
Chapter 853 Strange Rock, Xie Bing

Chapter 853 Strange Rock, Xie Bing

"Ordinary cultivators, if they touch a little bit, they will be burned into flying ash by the dragon flame, and you will rush into the dragon flame on your own initiative."

"I can guarantee that within two breaths, you will completely hear from the fairy world, and you won't even leave the Nascent Soul."

"Everything on your body will turn into nothingness in the dragon flames."

But at this moment, a shout of anger sounded above the five-clawed golden dragon's head.

"Immortal Art! The Wrath of Thunder!"

Liu Chen made a tactic with both hands, and quickly flexed his fingers, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and it was overwhelming.

Immediately afterwards, a thick blue lightning fell from the sky, hitting the five-clawed golden dragon's eye.


Thunder and lightning entered the body, and the five-clawed golden dragon trembled all over, its head was scorched black, and a lot of blood spattered out, but it still had a faint breath.

Did not die immediately.

"It's still alive!"

Liu Chen took a deep breath, without further ado, rushed forward again, brandishing the golden lightsaber in his hand, trying to cut off the head of the five-clawed golden dragon.


The five-clawed golden dragon let out a hysterical roar, and an unprecedented dragon power erupted, and the powerful breath of the fifth-order peak spread, instantly forcing Liu Chen back.

Gradually, the five-clawed golden dragon raised its head, one eye was sunken, and a big hole was blown out of the other eye.

The head is all black, the dragon's whiskers are all broken, and it looks like a mess.

As the most honorable five-clawed golden dragon among the dragon clan, when has he ever suffered from such a useless attitude? Even if he only uses the strength of the fifth-order peak, his status is not low.

Just because he is a five-clawed golden dragon!

The five-clawed golden dragon roared and shook its huge body. The power of thunder and lightning in its body was gradually dispelled, but its breath weakened by most.

Indeed, the five-clawed golden dragon became weaker, but Liu Chen also became weaker.

Light Curtain Sword Rain and Thunder Fury have already been used, and Qilin Iron Arm has also been used once, Liu Chen's current physical body can't withstand the second powerful attack at all.

There is only one Jiuli pot left, but this kind of real treasure can only be sacrificed when Liu Chen has the absolute upper hand, otherwise it will be useless.

To put it bluntly, that is, Liu Chen has already used all the means that Liu Chen can use, and now he is at the end of his rope.

At the same time, Xiaoqing was also feeling uncomfortable. Although relying on his golden blood, he forcibly dragged back the four dragon clan powerhouses, but he couldn't get away, and it was impossible for him to help Liu Chen.

"In the late stage of transformation, you can push me to this point, even if you die, you are proud enough."

The five-clawed golden dragon spoke lightly, and spewed raging dragon flames from his mouth. He didn't kill Liu Chen directly, but drew a circle with the dragon flames, trapping Liu Chen firmly inside, making it impossible for him to leave.

"It was only your avatar that died just now. You must not really feel the taste of being burned by dragon flames."

The five-clawed golden dragon was flying in the air, looking down at Liu Chen, with a ferocious face, deep resentment gleaming in the depths of his eyes, and then said: "Now, I will let you experience it for yourself, despair."

As soon as the words fell, the five-clawed golden dragon spewed raging dragon flames, which looked like golden pillars of fire, and shot at Liu Chen.

There were endless dragon flames all around, and Liu Chen's spiritual power was exhausted, and there was no other way to get out. Seeing the dragon flames erupting, there was nothing he could do.

At this moment, Xiaoqing roared angrily, and the golden scales all over her body stood upside down, extremely sharp, and the golden dragon flames in her mouth swept across, forcefully forcing back the four strong dragons.

Immediately afterwards, the four dragon clan powerhouses showed their power at the same time, and forced Xiaoqing back.

After all, they are four dragon clan powerhouses at the peak of the fifth step. It may be difficult to kill Xiaoqing together, but it can't be easier to just trap Xiaoqing.

"You can't protect yourself, and you still want to save others!"

The five-clawed golden dragon pouted in disdain, then turned to look at Liu Chen, and said calmly, "But don't worry, wait until I kill him."

"Bring you back to the Dragon Clan, your fate will not be any better than his."

After the words fell, the golden pillar of fire had already approached Liu Chen's head, and was about to devour him.

"Zi Lei Dun!"

Liu Chen made a tactic with one hand, trying to avoid the attack of the five-clawed golden dragon, but it was a pity that there were walls of fire all around him, so he couldn't get out.

"Ice Demon Bloodline!"

Even so, Liu Chen didn't intend to give up, and immediately roared, his pupils turned ice blue, and his black hair turned into white silk.

A piercing chill emanated from the whole body, and an extremely cold air erupted in an instant, sweeping in all directions, and even the surrounding walls of fire were weakened a bit.


Liu Chen's expression was serious, his eyes were like torches, he stared at the fire pillar that was shooting towards him, and immediately pointed his finger.

In an instant, ice flowers bloomed on the fingertips, and a terrifying chill erupted.

A miraculous scene happened, the dragon flame of the five-clawed golden dragon actually stopped on top of Liu Chen's head, and the side close to Liu Chen gradually began to freeze and spread towards the back.

"how can that be!"

Meng Suo, the pupil of the five-clawed golden dragon, was full of disbelief deep in his eyes. He had never encountered such a situation before.

The omnipresent dragon flame was actually frozen!
And this cold air, what is going on?

The five-clawed golden dragon was puzzled, and immediately mobilized his whole body to increase the output of the dragon flames, and those frozen places gradually began to melt.


Liu Chen's forehead was sweating, his body was extremely weak, and the extremely cold air in his body was almost exhausted, but he still couldn't stop the dragon flame.

It was barely able to support for a while, but it didn't work and couldn't fundamentally solve the problem.

After a while, there was a bang, the ice layer shattered, and the dragon flame instantly swallowed Liu Chen.

At the very moment, a pair of hands stretched out from the void, brought Liu Chen in, and then appeared outside the wall of fire.


Liu Chen had already closed his eyes. Although he was unwilling, he had no other choice but to wait for death.

"It's a good thing you're not late, third junior brother, are you okay?"

Qi Yan panted heavily with lingering fear in his heart, and said with concern in his eyes.

Second senior brother!
Upon hearing this familiar voice, Qi Yan's figure instantly appeared in Liu Chen's mind, so he opened his eyes, only to see Qi Yan standing in front of him.

"I am fine."

Liu Chen was ecstatic, and at the same time secretly rejoiced that Qi Yan came in time, if he was one step later, he might really have died in the hands of the five-clawed golden dragon.

"Second Senior Brother, why did you appear here?"

Liu Chen was puzzled, so he asked.

Hearing this, Qi Yan smiled and explained: "Master, the old man was trapped in the Dragon Clan. He thought that you might be chased and killed by the strong Dragon Clan, so let me come."

"But how do you know where I am?"

Liu Chen was full of doubts, and looked at Qi Yan in puzzlement.

If there is no accurate location, the fairyland is so big, even if you search for Qiyan for a year, it is impossible to find Liu Chen.

"It's all thanks to the Yuanshen card I gave you last time."

The corners of Qiyan's mouth rose slightly, he smiled, and explained: "Master is trapped in the Dragon Clan and cannot get out, but he can sense your position through the Yuanshen card."

"Knowing that you crushed the Yuanshen card, it must be in danger, so you can arrive in time."

"Eldest brother is here too, but he didn't get the coordinates, so he should still be looking aimlessly in the fairy world."

Big Brother is here too?

Hearing this, Liu Chen's heart warmed up, it seemed that Immortal Immortal Venerable was not as ruthless as he imagined.

"Second senior brother, I'm fine, hurry up and save Xiaoqing."

Liu Chen changed the subject and looked anxiously at Xiaoqing who was besieged by four strong dragon clansmen. He was bruised and exhausted at the moment.

If it weren't for the strong dragon clan wanting to capture him alive, he would have been seriously injured or even died.

"it is good!"

Qi Yan nodded slightly, and with a flash of his figure, a powerful coercion of the Void Refining Realm burst out, instantly forcing back the four dragon experts.

"Strange Rock!"

The five-clawed golden dragon recognized Qi Yan at a glance, and couldn't help but look down, looked at Qi Yan with fear, and said: "This matter has nothing to do with you."

"No! You are wrong. Liu Chen is my junior brother. If you want to kill him, then this matter has something to do with me, and it has a lot to do with it!"

Qiyan was smiling, obviously not paying attention to them, and with his strength in refining the realm, he did have the qualifications.

If it weren't for the fact that they were all dragons, Qi Yan would have wiped them out long ago based on what happened just now.

"Okay! Liu Chen is your younger brother, we can let him go, but we have to take Xiaoqing away!"

The five-clawed golden dragon knew that he was not Qi Yan's opponent, even if they were all added up, they were not Qi Yan's one-on-one enemy.

It was impossible to kill Liu Chen, so he could only bring Xiao Qing back, which was half of the task completed, and the punishment would not be too severe.

Hearing this, Qiyan remained silent, as if acquiescing to their actions, after all he had nothing to do with Xiaoqing.

In Qi Yan's view, keeping Liu Chen is the most important thing.


Liu Chen looked resolute, and objected: "If you want to take Xiaoqing away, unless you kill me!"

Qi Yan frowned slightly, and immediately said via voice transmission: "Third Junior Brother, you have already offended the Dragon Clan, if you completely offend the Dragon Clan because of Xiao Qing's incident, you will be in constant trouble in the future."

"You listen to the second senior brother today, let them take Xiaoqing away, and then let the master go to take care of it. Even if they hate you for killing two strong dragons, they dare not deal with you blatantly."

Hearing this, Liu Chen still shook his head, and replied: "Second senior brother, I know you are doing it for my own good, but Xiaoqing and I depend on each other for life and death, and I will never abandon Xiaoqing because of greed for life and fear of death."

"If it wasn't for Xiaoqing, I wouldn't have survived until now!"

At this time, the five-clawed golden dragon stepped forward slowly, glanced at Liu Chen, then looked at Qi Yan with a serious expression, and said, "Let's each take a step back, you take Liu Chen away, and we take Xiao Qing away."

"If you don't agree, the Dragon Clan will only send out more strong men, and then your junior brother will never have a safe life."

"Tch! Will this kind of threat scare me?"

Liu Chen curled his lips in disdain, shrugged his shoulders, and said lightly: "It's still the same sentence, if you want to take Xiaoqing away, you must die!"

"Otherwise, you don't want to take Xiaoqing away!"

Liu Chen's eyes widened with anger, and his expression was determined. After such a long rest, he more or less recovered a little bit of strength.

At worst, he burned the power of life and unleashed the final blow, desperately wounding the five dragon powerhouses in front of him.

Thinking of this, Liu Chen felt it was a pity, why did he only take two Resurrection Pills back then?

"Are you all deaf? My junior brother's words are so clear, why don't you get lost!"

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded from the void, Xie Bing walked slowly, staring at them with cold eyes like a knife, making them uncomfortable.

"Thank you Bing!"

The five-clawed golden dragon's complexion was extremely ugly, but a strange rock appeared, which only made him feel afraid, but if even the third-ranked Xie Bing of the fairy envoy appeared.

He lost all confidence in his heart.

Especially when he thought of so many rumors about Xie Bing, he became even more afraid.

Not only the five-clawed golden dragon, but also the other four strong dragons.

"The elders of the Dragon Clan called to take Xiaoqing back. If you make things difficult for us, it will only make Liu Chen more difficult in the future."

"Today only the fifth-order peak powerhouse was sent. After today, it may be the sixth-order powerhouse. You have to think about it."

The five-clawed golden dragon threatened.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled disapprovingly, and said lightly: "Let's not talk about a sixth-level powerhouse, even if Long Zhantian came personally, unless I die, he won't be able to take Xiaoqing away!"

"Did you hear that? Don't leave yet!"

Xie Bing turned around and stared at them fiercely, making them tremble in fright, and took a step back subconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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