not the opponent of Hei Prison.

The top priority is to improve your strength as soon as possible, step into the late stage of God Transformation first, and then make plans.

At this time, Liu Chen took out the Jiuli pot and poured out all the elixirs in it, a total of fifteen brown elixirs.

Five of them exude a powerful aura.

Before entering Yuanshenchi to practice, and taking Baicao Dan and Yucui Dan, Liu Chen's cultivation has already reached the peak of the middle stage of transformation.

There was only one chance to break through, and with the addition of two battles, Liu Chen had learned a lot about the late stage of Huashen.

Perhaps with the help of these elixirs, it is really possible to successfully attack the late stage of the transformation of the gods.

After making up his mind, Liu Chen collected himself, returned to the cave immediately, took two ordinary pills first, and immediately felt the spiritual power in his body surge.

"It works wonders!"

Liu Chen was overjoyed, he never imagined that the elixir refined from the Jiuli pot would be so powerful, even stronger than Baicao elixir.

In fact, Liu Chen didn't know that the elixir refined from Jiuli Pot was similar to Dragon Ball, and it contained all the power of that person in his previous life.

The most important thing is that the weakest of these elixirs also have the cultivation level of the mid-stage of the transformation of the gods, and there are many of them in the late stage of the transformation of the gods.

As for Liu Chen, who only had a mid-stage spiritual transformation, taking these pills would naturally have a very powerful effect, far beyond his imagination.

"try again."

Liu Chen grabbed the five elixir with his big hand, and swallowed all the other elixirs, feeling his body filled with explosive power.

It seems that every breath can burst out with destructive power.

At this moment, Liu Chen suddenly had an illusion that even if Hei Prison was standing here, he could blow his body apart with one punch.

It is conceivable that after swallowing so many pills, how thick the power in Liu Chen's body is.


After swallowing ten pills, Liu Chen didn't dare to swallow any more, so he sat down, concentrated all his energy, and began to refine the pills in his body.

Hearing the sound of humming, the ten pills in his body slowly disintegrated, turning into a series of thick breaths, which merged into Liu Chen's Nascent Soul.

In an instant, Liu Chen's Nascent Soul stared at it several times, and even the immortal grid inside the Nascent Soul became bigger.

This process lasted for a very long time, until ten pills were refined, but Liu Chen still hadn't stepped into the late stage of transformation!

Liu Chen gritted his teeth fiercely, and swallowed another pill, and the spiritual power that had calmed down became violent again.

It was as if a gust of wind suddenly blew up on the calm sea, and the wind and waves suddenly became violent.

hold onto!
Liu Chen frowned, gritted his teeth, and forcibly refined the elixir in his body.

The pill was given to Xiaoqing before, and judging by his appearance, it seems that it is not difficult to refine it. I didn't expect that after taking it, the effect of the medicine would be so strong that my body could not hold on.

Liu Chen didn't know that Xiao Qing was a dragon, and his physical body was inherently tyrannical, and he possessed a terrifying power at the end of the fifth order. Naturally, refining such a elixir was no problem, but the effect was not as good as Liu Chen's.


Suddenly, Liu Chen's throat was sweet, and he felt a rush of reverse blood coming out of his body, and with a puff, it sprayed on the stone wall in front of him.

"Difficult to refine."

Liu Chen shook his head, the pill was still in his body, with a bitter smile on his face.


Xiaoqing roared, and immediately spewed out a piece of dragon flame, which wrapped Liu Chen's body. The strange thing was that Liu Chen's body was not burned by the dragon flame.

On the contrary, Liu Chen's body began to become hot, and the spiritual power in his body began to heat up. The elixir was actually refined on its own initiative, turning into a stream of breaths, which merged into the Nascent Soul.

"Xiaoqing, your Dragon Flame still has this ability!"

Liu Chen was taken aback, looked at Xiaoqing in disbelief, and immediately swallowed a pill.

Anyway, with Xiaoqing's help, refining these elixir is easy at hand, so there is no need to worry.

Sure enough, with the help of Xiaoqinglongyan, Liu Chen's refining of elixirs became smooth sailing.

In less than two hours, only the last two of the fifteen elixirs remained, but Liu Chen's cultivation had yet to see a breakthrough.

"The last two! If you still can't break through! Then you have to give up!"

Liu Chen clenched his teeth, the depths of his eyes shone with unyielding light,

Liu Chen opened his mouth, and immediately swallowed the remaining two elixirs, his body suddenly churned, Lianxu swallowed so many elixirs, it was very uncomfortable.

It's as if the five internal organs have shifted, and the body doesn't feel like my own anymore. There is a strange but indescribable feeling.


With a roar, Xiaoqing spewed out dragon flames again, carefully wrapped Liu Chen's body, and helped him refine the elixir in his body.


Finally, after a while, Liu Chen's eyes were red, and he roared to the sky, a powerful majesty from the late stage of transforming gods burst out, resounding through the sky.

Late Transformation God!

Liu Chen was very excited. Feeling the new power in his body, his face was full of smiles. Immediately, he made a fist with both hands, suddenly bent his fingers a little, and said pleasantly: "I didn't expect that after the breakthrough, the avatar also has [-]% of the fighting power of the deity."

Although Sicheng's combat power is not much, there is always a process of slow progress.

Liu Chen believed that one day, the avatar would also have all the fighting power of the deity.

Once that time came, Liu Chen's strength would increase exponentially, and one Liu Chen would be difficult to deal with. If two Liu Chen appeared, it would be fine.

As long as two Liu Chen in the late stage of the transformation of the gods, he can easily kill the black prison of the great perfection of the transformation of the gods.

"Xiaoqing, thanks to you this time."

Liu Chen nodded in satisfaction, and immediately stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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