
Chapter 854

Chapter 854

Seeing that Xie Bing was so strong, the five-clawed golden dragon didn't dare to stay longer, snorted coldly, and left with four strong dragons in a desperate manner.

"Thank you senior brother, second senior brother."

Watching the strong dragon clan leave, Liu Chen let out a long breath, and immediately felt relieved, looked at Xie Bing and Qi Yan with Chen Ken's eyes, and said slowly.

Hearing this, Qi Yan smiled indifferently, patted Liu Chen on the shoulder, and comforted him: "We are brothers and sisters, so we should help each other."

"However, as a senior brother, I have to remind you that the Dragon Clan is not easy to provoke. After today, they will definitely continue to trouble you."

"It is impossible for us to guard you all the time. The most urgent thing is that you must improve your strength quickly."

Liu Chen smiled bitterly, nodded and said, "Yes, senior brother."

But Liu Chen didn't think so in his heart. In a short period of time, he went from the early stage of transformation to the late stage of transformation. Looking at the entire fairy world, Liu Chen is probably the only one who has made such rapid progress.

If you want to make further progress, you need not only chance and luck, but also accumulation.

Now Liu Chen, the most indispensable thing is medicine and chance, on the contrary, it is accumulation.

As the saying goes, haste makes waste, Liu Chen also wants to break through quickly, preferably tomorrow he can hit the realm of refining the void.

But Liu Chen knew better that this would not only be of no benefit to his cultivation, but would actually bring a lot of bad effects.

Rapid progress will lead to unstable foundation. The further you practice, the harder it is to break through, and it may even collapse.

At this time, Xie Bing walked in front of Liu Chen expressionlessly, and said lightly: "If the Dragon Clan does not achieve their goals, they will not give up."

"If you stay in the Immortal Realm, you will only face endless pursuit. Why not go to the east of the Immortal Realm, where it borders the Immortal Clan's territory."

"Oh? Is the fairy world still divided into north, south, east, and west?"

Liu Chen frowned, thinking of Immortal World North and Immortal World West in his mind, he couldn't help but have such doubts.

Hearing this, Qi Yan nodded slightly, and explained: "The fairyland is very big, our current place is the fairyland, and the four directions of east, west, north and south are four different places."

"In the north, the immortals are rampant, and they almost control the north of the fairy world. The west is where the cultivators under the transformation of the gods live. Immortals generally don't go in."

"The east side is bordered by the territory of the fairy world, but it is also a chaotic place. It is more dangerous than the north of the fairy world, but it is full of opportunities. Occasionally, a few fairy people will appear."

"To the south is the endless sea of ​​stars. The environment is very harsh. No matter whether it is human race, spirit race, or monster race, they cannot survive in that kind of place, but there are all kinds of precious resources there."

"I see."

Liu Chen nodded in a sudden realization. He never expected that there would be a more dangerous place in the Immortal World than the North of the Immortal World.

And this land bordered on the fairy clan, which was beyond Liu Chen's expectation.

"But with the third junior brother's current cultivation base, if he enters the east of the Immortal Realm, it may be more dangerous than staying in the Immortal Realm."

Qi Yan looked at Xie Bing worriedly.

Hearing this, Xie Bing looked at Qi Yan expressionlessly, and said a few words.

"This is the best way at the moment. Otherwise, if you stay in the fairyland, there will be Immortal Master Gu Jian and Immortal Qian Zhan obstructing you, and the Dragon Clan will watch over you. It is impossible for the third junior brother to live in peace."

"And we and the master will not appear so timely every time."

Xie Bing paused, then continued: "East of the Immortal Realm is dangerous, but it is also the place where people are trained the most. When things in the Immortal Realm are basically settled down, we are taking the third junior brother back."

Liu Chen looked at Xie Bing blankly, this was the time Xie Bing talked the most since he knew Xie Bing.

In the past, when Immortal Immortal Venerable rewarded him with treasures, or when Qiyan chatted with him, the words he said all day did not add up to the few words just now.

For a person who is cold and arrogant by nature, he said so many things, which is enough to show how much he attaches importance to Liu Chen.

It's really not a loss for Liu Chen to have such two senior brothers.

"I have ordered the Lord of Reincarnation, and he will arrange for you to enter the Immortal Realm East."

After the words fell, Xie Bing tore apart the void without making a sound, and left directly, leaving Liu Chen and Qi Yan alone.

Seeing the situation, Qi Yan smiled awkwardly, looked at Liu Chen, and explained: "Eldest brother is like this, but he is very nice, so don't worry too much about it."

"will not."

Liu Chen smiled slightly, not paying attention to it at all, and immediately walked with Qiyan and returned to the cave.

He didn't go back to Qiyan's cave, nor did he go to Immortal Immortal's cave, but returned to Liu Chen's cave.

Since he was going to go to the east of the Immortal World, he had to make some preparations, especially leaving a secret signal so that Bing Feixue and Zixuan could not find Liu Chen and make them worry.

"Second Senior Brother, if people who claim to be Bing Feixue and Zi Xuan come to me in the future, you must protect them and don't tell them my whereabouts."

"it is good!"

Qi Yan nodded heavily, patted his chest to assure.

After packing up his things, Liu Chen immediately left the cave, found the Lord of Reincarnation, and prepared to go to the east of the Immortal Realm.

But at this moment, an ice bird flew over from a distance and landed on Liu Chen's shoulder.

"It's Cher!"

Liu Chen immediately recognized the aura on this ice bird, which was exactly the same as Bing Feixue.


Strange Rock and the Lord of Reincarnation looked at Liu Chen suspiciously, they only saw an ice bird landed on Liu Chen's shoulder, and saw nothing else.

But when they saw Liu Chen's complexion change, they knew that there must be other secrets in this ice bird.

After a while, Liu Chen flexed his fingers, and the ice bird instantly turned into a puddle of water.

"what happened?"

Qiyan asked.

Hearing this, Liu Chen frowned and said, "There is good news and bad news."

"What exactly do you mean? Third Junior Brother, please explain clearly."

Qi Yan was at a loss when he heard it, and had no idea what Liu Chen was talking about, but the Lord of Reincarnation next to him vaguely guessed something.

Liu Chen paused, and immediately told them all about returning to the five lands, and then said: "After they left that day, they broke into the east of the Immortal World, but Xue'er was raped by a certain big force. took away."

"Xue'er is doing well now, but because of that incident, she lost contact with Zi'er."


Qi Yan frowned slightly, and immediately comforted: "Don't worry too much, your Liu Chen's name is very big now, and almost everyone in the fairy world knows it."

"As long as she returns to the fairy world, she will easily find you."

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled bitterly, it would be fine if that was the case, but Liu Chen was worried that something bad happened to Zi Xuan.

After all, the fairyland is not the five great lands, and there are too many unknown dangers.

It happened that Bing Feixue was also in the east of Immortal Realm, so Liu Chen happened to go there to meet Bing Feixue, discuss to find clues, and find Zixuan.

Then this trip to the east of the Immortal World, Liu Chen had to go.

"I have other things to do, so I won't continue to send you off. Anyway, the east of the Immortal World is ahead."

"As long as you enter the East of the Immortal World, no matter how arrogant the Dragon Clan is, they will have to keep their tails in the East of the Immortal World."

Qi Yan opened his mouth slowly, then turned around and left, and disappeared into the distance.

Watching the direction of Qiyan's departure, Liu Chen took a deep breath, his heart was full of worry, but there was also a trace of expectation.

He really wanted to know what happened to Bing Feixue in Immortal World East.

"Why can't we see the clues of the ice bird, but you know the contents of the ice bird at a glance?"

The Lord of Reincarnation was puzzled, so he asked.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled mysteriously, and immediately flexed his fingers, and ice flowers bloomed on his fingertips, condensing an ice bird, and explained: "Because we, Xue'er, all have complete blood."

"Except for us, no third person can decipher the contents of the ice bird."

"Such an ice bird, Xue'er must have released more than one, but even if other people kill or capture the ice bird, it will be of no use."

The lord of reincarnation suddenly realized, secretly stunned, envious of the complete blood in Liu Chen's body.

Back then, Liu Chen only had the cultivation of Yuan Ying's early stage, so inconspicuous, he could kill it with just one hand.

But with the passage of time, Liu Chen has grown to the point where he is out of reach.

They are also in the late stage of transformation, but his strength is far less than half of Liu Chen's, and even Xiaoqing who is beside Liu Chen is no match for him.

He saw Liu Chen's growth step by step. Apart from envy, he admired him more, especially the sea of ​​reincarnation broke the curse of darkness.

Among the 10 people, there are only a few who can bear that kind of pain, and Liu Chen is one of those few people.

The lord of reincarnation is not even sure whether he can bear that kind of pain.

"Ahead is the east of Immortal Realm."

Suddenly, the Lord of Reincarnation stopped, looked at Liu Chen, and said slowly.


Liu Chen nodded slightly, following the gaze of the Lord of Reincarnation, there was no big difference between Immortal Realm East and Immortal Realm, but it was more prosperous, and there were flying immortals everywhere.

"The Immortal Realm borders the Immortal Clan to the east, and there are many hidden forces inside. You are alone there, and no one can protect you."

"Unless it is absolutely necessary, don't kill people lightly."

Lord of Reincarnation exhorted.

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded slightly, and immediately bid farewell to the Lord of Reincarnation, and walked in, he couldn't wait to see Bing Feixue.

The previous ice bird contained the coordinates of Bing Feixue, and the meeting place and time had already been agreed upon.

All that is needed is for Liu Chen to enter the Immortal Realm East.

"Moon-watching platform."

Liu Chen muttered to himself.

The most important thing for entering Immortal World East for the first time is to get acquainted with Immortal World East and find Moonwatching Tower, so Liu Chen first planned to find someone to ask.

But at this moment, a carriage rushed out of the crowd in front of it. The strange thing was that the carriage was suspended in the air, and the wheels did not touch the ground.

Seeing the carriage rushing out, many cultivators gave way one after another, their eyes full of panic, for fear of blocking the carriage.

Liu Chen looked intently, there was a snowflake logo branded on the carriage, and there was a strong breath inside.

Around the carriage, there are several strong men in the Void Refining Realm guarding the left and right, and the lineup is very strong.

(End of this chapter)

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