
Chapter 852

Chapter 852
"Hmph! This time, you can't escape!"

A icy murderous intent flashed in the eyes of Gu Jian Xianzun, wishing that the dragon clan powerhouse would rush forward and chop Liu Chen into pieces.

The person who mysteriously revealed Liu Chen's whereabouts was undoubtedly Immortal Gu Jian.

It's just that Liu Chen doesn't know now.

"Liu Chen, die."

The five-clawed golden dragon let out a low cry, rushed up first, and charged at Liu Chen with a fierce aura, clearly intending to put him to death.

"Light Curtain Sword Rain!"

Liu Chen didn't dare to be careless, and when he saw the five-clawed golden dragon rushing up, he immediately cast a powerful fairy technique.

Hearing a buzzing sound, the fairy soldiers at the center of the eyebrows rose against the wind and turned into golden lightsabers. Immediately afterwards, countless golden lightsabers appeared, covering the entire sky.


Liu Chen's expression darkened, he suddenly bent his fingers, and the golden lightsaber dashed down. Just as he was about to hit the five-clawed golden dragon, he saw him roar, and the golden lightsaber shattered instantly.

The sound wave attack turned out to be terrifying.

Liu Chen couldn't help but gasped, and took two steps back subconsciously. Although the blow wasn't strong, it wasn't weak either, and the five-clawed golden dragon dispelled it so easily.

Then the light curtain sword rain, for him, does not have much effect at all.

"You guys, go together, kill Liu Chen, and capture Xiaoqing alive!"

The five-clawed golden dragon ordered.

As soon as the words fell, the other four Dragon Clan powerhouses rushed towards Xiaoqing one after another. They were also at the peak of the fifth order, but the other party had a large number of people.

Although Xiaoqing's defense is amazing, but two fists are no match for four hands, and he will be defeated after a long time.

Have the opportunity!
A flash of surprise flashed in the depths of Liu Chen's eyes. Among the five dragon clan powerhouses at the peak of the fifth step, four of them dealt with Xiaoqing, and only one five-clawed golden dragon remained.

The pinnacle of the fifth order!

Not necessarily no chance!

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, showing an excited smile, and immediately punched out.

The five-clawed golden dragon did not dodge or evade, and took Liu Chen's punch forcefully, because he was fully confident in his own defense, and he did not believe that Liu Chen's punch could cause much damage to him.

Hearing a bang, the five-clawed golden dragon tilted its head to one side, and rolled over with its whole body, the scales all over its body trembled, making crisp and clear sounds.

Top grade is a real treasure!

After taking a blow from the unicorn's iron arm, the five-clawed golden dragon finally realized that it turned out to be a top-grade treasure. No wonder it was able to explode with such powerful power.

"So what about a top-grade real treasure, unless it's a top-grade real treasure, it's absolutely impossible to break through my defense."

The five-clawed golden dragon roared angrily, the scales all over its body shone with dazzling golden light, and a thick dragon power spread out, like the coercion of a strong man, Liu Chen was a little out of breath.

"His breath is thicker."

Liu Chen frowned and muttered to himself.

Just now, the five-clawed golden dragon was careless and got punched by Liu Chen. If he got serious, Liu Chen wouldn't be able to hit him so easily.


The five-clawed golden dragon slowly flew towards Liu Chen, giving Liu Chen a very dangerous aura.


Liu Chen snorted coldly, even though he jumped, leaving countless afterimages behind him, he instantly appeared behind the five-clawed golden dragon, and the unicorn iron arm in his hand erupted with unprecedented power.

This blow gathered [-]% of the spiritual power in Liu Chen's body, even if it was a mountain, a hole could be punched out.

All the spiritual energy in all directions was swallowed up, forming a special aura, and the atmosphere became very depressing.

Liu Chen's expression was serious, and he punched brazenly, hitting the five-clawed golden dragon's eyes.

The head is indeed the most important and vulnerable part of the body, and the eyes are the most vulnerable part of the brain.

The five-clawed golden dragon has scales all over its body, but there are no scales in its eyes. If this punch can hit, it will definitely reduce his fighting power sharply.


The five-clawed golden dragon was very responsive, swinging its body frantically, trying to throw Liu Chen off his body.

At the same time, the golden scales on his body stood upside down and became extremely sharp. Liu Chen could not stand at all and could only be suspended in the air.

Liu Chen locked the five-clawed golden dragon's eyes, no matter how he swung his body, he couldn't escape the punch.

But at this moment, the five-clawed golden dragon swept across its tail, turned around instantly, and bumped into Liu Chen's fist.

From a distance, the five-clawed golden dragon is a huge monster, while Liu Chen is just an inconspicuous little black spot, the gap is very large.

There was a bang, and the tail of the five-clawed golden dragon trembled, and then it spread all over the body, and flew out backwards with a bang, unable to stabilize its figure for a long time.

At the same time, Liu Chen didn't feel well either, and flew directly into the distance, where Liu Chen couldn't be seen at all.

The most important thing is that Liu Chen's right arm is almost crippled, and the unicorn iron arm is a top-grade treasure after all, and it is still intact after enduring such a terrifying force.

But all the meridians of Liu Chen's right arm were broken, and even the bones were turned into powder. If Liu Chen's arm was cut open, red and white powder would flow out of it.


Liu Chen couldn't feel his right arm at all, his throat was sweet, and he spat out a big mouthful of blood. Looking at Xiaoqing who was besieged in the distance, he rushed up again.


Liu Chen swallowed three healing elixirs in a row, and only then did he feel a little bit of sensation in his right arm, but he still couldn't use too much force to be of great use.

This time, Liu Chen didn't use all his strength in the impact, and the five-clawed golden dragon naturally didn't either, but the judgment was judged.

Until now, Liu Chen finally understood how terrifying the dragon's body was, especially the five-clawed golden dragon.

That punch just now, even a Dzogchen powerhouse in the Transformation God Realm, couldn't resist it, but the five-clawed golden dragon not only resisted it, but also repelled Liu Chen with the strength of its physical body.

Simply incredible.

The five-clawed golden dragon is already so powerful, so Xiaoqing still has golden blood, and her physical strength will only be improved to a higher level.

Following Liu Chen's gaze, Xiaoqing was besieged by four strong dragon clansmen, with dragon flames all over her body, and she couldn't escape at all.

The strong dragon clan couldn't do anything to him for a while, but Xiaoqing couldn't rush out either.

After a long time, Xiaoqing's spiritual power was exhausted, and there was no room for maneuver.

"I really didn't expect that a cultivator in the late stage of becoming a god would possess such terrifying power."

The five-clawed golden dragon spoke slowly, a flash of brilliance flashed in his eyes, and he said coldly, "But I won't be careless."

"The next move will kill you!"

Hearing this, the corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, showing a sarcasm smile, and said lightly: "I only used [-]% of my strength just now, and I was able to knock you back."

"If I use [-]% of my strength, it's enough to poke a hole in your body."

The five-clawed golden dragon smiled disdainfully, and said coldly, "Hehe, I want to see how you poke a hole in my body."

As soon as the words fell, the five-clawed golden dragon's complexion sank, and the vast dragon's power erupted instantly, like a flood erupting, covering the sky and covering the earth.

In the late stage of Huashen's battle against the fifth-order peak.

Originally there was a huge gap in strength, it was already very difficult for Liu Chen to persist till this point, few people could do it.

But it doesn't end there!
"Kirin Iron Arm!"

With a roar, Liu Chen mobilized all the remaining spiritual power in his body and poured it into the unicorn's iron arm crazily. The surrounding space made a whistling sound, and the dragon's power of the five-clawed golden dragon invaded each other.

At this moment, due to the injection of too much spiritual power, Liu Chen's arm swelled several times and became very terrifying.

Seeing this scene, imperceptible hesitation and panic flashed in the eyes of the five-clawed golden dragon.

In terms of physical strength alone, he is definitely the strongest, but Liu Chen's strength is not weak, he was already hurt by that punch just now.

But the five-clawed golden dragon is not only strong in the physical body, but also the dragon flame, which is the real ultimate move.

Therefore, the five-clawed golden dragon had the idea of ​​retreating, since there was an easier way to deal with Liu Chen, why did he still fight his body?

After making up his mind, the five-clawed golden dragon quickly backed away, trying to distance himself from Liu Chen, while roaring and spraying out golden dragon flames.

The temperature of Dragon Flame was so high that even the air was evaporated, and the surrounding void was distorted, making it look blurry.

"Tch! Are you backing down? Don't dare to confront me head-on!"

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, revealing a mocking smile. In fact, he was already at the end of his strength, and his right arm could not bear such a majestic force.

Otherwise, the right arm would have exploded long ago.

This Liu Chen is just a doppelgänger, and it seems to be powerful, but this time it is not as powerful as last time.

It can be used to scare the five-clawed golden dragon, which seems to be enough.


The five-clawed golden dragon roared, obviously irritated by Liu Chen's words, but he didn't step forward, and the dragon flame was a little stronger instead.

Hearing a buzzing sound, Liu Chen's figure flashed and rushed into the dragon flame.


The five-clawed golden dragon obviously didn't expect that Liu Chen would take the initiative to die, which greatly exceeded his expectations. Immediately, there was a touch of pride in his eyes, and he said to himself: "The temperature of the dragon flame is extremely high, and it is not easy to extinguish."

(End of this chapter)

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