
Chapter 848 Revenge

Chapter 848 Revenge
The soul boy stood quietly on the spot, no one helped, otherwise, with his cultivation of the Great Perfection of the God Transformation Realm, once he joined the battle, he would soon be able to help one party to solve the battle.

Seeing Liu Chen's inseparable battle with the strong dragon clan, he suddenly became curious about how strong Liu Chen was.

After all, those news were just hearsay, and it was inevitable that there was some water in it, and Liu Chen passed it on in a miraculous way.

They are also in the late stage of transforming gods, but the dragon race has a unique advantage, and they are often stronger than the human and spirit race practitioners.

Regardless of the dragon flame, the powerful physical body alone is not capable of being injured by ordinary treasures, especially the five-clawed golden dragon, whose defense is abnormal.


Liu Chen said in a deep voice.

Xiaoqing understood immediately, and suddenly shot up into the sky, spraying dragon flames from his mouth, sweeping across all directions, and combined with the light curtain and sword rain, forced them back forcefully.

"Good good!"

The red-haired man said three good words in a row, then stared at Liu Chen with gloomy eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Last time we let you off for the sake of Immortal Immortal Venerable, but we didn't expect you to kick your nose and face , dare to attack us!"

"If I knew this earlier, I should have kept you and it in the Dragon Clan forever. Even if the Immortal Immortal Venerable came personally, so what, at most I would take you away."

"There will be no trouble today."

Hearing this, the corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, he chuckled twice, and said lightly: "Unfortunately, there is no medicine for regret in the world!"

"You shouldn't, you shouldn't have tried to kill Xiaoqing, because what happened that day completely enraged me!"

"Today, I will send you two to the west!"

"Let you all experience for yourself the pain of being skinned and cramped!"

After the words were finished, Liu Chen swung his hand suddenly, and countless lightsabers in the air shot down backwards, killing the red-haired man.

"Tch! Even if the two of us are not your opponents, but if you want to kill us, it's like a fantasy!"

The red-haired man let out a loud cry, his body swelled rapidly, and turned into a giant, almost the same size as Xiaoqing.

It's just that Xiaoqing is golden, while the red man is crimson, and the green-haired man is also fighting on his own body, which is a green dragon.

"Tsk tsk, such a wonderful battle, I haven't seen it once in several years, today I can feast my eyes."

The soul boy smiled excitedly, and immediately found a safe place, simply sat down and watched the battle with great interest.


Liu Chen snorted coldly, a cold light flashed in the depths of his eyes, and countless lightsabers landed on the red dragon, making a clanging sound.

The bigger the red dragon is, the higher the possibility of the light curtain sword rain hitting him.

Although his combat power will be greatly enhanced after he reveals his body, he will also withstand Liu Chen's attack accordingly.

The most important thing is that after showing his body, his speed of action is greatly reduced.


Liu Chen made a tactic with both hands, and suddenly flexed his fingers, ignoring the golden lightsaber's transformation, and finally condensed into a huge golden lightsaber, piercing the red dragon's eyes.

No matter how strong the Dragon Clan's physical body is, the head is always the most important part. As long as its head is seriously injured, even if it has [-]% of its strength, it will not be able to exert [-]% of its strength.


The red dragon roared, spouting red flames from its mouth, wrapping the golden lightsaber inside, no matter how Liu Chen pushed the golden lightsaber, he couldn't get an inch.

Liu Chen's expression was tight, and he forcibly controlled the golden lightsaber to cut a way through the red flames. Unfortunately, before he could attack the red dragon, the lightsaber shattered into the flames.

"I know you have the Primordial Spirit Card of Immortal Venerable Immortal Venerable on your body. I advise you to take it out now. If it's too late, you won't have the chance to take it out again."

The red dragon said lightly, contemptuously.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled disapprovingly, and suddenly stretched out his right hand, the unicorn arms spread out one by one, and the upside-down scales were like sharp blades, full of deterrent force, making people stand on their heads.

"Tch! Low-level true treasure! I'm afraid I can't even break through my physical defense!"

Seeing the unicorn arm, the red dragon smiled contemptuously, and simply turned its body sideways, presenting its torso in front of Liu Chen.

"It seems that the Immortal Immortal Venerable doesn't care much about you, otherwise he wouldn't just give you a low-level true treasure."

"Look at Qiyan, and then look at Xie Bing, their strength is stronger than yours, and the real treasures in their hands are also a hundred times and a thousand times stronger than the Qilin Iron Arm!"

"They are both disciples, but why is there such a big gap? Not even a decent real treasure!"

The red dragon sneered.

Hearing this, Liu Chen raised the corner of his mouth slightly, smiled mysteriously, stared at the red dragon, and said slowly: "This question will be understood when you die!"

"Originally, I wanted to skin your cramps, but now I have changed my mind. I will refine you into a elixir, and let Xiaoqing take it to help him break through."

Liu Chen's face darkened, and he rushed up quickly, the unicorn iron arm in his hand exuding an impressive aura.


Liu Chen punched brazenly, and the unicorn's iron arm pierced the void, making a whistling sound, and the unicorn's roar could be vaguely heard, which was very miraculous.

The black unicorn's iron arm hit the red dragon's torso, and with a bang, the red dragon bent its body like a bow being bent.

call out!
Immediately afterwards, an unimaginably huge force erupted, directly knocking the red dragon into the air.

"How is this power possible?"

The red dragon was seriously injured, and looked at Liu Chen in horror. He really couldn't imagine that Liu Chen could burst out with such a powerful force.

He himself only has the strength of the late stage of transformation, and the Qilin Iron Arm is only a low-level true treasure, and it is absolutely impossible to explode such power.

"A low-level real treasure? I don't think so."

The corner of the soul boy's mouth slightly raised in the distance, looked at Liu Chen with interest, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and muttered to himself: "This should be a high-level true treasure."

"As far as I know, apart from the Jiuli Pot, Liu Chen doesn't have any other high-level treasures. What about the Qilin Iron Arm?"


Liu Chen smiled smugly, and once again bullied him, took advantage of the victory and pursued him, chasing after the red dragon and beating him wildly.

"A high-level true treasure!"

Gradually, the real aura of Qilin Iron Arm was released, and the red dragon couldn't help but shrink his pupils suddenly. He looked at Liu Chen in fear, and suddenly felt a retreat in his heart.

This time, he was really scared!

"I only found out now, but it's not too late."

Liu Chen smiled slightly, and punched out again, hitting the red dragon's head.

With a bang, the red dragon fell limply and lost its combat power for a short time.

At the same time, Xiaoqing and Qinglong also gained an overwhelming advantage in the battle.

Because of the existence of the golden blood, and because Xiao Qing was originally a five-clawed golden dragon, Qinglong couldn't break through his defense at all, not even a single scale could be pulled off.

And Xiaoqing's golden dragon flame was extremely terrifying, Qinglong didn't dare to touch it, so he was beaten so that he ran away with his head in his arms.

Seeing the Red Dragon's defeat at this moment, Qinglong's heart was broken, and he probably regretted appearing here.

"Are you curious? Why is the unicorn iron arm a high-level treasure?"

Liu Chen smiled mysteriously, looked at the Qilin Iron Arm in his hand, and said lightly: "I used all the real treasures in the hands of the people I killed to refine the Qilin Iron Arm, and it took half a month. I thought it would at most become a mid-level true treasure."

"It's really a surprise to become a high-level real treasure."

After the words fell, Liu Chen mercilessly punched the top of the Red Dragon's head, clearly intending to kill him.

Seeing this scene, there was a flash of worry in Lingtong's eyes, and he immediately stopped him: "Liu Chen! If you kill him, do you know what it means?"

"What does it mean?"

Liu Chen said indifferently.

"Even if the strong Dragon Clan snatched the fusion holy water, the Mission Pavilion did not dare to attack the Dragon Clan. It shows the strength of the Dragon Clan. If you kill him today, the Dragon Clan will be furious."

"At that time, whether the Immortal Immortal Venerable can keep you is a question."

The soul boy analyzed.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled disapprovingly, and said lightly: "So what about the anger? They are all to blame!"

"Furthermore, with the strength of the human race and the spirit race, it may not be impossible to defeat the dragon race. They are just worried about the civil strife in the fairy world, and let Nixian take advantage of the loophole."

"Otherwise, do you really think that the Dragon Clan can shock the entire fairy world with just one Long Zhantian?"

"Don't forget, the Giant Spirit God and Lord Ye are both superpowers in the same realm as Long Zhantian."

Hearing Liu Chen's analysis, the soul boy suddenly realized, and couldn't help nodding his head. After thinking about it carefully, it seemed to be true.

But the dragon clan is arrogant and domineering, but they are extremely protective of their weaknesses. If you killed two strong dragon clans today, the dragon clan will definitely not let it go!

Lingtong sighed for a long time, but he also understood the current situation.

From the moment Liu Chen stopped them, Liu Chen had no intention of letting them go.

"Hey, you can figure it out."

The soul boy turned and left, but he didn't leave too far, still paying close attention to the situation here.

"You dare to kill me?"

Until now, Red Dragon still thinks that Liu Chen dare not make a move.

Hearing this, Liu Chen didn't speak, but expressed his thoughts with practical actions. Immediately, he punched the red dragon, and the head of the red dragon was instantly shattered.

"Jiuli Pot!"

In order to prevent the red dragon from escaping, Liu Chen made a tactic with both hands, and immediately flexed his fingers.

I saw a flash of spiritual light, which instantly sucked the red dragon in.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Chen's figure flashed, and he chased after Qinglong, shouting: "Xiaoqing! Help me!"


Xiaoqing roared, and one person and one dragon pinched left and right, forcibly deforming Qinglong, all the scales on his body were ripped off by Liu Chen with the unicorn iron arm.

I'm afraid only Xiaoqing and Qinglong can feel the heart-piercing pain.

Just this scream made Liu Chen's scalp tingle and goosebumps all over his body, but as soon as he thought that Xiaoqing had suffered this kind of torture, Liu Chen's heart became extremely hard.


Liu Chen roared, and a golden lightsaber went straight through Qinglong's mouth, and flew out from the tail.

(End of this chapter)

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