
Chapter 847

Chapter 847

"Thank you for the compliment."

Liu Chen smiled slightly, he didn't have time to chat with the soul boy here, since there was no one in the task pavilion, Lu Qingfeng was not there, and the black prison was dead.

It's better to take advantage of the short free time and hurry up to refine the elixir in exchange for a large amount of fairy stones.

After making up his mind, Liu Chen immediately walked outside the mission pavilion.

But at this moment, the figure of the soul boy flashed, blocked Liu Chen's way, and said slowly, "Wait, I haven't finished my sentence yet."

"Then tell me quickly, I have something else to do."

Liu Chen said lightly.

"The elders in the clan think that you have good qualifications and will become a great weapon in the future, so I would like to ask you for a favor."

"Of course this favor is not for nothing, we will reward you generously."

The soul boy was afraid that Liu Chen would not agree, so he hastily added a sentence.

"What are you busy with?"

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled, looked at the soul boy with interest, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Liu Chen had never dealt with the Spirit Race before, so Liu Chen was very curious as to what he needed to help with.

Seeing the situation, the soul boy smiled mysteriously and said, "You are the disciple of Immortal Venerable and Lu Qingfeng, of course we will not harm you, this is definitely a good thing."

"Whatever it is, just say it."

Liu Chen looked at the soul boy impatiently.

"Actually, that's what happened..."


The soul boy talked a lot, the first half of which was almost all about praising Liu Chen's strength and talent, and the second half was about talking about the elders in the clan.

Only the last sentence made the point.

"We would like to ask you to go to the Spirit Race and have sex with ten beauties of the Spirit Race, so that they will have children."


Hearing this sentence, a black line appeared on Liu Chen's forehead. Although there are not many people in the Spirit Race, they haven't reached this level, right?
What's more, Liu Chen was next to Zixuan and Bing Feixue, how could he agree to the soul boy to help him, so he shook his head without hesitation, and said, "In terms of talent, there are many people in the fairy world who are stronger than me."

"You can consider the three disciples of the Immortal Emperor. The talents of the three of them are definitely the best in the fairy world."

Hearing this, Lingtong shook his head and said: "You are right, the three of them are indeed very talented, but they are all disciples of the Immortal Emperor, plus their strength is not weak, and each of them thinks highly of themselves, how can it be possible? Do this a favor."

"So you came to see me?"

Liu Chen smiled bitterly, and immediately shook his head.

The three disciples of the Immortal Emperor are all strong in the Void Refining Realm, and I, Liu Chen, is only in the late stage of Transformation, so I can't compare with them.


The soul boy looked serious and looked at Liu Chen solemnly.

But for some reason, Liu Chen wanted to laugh inexplicably, what kind of absurd thing is this, did he treat me as a machine for sowing seeds?

"Is this matter decided by the elders in your clan?"

Liu Chen looked at the soul boy in surprise.

The soul boy nodded slightly.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Chen rolled his eyes, looked at the soul boy, and said seriously: "Since the elders of the clan decided on this matter, then the giant spirit god must also know, why not ask the giant spirit god's disciple to help?"

"The disciple of the Giant Spirit God is also a member of the Spirit Race..."

The spirit boy said weakly: "The meaning of the elders in the clan is that they want to find people outside the spirit clan."

"For a long time, the reproduction rate of the Spirit Race has been extremely low. Coupled with the fact that it has been bred for a hundred years, it has been very difficult. Since the Great War between Immortals and Demons, the Spirit Race has been devastated."

"It would be really great if we could find a way to increase the number of people in the Spirit Race without reducing the cultivation of the strong Spirit Race."

"After several discussions, the elders in the clan finally made up their minds to let the spirit clan and the human race try to combine."

"I won't agree, you go back and tell the elders, let them give up."

Liu Chen said lightly, and immediately exited the mission pavilion and flew towards the cave.

Looking at the direction Liu Chen was leaving, the soul boy stood there in a daze. He didn't come back to his senses for a long time. He wished he could understand why Liu Chen didn't agree, and murmured to himself: "Isn't this a disadvantage? Why did he so opposed?"

The females of the spiritual clan are all naturally beautiful, and they are all stunning beauties. Many immortal cultivators want to marry female cultivators of the spiritual clan.

It's a pity that people from the Spirit Race have never intermarried with people from other races.

As long as the spirit clan spreads the news of the intermarriage, within ten days, the threshold of the spirit clan will be broken.

Most of them will be strong humans, and there may even be strong monsters.

After the words fell, the spirit boy didn't seem to give up, so he immediately chased after him, until he reached the entrance of Liu Chen's cave, and then stopped.

Sitting in the cave, Liu Chen could clearly sense the spirit boy's aura, but he just didn't go out, instead he looked at Xiaoqing and asked, "Is everyone in the fairy world like this?"


Xiaoqing roared, as if echoing Liu Chen.

Seeing the situation, Liu Chen smiled slightly, and immediately took out the alchemy furnace, took out all the medicinal materials of the Sumeru Ring, and placed them on the ground one by one.

"Taking advantage of the time now, refine all these medicinal materials into pills."

In fact, refining elixirs and then selling these elixirs was not Liu Chen's main purpose.

Liu Chen's main purpose is very simple, that is to refine more elixirs, even the lowest-level Xisui Pill, only if he refines more elixirs, Liu Chen will increase his alchemy experience.

It is not just the ability to improve the level of alchemy that can be used in the alchemy world. It is necessary to have real materials, which are only auxiliary means.

In the past half a month, Liu Chen never left the cave, nor did Ni Xian come to him again.

The soul boy stayed outside Liu Chen's cave, waiting for half a month.

A long time has passed, but the conflict between the Task Pavilion and the Dragon Clan has not weakened, on the contrary, it has strengthened a bit.

There is a tense atmosphere everywhere in the fairyland, and it seems that a war in the fairyland will break out soon, and all this is because of the fusion of holy water.


On this day, Liu Chen stood up and stretched long, looking tired, as if his whole body was very sore.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Chen took the next pill, his spirits trembled, and he walked outside.

"Why are you still here?"

Liu Chen was slightly taken aback, looked at the soul boy in surprise, and said.

Seeing Liu Chen coming out, the soul boy looked overjoyed, and immediately rushed over, tightly clutching Liu Chen's sleeve, and said, "It's not easy, after waiting for you for half a month, I finally came out."

"How is it? Have you considered that matter clearly? In fact, you don't suffer at all, and you can get benefits."

Hearing this, Liu Chen shook his head and said, "I'm not interested, and didn't I reject you a long time ago?"

"So for the past half month, I have been refining pills in the cave, and I didn't think about your matter."

Liu Chen said lightly, then looked around, and suddenly began to worry about Bing Feixue and Zi Xuan.

They have been away for so long, and until now, there is still no news about them, and they don't know what happened to them.


Liu Chen let out a long sigh.

At this moment, two figures of different colors galloped towards Liu Chen.

"Dragon strong!"

Liu Chen knew these two people, and they were the murderers who tried to kill Xiao Qing. If Liu Chen hadn't appeared in time, Xiao Qing would have died at their hands.


Hearing this, the spirit boy raised his brows and looked back subconsciously.

"Now the dragon clan has aroused public anger and tried to fight against the entire fairy world with its own strength. If you dare to appear here, aren't you afraid of mobilizing and attacking?"

Liu Chen curled his lips and joked.

"So what! Our dragon clan is the strongest race in the fairy world, so what about the mission pavilion, they only dare to besiege, but dare not attack!"

"We came today for only one thing."

Suddenly, the red-haired man looked serious, looked at Liu Chen solemnly, and said, "We want to take him back to the Dragon Clan."

The red-haired man pointed at Xiaoqing and said without doubt.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled disapprovingly, looked up and down at the red-haired man and the green-haired man, and said with a smile: "Just the two of you, do you want to bring Xiaoqing back to the Dragon Clan?"

"I will never hand over Xiaoqing to you."

Liu Chen said firmly.

Seeing the situation, the red-haired man and the green-haired man looked at each other, but a look of cruelty flashed in the depths of their eyes, they rushed up immediately, and shouted: "So what if you are the disciple of Immortal Immortal Venerable?"

"Do you really think we're afraid of you?"

After the voice fell, the two rushed forward, one left and one right.

Both of these two strong dragons possessed the cultivation base of the late stage of the transformation of the gods, and they were full of confidence, but they did not know that Liu Chen had also stepped into the late stage of the transformation of the gods, and he had killed the powerhouse of the Dzogchen realm of the transformation of the gods.


With a roar, Xiaoqing's body swelled hundreds of times in an instant, turning into a colossus, entrenched in the air, and spraying dragon flames at the two strong dragons.

"Immortal art! Light curtain sword rain!"

Liu Chen didn't stay idle either, and immediately made a tactic with both hands, and suddenly bent his fingers a little, a powerful coercion from the late stage of transformation broke out, shocking the red-haired man and the green-haired man.

"Late stage of transformation?"

The two were shocked, and there was a hint of horror in the depths of their eyes.

Xiaoqing is a five-clawed golden dragon, and with golden blood, they are no match for each other alone, so the two of them appeared at the same time.

It's a pity that they didn't expect that Liu Chen had also entered the late stage of becoming a god.

In this way, there are only two dragon clan powerhouses in the late stage of transformation, and it is almost impossible to forcibly take Xiaoqing away.


The red-haired man made a decisive decision, knowing that he was not his opponent, so he turned around and flew in the opposite direction.

"Hmph! Just avenged last time! Let's see where you are going!"

Liu Chen yelled, a strong murderous intent flashed in his eyes, he bent his finger suddenly, the light curtain in the sky suddenly pressed down, and countless lightsabers shot away, killing them.

At the same time, Xiaoqing let out a roar, spewing out terrifying golden flames, directly devouring the red-haired man and the green-haired man.

Lingtong stood beside him in a daze, not knowing what to do for a while.

On one side is the powerful dragon clan, on the other side is the person who needs to be invited, it is not convenient to help anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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