
Chapter 841 Invitation

Chapter 841 Invitation


Long Jiu smiled irrefutably, then pointed to the Sumeru Ring in Liu Chen's hand, and said, "I feel the special fragrance of Long Xuedan."

"I always thought that in the entire fairy world, there was only one person who could refine Long Xuedan, and that was Lu Qingfeng. I didn't expect another one to appear today. It's really amazing."

Long Jiu smiled mysteriously, and immediately walked towards Liu Chen.

"I did refine Long Xuedan, but the price..."

Liu Chen took a step back, and said slowly, "Although you have prepared all the materials, refining Longxue Pill itself is a very difficult task."

"It took me a lot of effort to refine this Longxue Pill."

Hearing this, the corners of Long Jiu's mouth rose slightly, revealing a smug smile, and said, "There are 500 million immortal stones here, all of which are yours."

After finishing the words, Long Jiu suddenly waved his hand and threw out a savings bag.

"it is good!"

Liu Chen opened the savings bag and checked it again. There were indeed 500 million immortal stones in it, so he immediately collected the Sumeru Ring and took out the Longxue Pill.

"Give you."

Looking at the Long Xue Pill in his hand, Long Jiu nodded in satisfaction. As long as I can get Long Xue Pill, let alone 500 million immortal stones, even if it is 5000 million, I am willing to give it up.

It's a pity that it is extremely difficult to refine Long Xuedan, even the alchemy elders in the Dragon Clan can't successfully refine it.

The main reason is that there is a dragon essence in it, and alchemists other than the dragon clan must be able to successfully refine it.

And the dragon essence can only be refined by Longyan, or with the help of Lu Qingfeng's Phoenix Pill Furnace, fortunately Liu Chen has Xiaoqing's help, otherwise it would be impossible to refine Longxue Pill.

That's why Long said that Lu Qingfeng could refine Long Xuedan.

"Being able to refine low-level Long Xuedan twice, I dare say that your future achievements will definitely not be inferior to Lu Qingfeng."

"If you can join our Dragon Clan, I promise to give you the most honorable treatment. In terms of alchemy, as long as it is the medicinal material you need, we can get it for you."

Long Jiu patted his chest and vowed.

Hearing this, Liu Chen raised his brows, sneered in his heart, and looked Long Jiu up and down. He has a high status in the Dragon Clan, so saying these words still has some weight.

But if you join the dragon clan, it's not like a black market. Over time, it will inevitably show flaws.

But there are also many advantages to joining the dragon clan, that is, you can get a lot of medicinal materials from them.

With the strength of the Dragon Clan, they even snatched the fusion holy water. I'm afraid there is nothing they can't get.

Thinking of this, a bright light flashed in Liu Chen's eyes, he immediately stared at Long Jiu, and asked, "I will think about this matter carefully, but I still have a question, I don't know if I should ask it or not?"

"But it doesn't matter."

Long Jiu smiled slightly and replied.

"I've heard that the strong dragon clan forced their way into the Mission Pavilion and snatched the fusion holy water, triggering a big battle between the two sides."

"The Dragon Clan itself is very strong, I know this, but I am curious, what is the Dragon Clan's reason for snatching the fusion holy water at such a high price?"

Hearing this, the corners of Long Jiu's mouth rose slightly, showing a mysterious smile, accepted Long Xuedan, and said slowly: "Of course there is a big thing to do, but you are not yet a member of our Dragon Clan, so I can't tell you for the time being."

"After you join the Dragon Clan, I'm telling you that it's not too late."

"Do you want to join the Dragon Clan?"

Liu Chen looked at Long Jiu in front of him, and immediately fell into hesitation.

Seemingly seeing Liu Chen's hesitation, Long Jiu smiled slightly, and continued: "You and I are both alchemists, and we all have a common goal."

"That is to achieve the highest attainment in alchemy and become No. 1 in alchemy in the fairy world."

"You are alone now, with no identity, no background, and insufficient resources in your hands. No matter how talented you are, you will end up wandering around in the black market and will not be able to get on the stage at all."

"Even though someone compares you with Qingfeng Lu, everyone in the fairy world knows Qingfeng Lu, but they don't know who you are."

"Do you want to continue to be in the black market and remain unknown for the rest of your life?"

Long Jiu's voice was impassioned, and the more he spoke, the more excited he continued, "As long as you join our Dragon Clan, your future will be bright. What's more, with your alchemy talent, it's only a matter of time before you surpass Lu Qingfeng."

"At that time, everyone in the fairy world will know your name, but they will not respect Lu Qingfeng as No. 1 in the fairy world."

Liu Chen struggled, he agreed with what Long Jiu said, but it wasn't the No. 1 alchemy in the fairy world, Liu Chen didn't care at all.

Anyway, Lu Qingfeng is his master, even if Liu Chen wins, it is better than blue, and everyone in the fairy world will only be more optimistic about Lu Qingfeng.

Because he taught a good apprentice.

The reason why Liu Chen hesitated was because he was tempted by the resources of the Dragon Clan, but once he joined the Dragon Clan, he would be restricted everywhere, and it was impossible to make alchemy without any scruples.

"I can join the Dragon Clan, but I have one condition."

Suddenly, Liu Chen frowned, looked at Long Jiu seriously, and said.

"What condition? Say?"

Long Jiu's heart moved greatly, and there was an imperceptible look of joy in the depths of his eyes, and he opened his mouth immediately.

"I joined the Dragon Clan, but I still frequent the black market. I need all alchemy resources, and the Dragon Clan must provide them to me."

"Of course I won't take your resources in vain. When you need it, I can help you refine elixirs."

Liu Chen spoke slowly.

Hearing this, Long Jiu frowned slightly. After pondering for a moment, he raised his head, looked at Liu Chen, and said, "We invited you to join the Dragon Clan, but you didn't join the Dragon Clan, and you asked us for alchemy resources. I'm afraid it's a little unreasonable, right? "

"That's the only condition I have. If you don't agree, then there's nothing to talk about."

Liu Chen spread his hands, shrugged, and said calmly.

"it is good!"

Long Jiu hesitated for a long time, then nodded heavily, and said, "I promise you."

"Since you don't want others to know your identity, then I won't force you." Long Jiu took a deep breath, immediately took out a piece of dragon scale from his bosom, and said, "From today onwards, we are all members of the Dragon Clan."

"In the future, if you encounter a dragon strongman to trouble you, you only need to show this dragon scale, and they will naturally not embarrass you."

"I will often order someone to guard the stall in the black market. If you need anything, you can go to him directly or send a message to him."

Long Jiu pointed to a booth not far away and said.

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded slightly, and repeatedly looked at the golden scales in his hand, his eyes full of suspicion.

Seemingly seeing Liu Chen's worry, Long Jiu smiled slightly and assured him, "Don't worry, I didn't touch this dragon scale."

"It does have my breath on it, but if you don't take it out, no one will sense it, including me."

"That's good."

Hearing these words, Liu Chen nodded in satisfaction.

"I just brought a batch of alchemy resources today, and I will give them all to you now. You only need to help me refine ten Profound Dragon Pills, and the rest of the resources will belong to you."

"Ten Profound Dragon Pills, no matter the grade, but the higher the grade, the more resources we will give you."

Hearing this, a flash of light flashed in Liu Chen's eyes, and he immediately took the savings bag from Long Jiu, which contained a large number of alchemy resources.

Obviously there is only a small savings bag, but it almost catches up with the resource storage in Lu Qingfeng's cave.

As expected of the Dragon Clan, they are really rich and powerful, and they have so many resources when they make a move.

"Where's Dan Fang?"

Liu Chen stretched out his right hand and asked.

"This is Danfang."

With a wave of his big hand, Long Jiu threw out a jade slip.

Anyway, Longxue Pill and Xuanlong Pill can only be taken by the strong dragon clan. Even if the pill formula is leaked, other alchemists have mastered it and refined it, but it is still useless in the end.

It was precisely because of this that Long Jiu dared to tell Liu Chen about Dan Fang without any scruples.

But he didn't know that there was a five-clawed golden dragon beside Liu Chen, and the more pills he gave, the more beneficial it would be for Xiaoqing.

Liu Chen looked up and down the pill formula, nodded immediately, and said, "I've written down the pill recipe. In order not to leak it, I'd better destroy the jade slip."

Liu Chen slammed his right hand hard and directly crushed the jade slip.

Xuanlong Pill is different from Long Xue Pill, it is mainly for improving the cultivation of dragon powerhouses, its function is similar to that of Yucui Pill, but it is much stronger than Yucui Pill.

Xiaoqing is now in the late stage of the fifth order, and he does not know how many Xuanlong pills he swallowed to break through to the peak of the fifth order.

"it is good."

Long Jiu smiled slightly, and continued: "I still have something to do, so I'll take a step first."

"After you have refined ten Profound Dragon Pills, you can go directly to the black market and hand over the Profound Dragon Pills to the strong dragon clan."

"As for the resources you need, after you tell him, come and get them after a while."

Seeing Long Jiu's figure slowly disappearing, the corners of Liu Chen's mouth slightly raised, a smile he couldn't hide on his face.

With so many alchemy resources, it would not be difficult to refine ten Profound Dragon Pills, even one hundred Profound Dragon Pills.

What's more, the elixirs in it are not just for refining Xuanlong Pill, Liu Chen can also be used to refine other elixirs.

"Xiaoqing, you are lucky this time."

Liu Chen smiled triumphantly, immediately exited the black market, and flew towards the cave.

With so many alchemy resources in hand, Liu Chen couldn't wait to refine the alchemy.

But at this moment, outside the Task Pavilion, a large number of strong men gathered, one of them was Lu Qingfeng, and behind him, there were a large number of strong men in the Void Refining Realm, and among them there was even a Void Refining Realm Dzogchen strong man.

In addition, there are quite a few experts in the mission pavilion, all of them are experts in the realm of refining emptiness, and none of them has a cultivation level below the realm of refining emptiness.

If you look carefully, you will find that among this group of people, there is even a figure of the Immortal Venerable!
There are constant contradictions in the fairy world, and the north of the fairy world is not peaceful. Passing water quietly left the north of the fairy world with a large number of rebellious immortals, hiding in the fairy world.

"Our mission this time is to rob the Mission Pavilion."

"Don't indiscriminately kill innocent people while ensuring your own safety."

(End of this chapter)

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