
Chapter 855 Acquaintances

Chapter 855 Acquaintances
"I heard that the Wangyue family has recently accepted a new disciple with a foreign surname. It is obviously a foreign surname, but the status in the Wangyue family is higher than many direct disciples."

"I've heard that too, and I also heard that this person is a stunning beauty, but it's a pity that I have never seen a real person."

"I was lucky enough to meet him once, and he looks like a fairy, but you must not know why the Wangyue family accepted a disciple with a different surname."


Everyone talked a lot, and immediately turned their attention to that person.

Seeing the situation, the man smiled triumphantly, and explained slowly: "That's because she has a special bloodline, and the concentration of this bloodline has reached its peak."

"It's just that the Mochizuki family lacks such a genius, so they made an exception and accepted her as a disciple with a different surname."

Hearing this, everyone nodded in amazement.

In the fairy world in the past, very few people had the power of blood. As for the whole family to have the power of blood, it was impossible for other families except the fairy clan to achieve it.

After the battle between immortals and demons, there were no cultivators with the power of blood in the immortal world, and Bing Feixue and Liu Chen were definitely super geniuses who were unique in a million.

If the Mochizuki family knew that Liu Chen also had a complete bloodline, they might immediately treat him as a guest of honor and entertain him.

"Mochizuki Family? Mochizuki Terrace?"

Liu Chen frowned slightly, and his mind was full of doubts. Judging from their conversation, the Mochizuki family should be quite powerful.

There are advantages and disadvantages for Bing Feixue to join such a family.

At this moment, a figure came up behind Liu Chen, patted Liu Chen's shoulder lightly, and Liu Chen was so startled that he punched him backwards.

Qilin Iron Arm exploded instantly.

Passing Water was taken aback for a moment, then reacted immediately, and escaped the blow without any risk.

The actions here quickly attracted the attention of other people, and they all cast surprised glances at this side.

"Passing water?"

Liu Chen raised his brows, thinking that it was the strong dragon clan who followed?
Immediately he asked, "Why did you appear here?"

Hearing this, Passing Water smiled mysteriously, and immediately took Liu Chen's arm, walked outside, and said, "This is not a place to talk, come with me."

After a while, Pai Shui took Liu Chen away from the crowd, found a small teahouse, and the two sat down.

"I heard that you were hunted down by the strong dragon clan. I originally wanted to visit the fairy world, but I didn't expect to receive news that you fled to the east of the fairy world."

"It happened that the headquarters needed to purchase a large amount of supplies, so I took the initiative to invite Ying and came here. I wanted to try my luck, but I didn't expect to meet you."

Passing water explained.

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded slightly, smiled bitterly, and said, "It is indeed a well-known fact that I was hunted down by a strong dragon clan."

"But how did you receive the news that I have entered the Immortal Realm East?"

Liu Chen looked at the passing water suspiciously, and asked.

"It's not a secret. It's not just me. I'm afraid the entire fairy world knows that you have fled to the east of the fairy world. It won't be long before the dragon clan will send strong men to continue chasing you."

Passing Water said slowly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen's heart sank to the bottom of the valley with a thud, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and the images of Immortal Gu Jian and Immortal Qian Zhan immediately appeared in his mind.

Only Xie Bing, Qiyan and the Lord of Samsara knew that Liu Chen had entered the east of the Immortal Realm, and the first two would naturally not disclose Liu Chen's whereabouts.

The Lord of Reincarnation is also not very likely.

However, with the abilities of Gu Jian Xianzun and Qian Zhan Xianzun, it is not difficult to secretly track Liu Chen.


Liu Chen sighed for a long time, and suddenly felt pressure on his shoulders.

The Immortal World is indeed more colorful and a very broad stage, but Liu Chen misses the Five Lands even more, where there are too many familiar people.

The most important thing is that Liu Chen can control everything there, including life and death.

"By the way, there is one more thing I want to ask you."

At this moment, Pai Shui smiled embarrassedly, very shyly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled slightly and asked: "You have saved my life more than once, is there anything else you are embarrassed to say?"

"No matter what, as long as I can do my best, I will help you."

Liu Chen vowed.

"I have inquired about the big purchase this time, and at least 500 million fairy stones are needed, but I only brought 300 million fairy stones, and there is still a shortfall of 200 million."

"I know that you are an alchemist, and you must have a lot of savings in your hand, so I want to borrow 200 million immortal stones from you first. After I go back, I will extract the immortal stones from the headquarters and return them to you."

Passing Water said with an embarrassed expression.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled slightly, took out a savings bag, and said, "There are 500 million fairy stones in here, if you don't have enough, you can get them from me."


The 4000 million immortal stones that Lu Qingfeng borrowed were returned to Liu Chen, and together with the elixir sold by Liu Chen himself, he had at least 5000 million immortal stone savings in his hands.

A mere 500 million is nothing to Liu Chen.

Thinking of this, Liu Chen suddenly thought of a very important thing, that is, the refining of Du Erdan has not started yet.

And a few days later is the delivery date.

There are alchemy formulas and medicinal materials, but there has been no suitable alchemy furnace. It seems that I have to buy a better alchemy furnace in the east of the fairy world to refine Du'er Dan.

"What are you thinking? So ecstatic?"

Paishui looked at Liu Chen with a puzzled face, waved his hands in front of him, and said in puzzlement.

Hearing this, Liu Chen shook his head and said, "It's okay, I just want to ask you, what is the background of the Mochizuki family, and what is the Mochiyuetai?"

"Mochizuki family? Why are you asking this?"

A gleam of light flashed in Passing Water's eyes, he looked at Liu Chen in disbelief, and asked.

The Wangyue family is one of the largest families in the East of the Immortal World, and Liu Chen has not been to the East of the Immortal World since he first entered the Immortal World, so how could he be separated from the Wangyue Family?
"I'm just very curious, so I'm asking you."

Liu Chen smiled slightly and replied.

Hearing this, Shishui nodded, and continued: "The Wangyue family is one of the largest families in the fairy world, and there are countless strong people in it. I heard that their ancestors were once descendants of the fairy clan."

"However, nearly a thousand years have passed since the war between immortals and demons, and this matter was quickly forgotten."

"The most important thing is that the ancestors of the Mochizuki family have a special bloodline. Unfortunately, as time goes by, and for some unknown reason, fewer and fewer people in the Mochizuki family have a special bloodline."

"As of today, there has never been a special bloodline in the younger generation."

"Even so, it can't shake the powerful position of the Mochizuki family in the east of the fairy world."

Passing Water explained with excitement.

Hearing this, Liu Chen suddenly realized that if Bing Feixue could join such a big family, at least her safety would be guaranteed, but her freedom would be restricted.

"Special bloodline? What kind of bloodline?"

Liu Chen had vaguely guessed that the special blood in his mouth should be similar to the blood of the ice demon, or even the blood of the ice demon.

"A bloodline of the ice attribute. I heard it is the bloodline of the ancient ice demon. I am not particularly clear about whether it is the bloodline of the ice demon."

Sure enough!

A flash of light flashed in Liu Chen's eyes, and he asked again: "Where's the moon-watching platform?"

"Wangyue Terrace is located in the most prosperous area in the east of the Immortal Realm. It will be guarded day and night by strong members of the Wangyue family. Whenever there is a cultivator with awakened blood in the Wangyue family, a vision will appear on the Wangyue Terrace."

Passing Water explained slowly.

"Just tell me the exact location, I plan to go there."

Liu Chen said bluntly.

"it is good!"

Although Passing Water didn't know what Liu Chen was going to do, he still told Liu Chen the exact coordinates of the moon-watching platform.

"You have nothing to do when you enter the east of Immortal Realm now, why not go with me and go out to have a look after the wind blows."

Passing water suggested.

Hearing this, Liu Chen frowned slightly, and said to himself, "Anyway, there are still a few days before Xueer's appointment, so it's better to follow the passing water and go around the east of the Immortal Realm first."

After making up his mind, Liu Chen raised his head again, looked at the passing water, and asked, "Do you know where you can buy pill furnaces here?"

"I don't need that kind of ordinary pill furnace, the price is not an issue, the key is a good pill furnace!"

"Do you want to buy a pill furnace?"

Passing water frowned, paused for a moment, his mind was running fast, and then said: "It's just right, I'm going to purchase a batch of resources, there should be a pill furnace for sale, as for whether you can find a good pill furnace, it depends on yours. Luckily."

"it is good!"

Liu Chen nodded slightly, the two tidied up for a while, and left the teahouse immediately.

"Your master is Lu Qingfeng. With his status and strength, didn't he get you a better alchemy furnace? You still need to buy it yourself?"

Passing Water looked at Liu Chen with a puzzled expression, and said puzzledly.

Indeed, Lu Qingfeng knew Liu Chen's strength, and would arrange for him a pill furnace suitable for him, but the key point was that Lu Qingfeng didn't know Liu Chen's real strength at all.

The alchemy furnace he gave last time was already blown up by Liu Chen.

It is okay to refine ordinary pills, but if you are refining high-grade pills, that kind of pill furnace is useless at all, and you still need a high-grade pill furnace like the Phoenix Pill Stove.

"Of course there is, but the master's pill furnace is not suitable for me."

Liu Chen smiled bitterly, concealing the fact that he was refining and exploding the alchemy furnace.

After all, it was shocking to say such a thing.

At present, Liu Chen's alchemy strength is unknown to everyone, not even Lu Qingfeng, and only the fewer people know, the identity of the mysterious alchemist on the black market will not be easily exposed.

"There are mixed fish and dragons in the east of the fairy world. If something happens, just look at me and act."

Passing water kindly reminded.

Hearing this, Liu Chen nodded slightly, smiled confidently, and the two quickly disappeared into the crowd.

But at this moment, another group of strong men entered the Immortal Realm East, all of them were dragon strong men, and the weakest ones were also at the peak of the fifth order.

One of them was at the beginning of the sixth stage.

"Look! Even if you dig three feet into the ground! Find him for me!"

"But after you find him, don't rush to do it. After I arrive, it will be his death."

The strong man of the sixth-order dragon clan narrowed his eyes slightly, and a strong killing intent flashed in the depths of his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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