
Chapter 843

Chapter 843
Liu Chen smiled without saying a word, but when he saw the contempt in Hei Prison's eyes, Liu Chen immediately showed a satisfied smile on his face.

If this is the result of him, first paralyze the black prison, and then find another opportunity to kill the black prison with one blow and completely eradicate the future troubles.

What about Xianzun's disciples?
There are already five Xianzun disciples who died at the hands of Liu Chen, namely Jian Xin, Jian Mosquito, Jian Kui, and Hei Huang.

Generally speaking, Immortal Gu Jian could sense the death of his disciple, not to mention Liu Chen killed Jian Kui in front of everyone.

Even if Gu Jian Xianzun wanted to pretend he didn't see it, it was impossible.

Because the whole fairy world is rumored that Liu Chen killed Jian Kui in a flash in public, the strange thing is that Gu Jian Xianzun seems to have disappeared without any news.

It's incredible that he didn't even say a harsh word.

As for Heihuang, Immortal Master Qian Zhan only knew that he was dead, and probably didn't know that he died at the hands of Liu Chen.

The whole thing was caused by the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart, but it's a pity that until now, they all thought that the blood essence of the Demon God's Heart was still on Passing Shui's body.

No one suspected Liu Chen at all.

But that's good too, it relieved Liu Chen of many unnecessary troubles.

"They're here!"

Suddenly, Hei Prison's face darkened, his brows were wrinkled, and he stared into the distance.

Following Hei Prison's gaze, I saw a group of people swaggeringly flying towards this side, they looked like Ni Xian, they completely regarded the fairy world as their own territory, without the slightest scruples.

"There are so many people here?"

Liu Chen frowned, and stared at the group of Nixians with a solemn expression. Not many people know that Liu Chen is a Nixian, so if there is no one Liu Chen knows there.

It is very likely that the same thing as last time will happen again. As soon as he comes up, he will launch a stormy attack, which can completely beat Liu Chen to death.

"It's just a group of young people, the real masters are still behind."

The corners of Hei Prison's mouth were slightly raised, and there was a cold killing intent in his eyes, like a cheetah lurking in the dark night, waiting for the time to rush out and start killing.

Indeed, as Hei Prison said, the group of people leading the way had the highest cultivation level at the mid-stage of Transformation, not even a single strong person at the late stage of Transformation.

No matter how many Nixians like this come, they will die, and it doesn't make any sense.

Because a large number of powerful people in the fairy world have been transferred to deal with the dragons, there are actually no people in many caves, and this group of rebellious immortals is mainly responsible for breaking open the caves and going in to search.

And Liu Chen's cave was right next to the group of Nixians, if nothing unexpected happened, they would definitely go in for a stroll.

There is nothing particularly valuable in Liu Chen's cave, because Liu Chen has received all useful things into the Sumeru Ring, including a large amount of alchemy resources.

But Lu Qingfeng's cave is not far from Liu Chen's cave, and he has a lot of pills and medicinal materials in it, if he is looted by Ni Xian.

I don't know if he will be pissed off when he comes back.

Sure enough, the group of Nixian blasted away Liu Chen's cave, broke in directly, turned the inside upside down, and then walked out dissatisfied.

"A master is here!"

Hei Prison held his breath and stared closely at the group of Nixians. He saw two strong men in the late stage of transformation hidden in the crowd, but carefully looked around.

The gaze of one of them locked onto Hei Prison instantly, and the two looked at each other, each frightened.

"Falling Immortal Water!"

Hei Prison's heart sank, and he muttered to himself, an imperceptible fear flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Going against the immortals!

It is almost recognized in the fairy world, No. 1 in the late stage of transformation, even the disciples of the immortal are not his opponents.

"Passing water?"

Liu Chen raised his brows, and immediately followed Hei Prison's gaze, and one of the late stage powerhouses was indeed Passing Water.

That's much easier to do.

"The enemy is outnumbered, or should we retreat first?"

Liu Chen suggested via sound transmission.

Hearing this, Hei Prison glanced at Liu Chen disdainfully, and said lightly: "Except for the passing water and another person, the others are basically trash, let alone you have a five-clawed golden dragon fighting."

"About twenty people, two of them are still in the late stage of transformation, if we wipe them all out, one person can get at least 15 mission points!"

"15 mission points! How many missions do you have to do to get it!"

A hint of greed flashed across Hei Prison's eyes.

"They have already found us. If we don't leave now, we won't be able to leave later."

Liu Chen continued.

Hearing this, Hei Prison turned his head, looked Liu Chen up and down, and threatened: "Now you have two choices, either join me and wipe out this group of rebellious immortals."

"Or! You just wait for the immortal to punish you and throw you into the immortal prison, and life will be worse than death!"

As soon as the voice fell, the figure of the black prison flashed, and immediately rushed towards the passing water!

Liu Chen sighed for a long time, and immediately followed. Anyway, he was pretending, as long as he didn't kill anyone.


Liu Chen yelled, and Xiaoqing swelled hundreds of times in an instant, turning into a colossus, entrenched in the sky, covering everyone.

"Xiaoqing! Let's go!"

Liu Chen took the first step and immediately met the passing water, one person and one dragon, just in time to contain the passing water.

Seeing the situation, a bright light flashed in Hei Prison's eyes, and he immediately met another Ni Xian who was in the late stage of transformation.

But at this moment, there is a black prison in the distance, watching with cold eyes.

"No matter how strong you are, you can't kill them all by yourself."

"After you die, I just need to go back and report a few words casually, hahaha."

Hei Prison smiled triumphantly, that avatar possessed [-]% of his main body's combat power, although it wasn't much, but it was enough to deceive Liu Chen.

Anyway, he has more than one such avatar.

"Why are you here?"

"What's the matter with this five-clawed golden dragon? Didn't the Task Pavilion start a war with the Dragon Clan?"

Passing Water looked calm on the surface, but his heart was full of doubts. He never expected that he would meet Liu Chen here.

"It's a long story, let's think about what to do now."

Liu Chen shook his head, heaved a long sigh, and explained: "He is the second disciple of Immortal Master Qian Zhan, and he possesses great strength in the late stage of the transformation of the gods. The general strong late stage of the transformation of the gods is not his opponent at all."

"Since you have met, you can only do it with all your strength, and it's just for me to see how far you have grown during this period of time."

After the words fell, Passing Water suddenly yelled, the imprint of waves on the center of his eyebrows flickered, and bursts of blue light appeared all over his body.

"Water of Corrosion!"

Passing Shui made a tactic with both hands, suddenly bent his fingers, and a blue liquid sprayed out from his fingertips, shooting at Liu Chen.


Liu Chen knew that the water of corrosion was so powerful that it could completely melt a person, leaving no dross behind.

Hearing this, Xiaoqing understood immediately, opened her mouth suddenly, and sprayed out a cloud of dragon flames.


When the fiery dragon flame met the corrosive water, it immediately made a crackling sound, just like the sound made by red steel suddenly being put into the water.

After a while, the corrosive water was dissolved by the dragon flame, turned into air, and disappeared into the space.

"As expected of the strongest five-clawed golden dragon, it is really powerful."

Paishui smiled slightly, nodded in surprise, and immediately a figure flashed, and suddenly appeared behind Liu Chen, saying: "But the speed is too slow, it can't catch up with me at all!"

"Zi Lei Dun!"

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled confidently, made a fist with both hands, and slightly bent his fingers, the purple thunder flashed and disappeared in an instant.

In the next second, he appeared behind the passing water.

"It's interesting."

Passing Water smiled slightly, made a formula with both hands again, and shouted: "Xianshu! Everything is silent!"

"You are serious!"

Liu Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, and he backed away reflexively, looking at the passing water in shock, his face was full of horror.

"Don't worry, Immortal Art is indeed Immortal Art, but I only used [-]% of my power."

Passing water explained.

Hearing this, Liu Chen was relieved, so he made a formula with both hands, and shouted: "Xianshu! Light curtain sword rain!"

At the same time, Xiaoqing sprayed out dragon flames to counteract the fairy art of passing water together.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the metamorphosis powerhouses all backed away far away, for fear of being affected by the power of the battle.

With the strength of the late stage of the transformation of the gods, it is inconceivable to fight against the passing water of the late stage of the transformation of the gods.

The image of Liu Chen suddenly became extremely deep in their hearts.

The black prison is hidden in the distance, and the corners of his mouth can't help but rise slightly. He doesn't believe that Liu Chen's fairy art can beat the passing water, even with the assistance of the five-clawed golden dragon, it won't help.

With the sound of a huge explosion, Liu Chen and Passing Water flew upside down at the same time, and Xiaoqing was also greatly affected.


Liu Chen's face was pale, he pretended to be seriously injured, and spewed a big mouthful of blood, while Passing Water didn't change his face, but his heart was shocked to the extreme.

He originally thought that [-]% of his strength was enough to easily defeat Liu Chen.

But he didn't expect that if Liu Chen hadn't pulled back in the end, he would be the unlucky one, especially Xiaoqing's Dragon Flame, which was so powerful.

Terrifying ripples of energy spread, and the passing water stared at Liu Chen like frost, and scolded: "It is true that everything that can stop me from dying, has some strength, but just like this, it can't save your life!"

"Black Prison! How long do you want to hang around before you show some real skills?"

Liu Chen turned his head and roared loudly at Hei Prison.

"I'm afraid he has no chance!"

Another Nixian who was in the late stage of transformation into a god smiled confidently, and immediately jumped up, stabbing down from the sky with a sword, hitting the sky spirit cover of the black prison, splitting him in half.

"Xianju! Fatal blow!"

But at this moment, Hei Prison's body suddenly disappeared with a bang, as if it had never appeared before.


Liu Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, realizing that he had been cheated, he couldn't help but look around, but he didn't feel the aura of the black prison.

It wasn't just Liu Chen, nor did anyone else, especially Ni Xian who had previously fought against Hei Prison.

(End of this chapter)

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