
Chapter 844

Chapter 844

Immediately afterwards, the others reacted first, and immediately rushed towards Liu Chen.

Seeing the situation, Liu Chen was startled, and retreated preconditionally. At the same time, Xiaoqing urged the golden blood to block the attack of the late stage Nixian.

"Enjoy it!"

Hei Prison suddenly came out from a distance, waved at Liu Chen, and immediately fled towards the distance, clearly intending to put Liu Chen to death.

"It seems that you are not having a good time in the fairy world. You have made so many enemies. Do you want to consider going directly to the Nixian headquarters?"

Suddenly, Passing Water put away the real treasure in his hand, and walked towards Liu Chen with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled bitterly, and said, "I have that thing on me, so it's inevitable that someone will miss it."

"But those people who cared about me died in my hands. Naturally, it is inevitable to make enemies with others."

"You killed Heihuang and Jianxin?"

Passing Water's pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at Liu Chen in amazement, and immediately felt relieved, even Liu Chen could shock him back, let alone Jian Xin and Hei Huang?

It's just that he never expected that Liu Chen's growth rate would be so fast, if it continues to develop like this.

I'm afraid it won't be long before he can surpass him.


Liu Chen smiled, and continued: "Not only Jian Xin and Hei Huang, but Jian Mosquito and Jian Kui also died in my hands. Hei Prison will be next."

"When I first saw you, I thought you were extraordinary, but I didn't expect it to be so."

Passing Water patted Liu Chen's shoulder and praised.

The rest of the Nixians were dazed, and they all stared at Liu Chen and Passing Water dumbfounded. They were fighting to death before, and they even released the fairy art.

Now it's like chatting with old friends again, isn't the position of both of you hostile?
"Passing water, what's going on?"

Another Nixian who was in the late stage of transformation asked, the hostility in his gaze towards Liu Chen has not diminished in the slightest.

"Actually, he is also a Nixian. The reason why the two of us fought so fiercely just now was entirely to hide it from the black prison."

"It's just that he's gone now, so there's no need for us to continue acting."

"Oh, by the way, let me introduce you."

Pai Shui suddenly realized, and immediately pointed to Liu Chen, and introduced: "Liu Chen, Immortal Immortal Venerable and Lu Qingfeng's disciple, is very powerful."

"Jian Xin, Jian Mosquito, Jian Kui, and Black Phoenix all died in his hands."


Hearing the latter sentence, many Nixians couldn't help but gasped, and looked at Liu Chen in shock.

Especially the Nixian who was in the late stage of transformation, looked Liu Chen up and down, wishing to see Liu Chen see it through.

He didn't know how strong Liu Chen was, but he knew that these four people all had the strength of the late stage of transforming gods, and one was stronger than the other!

The most important thing is that they are all disciples of Immortal Venerable!

"Those four people died in your hands?"

"Isn't this unbelievable? They are disciples of Immortal Venerable. If you kill them, aren't you afraid of getting into trouble?"

"I'm curious, with your strength in the middle stage of the transformation, how can you kill the strong in the late stage of the transformation, especially Jian Kui!"

"He is the eldest disciple of the ancient sword immortal. Although he only has the strength of the late stage of the transformation of the gods, his combat power is tyrannical, and even half of the Dzogchen realm of the transformation of the gods may not be his opponent."

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled irrefutably, and said: "Jiankui is indeed very strong, but all his abilities are in the sword. If there is no Changhong Sword, [-]% or even [-]% of his strength cannot be displayed."

"If I want to kill him, it is naturally easy."

Everyone was startled and looked at Liu Chen with admiration. Anyway, no matter what method Liu Chen used, he ended up killing Jiankui.

A strong man in the late stage of transformation.

"Ming Qiong is also in the late stage of transformation."

Passing water continued to introduce.

Liu Chen smiled politely at Ming Qiong, then turned his head and looked in the direction of Hei Prison's escape.

With his cultivation level of Great Perfection, there is actually no need to run away, but if he wants Liu Chen to die first, he can't intervene.

"You want to get rid of the black prison?"

Passing Water frowned, looked at Liu Chen seriously, and asked.

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded slightly, he had to kill the last person who knew about it to be sure.

"Your cultivation in the middle stage of the transformation of the gods, although the combat power is strong, I am afraid that he is not the opponent of the black prison. After all, he is a strong man in the realm of the transformation of the gods."

Passing water shook his head, worried.

"Indeed, Hei Prison is a master of the Great Perfection Realm, but we have three masters of the late stage of Transformation, plus a five-clawed golden dragon of the late fifth stage, they may not be his opponents!"

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, revealing a smug smile.

"Three strong men in the late stage of transformation?"

Ming Qiong was startled, and subconsciously looked elsewhere, but didn't feel any aura, so she looked at Liu Chen suspiciously.

Passing Water was also full of bewilderment, waiting for Liu Chen to give a reasonable explanation.

"A few days ago, after taking a lot of elixir, I also broke through, and now I also have the cultivation base of the late stage of transformation."

"It's just that in order to paralyze the black prison just now, he always showed his cultivation in the mid-stage of transformation."

Liu Chen smiled and explained.

Gradually, a powerful aura from the late stage of transformation suddenly erupted, covering all directions, and everyone could feel this terrible coercion.

Especially those Nixians in the middle stage of transformation, their hearts began to tremble. This coercion was stronger than Ming Qiong, not even weaker than Passing Water.

Seeing the situation, Pai Shui was taken aback, and he couldn't help but start to suspect that he only used [-]% of his power when he cast All Things to Silence before.

Did Liu Chen only use [-]% of his power?

It's just that he has the support of the five-clawed golden dragon, so he's not far behind.

If this is the case, then Liu Chen's combat power is really terrifying.

How long did it take to catch up with the passing water!

"The speed of your cultivation is too terrifying!"

"I'm starting to get jealous."

Passing Water half-jokingly said, in fact, there is a trace of envy in his heart. He has been in the late stage of Transformation for more than ten years, and he has accumulated a lot, but it is a pity that he has encountered a bottleneck and is difficult to break through.


Liu Chen chuckled, and immediately took out two pills from his bosom, and said, "These two pills were given to me by the master, but I don't need them now, so I might as well give them to you."

"Barrier Breaking Pill?"

"No! It's the Flawless Barrier Breaking Pill!"

Passing Water saw the origin of the pill in Liu Chen's hand at a glance, he couldn't help taking a breath, staring at the Wuxia Breaking Barrier Pill in a daze, he didn't recover for a long time.

"You gave us such a precious thing, so what do you do?"

Passing Water's eyes were longing, but he was embarrassed to accept it, after all, the No Time to Break the Barrier Pill was too precious.

Ming Qiong was also very eager, but he was really embarrassed to accept such a valuable pill when he met Liu Chen for the first time.

Seeing the situation, Liu Chen directly stuffed the Impeccable Barrier Breaking Pill into their hands, and said: "Lu Qingfeng is my master, if I need the Impeccable Barrier Breaking Pill, I just need to tell the master, and there will naturally be one."

"What's more, when I met Passing Water for the first time, he not only saved me, but also gave me a unicorn arm."

"These two Impeccable Barrier Breaking Pills should be treated as a report to Passing Water. You don't have to thank me. If you want to thank, thank Passing Water for saving me."

Liu Chen smiled slightly and said.

In fact, these two Impeccable Barrier Breaking Pills were refined by Liu Chen himself, but this unprecedented news cannot be told to them, otherwise the identity of the mysterious alchemy master in the black market may be exposed.

And in the name of Lu Qingfeng, it is easier for them to believe.

"Thank you so much then!"

Ming Qiong couldn't wait to accept the Breaking Barrier Pill, and immediately looked at Liu Chen sincerely, and said: "I, Ming Qiong, have recorded this kindness!"

"Don't worry too much."

Liu Chen smiled slightly, and continued: "Originally, the Breaking Barrier Pill is of great use to cultivators in the Void Refining Realm, but it can also be taken by those who are strong in the transformation stage, but the effect will not be too great."

"You have all stayed in the late stage of the transformation of the gods for many years, and the accumulation is very deep. Even if the effect of the barrier-breaking pill is small, it should be enough for you to enter the realm of the transformation of the gods."

"When you reach the Great Consummation of Transforming God Realm, you can come to me again. I'm giving you two barrier-breaking pills."

Liu Chen swears, and pats his chest to promise.

Seeing Liu Chen's enthusiasm, Ming Qiong suddenly felt a little flattered, and Passing Water couldn't get used to it for a while.

Is this still the Liu Chen who needed protection and care?
I haven't seen you for a few days, it's like a different person!


Passing Water accepted the Impeccable Barrier Breaking Pill, nodded heavily, then looked at Liu Chen, and asked, "Then what are you going to do now?"

"Of course it is to lure the black prison to appear, and then kill him."

A look of cruelty flashed in the depths of Liu Chen's eyes, and he said viciously: "He is in charge of the defense of this area, if I die, he will definitely go back and find reinforcements."

"However, the strength of the reinforcements should not be too strong, and most of them will be strong in the mid-stage of transformation."

"At that time, pretend that I have been killed by you, and then I will kill him with a sword when he is not paying attention!"

"good idea!"

Ming Qiong nodded heavily and agreed.

Hearing this, Pai Shui shook his head, looked at Liu Chen with a medicinal look, and said, "After all, Hei Prison is a Dzogchen powerhouse in the God Transformation Realm, with extraordinary strength."

"Are you confident enough to kill him with one blow?"

"If you let him leave alive, your identity will be exposed, and you won't be able to stay in the fairyland any longer."

"I would suggest that you don't have to be so anxious. It won't be too late to deal with the black prison after Ming Qiong or I have reached the Great Consummation of the God Transformation Realm."

Bai Shui paused, pointed to the Impeccable Barrier Breaking Pill in his hand, and said, "I have a hunch that with the help of the Wuxia Barrier Breaking Pill, within five days, I will be able to step into the Great Consummation of the God Transformation Realm."

Hearing this, Liu Chen lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then raised his head, and replied, "To make sure nothing goes wrong, let him live a few more days."

"it is good!"

After the words fell, Liu Chen immediately disappeared into the fairy world with Passing Water and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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