
Chapter 857 Shennong Ding

Chapter 857 Shennong Ding

"It's really not worthwhile to buy such a mid-grade real treasure for 400 million yuan."

Passing Water looked at Liu Chen spending money like running water, and didn't know how to persuade him, it was 400 million fairy stones, it was simply unbelievable.

"I am useful."

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, revealing a mysterious smile, and he immediately walked away.

There are indeed many extraordinary things in this huge warehouse, but Liu Chen doesn't need any of them.

In fact, Liu Chen already has something he likes, but he can't say it too clearly, otherwise the thin man will definitely raise the price.

It doesn't matter if you spend more fairy stones, the important thing is that Liu Chen wants to get that thing.

"what is that?"

Suddenly, Liu Chen turned his gaze, looked at a tripod not far away, and asked.

Hearing this, the thin man's eyes lit up, he smiled, and replied: "This tripod is called Shennong Ding, and it is an excellent alchemy tripod, even comparable to the Phoenix alchemy furnace."

Liu Chen smiled disapprovingly, with a hint of sarcasm on his face.

Maybe seeing the sarcasm and disdain on Liu Chen's face, the thin man smiled resentfully, and continued: "If fellow Taoist likes it, I can take 500 million."

"Tch! This kind of broken tripod costs 500 million yuan, and 100 million yuan is too expensive for me!"

Passing Water said lightly, eyes full of disdain, and immediately walked to Liu Chen, pointed at Shennong Ding, and said: "Dan Ding like this is with us, as much as you want, I can give you as much as you want."

"Five million fairy stones! I can buy you a whole warehouse of Shennong tripod."

Hearing this, the thin man had an unnatural expression on his face, and he gave Passing Shui a vicious look, and continued: "When I got the Shennong Ding, it cost a huge price. If fellow Taoists think 500 million is too expensive, That's 400 million!"

"It can't be cheaper anymore!"

Liu Chen smiled without saying a word, looked the Shennong Ding up and down, and said indifferently: "The surface of the Shennong Ding is covered with dirt, and there is no breath at all. If my guess is correct, it must have suffered some serious damage."

"Generally, powerful alchemy cauldrons or alchemy furnaces will emit unique auras. For example, the phoenix alchemy furnace and the dragon clan alchemy furnace will emit the aura of phoenixes and dragons."

"But the Shennong Ding has no special aura, no different from the ordinary Dan Ding."

Immediately afterwards, Liu Chen walked in front of the Shennong Ding, paused, and continued: "I am an alchemist myself, and such a Ding Ding is worth at most 100 million."

"What's more, the Shennong Ding is useless in your hands. It can only be stored in the warehouse forever until the day it is completely damaged."

Liu Chen said lightly, and immediately looked away from the Shennong cauldron, turned around and walked away, saw a fairy talisman, and asked, "What is this?"

"Immortal Talisman! The Hand of the Demon God!"

When the thin man saw the fairy talisman, he immediately became more energetic. He walked to the side of the fairy talisman first, and introduced excitedly: "This fairy talisman has a great history!"

"It is said that it was refined by gathering the powerful power of the demon gods, and it can cause a devastating blow to the strong in the realm of refining the void."


Liu Chen frowned, looked at the thin man with interest, and said indifferently: "Can it only cause a devastating blow to those who are strong in the Void Refining Realm?"

"That's right, in the mid-stage of Void Refining Realm, no one can block the power of this fairy talisman, not even the strongest of the dragon clan dare to show its edge."

"It just so happens that you only have the cultivation base of the late stage of transformation, and you have such a fairy talisman by your side, so you can be prepared."

The lean man suggested.

Hearing this, Liu Chen's eyes flickered, and Passing Water nodded slightly at Liu Chen. Although the movement was very subtle, he was caught by the thin man.

"It just so happens that you are being hunted down by the strong dragon clan right now. Keep this fairy talisman, and it will come in handy sooner or later."

"But I think that thin man seems to have seen through that you want to buy this fairy talisman, so he will definitely raise the price!"

Passing water sound transmission channel.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled disapprovingly, no matter how expensive this fairy talisman is, it will not exceed 500 million fairy stones.

So he turned his head to look at the thin man, and asked, "How many immortal stones is this immortal talisman?"

"Six million fairy stones!"

The thin man stretched out four fingers and looked at Liu Chen nervously. He just guessed that Liu Chen might be rich, but he didn't know how rich Liu Chen was.

This fairy talisman was valued at 300 million fairy stones in the thin man's heart. The reason why he asked for 400 million fairy stones was because he found that Liu Chen had the desire to buy it.

"it is good!"

Liu Chen waved his big sleeve lightly, immediately pocketed the fairy talisman, and said calmly, "There are 800 million fairy stones in total."

Immediately afterwards, Liu Chen waved his sleeves and threw out a savings bag, which contained exactly 800 million fairy stones.

"Good good!"

The thin man laughed triumphantly, and hastily handed the Sunset Sword into Liu Chen's hand, and greeted him with a smile, even though he had the Void Refining Realm.

But in front of Liu Chen, he still treated each other with courtesy, without any pretensions of a strong man, and even tried to curry favor with Liu Chen.

"What else do you need, I can sell it to you at a lower price."

The lean man pointed to other items in the warehouse and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Liu Chen shook his head, pouted and said, "Except for this fairy talisman which is useful to me, there doesn't seem to be anything else I particularly need."

Upon hearing these words, Pai Shui finally heaved a long sigh of relief, obviously it was only Liu Chen who was spending money, but he felt more distressed than Liu Chen.

As if the money was given by him.

"Otherwise, let's discuss it again and sell this Shennong Ding to you cheaply."

The lean man asked tentatively.

This Shennong Ding has been in his warehouse for nearly a hundred years, and many people have seen it, but unfortunately no one is willing to buy it, and most of them scoff at it.

In fact, a very important point is because among the people who came, none of them were alchemists, so naturally they would not understand the importance of the Shennong Cauldron.

Not to mention that the skinny man asked for 500 million, even if it was 1000 million, Liu Chen would buy it.

This Shennong Ding is extremely precious, comparable to Lu Qingfeng's Phoenix Pill Furnace, the reason why it looks so dilapidated and devoid of breath is because there is a seal on the Shennong Ding.

Such a seal can only be broken by an alchemist.

"How much do you want to sell?"

Liu Chen was secretly happy in his heart, but on the surface he remained calm and said a few words.

Hearing this, the thin man was also secretly happy when he heard it, at least it proved that the Shennong Ding had a chance to be sold, and he wouldn't keep it in his hands forever.

"300 million immortal stones? It can't be less, after all, I paid a lot of money to get this Shennong cauldron."

The lean man looked serious, and said solemnly.

Before Liu Chen could speak, Passing Water directly pulled Liu Chen's arm and walked out, disdainfully said: "It's not worth buying such a broken tripod for 300 million, unless we are out of our minds."

After the words were finished, Liu Chen and Passing Water had already reached the door of the warehouse, and they were about to leave.

At this moment, the thin man waved his hand and shouted: "Wait! How much do you think Shennongding is worth?"

"200 million!"

Liu Chen stretched out two fingers and said softly.

"it is good!"

The lean man hesitated again and again, but finally decided to sell the Shennong Ding.

"make a deal."

Liu Chen was very excited, but at least he couldn't make it too obvious for now, so as not to be discovered by the thin man and continue to increase the price.

Liu Chen tried to suppress a laugh, walked up to the thin man, spent 200 million immortal stones, took the Shennong Ding, and left the shop calmly with Passing Water.

The two walked a long way until they disappeared into the eyes of the lean man.

Looking at the direction they were going away, the thin man showed a sly smile on his face, and muttered to himself: "You two idiots, I bought this Shennong tripod from the market for only 20 immortal stones, but I bought it with 200 million sold!"

"It's really out of my mind."

But at this moment, Liu Chen and Passing Water came to a remote place and immediately took out the Shennong Cauldron.

"It's really not worthwhile to spend 200 million immortal stones to buy such a broken tripod. I really don't know what you think, or do alchemists have so much money that they have no place to spend it?"

Passing Water looked at Liu Chen suspiciously, his face full of puzzlement.

Hearing this, the corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, revealing a mysterious smile. Immediately, he made a fist with both hands, and suddenly bent his fingers a little, only to hear the Shennong Ding humming, and the dirt on the surface instantly fell off, revealing the blue tripod wall.

The blue tripod wall is covered with wonderful lines, which seem to have some kind of magical pattern at first glance, but when Liu Chen looks carefully, he finds that they are blurry, like scribbles.

Immediately afterwards, as all the dirt on the Shennong Cauldron fell off, a powerful aura was released, which was no weaker than Lu Qingfeng's Phoenix Pill Stove.

Even more than that.

Found a treasure!

Liu Chen couldn't hide the excitement in his heart anymore, he couldn't stop laughing.

Seeing this scene, even though Passing Water was stupid, he knew that Liu Chen had made money, not to mention that he was not that stupid, so he asked, "How do you know that Shennong Cauldron has a hidden secret?"

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled triumphantly, and continued, "The Shennong Cauldron has been planted with a seal, so it looks no different from broken copper."

"Ordinary people can't see it, even those who are strong in the realm of refining the void can't see it. Only alchemists can sense it."

"The skinny man thought he had earned 200 million yuan by selling it to me, but he didn't know that if this Shennong cauldron was put up for auction, it might fetch a sky-high price of 2000 million yuan."

"Six million fairy stones!"

Passing Water's eyes widened, and he looked at Liu Chen in shock. He didn't even dare to think about 2000 million fairy stones.

"For alchemists, the immortal stone is just a number, what they are after is a better alchemy furnace, because with a powerful alchemy furnace, alchemy is more confident."

With a smile on his face, Liu Chen immediately put away the Shennong cauldron, probably even waking up from his dreams at night.

What's more, Liu Chen also bought another useful thing, the Immortal Talisman.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Chen waved his hand, held the Immortal Talisman in his hand, and said, "With this Immortal Talisman, I will not be afraid even if the Dragon Clan sends a sixth-level powerhouse."

(End of this chapter)

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