
Chapter 851

Chapter 851
Lu Qingfeng spoke slowly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled awkwardly, and with a wave of his sleeve, Xiao Qing immediately flew out of the spirit animal bag.

"Five-clawed golden dragon?"

Lu Qingfeng recognized Xiaoqing's true identity at a glance, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Well, it is indeed a five-clawed golden dragon, but it is not an ordinary five-clawed golden dragon, because Xiaoqing still has golden blood."

Liu Chen explained.

As soon as the words fell, Xiaoqing's body swelled several times in an instant, turning into a pocket version of a five-clawed golden dragon, bursting with dragon power, very impressive.

"If the five-clawed golden dragon at the peak of the fifth level can step into the sixth level, with my Phoenix Pill Stove and his Dragon Flame, it will definitely increase the quality of the elixir to a level, or even more."

Lu Qingfeng said with emotion: "Actually, I am quite envious of you. With a five-clawed golden dragon by my side, it will be much more convenient to make alchemy in the future."

"That being said, I paid a huge price for this, and now I am being hunted down by the dragon clan everywhere."

Liu Chen smiled bitterly, looked at Xiao Qing beside him, and said slowly.

"Okay, I don't have much time to come back. There are still many things waiting for me to deal with, so I won't accompany you."

Lu Qingfeng turned around and flew towards the outside of the cave, and then added another sentence, repeatedly urging: "Don't go out these days, so as not to be targeted by the strong dragon clan."

"it is good."

Liu Chen nodded slightly.

Taking advantage of this period of time, I borrowed Lu Qingfeng's Phoenix Pill Furnace to refine Du'er Pill.

After confirming that Lu Qingfeng had completely left, Liu Chen took out all the medicinal materials and placed them on the ground one by one, and Du'edan's prescription appeared in his mind.

This kind of elixir is very useful for those who are strong in the Dzogchen realm of refining emptiness, and it happens that Lu Qingfeng is also in the Dzogchen realm of refining emptiness.

If it can be refined successfully, Liu Chen really wants to refine two of them, and give one of them to Lu Qingfeng, which can be regarded as repaying Lu Qingfeng's kindness.

They are also masters, but Lu Qingfeng took care of Liu Chen everywhere, not wanting Immortal Immortal Venerable, since that time, he has never seen him again.

Now that Liu Chen was hunted down by the Dragon Clan, he had no news at all, and he didn't even say hello.

Just as Liu Chen was about to refine Du'er Dan, Xiaoqing roared, sending out a signal of vigilance.


Liu Chen frowned, and looked at Xiaoqing in surprise.


Xiaoqing roared again, as if reminding Liu Chen of something. Fortunately, Liu Chen and Xiaoqing were connected, and soon understood what it meant, so he immediately packed his things and quietly left Lu Qingfeng's cave.

Not long after Liu Chen left, a group of people appeared outside Lu Qingfeng's cave.

"Can you be sure they are in the cave?"

The leading man has a majestic face, and a faint dragon's power is faintly revealed between his brows. Although it is very weak, it is very obvious to the people of the dragon clan.

"It was still there before, and now it has left, but they have just left not long ago, and they should not have gone far. We may still be able to catch up."

One of them spoke slowly.

Looking carefully, this group of people turned out to be all dragon powerhouses. There were five people in total, and five of them were all five-tier peak powerhouses.

There is not only one strong dragon like this, but more than a dozen teams, wandering around the fairy world, looking for Liu Chen's whereabouts.


The man shouted in a deep voice, and the five immediately chased after him.


But at this moment, Xiaoqing roared anxiously, looking behind from time to time, as if some terrible existence was catching up.

Gradually, Liu Chen could also feel several powerful auras behind him, coming towards him at an extremely fast speed.

"After chasing us all the way, it seems that he is a strong man sent by the Dragon Clan."

Liu Chen frowned, racking his brains to think of countermeasures. It was obviously unwise to hide in the cave.

With so many dragon clan powerhouses, once they besieged the cave, Liu Chen would have no way out, and Lu Qingfeng could not provide timely support.

At this time, I can only run away, I just hope to meet Qi Yan or Xie Bing, so that I can scare off the strong dragon clan.

But this is just an expedient measure. After this incident, the dragon clan will definitely send out stronger dragon clan powerhouses.


Suddenly, Xiaoqing roared violently, and the heavy dragon's power suddenly exploded, which startled Liu Chen. When he looked back, he saw five figures chasing him quickly.


Liu Chen yelled "Oops", immediately accelerated, and Xiao Qing turned into two long rainbows, disappearing into the sky, but it's a pity that the speed of the dragon strong is faster.

According to this speed, Liu Chen and Xiao Qing would be overtaken within half a stick of incense.

We must quickly think of a countermeasure.

"North of the Immortal World?"

Liu Chen racked his brains and couldn't think of any good way.

There is no strong person in the Task Pavilion, and Liu Chen doesn't know if Immortal Immortal is in the cave, let alone the whereabouts of Qi Yan and Xie Bing.

In the huge fairyland, there is no place for Liu Chen to hide. He can only go to the north of the fairyland, where he will unite with Nixian and fight against the Dragon Clan.

After making up his mind, Liu Chen immediately flew north towards the fairy world.


The strong Dragon Clan shouted, turned into five beams of light and caught up with Liu Chen, the speed was jaw-dropping.

Just when Liu Chen was about to step into the north of the fairy world, a terrifying dragon flame fell from the sky, blocking Liu Chen's way.

Immediately afterwards, five figures surrounded Liu Chen and Xiaoqing one after another.

"Now let's see where you are going!"

The strong dragon clan smiled triumphantly, and looked at Liu Chen playfully, as if looking at a prey in a cage.

"It's only in the late stage of Huashen, but he was able to kill two strong dragons in the late stage of the fifth stage. It seems that his strength should not be weak."

"So what! The five of us can easily kill him with just one move."

"I've already trapped him, so what's the point of talking to him? Just kill him. As for the mutated five-clawed golden dragon, take out the eighth-order dragon ball in his body, and we can go back and deal with business!"

Hearing this, the leading five-clawed golden dragon remained silent. Instead, he looked Liu Chen up and down, and said slowly, "You are Liu Chen? Immortal Immortal Venerable and Lu Qingfeng's disciple?"

"It's really me."

Liu Chen replied calmly.

"You killed the disciples of Immortal Gu Jian and Immortal Qian Zhan, and now you have killed the strong dragon clan. Do you really think that with the protection of Immortal Immortal and Lu Qingfeng, you can do whatever you want?"

The five-clawed golden dragon scolded.

Hearing this, Liu Chen couldn't deny a smile, and said lightly: "I didn't do whatever I wanted, but they touched my bottom line, damn it."

"Hehe, do you know why we were able to track down your whereabouts so quickly?"

The five-clawed golden dragon took a step forward and looked at Liu Chen with a smile, his eyes full of complacency.


Liu Chen raised his brows, doubts arose in his heart, and he looked at the five-clawed golden dragon curiously.

"Because a mysterious strongman disclosed your whereabouts to us before we set off, that's why we were able to find you so quickly."

"And this person must have had a feud with you. It's really unimaginable. You are only a cultivator in the late stage of transformation, and you are no different from an ant. You have so many enemies."

The five-clawed golden dragon spoke slowly.

Mysterious powerhouse?
Liu Chen frowned. He did have many enemies in the fairy world, but most of them had died in Liu Chen's hands, leaving only Gu Jian Xianzun and Qian Zhan Xianzun.

Liu Chen must have held a grudge for killing their disciple, but because of Immortal Immortal and Lu Qingfeng, they did not dare to do anything to Liu Chen openly.

At this moment, it happened to kill Liu Chen with the help of the strong dragon clan.

It should be them.

A cold light flashed in the depths of Liu Chen's eyes, and he immediately looked at the five fifth-order peak dragon clan powerhouses in front of him with solemn expressions.

If only a fifth-level peak powerhouse was chased, Liu Chen might be able to kill him. Even if two people were chased, plus Xiaoqing, Liu Chen could barely handle it.

But all of a sudden, five fifth-order peak dragon clan powerhouses appeared, and one of them was a five-clawed golden dragon. It would be very difficult to escape.

"You have repeatedly provoked the majesty of the Dragon Clan. We will never let you go, but you are the disciple of Immortal Immortal Venerable after all, and we will not torture you."

"You kill yourself."

The five-clawed golden dragon said lightly.

Hearing this, the corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, and he looked at the five-clawed golden dragon playfully, then showed his unicorn arm, and said slowly, "In my life, Liu Chen, there has never been such a thing as suicide."

"If you want to kill me, just do it. After all, it's not certain who will have the last laugh."

Liu Chen smiled slightly, then waved his big sleeve, and took out the Yuanshen card of Immortal Immortal Venerable from his bosom.

Seeing the primordial spirit card, the five-clawed golden dragon powerhouse was not surprised at all, on the contrary, he said with a hint of sarcasm, "We have known for a long time that you have the immortal spirit card on you."

"But it doesn't work. If you don't believe me, you can smash the Primordial Spirit card and see if the Immortal Immortal Venerable will appear."

Hearing this, Liu Chen's expression froze, his brows were tightly frowned, deep worry appeared in the depths of his eyes, and he was extremely disturbed, so he immediately crushed the Yuanshen card.

There was only a buzzing sound, and a blue light burst out from the Primordial Spirit card, and then disappeared without a trace.

About half a stick of incense passed, and there was still no movement, as if nothing had happened.

"How could this be?"

Liu Chen looked shocked, and looked at the broken Yuanshen card in his hand in disbelief.

"Immortal Immortal Venerable is estimated to be trapped in the Dragon Clan now, and it is definitely impossible to escape. Not only Immortal Immortal Venerable, but Lu Qingfeng and others are also trapped."

"Don't expect them to appear here and save you."

The five-clawed golden dragon laughed triumphantly.

Hearing these words, Liu Chen's heart sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant, and he retreated subconsciously, but it was a pity that there was a raging dragon flame behind him, and it was impossible to cross over.

"How to do!"

Liu Chen frowned, and racked his brains to think of countermeasures, but he was at a loss. After all, standing in front of him were five dragon clan powerhouses at the peak of the fifth rank.

Unless there is a strong man in the Void Refining Realm, it will be difficult for Liu Chen to pass this test.

But at this moment, in the void not far away, Immortal Gu Jian smiled proudly.

(End of this chapter)

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