
Chapter 859 Immortal Talisman!Devil's Hand

Chapter 859 Immortal Talisman!Devil's Hand

"With your powerful sixth-level cultivation base, killing me is nothing more than a piece of cake. I don't have any room to resist at all."

Liu Chen spread his hands, shrugged his shoulders, and simply gave up resisting, and said lightly: "But if you maintain your cultivation at the peak of the fifth order, you may not be my opponent!"

Hearing this, the sixth-rank dragon clan powerhouse suddenly stopped, looked Liu Chen up and down with a smile, and said with disdain: "This kind of low-level aggressive method is useless to me at all."

"Since I can kill you directly now, I won't bother!"

As soon as the words fell, the sixth-rank dragon clan powerhouse suddenly struck out with a palm, hitting Liu Chen's chest, spurting out a big mouthful of blood, and half-kneeling on the ground.

At this moment, Liu Chen's breath was disordered, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

A tight palm almost made Liu Chen lose his fighting power, but on the surface, Liu Chen had already lost his fighting power.

"Let me give you a palm!"

Liu Chen raised his head stubbornly, and stared at the sixth-rank Dragon Clan powerhouse dissatisfied.

Hearing this, the sixth-rank dragon clan powerhouse smiled disapprovingly, and said lightly: "I only used [-]% of my strength in that palm just now, and you lost your fighting power."

"If I use all my strength, that palm can directly kill you."

"Hehe! I let you slap me, but you still don't have the courage to fight me fairly?"

"Dragon Clan is full of bullying and fearful people?"

Liu Chen mocked coldly.

These few words immediately made all the strong dragon clans furious. If the sixth-rank dragon clan powerhouses hadn't stopped him in front, they would probably rush forward and beat Liu Chen to death.

"Okay! I want to see how capable you are!"

The sixth-rank dragon clan powerhouse is full of confidence. He knows that Liu Chen is very strong, and his real combat power far exceeds his cultivation.

But Liu Chen was already seriously injured, and he couldn't exert a few percent of his strength at all.

Under such circumstances, he really didn't believe that Liu Chen could have any other way to turn the situation around.

As soon as the words fell, the sixth-order dragon powerhouse lowered his cultivation base and turned into a fifth-order peak. He walked up to Liu Chen and said provocatively, "I'll give you a palm too!"

As soon as this remark came out, the rest of the Dragon Race powerhouses talked a lot, and immediately persuaded: "Longqi, this person is very cunning, you must not be careless and be deceived by his schemes."

"That's right, Dragon Chess. Although Liu Chen is only at the late stage of Transformation God, he was able to beat the five-clawed golden dragon at the peak of the fifth step, which shows how powerful he is."

"Longqi, you can kill him directly, and then go back to exchange missions. This will only be unnecessary, and it may even kill him."


Hearing the words, Longqi seemed to hear the words, and immediately waved his sleeves, and said calmly: "Don't worry, I have my own sense of proportion!"

"I don't believe that in this state, he can make any big waves!"

Long Qi's self-confidence was overwhelming, he had already thought that after Liu Chen's palm passed, a fierce offensive would erupt, and Liu Chen's body would be blown up abruptly.

Only in this way can Liu Chen's hatred for provocation be relieved.

"Dragon Chess! You can never go wrong if you are careful!"

"Yeah, let's go together, kill him directly, and then go back to do business."

"I also agree. This is the east of the Immortal World. After all, it's not the territory of our Dragon Clan. It's better to be safe."

Other dragon powerhouses persuaded one after another.

Hearing this, Long Qi was obviously very annoyed, he immediately roared and scolded: "Shut up, all of you!"

"I do things in Longqi, when do I need you to tell me what to do!"

After the voice fell, the rest of the dragon clan powerhouses shut up one after another, and were suddenly speechless.

After all, Dragon Chess is also a powerhouse of the sixth rank, and he still has some prestige. When he got angry, the other dragon powerhouses immediately shut up obediently.

Seeing this scene, Liu Chen sneered in his heart, and had already quietly held the fairy talisman in his palm, waiting for the critical moment to activate the fairy talisman!

However, Long Qi didn't know all of this.

"Give me a palm? I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it!"

Liu Chen immediately made a tactic with both hands, and shouted: "Immortal Talisman! Fury of Thunder!"

There was a bang, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and thick lightning bolts fell from the sky and landed on Liu Chen's body. The majestic lightning power gathered into two tiny lightning bolts in Liu Chen's palm.

Each small group of lightning is only the size of a fist, but it contains terrifying power.

If Immortal Immortal Venerable was standing here, he would be speechless in shock, because Liu Chen had fused the Immortal Talisman into his own power.

If it is displayed in this way, the power will only be stronger, but the risk is also higher. If you are not careful, you will be backlashed, and the eyes may hurt your life.

"Tsk tsk, it's really extraordinary, you can actually integrate the power of the fairy talisman into your body."

Long Qi's eyes were cloudy and cloudy, so just to be on the safe side, he quietly recovered his cultivation, even though it seemed that he was only at the peak of the fifth order on the surface.

But in fact, he is still a sixth-order powerhouse!
"Do you regret it?"

The corners of Liu Chen's mouth rose slightly, showing a ferocious smile, and two thunderbolts hit Longqi instantly.

"Hmph! So what!"

Dragon Chess did not retreat but advanced, just let out a low shout, and red dragon scales immediately appeared in front of him, transforming into a powerful dragon scale shield, trying to resist Liu Chen's attack.

"You want to block me like this! How is it possible!"

Liu Chen's body was almost exhausted, and he couldn't last long at all, so he bullied himself and got as close to the dragon chess as possible, so that when he activated the fairy talisman, he could maximize the power of the fairy talisman.

After the words fell, Liu Chen's figure flashed, and he rushed to Longqi, only half a step away from the Dragonscale Shield.

With a bang, the two bolts of Thunder Fury hit the Dragon Scale Shield, bursting out terrifying energy ripples, which spread in all directions round after round.

The energy ripples visible to the naked eye contained enormous power, and the rest of the dragon powerhouses didn't dare to touch them at all, and they all retreated.

Immediately, only Liu Chen's dragon and chess players were left.

Long Qi's expression was calm, with a trace of teasing in his eyes, and he pointed his finger, and the Dragon Scale Shield changed instantly, flashing a dazzling red light, and blocked Liu Chen's attack.

Immediately afterwards, Long Qi did not retreat but advanced, bullied himself up, met Liu Chen's eyes, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and quietly grabbed Liu Chen's chest with one hand, as if he wanted to take out Liu Chen's heart.

"You are dead!"

Long Qi said a word.

At this moment, all the power of the fairy art had already dissipated, and the energy ripples gradually faded away.

Liu Chen's body was dilapidated, and it was very difficult for him to maintain flight, but there was a mysterious smile on his face.

"It's not certain who will die!"

Liu Chen said lightly, and immediately flexed his fingers, and the fairy talisman in his palm exploded instantly.

"Hand of the Demon God!"

As soon as the words fell, a ball of black light erupted from the fairy talisman, and immediately after, a black arm stretched out from it, grabbing Longqi's body firmly.

"This is! Immortal Talisman!"

Long Qi was shocked, and retreated reflexively, wanting to break free, but unfortunately at such a short distance, he didn't have any chance to break free.

It can only be firmly grasped by the hands of the demon god.

After all, he is a sixth-level powerhouse with great strength. After he was caught by the hands of the demon god, he immediately thought of a way to deal with it.

"It's only now that I understand, it's too late!"

Liu Chen smiled triumphantly, immediately slapped the spirit beast bag, and shouted, "Xiaoqing!"


Xiaoqing pent up in the spirit animal bag for a long time, finally rushed out at this moment, roared, dragged Liu Chen's crumbling body, and flew towards the moon-watching platform.

After being hit by the Dragon Chess palm, Liu Chen only had half his life left, and then forcibly cast the fairy art - Thunder Fury, and fused the Thunder Fury into both palms, making Liu Chen's body even weaker.

Now he can only rely on Xiaoqing's flight to send Liu Chen to the moon-watching platform.

"Want to run?"

Seeing that Liu Chen was about to leave, Long Qi immediately reached out to grab it, but was firmly controlled by the Demon God's hand.

The Demon God's Hand not only controlled Longqi's movements, but also a large amount of black energy emerged from his arm, eroding Longqi's body, making him instantly aged by dozens of years.

Life expectancy is greatly reduced.

If it continues like this, within a stick of incense, Long Qi will die on the spot due to the loss of all his life force.


Long Qi snorted coldly, and immediately made a tactic with both hands, a look of sternness flashed in his eyes.

Hearing a bang, Longqi's body exploded in an instant, and a dragon soul floated out of his body, chasing after Liu Chen, and shouted at the same time: "Why are you still standing there! Give me chase!"

"If Liu Chen escapes, don't think about it!"

Long Qi scolded loudly.

Hearing this, the rest of the people were upset, but they didn't dare to say anything because of Longqi's strength.

"It was obviously your fault that caused Liu Chen to slip away, but now we are going to blame us!"

"That is, even if we return to the Dragon Clan, I believe the elders will not punish us!"

"Arrogant guy!"

Many dragon powerhouses muttered in a low voice.

"Liu Chen! You ruined my body today, I will never let you go!"

"Don't try to escape from my palm!"

Long Qi roared one after another, if eyes could kill, Liu Chen would have died thousands of times.

Gradually, Xiaoqing and Liu Chen disappeared into the sky, completely out of their sight.

Because of the energy ripple before, the rest of the Dragon Race powerhouses retreated far away, otherwise they might still be able to catch up to Liu Chen.


Suddenly, Liu Chen's throat was sweet, and a big mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth. He lay limp and powerless on Xiao Qing's back, and muttered to himself: "At last, there was no danger, and I escaped a catastrophe."


Xiao Qing roared, as if comforting Liu Chen.

"The moon-watching platform is not far ahead. When we get there, we should be safe."

Liu Chen smiled bitterly, suddenly thought of Passing Water, and couldn't help but ask, "I don't know how Passing Water is now?"

"With his strength, even if he can't defeat those dragon experts, he should be more than enough to protect himself?"

Liu Chen sighed a long time, looked up at the sky, troubled constantly.

Even though he escaped this time, but the identity of Reversible Immortal was exposed, how could he return to the Immortal Realm in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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