
Chapter 858

Chapter 858

Paishui nodded slightly, with a smile on his face, and he suddenly felt that the 1000 million Lingshi flowers were not a loss at all.

Although the Sunset Sword was not worth it, the Immortal Talisman was of great use to Liu Chen. Although 400 million Immortal Stones were a bit expensive, compared to life, it was not at all expensive.

As for the Shennong Ding, it is only 200 million, which is definitely a bargain.

Passing Water didn't know the true value of the Shennong Ding, but he knew the Phoenix Pill Furnace, which even Lu Qingfeng cherished very much.

The power of the Shennong Ding is not weaker than the Phoenix Dan Furnace, which is enough to prove the value of the Shennong Ding.

"I don't know if the lean man's lungs will explode after he knows the real situation."

Passing Water smiled triumphantly.

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled even more triumphantly, then put away the fairy talisman, and said, "Whatever! He thought we were all fools, it's just that he has short-sightedness."

"I can't even see the real value of such a precious Shennong Ding, but it was sold to me for 200 million yuan."


The two chatted with each other for a while, and the thin man suddenly changed the subject, and said, "Now my mission has been completed, and it's time to return to the North of Immortal World."

"But I don't worry about you staying in the East of Immortal World alone."

"Otherwise, you leave with me, and when you enter the north of the Immortal World, even if a strong Dragon Clan breaks in, we will be able to protect you."

Hearing this, Liu Chen smiled, looked at Passing Water seriously, and said, "I know you're doing it for my own good, but I can't leave yet."

"Because I entered Immortal World East, there is still one very important thing that I haven't done. At least until this thing is completed, I won't leave."

"Passing water, you don't have to worry too much about me, I have a fairy talisman to protect me now, and the strong dragon clan can't do anything to me at all."

Passing Water shook his head, looked at Liu Chen solemnly, and persuaded, "You do have a fairy talisman to protect you, but this time the Dragon Clan didn't just send a sixth-level powerhouse."

"There are many fifth-level peak powerhouses accompanying you. Even if you can step up to challenge, you can't beat four hands with two fists. You are not their opponent."

"Don't worry, I have my own measure."

No matter what the passing water said, Liu Chen would not leave. After all, he had agreed with Bing Feixue to meet at the moon-watching platform.

It is absolutely impossible for Liu Chen to miss the appointment.


Passing Water wished he could drag Liu Chen back to the north of Immortal World, so that he could protect Liu Chen, but unfortunately, if Liu Chen was unwilling, he would have no chance even if he used his strength forcefully.

Liu Chen in the later stage of the transformation of the gods can often burst out the strength of the great perfection of the transformation of the gods. Although the passing water has not seen it with his own eyes, he has heard of it.

Five dragon clan powerhouses at the peak of the fifth rank besieged Liu Chen and Xiaoqing, four of them besieged Xiaoqing, and the strongest five-clawed golden dragon and Liu Chen were singled out.

But he was almost killed by Liu Chen.

Passing Water was very confident in his own strength, but he was not at all sure of going heads-up with the five-clawed golden dragon at the peak of the fifth level.

That is a powerful dragon clan, especially the five-clawed golden dragon, whose defensive power is extremely terrifying.

"Since you don't want to leave, then I'll continue to stay in Immortal World East for a while, and I'm not particularly anxious to put it in the headquarters."

"When you figure it out, let's go back to the north of Immortal World together."

Passing Water said firmly, he was really worried about Liu Chen staying alone in the east of Immortal World.

Hearing this, Liu Chen didn't refuse either. After all, Passing Water was still very strong, and he would definitely be able to help at critical moments.

"it is good!"

Liu Chen nodded slightly.

"Since you want to stay in the east of the Immortal World for a while, you should quickly find a place to stay."

A flash of inspiration flashed in Passing Water's mind, and he said, "I have been to the East of Immortal World many times, and I know this place is very safe, so come with me."

"Hmph! Finally let me entertain you."

Suddenly, a strong dragon clan stepped out of the void, exuding terrifying dragon power all over his body.

It just so happened that this place was deserted, and no one noticed it for a while, only Liu Chen and Passing Water remained.

Immediately afterwards, more than ten dragon clan experts came out, all standing behind the man.

"Sixth-order powerhouse!"

Seeing him walking out of the void, Liu Chen couldn't help but gasped, with deep fear in his eyes.

That's a sixth-level powerhouse, equivalent to the realm of refining the void, but Liu Chen still has a glimmer of hope in his heart.

After all, he still has the Immortal Talisman, so he can definitely play an unexpected role at critical moments.

Even if he couldn't kill him on the spot, at least he could buy time for Liu Chen and Passing Water to escape.

"Go! Surround them! Both of them! Neither of them can escape!"

The mouth corners of the sixth-rank dragon powerhouse raised slightly, showing a playful smile, glanced at the passing water, then looked Liu Chen up and down, and said lightly: "It really surprises me."

"Immortal Immortal Venerable and Lu Qingfeng's disciples actually colluded with Nixian, or in other words, they were Nixian in the first place."

"Can you see my true face?"

Passing Water's pupils shrank suddenly, subconsciously took two steps back, and stared at the sixth-rank Dragon Clan powerhouse in horror.

"Tch! It's okay to hide this little thing from others, but it can't escape my eyes."

The powerhouse of the sixth-rank Dragon Clan smiled disdainfully, and immediately cast his eyes on Liu Chen, and continued, "I was wondering at first, but this is a very tricky matter."

"Although you have offended the Dragon Clan, you are the disciple of the Immortal Immortal and Lu Qingfeng after all. If you die in my hands, they will not dare to mobilize their troops to attack the Dragon Clan, but they will more or less make things difficult for me."

"In order to appease their anger, the Dragon Clan may hand me over, even though the possibility is very small.",

"But since you are a Nixian, then I can justifiably kill you, and even gain a good reputation."

The sixth-rank Dragon Clan expert smiled proudly, then looked at the passing water, and said, "You really helped me a lot."

"Don't worry, I will definitely give you a good time later!"

"It won't make your death too painful."

The sixth-order dragon strongman was full of confidence, looking at Liu Chen and Passing Water as if he was looking at a dead person.

Hearing this, Liu Chen frowned. So many powerful dragon clansmen know my true identity, unless I kill them all, it will be easy to leak.

At that time, even if the dragon clan is not chasing and killing Liu Chen, Liu Chen will not have any foothold in the fairy world.

Thinking of this, Liu Chen had a headache and wished he could kill them all here, but unfortunately Liu Chen also knew that this was no different from dreaming.

"Later, you will use the Immortal Talisman directly to catch him by surprise, and then you will run first!"

"I'm here to break the queen!"

Passing water looked solemn, and said through sound transmission.

Hearing this, Liu Chen shook his head and said, "What they want is me, I'll hold them back, you go first."

"Don't worry, I have my own way out!"

"Stop arguing with me!"

Passing Water looked firm, and said in a deep voice, "My cultivation is stronger than yours, and they won't be able to do anything to me for a while."

The two argued for a long time, but neither of them wanted to leave first.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Liu Chen's mind, and he immediately asked, "How far is it from the moon-watching platform?"

"What do you want to do? Lead them to the Mochizuki platform, and then lead out the powerful members of the Mochizuki family?"

Passing Water looked at Liu Chen suspiciously, then shook his head and denied, "You and I are both unknown people."

"What's more, your identity has been exposed. They will never offend the Dragon Clan just to protect you and me."

Hearing this, the corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, showing a mysterious smile, and said, "That's not necessarily the case, as long as we can escape to the moon-watching platform, maybe we can save our lives."

"However, the identity of Ni Xian must be hidden."

"OK then!"

Up to now, a dead horse can only be treated as a living horse doctor.

Passing water nodded slightly, bursting out with a powerful aura, a terrifying coercion of the great consummation of the state of transforming gods exploded and spread.

Although this is not a market, it is not far from the market. If you can make a big fight, you can attract other strong people to come.

Might be able to end this fight.

"Go away! I have my own way of escape!"

"Otherwise, none of us will be able to leave!"

Liu Chen shouted at the passing water.

Hearing this, Pai Shui frowned, ten thousand people didn't want to leave, but he also knew that if the two of them went to the moon-watching platform together and attracted the strong members of the moon-watching family, they would definitely see through his identity.

The thin man saw through the true face of the passing water because he didn't know the passing water, but he didn't know that the passing water was a reverse fairy.

But there are so many people in the Mochizuki family, just in case, it is safer to go away from the passing water.

"it is good!"

After thinking it over, Paishui gritted his teeth with difficulty, and immediately fled towards the distance.


Seeing Passing Water fleeing, the sixth-level dragon powerhouse did not intend to let him go. Immediately with a wave of his sleeve, four dragon powerhouses at the peak of the fifth level immediately chased after him.

Immediately afterwards, the sixth-rank dragon clan powerhouse pressed on step by step, walked towards Liu Chen, and said with a smile: "Even your companions have run away, what else can you expect?"


Liu Chen smiled disapprovingly, immediately showed his unicorn arm, and said, "What is the late sixth stage!"

"In the end, it will die in my hands!"

As soon as the words fell, not only the sixth-rank dragon powerhouse, but even the dragon powerhouse beside him laughed, as if they had heard the best joke in the world.


Pointing at himself, the sixth-rank dragon clan powerhouse asked in a deep voice, "Will it die in your hands? It's a big joke!"

Immediately afterwards, the sixth-rank dragon clan powerhouse let out a cold snort, and erupted with tyrannical coercion, like a flood, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth.

And Liu Chen was like a solitary boat in the flood, wobbly and might capsize at any time.

There is too much difference between the realm of refining the void and the realm of transforming the gods, the current Liu Chen is no match for him at all, he can only use the fairy talisman.

And it was unexpected, so that it was possible to kill the sixth-order dragon powerhouse.

"I don't have any intention of continuing to play with you. I will know your life with one blow."

The sixth-rank Dragon Clan powerhouse said a few words, and immediately stretched out a hand towards Liu Chen, exerting a little force with his five fingers.

(End of this chapter)

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