
Chapter 860

Chapter 860


Xiaoqing roared, and Liu Chen, who was seriously injured, arrived at the observation platform, which immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

I saw a huge five-clawed golden dragon flying in the sky, and on his back was a dying cultivator.

You know, even in the east of the Immortal Realm, everyone knows the arrogance of the dragon clan and almost looks down on the human cultivators, so how could this happen.

For a while, everyone was discussing and guessing the real identity of the person on the back of the five-clawed golden dragon.

"It seems that there are no other strong dragons in other places except the fairy world, and the person on the back of his five-clawed golden dragon looks very unfamiliar. If I guess correctly, they should come from other places."

"That's right, that cultivator is dying, and he must have been hunted down, but who is so bold that even a five-clawed golden dragon dares to hunt down and kill him?"

"I just saw a few strong dragons chasing another person and fleeing in that direction. What's going on?"

The onlookers were in a daze, unable to understand what was going on.

However, Long Qi and the others lost their whereabouts, not knowing that Liu Chen and Xiao Qing had arrived at the observation platform at this moment, and Passing Water had also successfully escaped from the pursuit of the strong dragon clan.

But in desperation, he withdrew from the East of the Immortal World and returned to the North of the Immortal World, preparing to move the rescuers and continue to enter the East of the Immortal World.


Liu Chen exhausted the last bit of strength in his body, and an ice flower bloomed from his fingertips, which immediately turned into an ice bird and flew towards the Mochizuki family.


Liu Chen coughed and spat out a big mouthful of blood, no matter how many pills he took, it wouldn't help.

In the palm of Longqi, Liu Chen really had half his life left, and he injured his origin, he couldn't recover by taking a few pills, he had to rest.

Or there are any natural treasures that can be taken.

Liu Chen's eyes were blurred, and he felt that the scene in front of him was erratic. Obviously there were only four or five people standing, but in Liu Chen's eyes, there were more than ten people.


Xiaoqing let out a roar, and the terrifying power of the dragon overwhelmed everyone, making them afraid to come forward to watch even though they were curious.

The moon-watching platform is a huge altar, showing a conical shape, but the top has been flattened, and there is a huge platform above the moon-watching platform, which is covered with weird runes.

From a distance, the moon-watching platform soars into the sky, like a divine pillar connecting heaven and earth.

Especially after getting close, I feel that the majesty of the moon-watching platform contains some mysterious and powerful power.

Liu Chen was not far from the moon-watching platform at the moment, but he was not close either. He could feel the terrifying power inside the moon-watching platform.

It is indeed one of the best big families in the east of the fairy world, with a very profound foundation.

At this moment, Bing Feixue hadn't received Liu Chen's distress signal, but Long Qi had detected Xiao Qing's breath and chased after her.

It's just that this is the center of the bazaar, and there are so many strong players, Long Qi didn't dare to kill Liu Chen and Xiao Qing directly in front of so many people.

He was very worried that if he made a desperate move, he would be blocked or even attacked by strong men from other families in the East of the Immortal Realm.

Dragon Chess at its peak is naturally fearless, but now his physical body has collapsed, leaving only a fragile dragon soul.

Generally speaking, the strongest support of the dragon clan is the flesh body, because the flesh body can emit dragon flames, and its defense is amazing.

Although the current Dragon Chess has a sixth-order cultivation base, its real combat power may not be able to match the peak of the fifth-order.

But the fifth-order peak dragon clan powerhouse can't kill Longqi.

"What can we do now?"

"Go straight up, take advantage of Liu Chen's dying breath, and kill him neatly, and then we will join forces to capture Xiaoqing!"

"Don't act rashly, this is not our territory, if we act without authorization, it is likely to attract other strong people."

Several Dragon Clan powerhouses talked about it.

After a while, several strong dragons who had chased the passing water retreated back, with a slightly disappointed expression on their faces.

Long Qi glanced at them and knew the result without asking, but he still asked, "Did you catch them?"

"Passing Water is full of tricks, and his strength is not weak. We tried our best, but he escaped in the end."

one of them replied.

"Trash! A bunch of useless things!"

"What use does the Dragon Clan want from you!"

Long Qi reprimanded them again and again, his eyes were extremely fierce, he wished to kill them on the spot.

Those few people were silent, and it was very unpleasant to be reprimanded, but there was no way, who would make Longqi's cultivation level higher?

After being reprimanded, Long Qi seemed still not relieved, and immediately looked at Liu Chen beside the moon-watching platform, and said in a deep voice: "Now I will give you a chance to make up for your mistakes!"

"Rush forward, kill Liu Chen with a thunderous force, and capture Xiao Qing!"

Hearing this, those dragon clan powerhouses were silent, and there was deep reluctance in the depths of their eyes.

Who doesn't know that it is Wangyuetai, the important place of Wangyue family, dare to make trouble near Wangyuetai, in case it accidentally hurts Wangyuetai.

I'm afraid a few of them can't eat and walk around.

This is the east of the Immortal Realm, not the realm of the Dragon Clan, and they are not allowed to do whatever they want, not to mention the rumor that the Mochizuki family is descended from the Immortal Clan and has a background of the Immortal Clan.

No matter how powerful and arrogant the Dragon Clan is, they dare not go against the Immortal Clan.

The Immortal Realm is huge, and the overlord-level powers are not limited to the Dragon Clan, so they only dare to be a little more aggressive in the Immortal Realm, but if they go to the Immortal Realm North, Immortal Realm East, and Immortal Realm South, there are even more powerful existences.

Seeing that some of them seemed to be reluctant, Long Qi suddenly became furious and scolded: "I'll say it one last time!"

"Kill Liu Chen and capture Xiao Qing!"

"Otherwise, if you go back to the Dragon Clan, the elders will never let you go! Then you will have to experience the pain of cramp and peeling!"

Especially when they heard the last sentence, the expressions of several people changed immediately, and the depths of their eyes were full of fear.

Cramping and skinning, for the Dragon Clan, this is the most severe punishment, it is even more uncomfortable than death.

"How to do?"

Several strong dragon clan looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a while.

At this moment, Liu Chen also felt the aura of Long Qi and the others, and he only hoped that Bing Feixue would appear soon.


Xiaoqing roared again and again, as if threatening them not to show up.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience was puzzled.

"What's going on? The strong dragons are chasing and killing the strong dragons?"

"Could it be that the Dragon Clan has internal strife, or something else, why are so many Dragon Clan powerhouses chasing and killing one person and one dragon?"

"This kind of thing is rare. Those strong dragons dare not do it for a long time, probably because they are afraid of the power of the Mochizuki family?"

The onlookers talked a lot, and continued to watch with the mentality of watching the excitement. They hoped that Liu Chen and Longqi would fight.

Because it will be more intense, and when the Mochizuki family is involved, things will become more exciting.

"They're here."

Liu Chen's expression was solemn, his brows were furrowed tightly, and he stared at the several powerful dragon clan men walking towards him, and couldn't help swallowing.

Now Liu Chen has lost his fighting power, and Xiaoqing is obviously not a match for so many of them.

I have reached the Jedi, what should I do?
Liu Chen racked his brains, but he still couldn't think of any useful method. He might still have a chance of survival if he stayed on the moon-watching platform, but if he left the moon-watching platform, he would definitely die.


Xiaoqing turned around and roared at them, spewing out a terrifying golden dragon flame, drawing a circle near the moon-watching platform, preventing them from approaching.

"Stop dying!"

"I said, no matter where you flee, you will die at my hands in the end!"

Long Qi's eyes were gloomy, he smiled triumphantly, and immediately scolded, saying: "What are you dawdling in! Kill him quickly!"

As soon as the words fell, several dragon clans dared to spit out dragon flames, and finally broke a gap in Xiaoqing's dragon flame circle, and rushed in.

"Little Qing."

Liu Chen patted Xiao Qing on the head, and said, "I can't leave, but you can't have anything to do."

"I'll burn my life force to hold them back later, and you can escape when you see the opportunity."


Xiao Qing roared, obviously rejecting Liu Chen.

"No one can get away!"

With a loud shout, Long Qi rushed forward himself, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Liu Chen's pupils shrank sharply, and he felt his whole body's skin tense, as if he was being watched by a god of death. He was highly concentrated, and watched Long Qi rush towards him.

At the very moment, Wangyuetai erupted with a powerful force, forming an ice wall around Liu Chen and Xiaoqing, which forcibly blocked Longqi and other dragon powerhouses.

"Mochizuki family?"

Long Qi frowned, feeling a bad premonition in his heart, immediately looked up, and at some point, a group of people appeared on the moon-watching platform.

The leader was a white-haired old man, followed by a woman who looked extremely beautiful.

"You guys are so courageous, you actually rushed to make trouble on the moon-watching platform!"

The white-haired old man snorted coldly, immediately made a tactic with both hands, and suddenly bent his fingers, countless big hands transformed from the ice wall, and slapped them on their bodies.

Boom boom boom!
The strong dragons didn't have any chance to defend and dodge, and were directly slapped away by the ice hand, and the dragon chess was no exception.

Under this formidable power, he couldn't even exert his strength of the sixth level.

So strong!

Liu Chen was shocked, but his eyes stayed on the woman beside the white-haired old man.


Liu Chen was overjoyed, forced himself to stand up, and looked at Bing Feixue with a smile on his face.


Bing Feixue wept with joy, flew down, threw herself into Liu Chen's arms, and hugged Liu Chen tightly.

Because Liu Chen was seriously injured, Liu Chen's body was almost crushed to pieces.

"Xue'er, you came in time."

Liu Chen smiled slightly, his face was as pale as paper, and his breath was very weak.

Seeing the situation, Bing Feixue didn't speak, but deep distress and worry appeared in his eyes, and immediately took out a crystal clear pill from the savings bag, and said: "You take this Baixue pill, it will hurt you It's good for your body."


Liu Chen had no doubts, and immediately took Bai Xuedan, and immediately felt a chill in his body, flowing through his limbs, and the damaged meridians and bones were recovering one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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