
Chapter 840 Immortal Art!Thunder Fury

Chapter 840 Immortal Art!Thunder Fury


Suddenly, Liu Chen raised his brows, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, and immediately opened Jiankui's savings bag, there were still a lot of fairy stones in it.

But these are not the most important, the most important thing is that there is a fairy art in it!
Liu Chen couldn't wait to open the scroll of fairy art, and suddenly a bright light flashed directly into Liu Chen's mind.

Immortal art must be produced using a special method, and it is impossible to pass it on and learn it. Once one of them learns it, the immortal art scroll will disappear.

Unless, like Gu Jianxianzun, he deliberately made several identical scrolls and distributed them to the apprentices under him.

"Immortal Art! The Wrath of Thunder!"

Four large characters on blue light appeared in Liu Chen's mind, and a magnificent picture suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, a beam of blue light descended from the sky and landed on the sea level. Flames blazed in all directions in an instant, and waves tens of thousands of meters high were stirred up on the originally calm sea.

Liu Chen looked intently, and there was still a terrifying power of lightning in the waves, which did not dissipate for a long time.

Gradually, the waves fell on the surface of the sea, but it didn't end there. The sea was filled with powerful thunder and lightning, and countless sea creatures floated on the sea, causing many deaths and injuries.

It can be seen that the horror of Thunder's Wrath, with Liu Chen's current cultivation base, even a Dzogchen powerhouse in the Transformation God Realm may not be able to take a hard blow from Thunder's Wrath.

Like Light Curtain Sword Rain, Thunder Fury is a powerful fairy art, but Thunder Fury only has one blow, and precisely because there is only one blow, its power is naturally much greater than Light Curtain Sword Rain.

"too strong."

Liu Chen was speechless secretly, fortunately he got this fairy art back from Jian Kui, otherwise it would be really a big loss.

Immortal arts entered Liu Chen's mind directly, and there was basically no need to learn them. As long as he made a formula with both hands, he would be able to perform immortal arts naturally.

It's a pity that the more powerful the immortal technique, the more spiritual power it consumes. With Liu Chen's current state, he can at most cast Thunder's Fury once.

At its peak state, it was barely able to cast Light Curtain Sword Rain and Thunder Fury continuously.

This is also Liu Chen's life-saving method. If even these two magic tricks can't defeat the enemy, then Liu Chen has no room for maneuver.

Suddenly, Liu Chen frowned, and saw a figure in embarrassment flying over from a distance, it seemed a little familiar, and the aura also seemed familiar.


Liu Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked in shock at the person flying towards him. It was none other than Lu Qingfeng who was chasing after him.

He was seriously injured and was dying.

"Master! Who dares to hurt you like this?"

Liu Chen said in disbelief, and immediately took out a big healing pill and fed it to Lu Qingfeng, and immediately stimulated the majestic life force in his body and injected it into Lu Qingfeng's body.

Hearing a buzzing sound, Lu Qingfeng's body shone with a blue light, and the injury healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But in order not to reveal his secrets, Liu Chen only activated a little life force, so as not to make Lu Qingfeng suspicious.

Even so, Lu Qingfeng's eyes still flashed brightly, and he looked at Liu Chen in horror.

"What kind of medicine did you give me?"

Lu Qingfeng couldn't believe it.

"Great healing pill!"

Liu Chen shrugged and replied.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng shook his head, and a gleam flashed in his eyes. With so many years of experience in alchemy, he naturally understood the efficacy of the Great Healing Pill.

Even with Wuxia Great Healing Pill, it is impossible for his injury to heal so quickly.

But everyone has some little secrets, Liu Chen doesn't want to tell, Lu Qingfeng naturally won't ask, but Lu Qingfeng is more and more interested in Liu Chen.

The seemingly mediocre guy hides a lot of secrets.

"Master, who is it in this fairy world who has laid such a heavy hand on you? It's simply trying to kill you."

Liu Chen looked Lu Qingfeng up and down, his face full of shock.

You must know that Lu Qingfeng has never had any enemies in the fairy world, and a large number of strong people have received Lu Qingfeng's favor, including the nine great immortals and even the three great immortal emperors.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Lu Qingfeng raises his arms, all those people with a little conscience will stand behind Lu Qingfeng and form a powerful army in an instant.

"Hey! Who else can there be besides the Dragon Clan."

Lu Qingfeng sighed for a long time, his face was full of resentment, and said: "If it weren't for a few fellow Taoists who risked their lives to save me, I probably wouldn't be able to come back this time."

"You go after that dragon strongman, what happened afterwards?"

Liu Chen asked curiously.

Hearing that, while walking towards Liu Chen's cave, Lu Qingfeng said with emotion: "We were already almost catching up with those strong dragon clan."

"But at the edge of the Dragon Clan's territory, a large number of Dragon Clan powerhouses suddenly rushed out. Originally, we still had a discussion, but when it comes to the fusion of holy water."

"The strong dragon clan immediately fought and started killing. Because it is the territory of the dragon clan, the Mission Pavilion and I were not prepared, and we never expected that the dragon clan would actually kill them."

"The mission pavilion suffered heavy losses, and I was lucky enough to get my life back."


Hearing this, Liu Chen couldn't help but gasp, the Dragon Clan is planning to fight against the entire fairy world!

How arrogant and arrogant to this point!It's unbelievable!
"Do you know who is the person who snatched the fusion holy water?"

Suddenly, Lu Qingfeng turned his head, with strong hatred in his eyes, and said.

Liu Chen shook his head and said, "Who is that person?"

"Dragon Clan alchemist Long Jiu! Although he is not the oldest and most powerful alchemist among the Dragon Clan, his talent surpasses ordinary people."

"It's no exaggeration to say that in the huge dragon clan, apart from Long Zhantian, I'm afraid he has the highest status, and even the elders of the dragon clan will give him some respect."

Dragon Nine!

There was a buzzing in Liu Chen's mind, and another figure immediately appeared in his mind, that person was also Long Jiu, but he didn't know if it was the same person as Long Jiu that Lu Qingfeng said.

However, Liu Chen guessed that it was probably the same person, otherwise how could he have obtained such a precious dragon spirit.

Thinking of this, Liu Chen suddenly hesitated, should he return the other Longxue Pill in his hand.

"I didn't expect him to be so powerful, so what is the task pavilion going to do next? Is it going to be nothing like this?"

Liu Chen said angrily.

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng snorted coldly, squinted his eyes slightly, and said: "To blatantly snatch the fusion holy water, and don't take the Mission Pavilion seriously at all. Even if they have the support of Long Zhantian, the Mission Pavilion is also supported by the Giant Spirit God and Lord Ye." .”

"This matter is no longer just a matter of merging holy water, but the arrogance of the Dragon Clan, who completely ignores other people."

"If they don't destroy their prestige this time, I'm afraid next time they will dare to ride on all of us and shit!"

"Most importantly, I will make them pay a heavy price."

A murderous intent flashed deep in Lu Qingfeng's eyes.

Ever since Liu Chen got to know Lu Qingfeng, he had never seen Lu Qingfeng so angry, with such strong killing intent.

It can be seen that the Dragon Clan really committed public anger this time.

"What is Master going to do?"

Liu Chen asked curiously.

"Gathering the strong, conquering the Dragon Clan, we must give a satisfactory account of what happened today."

After the words were finished, Lu Qingfeng left Liu Chen's cave without stopping, flying to nowhere.

Looking at the direction where Lu Qingfeng left, Liu Chen only felt that something big was about to happen in the fairy world.

The Nixian in the north of the fairy world is eyeing the fairy world covetously, and there are conflicts within the fairy world. It is really an internal and external trouble.

However, compared with these people in the fairy world, Liu Chen admires Ni Xian even more. At least they dare to act bravely, and everyone is worthy of friendship.

"I don't know how Zi'er and Xue'er are doing?" Liu Chen sat at the entrance of the cave with dull eyes, staring into the distance, his mind was full of the voices and smiles of Zi Xuan and Bing Feixue.


Xiaoqing growled, as if to comfort Liu Chen, don't worry.

"Hey! I can't find them either, I just hope they can send me a message and report that they are safe, and I will be satisfied."

Liu Chen looked up to the sky with a long sigh, and immediately flew towards the black market. The ten-day agreement was not far away, and Liu Chen planned to enter the black market first.

If it can be confirmed that the Dragon Nine in the black market is the Dragon Nine of the Dragon Clan, it will be much easier.

Liu Chen planned to take revenge on Long Jiu fiercely, and the way of revenge could not be much simpler, that is to fake in Long Xuedan.

Of course, Long Xuedan is still Long Xuedan, but the effect of Long Xuedan will be greatly reduced, and even after taking it, it will cause great danger.

"Xiaoqing! Let's go."

After a while, Liu Chen took Xiao Qing into the black market, but this time, Xiao Qing didn't sit on Liu Chen's shoulder, because it would be easy for others to recognize him.

So Liu Chen put Xiaoqing into the spirit animal bag.

I don't know if it's because of the conflict between the Task Pavilion and the Dragon Clan, or because of other reasons, there are not many people active in the huge black market, and a large number of stalls are left idle.

And Long Jiu didn't appear beside the booth either.

Liu Chen walked around, but found nothing worth noting, so he found a place to sit for a while, observing the black market by the way.

"It's rumored that the black market is backed by strong people from the fairy clan, so no one dares to make trouble here. I don't know if it's true or not."

Liu Chen muttered to himself.

"of course it's true!"

"The Immortal Clan and the Demon God Clan are the two most powerful races in this world. After defeating the Demon God Clan, the Immortal Clan is the strongest race."

"And this black market was left by the fairy clan when they left. Naturally, no one would dare to make trouble here."

Suddenly, a black shadow quietly appeared beside Liu Chen.

"who are you?"

Liu Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, and he stared at the person in front of him warily.

"Long Jiu! Have you brought the Long Xuedan I wanted?" Long Jiu smiled mysteriously and said lightly.

"You know me!"

Liu Chen's heart was shaken, he took a step back subconsciously, and stared at Long Jiu in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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